953 resultados para Basal Angiosperms


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The calcium (Ca) concentration of plant shoot tissues varies systematically between angiosperm orders. The phylogenetic variation in the shoot concentration of other mineral nutrients has not yet been described at an ordinal level. The aims of this study were (1) to quantify the shoot mineral concentration of different angiosperm orders, (2) to partition the phylogenetic variation in shoot mineral concentration between and within orders, (3) to determine if the shoot concentration of different minerals are correlated across angiosperm species, and (4) to compare experimental data with published ecological survey data on 81 species sampled from their natural habitats. Species, selected pro rata from different angiosperm orders, were grown in a hydroponic system under a constant external nutrient regime. Shoots of 117 species were sampled during vegetative growth. Significant variation in shoot carbon (C), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), and magnesium (Mg) concentration occurred between angiosperm orders. There was no evidence for systematic differences in shoot phosphorus (P) or organic-nitrogen (N) concentration between orders. At a species level, there were strong positive correlations between shoot Ca and Mg concentration, between shoot P and organic-N concentration, and between shoot K concentration and shoot fresh weight:dry weight ratio. Shoot C and cation concentration correlated negatively at a species level. Species within the Poales and the Caryophyllales had distinct shoot mineralogies in both the designed experiment and in the ecological survey.


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Extreme weather events such as heat waves are becoming more frequent and intense. Populations can cope with elevated heat stress by evolving higher basal heat tolerance (evolutionary response) and/or stronger induced heat tolerance (plastic response). However, there is ongoing debate about whether basal and induced heat tolerance are negatively correlated and whether adaptive potential in heat tolerance is sufficient under ongoing climate warming. To evaluate the evolutionary potential of basal and induced heat tolerance, we performed experimental evolution on a temperate source 4 population of the dung fly Sepsis punctum. Offspring of flies adapted to three thermal selection regimes (Hot, Cold and Reference) were subjected to acute heat stress after having been exposed to either a hot-acclimation or non-acclimation pretreatment. As different traits may respond differently to temperature stress, several physiological and life history traits were assessed. Condition dependence of the response was evaluated by exposing juveniles to different levels of developmental (food restriction/rearing density) stress. Heat knockdown times were highest, whereas acclimation effects were lowest in the Hot selection regime, indicating a negative association between basal and induced heat tolerance. However, survival, adult longevity, fecundity and fertility did not show such a pattern. Acclimation had positive effects in heat-shocked flies, but in the absence of heat stress hot-acclimated flies had reduced life spans relative to nonacclimated ones, thereby revealing a potential cost of acclimation. Moreover, body size positively affected heat tolerance and unstressed individuals were less prone to heat stress than stressed flies, offering support for energetic costs associated with heat tolerance. Overall, our results indicate that heat tolerance of temperate insects can evolve under rising temperatures, but this response could be limited by a negative relationship between basal and induced thermotolerance, and may involve some but not other fitness-related traits.


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The basolateral amygdala complex (BLA) is involved in acquisition of contextual and auditory fear conditioning. However, the BLA is not a single structure but comprises a group of nuclei, including the lateral (LA), basal (BA) and accessory basal (AB) nuclei. While it is consensual that the LA is critical for auditory fear conditioning, there is controversy on the participation of the BA in fear conditioning. Hodological and neurophysiological findings suggest that each of these nuclei processes distinct information in parallel; the BA would deal with polymodal or contextual representations, and the LA would process unimodal or elemental representations. Thus, it seems plausible to hypothesize that the BA is required for contextual, but not auditory, fear conditioning. This hypothesis was evaluated in Wistar rats submitted to multiple-site ibotenate-induced damage restricted to the BA and then exposed to a concurrent contextual and auditory fear conditioning training followed by separated contextual and auditory conditioning testing. Differing from electrolytic lesion and lidocaine inactivation, this surgical approach does not disturb fibers of passage originating in other brain areas, restricting damage to the aimed nucleus. Relative to the sham-operated controls, rats with selective damage to the BA exhibited disruption of performance in the contextual, but not the auditory, component of the task. Thus, while the BA seems required for contextual fear conditioning, it is not critical for both an auditory-US association, nor for the expression of the freezing response. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Familial idiopathic basal ganglia calcification, also known as ""Fahr`s disease"" (FD), is a neuropsychiatric disorder with autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance and characterized by symmetric basal ganglia calcifications and, occasionally, other brain regions. Currently, there are three loci linked to this devastating disease. The first one (IBGC1) is located in 14q11.2-21.3 and the other two have been identified in 2q37 (IBGC2) and 8p21.1-q11.13 (IBGC3). Further studies identified a heterozygous variation (rs36060072) which consists in the change of the cytosine to guanine located at MGEA6/CTAGE5 gene, present in all of the affected large American family linked to IBGC1. This missense substitution, which induces changes of a proline to alanine at the 521 position (P521A), in a proline-rich and highly conserved protein domain was considered a rare variation, with a minor allele frequency (MAF) of 0.0058 at the US population. Considering that the population frequency of a given variation is an indirect indicative of potential pathogenicity, we screened 200 chromosomes in a random control set of Brazilian samples and in two nuclear families, comparing with our previous analysis in a US population. In addition, we accomplished analyses through bioinformatics programs to predict the pathogenicity of such variation. Our genetic screen found no P521A carriers. Polling these data together with the previous study in the USA, we have now a MAF of 0.0036, showing that this mutation is very rare. On the other hand, the bioinformatics analysis provided conflicting findings. There are currently various candidate genes and loci that could be involved with the underlying molecular basis of FD etiology, and other groups suggested the possible role played by genes in 2q37, related to calcium metabolism, and at chromosome 8 (NRG1 and SNTG1). Additional mutagenesis and in vivo studies are necessary to confirm the pathogenicity for variation in the P521A MGEA6.


