356 resultados para Batumi Seep


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Cold-seep environments and their associated symbiont-bearing mega faunal communities create islands of primary production for macro-and meiofauna in the otherwise monotonous and nutrient-poor deep-sea environment. To examine the spatial variation and distribution patterns of metazoan meiobenthos in different seepage-related habitats, samples were collected in two regions off Norway: several pockmarks associated with the Storegga Slide including the Nyegga pockmark area, and the active, methane-venting Haakon Mosby Mud Volcano west of the Barents Sea during the Vicking cruise aboard the RV ''PourquoiPas?'' in May-June 2006. Meiofaunal samples at control sites were sampled with a multiple corer, while the other sites were sampled with push cores operated by the ROV Victor6000.The meiofaunal samples were fixed in 4% buffered formaldehyde and washed over a 32 mm-mesh sieve. Metazoan meiofauna were extracted by density gradient centrifugation. All material was fixed with 4% buffered formalin and stained with Rose Bengal. The metazoan meiofauna was sorted out, enumerated and identified down to major taxa under the stereomicroscope. Afterwards, abundances of Nematodes were depth integrated over the top 5 cm to gain individual abundances per 10 cm**2.


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Low seawater pH can be harmful to many calcifying marine organisms, but the calcifying macroalgae Padina spp. flourish at natural submarine carbon dioxide seeps where seawater pH is low. We show that the microenvironment created by the rolled thallus margin of Padina australis facilitates supersaturation of CaCO3 and calcifi-cation via photosynthesis-induced elevated pH. Using microsensors to investigate oxygen and pH dynamics in the microenvironment of P. australis at a shallow CO2 seep, we found that, under saturating light, the pH inside the microenvironment (pHME) was higher than the external seawater (pHSW) at all pHSW levels investigated, and the difference (i.e., pHME-pHSW) increased with decreasing pHSW (0.9 units at pHSW 7.0). Gross photosynthesis (Pg) inside the microenvironment increased with decreasing pHSW, but algae from the control site reached a threshold at pH 6.5. Seep algae showed no pH threshold with respect to Pg within the pHSW range investigated. The external carbonic anhydrase (CA) inhibitor, acetazolamide, strongly inhibited Pg of P. australis at pHSW 8.2, but the effect was diminished under low pHSW (6.4-7.5), suggesting a greater dependence on membrane-bound CA for the dehydration of HCO3- ions during dissolved inorganic carbon uptake at the higher pHSW. In comparison, a calcifying green alga, Halimeda cuneata f. digitata, was not inhibited by AZ, suggesting efficient bicarbonate transport. The ability of P. australis to elevate pHME at the site of calcification and its strong dependence on CA may explain why it can thrive at low pHSW.


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Sediment sampling was performed at the center of the clam colony. Immediately after sample recovery onboard, the sediment core was sub-sampled and preserved for later analyses. Pyrite and carbonate content of the sediment was measured by X-ray refraction analysis as previously described (Ertefai et al., 2010).