849 resultados para Bathymetric Adaptations
[EN] We examined whether the abundance and size of the starfish Marthasterias glacialis (Lamk.) exhibit a depth-dependent partitioning on subtidal reefs. We tested the hypothesis that differences in food availability can result in habitat partitioning along a depth gradient. The abundance and size of M. glacialis was registered at 4 depth strata: 0-4 m, 4-8 m, 8-12 m, and >12 m; we also recorded the number of food items that they were preying on. The abundance and size of M. glacialis decreased with depth. Mussels (Mytilus galloprivincialis) were the most preyed food item across all depth strata, followed by gastropods, sea urchins and barnacles; M. glacialis also consumed a significantly larger amount of mussels in feeding experiments compared with sea urchins and gastropods. The abundance of M. galloprivincialis beds decreased with depth. The clear link between the decrease in abundance and size of M. glacialis with depth and the decay of the most consumed prey (mussels) suggest that food availability may play an important role in the vertical distribution of this starfish, though wave-associated turbulence in the first few metres of the subtidal could also limit the abundance of M. glacialis.
Phenotypic plasticity refers to the ability of an organism to express different morphologies depending on the abiotic and biotic environment. Depth integrating many variables (e.g. temperature, light and hydrodynamics), may affect population structure and dynamics of the populations, as well as connectivity patterns and genetic diversity. Eunicella singularis is a Mediterranean arborescent gorgonian who plays an important rule as engineer species providing biomass and complexity to coralligenous habitats. It has a wide bathymetric distribution ranging from shallow rocky bottoms to deep sublittoral reefs. The species shows two depth-related morphotypes which taxonomic status is not yet clarified. The aim of the study is to analyses genetic variability and/or structuring along a vertical gradient to test the presence of the two morphotypes. Furthermore, a preliminary analyses of the phylogenetic relationship among species of the genus Eunicella has been done. Six populations of Eunicella singularis were sampled from 10 to 60 m depth in Cap de Creus and individuals belonging to Eunicella cavolinii, E. verrucosa, E. racemosa and E. stricta aphyta were collected. The genetic analyses were carried out using five microsatellite loci and ITS-1 sequence polymorphism. The results showed a reduction of genetic variability along the vertical gradient. A threshold in connectivity was observed across 30 - 40 m depth, confirming the presence of two different Eunicella singularis morphotypes. The two morphological forms could be due to phenotypic plasticity, which allowed populations to suit different environmental conditions, or to a break in gene flow that determined the isolation of the two populations and an accumulation of genetic differences. The molecular markers used were not able to clarify the phylogenetic relationship among Eunicella species and the systematic position of the two morphotypes, conversely they risen the question on the existence of single species of Mediterranean Eunicella.
Humans harbour nearly 100 trillion intestinal bacteria that are essential for health. Millions of years of co-evolution have moulded this human-microorganism interaction into a symbiotic relationship in which gut bacteria make essential contributions to human nutrient metabolism and in return occupy a nutrient-rich environment. Although intestinal microorganisms carry out essential functions for their hosts, they pose a constant threat of invasion owing to their sheer numbers and the large intestinal surface area. In this Review, we discuss the unique adaptations of the intestinal immune system that maintain homeostatic interactions with a diverse resident microbiota.
To assess cardiac morphologic and functional adaptations in elite triathletes with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and to compare findings to those in recreationally active control subjects.
Reprogramming of gene expression contributes to structural and functional adaptation of muscle tissue in response to altered use. The aim of this study was to investigate mechanisms for observed improvements in leg extension strength, gain in relative thigh muscle mass and loss of body and thigh fat content in response to eccentric and conventional strength training in elderly men (n = 14) and women (n = 14; average age of the men and women: 80.1 ± 3.7 years) by means of structural and molecular analyses. Biopsies were collected from m. vastus lateralis in the resting state before and after 12 weeks of training with two weekly resistance exercise sessions (RET) or eccentric ergometer sessions (EET). Gene expression was analyzed using custom-designed low-density PCR arrays. Muscle ultrastructure was evaluated using EM morphometry. Gain in thigh muscle mass was paralleled by an increase in muscle fiber cross-sectional area (hypertrophy) with RET but not with EET, where muscle growth is likely occurring by the addition of sarcomeres in series or by hyperplasia. The expression of transcripts encoding factors involved in muscle growth, repair and remodeling (e.g., IGF-1, HGF, MYOG, MYH3) was increased to a larger extent after EET than RET. MicroRNA 1 expression was decreased independent of the training modality, and was paralleled by an increased expression of IGF-1 representing a potential target. IGF-1 is a potent promoter of muscle growth, and its regulation by microRNA 1 may have contributed to the gain of muscle mass observed in our subjects. EET depressed genes encoding mitochondrial and metabolic transcripts. The changes of several metabolic and mitochondrial transcripts correlated significantly with changes in mitochondrial volume density. Intramyocellular lipid content was decreased after EET concomitantly with total body fat. Changes in intramyocellular lipid content correlated with changes in body fat content with both RET and EET. In the elderly, RET and EET lead to distinct molecular and structural adaptations which might contribute to the observed small quantitative differences in functional tests and body composition parameters. EET seems to be particularly convenient for the elderly with regard to improvements in body composition and strength but at the expense of reducing muscular oxidative capacity.