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The adenohypophysis (AH) of juvenile pirarucu (Arapaima gigas), a representative species of the Osteoglossomorpha (bonytongue fishes, one of the oldest living groups of the teleosts), was studied using histochemical and immunocytochemical methods. The AH is comprised of the pars distalis (PD), without a clear distinction between rostral pars distalis (RPD) and proximal pars distalis (PPD), and the pars intermedia (PI). The neurohypophysis (NH) is positioned on top of the PD and penetrates and branches into the PI. In the most rostral dorsal portion of the PD, adrenocorticotropic cells and fusiform gonadotropic cells were found. In the central PD, scarce prolactin-producing cells and growth-hormone-producing cells were located mainly in the dorsal part, whereas round gonadotropic cells were abundant in the ventral portion of this region. Human thyrotropin immunoreactive cells were not found in the entire AH. In the PI, melanotropic, some adrenocorticotropic, and somatolactin-producing cells were located intermingled surrounding the neurohypophyseal branches. Our results showed that the A. gigas pituitary has some basal characteristics between the ancient Actinopterygii and the more derived teleosts.


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Preclinical investigations can start with preliminary in vitro studies before using animal models. Following this approach, the number of animals used in preclinical acute toxicity testing can be reduced. In this study, we employed an in-house validated in vitro cytotoxicity test based on the Spielmann approach for toxicity evaluation of the lignan grandisin, a candidate anticancer agent, and its major metabolite. the 4-O-demethylgrandisin, by neutral red uptake (NRU) assay, on mouse fibroblasts Balb/c 3T3 cell line. Using different concentrations of grandisin and its major metabolite (2.31; 1.16; 0.58; 0.29; 0.14; 0.07; 0.04; 0.002 mu M) in Balb/c 3T3-A31 NRU cytotoxicity assay, after incubation for 48 h, we obtained IC(50) values for grandisin and its metabolite of 0.078 and 0.043 mu M, respectively. The computed LD(50) of grandisin and 4-O-demethylgrandisin were 617.72 and 429.95 mg/kg, respectively. Both were classified under the Globally Harmonized System as category 4. Since pharmacological and toxicological data are crucial in the developmental stages of drug discovery, using an in vitro assay we demonstrated that grandisin and its metabolite exhibit distinct toxicity profiles. Furthermore, results presented in this work can contribute to reduce the number of animals required in subsequent pharmacological/toxicological studies. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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A cintilografia com radioisótopos em repouso tem despertado muito interesse nos últimos anos para pesquisa da viabilidade miocárdica na disfunção isquêmica avançada do VE, porque esta pode ser reversível e porque há melhora prognóstica neste contexto. O objetivo desse trabalho é buscar identificar a acurácia da cintilografia tomográfica Tc-99m-Sestamibi, sob a infusão de dobutamina em baixa dose. Foram protocolados trinta pacientes que sofreram um infarto do miocárdio com padrão “Q”, com dissinergia ao ecocardiograma, e submetidos a estudos perfusionais em dias diferentes, com Tc-99m-Sestamibi − dobutamina e Tl-201 em repouso-redistribuição 4 horas, usado como padrão ouro. Não ocorreram complicações com nenhum paciente submetido ao protocolo do estudo. Os resultados revelaram: sensibilidade = 85%, especificidade = 87%, valor preditivo positivo = 96%, valor preditivo negativo = 65 % e acurácia de = 85,2%. A razão de probabilidade positiva foi de 6,68 e a razão de probabilidade negativa de 0,17. Confrontando-se nossos dados com uma metanálise de resultados para o Tc-99m-Sestamibi em repouso, a sensibilidade no presente estudo foi 85% vs. 81% e a especificidade de 87% vs. 60%. Em relação aos dados da literatura para Tl-201: 85% vs. 90% e 87% vs. 54%, sensibilidade e especificidade, respectivamente. Em conclusão, o Tc-99m-Sestamibi sob a infusão de dobutamina parece ser um método promissor para detectar viabilidade superior a esta modalidade de cintilografia em repouso, com valores preditivos comparáveis à literatura disponível para esse mesmo método: 85,2% vs. 87%, 96% vs. 90% e 65% vs. 83%, para acurácia, valor preditivo positivo e valor preditivo negativo, respectivamente.


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A obesidade entre adolescentes vem aumentando sendo considerada um dos principais problemas de saúde pública. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a composição corporal, a taxa metabólica basal (TMB), o pico de consumo de oxigênio (VO2pico) e a força muscular de adolescentes com sobrepeso ou obesidade de um grupo submetido a 16 semanas de treinamento físico misto em circuito com um grupo controle. Participaram 28 meninos púberes e pós-púberes, sendo 18 do grupo experimental (EXP) (13,4 anos de idade) e 10 do grupo controle (CON) (13,8 anos de idade). A massa corporal magra (MCM) e de gordura corporal (GC) foram obtidas por meio da Absortometria Radiológica de Dupla-Energia (DEXA); a TMB, por meio de calorimetria indireta (MGC-CPX/D); o VO2pico, mediante teste em cicloergômetro (McMaster); e as forças de flexão de cotovelo (FCo) e extensão de joelho (EJ), mediante teste de 1RM. O treinamento foi realizado três vezes por semana, durante uma hora e foi composto por nove exercícios contra-resistência, intercalados com 3 a 5 minutos de exercícios aeróbios. Foram utilizados a ANOVA de medidas repetidas e o teste T pareado e independente para comparações intra e intergrupos, respectivamente. Não houve diferenças significativas nas variáveis IMC, GC (kg), TMB e VO2pico relativo à MCM entre os grupos nos pré e pós-testes. Houve aumento significativo e igual entre os grupos nas variáveis estatura (EXP pré 166,8±8,67 cm e pós 168,7±8,31 cm; CON pré 164,0±8,39 cm e pós 165,8±8,91 cm) e MCM (EXP pré 46,0±10,5 kg e pós 48,8±10,5 kg; CON pré 44,8±8,99 kg e pós 46,9±9,55 kg) após o período do estudo. O grupo CON apresentou aumento significativo na MC (EXP pré 78,6±10,1 kg e pós 79,8±11,4 kg; CON pré 74,7±9,04 kg e pós 76,8±9,45 kg). O grupo EXP apresentou diminuição significativa no %GC (EXP pré 38,7±8,91% e pós 36,4±8,54%; CON pré 37,3±8,24% e pós 36,0±9,15%) e aumentos significativos no VO2pico absoluto (EXP pré 2,25±0,48 l/min e pós 2,52±0,47 l/min; CON pré 2,33±0,54 l/min e pós 2,44±0,53 l/min) e VO2pico relativo à MC (EXP pré 28,6±4,57 ml/kg/min e pós 31,4±4,06 ml/kg/min; CON pré 31,0±5,09 ml/kg/min e pós 31,9±5,27 ml/kg/min). O grupo EXP apresentou aumentos maiores de força muscular do que os do grupo CON tanto em FCo (EXP pré 13,3±4,84 kg e pós 19,6±4,89 kg; CON pré 13,8±5,60 kg e pós 15,1±5,48 kg) quanto em EJ (EXP pré 31,2±9,19 kg e pós 43,9±10,8 kg; CON pré 26,7±4,62 kg e pós 29,8±5,48 kg). O treinamento físico misto em circuito em adolescentes obesos não aumentou a TMB, mas demonstrou benefícios na composição corporal, no pico de consumo de oxigênio e na força muscular comparado a um grupo controle.