In most eukaryotes, the kinetochore protein complex assembles at a single locus termed the centromere to attach chromosomes to spindle microtubules. Holocentric chromosomes have the unusual property of attaching to spindle microtubules along their entire length. Our mechanistic understanding of holocentric chromosome function is derived largely from studies in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, but holocentric chromosomes are found over a broad range of animal and plant species. In this review, we describe how holocentricity may be identified through cytological and molecular methods. By surveying the diversity of organisms with holocentric chromosomes, we estimate that the trait has arisen at least 13 independent times (four times in plants and at least nine times in animals). Holocentric chromosomes have inherent problems in meiosis because bivalents can attach to spindles in a random fashion. Interestingly, there are several solutions that have evolved to allow accurate meiotic segregation of holocentric chromosomes. Lastly, we describe how extensive genome sequencing and experiments in nonmodel organisms may allow holocentric chromosomes to shed light on general principles of chromosome segregation.
How a mutualistic relationship between the intestinal microbiota and intestinal T cell compartments is established is important, as a breakdown of intestinal T cell homeostasis may cause inflammatory bowel diseases. A number of studies have shown that different bacterial species modulate the intestinal CD4+ T cell compartment in different ways. We performed mechanistic in vivo studies that demonstrated the crucial requirement for regulatory T cells (Treg) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) in the induction of intestinal T cell homeostasis even following colonization with a completely benign microbiota. In the absence of a functional Treg response or IL-10 receptor signaling, the same bacteria that induced a Treg response in wild-type animals now induced T helper type 17 responses, without intestinal inflammation. Therefore, Treg, IL-10 and Th17 are crucial regulatory mechanisms in the intestine not only for controlling inflammation, but also to establish a continuum of CD4+ T cell homeostasis upon commensal colonization.
Rabbits are born blind and deaf and receive unusually limited maternal care. Consequently, their suckling young heavily rely on the olfactory cue for nipple attachment. However, the postnatal morphofunctional adaptations of olfactory mucosa (OM) are not fully elucidated. To clarify on the extent and the pattern of refinement of the OM following birth in the rabbit, morphologic and morphometric analysis of the mucosa were done at neonatal (0-1 days), suckling (2 weeks), weanling (4 weeks), and adult (6-8 months) stages of postnatal development. In all the age groups, the basic components of the OM were present. However, proliferative activity of cells of the mucosal epithelium decreased with increasing age as revealed by Ki-67 immunostaining. Diameters of axon bundles, packing densities of olfactory cells, and cilia numbers per olfactory cell knob increased progressively with age being 5.5, 2.1, and 2.6 times, respectively, in the adult as compared with the neonate. Volume fraction values for the bundles increased by 5.3% from birth to suckling age and by 7.4% from weaning to adulthood and the bundle cores were infiltrated with blood capillaries in all ages except in the adult where such vessels were lacking. The pattern of cilia projection from olfactory cell knobs also showed age-related variations, that is, arose as a tuft from the tips of the knobs in neonates and sucklings and in a radial pattern from the knob bases in weanlings and adults. These morphological changes may be attributed to the high olfactory functional demand associated with postnatal development in the rabbit.
Intestinal macrophages, preferentially located in the subepithelial lamina propria, represent in humans the largest pool of tissue macrophages. To comply with their main task, i.e. the efficient removal of microbes and particulate matter that might have gained access to the mucosa from the intestinal lumen while maintaining local tissue homeostasis, several phenotypic and functional adaptations evolved. Most notably, microbe-associated molecular pattern (MAMP) receptors, including the lipopolysaccharide receptors CD14 and TLR4, but also the Fc receptors for IgA and IgG are absent on most intestinal Mø. Here we review recent findings on the phenotypic and functional adaptations of intestinal Mø and their implications for the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases.
Recent studies of dental microwear and craniofacial mechanics have yielded contradictory interpretations regarding the feeding ecology and adaptations of Australopithecus africanus. As part of this debate, the methods used in the mechanical studies have been criticized. In particular, it has been claimed that finite element analysis has been poorly applied to this research question. This paper responds to some of these mechanical criticisms, highlights limitations of dental microwear analysis, and identifies avenues of future research.