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O glutamato, quando em altas concentrações na fenda sináptica, é excitotóxico, podendo levar à morte celular devido à hiper-estimulação de seus receptores. Seu efeito neurotóxico tem sido relacionado a várias doenças agudas e crônicas do SNC, tais como isquemia, epilepsia, Alzheimer e Parkinson. A manutenção dos níveis de glutamato abaixo de seus níveis excitotóxicos é realizada através de um mecanismo de transporte de alta afinidade dependente de sódio. Os principais transportadores de glutamato, GLAST e GLT-1, estão presentes nos astrócitos. Alguns estudos demonstram que a captação de glutamato parece variar de acordo com o período de desenvolvimento e envelhecimento; entretanto, poucos estudos avaliam este parâmetro em animais imaturos, maduros e velhos utilizando uma única metodologia. Neste trabalho, nós traçamos um perfil ontogenético da captação de glutamato in vitro, durante o desenvolvimento e envelhecimento, usando fatias de estriado, hipocampo e córtex de ratos com 10, 21 e 60 dias, 15 e 26 meses. Também analisamos se a captação de glutamato era sensível à presença de guanosina. Em todas as estruturas a captação de glutamato foi maior em animais jovens decaindo então, até ratos velhos (15 meses) em estriado e hipocampo ou ratos adultos jovens (60 dias) em córtex. Em estriado e hipocampo observamos um aumento parcial e total, respectivamente, na captação em ratos muito velhos (26 meses). O efeito da guanosina parece ser idade e estrutura dependentes, visto que a mesma aumentou a captação basal de glutamato somente em fatias de córtex de ratos de 10 dias. A diminuição da captação de glutamato observada em animais com 15 meses em estriado e hipocampo pode estar relacionada às diversas desordens neurodegenerativas que ocorrem em idosos, e a recuperação deste parâmetro em ratos muito velhos (26 II meses), tanto parcial como total, parece ser um mecanismo de adaptação compensatório que pode estar ocorrendo durante o processo de envelhecimento.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a temperatura basal, a soma térmica acumulada em diferentes fases fenológicas, a duração das fenofases, a produtividade e a sazonalidade do ciclo de uma cultivar de nectarina e de 14 cultivares de pêssego, entre 2006 e 2009. As fases fenológicas consideradas foram: poda-brotação; brotação-florescimento, da gema inchada até a flor aberta; florescimento-frutificação, da queda das pétalas até o fruto médio; e maturação. As temperaturas basais mínimas obtidas foram: poda-brotação, 8°C, independentemente das cultivares avaliadas; brotação-florescimento, 10°C, com exceção de 'Cascata 968', que necessitou de Tb de 8°C; florescimento-frutificação, 12°C, exceto 'Oro Azteca', que necessitou de Tb de 14°C; maturação, 14°C, com exceção de 'Sunblaze', 'Diamante Mejorado' e 'Precocinho', com Tb de 12°C. Para a maioria das cultivares, as temperaturas basais máximas foram de 30, 34, 34 e 28ºC, nas fases poda-brotação, brotação-florescimento, florescimento-frutificação e maturação, respectivamente. 'Turmalina', 'Marli' e 'Tropic Beauty' apresentaram produtividade média de 3.945,0, 3.969,3 e 3.954,0 kg ha-1, em 2009, respectivamente, enquanto a nectarineira 'Sunblaze' produziu em torno de 3.900 kg ha-1 em 2008 e 2009. As cultivares diferiram quanto ao ciclo total e quanto às somas térmicas acumuladas que variaram, respectivamente, de 245 dias e 1.881,4 graus-dia em 'Oro Azteca', a 144 dias e 1.455,7 graus-dia em 'Precocinho'.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the basal cytotoxicity and metabolism-mediated cytotoxicity of kaempferol, quercetin and rutin. McCoy cells were exposed to various concentrations of the flavonols with and without the S9 system. The neutral red uptake assay was used to determine viability after 24 h at 35-37 degrees C. Dose-response curves were established for each flavonol in the presence and absence of external metabolizing systems. Kaempferol and quercetin were cytotoxic and provoked a dose-dependent decrease in cell viability, without the S9 system. The hepatic S9 microsomal fraction metabolized these compounds to less cytotoxic metabolites. In contrast, rutin at 500 mu g/ml failed to produce any overt signs of toxicity in either assay. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Repeated exposure to stress results in augmentation in the locomotor response to psychostimulant drugs. We investigated the locomotor response to a novel environment or cocaine [ 10 mg/kg, intraperitoneally (i.p.)] and basal corticosterone levels in male adolescent rats exposed to chronic restraint or variable stress. Animals in the chronic restraint group were restrained for 1 hour daily. The chronic variable stress protocol consisted of exposure to different stressors twice a day in random order. Chronic restraint and variable stress regimens began simultaneously on postnatal day (P) 25 and were applied for 10 days. During this period the control group was left undisturbed except for cleaning the cages. Three days after the last exposure to stress, cocaine- and novelty-induced locomotion were recorded in an activity cage. Plasma corticosterone levels were determined in a subset of stress and control animals. Exposure to both chronic restraint and variable stress increased cocaine- induced locomotion and basal corticosterone plasma levels, while no change was observed in the response to a novel environment. Moreover, rats exposed to variable stress displayed the greatest locomotor response following a challenge dose with cocaine when compared to control and chronic restraint stress groups. This observation indicates that the stress regimen is relevant to the degree of stress-induced sensitization to cocaine.