The muscle has a wide range of possibilities to adapt its phenotype. Repetitive submaximal concentric exercise (i.e., shortening contractions) mainly leads to adaptations of muscle oxidative metabolism and endurance while eccentric exercise (i.e., lengthening contractions) results in muscle growth and gain of muscle strength. Modified gene expression is believed to mediate these exercise-specific muscle adjustments. In the present study, early alterations of the gene expression signature were monitored by a muscle-specific microarray. Transcript profiling was performed on muscle biopsies of vastus lateralis obtained from six male subjects before and in a 24-h time course after a single bout of mild eccentric ergometer exercise. The eccentric exercise consisted of 15 min of eccentric cycling at 50% of the individual maximal concentric power output leading to muscle soreness (5.9 on a 0-10 visual analogue scale) and limited muscle damage (1.7-fold elevated creatine kinase activity). Muscle impairment was highlighted by a transient reduction in jumping height after the eccentric exercise. On the gene expression level, we observed a general early downregulation of detected transcripts, followed by a slow recovery close to the control values within the first 24 h post exercise. Only very few regulatory factors were increased. This expression signature is different from the signature of a previously published metabolic response after an intensive endurance-type concentric exercise as well as after maximal eccentric exercise. This is the first description of the time course of changes in gene expression as a consequence of a mild eccentric stimulus.
The efficacy of specifically targeted anti-viral therapy for hepatitis C virus (HCV) (STAT-C), including HCV protease and polymerase inhibitors, is limited by the presence of drug-specific viral resistance mutations within the targeted proteins. Genetic diversity within these viral proteins also evolves under selective pressures provided by host human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-restricted immune responses, which may therefore influence STAT-C treatment response. Here, the prevalence of drug resistance mutations relevant to 27 developmental STAT-C drugs, and the potential for drug and immune selective pressures to intersect at sites along the HCV genome, is explored. HCV nonstructural (NS) 3 protease or NS5B polymerase sequences and HLA assignment were obtained from study populations from Australia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Four hundred five treatment-naïve individuals with chronic HCV infection were considered (259 genotype 1, 146 genotype 3), of which 38.5% were coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We identified preexisting STAT-C drug resistance mutations in sequences from this large cohort. The frequency of the variations varied according to individual STAT-C drug and HCV genotype/subtype. Of individuals infected with subtype 1a, 21.5% exhibited genetic variation at a known drug resistance site. Furthermore, we identified areas in HCV protease and polymerase that are under both potential HLA-driven pressure and therapy selection and identified six HLA-associated polymorphisms (P
This paper examines the adaptations of the writing system in Internet language in mainland China from a sociolinguistic perspective. A comparison is also made of the adaptations in mainland China with those that Su (2003) found in Taiwan. In Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC), writing systems are often adapted to compensate for their inherent inadequacies (such as difficulty in input). Su (2003) investigates the creative uses of the writing system on the electronic bulletin boards (BBS) of two college student organizations in Taipei, Taiwan, and identifies four popular and creative uses of the Chinese writing system: stylized English, stylized Taiwanese-accented Mandarin, stylized Taiwanese, and the recycling of a transliteration alphabet used in elementary education. According to Coupland (2001; cited in Su 2003), stylization is “the knowing deployment of culturally familiar styles and identities that are marked as deviating from those predictably associated with the current speaking context”. Within this framework and drawing on the data in previous publications on Internet language and online sources, this study identifies five types of adaptations in mainland China’s Internet language: stylized Mandarin (e.g., 漂漂 piāopiāo for 漂亮 ‘beautiful’), stylized dialect-accented Mandarin (e.g., 灰常 huīcháng for 非常 ‘very much’), stylized English (e.g., 伊妹儿 yīmèier for ‘email’), stylized initials (e.g., bt 变态 biàntài for ‘abnormal’; pk, short form for ‘player kill’), and stylized numbers (e.g., 9494 jiùshi jiùshi 就是就是 ‘that is it’). The Internet community is composed of highly mobile individuals and thus forms a weak-tie social network. According to Milroy and Milroy (1992), a social network with weak ties is often where language innovation takes place. Adaptations of the Chinese writing system in Internet language provide interesting evidence for the innovations within a weak-tie social network. Our comparison of adaptations in mainland China and Taiwan shows that, in maximizing the effectiveness and functionality of their communication, participants of Internet communication are confronted with different language resources and situations, including differences in Romanization systems, English proficiency level, and attitudes towards English usage. As argued by Milroy and Milroy (1992), a weak-tie social network model can bridge the social class and social network. In the Internet community, the degree of diversity of the stylized linguistic varieties indexes the virtual and/or social status of its participants: the more diversified one’s Internet language is, the higher is his/her virtual and/or social status.