929 resultados para Bargain and Sale
The thesis belongs to the field of lexical semantics studies, associated with describing the Russian linguistic world-image. The research focuses on the universal situation of purchase and sale as reflected in the Russian lexical standard and sub-standard. The work deals also with subjects related to the sphere of social linguistics: the social stratification of the language, the structure of sub-standard, etc. The thesis is a contribution to the description of the Russian linguistic world-image as well as to the further elaboration of the conceptional analysis method. The results are applicable in teaching Russian as a foreign language, particularly in lexis and Russian culture and mentality studies.
Este estudo de natureza qualitativa busca por meio de uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva analisar se as divulgações nas notas explicativas de Combinação de Negócios, transações de aquisições e vendas de empresas, estão em conformidade com os requisitos normativos de divulgação de informações do CPC 15 (R1) – Combinação de Negócios, inspirado nas normas contábeis internacionais, notadamente o IFRS 3 (R) - Business Combinations. Utilizaram-se informações sobre transações ocorridas nos anos de 2010 e 2011, envolvendo empresas brasileiras de capital aberto, cujas informações financeiras são divulgadas trimestralmente ou anualmente. O primeiro fator que torna a pesquisa relevante é que o tema Combinação de Negócios tem se tornado cada vez relevante devido ao aumento do número de transações de aquisição entre empresas no Brasil e do aumento do valor das transações globalmente. O segundo fator é que com o advento da lei 11.638/07, alterada pela lei 11.941/08, determinou-se que o Brasil deve ter suas normas contábeis convergidas para os padrões do International Financial Report Standards (IFRS) até o final de 2010.
As operações de compra e venda de participação societária seguem no Brasil um modelo importado do direito estrangeiro. Dentre diversos institutos importados, existem as cláusulas de declarações e garantias e suas qualificadoras. O objetivo do presente trabalho é examinar a validade da qualificadora “no melhor conhecimento” no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e sua eficácia dentro dos limites impostos por esse ordenamento. Busca-se, para tanto, analisar o conceito da qualificadora em seu sistema originário, a Common Law, e posteriormente trazer a discussão para o ambiente jurídico do ordenamento brasileiro, propiciando a conclusão que a validade da inserção da cláusula decorre do princípio da autonomia privada, mas está limitada pelos valores trazidos pelo princípio da boa-fé objetiva e seus deveres relacionados. Uma vez verificada a validade do instituto jurídico no ordenamento brasileiro, sua eficácia está relacionada à alocação de responsabilidade entre partes sobre o conhecimento e as consequências dessa alocação.
This work has as its theme the social function of terrenos de marinha. Theresearch universe is the terrenos de marinha of Natal coastline, focusing on thefulfillment of its social function. Prescribed by law since the colonial period with thepurpose of protecting the coast and free movement of people and goods, theywere swathes of land not available to private use by individuals. With the transitionfrom the allotments system to the purchase and sale, regard to land access,crystallized with the creation of the Land Law in the nineteenth century, the land isheld as merchandise and terrenos de marinha, following this logic, also acquireexchange value and become capable of enjoyment by private individuals, with thecondition of tax payments to the state. This is seen until the twentieth century,when in 1988, primarily because of the Federal Constitution promulgation, begins anew cycle when is possible to use on terrenos de marinha the principle of thesocial function of property. From this perspective this study aims to identify thesocial function of terrenos de marinha in Natal, focusing on the public destinationand the use value of the city coastline. To this end, it was made a data collection inthe on-line information system of the Federal Heritage Department of Rio Grandedo Norte (SPU / RN) and in the terrenos de marinha areas, in order to find out ifthey had public or private use, or if they were empty lots, as well as if thepopulation access to the shore exist. Interviews with managers of the SPU weremade. The empirical study showed that the social function of terrenos de marinhain the city of Natal still didn´t happen, considering the constant existence of vacantlots in their areas, the lack of access in significant portions of the coastline and thereduced areas directed to common use along the coastline, minimizing its potentialof enjoyment by the population. It concludes by pointing to the existence of a newtransition phase on the terrenos de marinha, in witch, gradually, come up lawprovisions in the legal system and public policies to expand the purely taxcollection function attributed to this land for two centuries. In this direction, thesocial function of terrenos de marinha is embodied in concomitant adjustment ofthe tax collection function and the rescue of coastline use value, national heritageand a place for sociability and social relations development
This work has as objective to describe mathematical knowledge used as tools in the manufacture and marketing of tiles of red ceramic by potters of the Currais Novos village/ RN, located 250 km from the capital of Rio Grande do Norte. For us to reach our objective, we rely on conceptions ambrosianas of Ethnomatematics, besides of the qualitative research in an ethnographic approach. In the empirical part of the research, that went it accomplishes in the period from 2009 to 2012 in the Currais Novos Village, we support the following tools for data collection, semi-structured interviews, field diary, photographs, audio recordings and participant observations. In the analysis of the collected data, we can conclude that there are mathematical knowledge in the management of manufacture and marketing of tiles, often different from the academic mathematics, mainly in the wood cube, on cube of the clays, in the handler with the measures time, the count method , in the arrangement of tiles, in the preparation of the ceramic mass and sale of tiles. Theses knowledge were described and analyzed in the light of the theoretical Ethnomatematics, also supported in official documents, such as Parameters Nacional Curriculares. The analyzes of these knowledge generated subsidies for elaboration of an educational product - a proposal of didactic sequence destined to the Teaching of Mathematics in Elementary and Middle levels for the community schools and region, this proposal is in the Appendix to this work
This paper aims to describe the familiar cotton culture in the districts of Tangará and Triunfo Potiguar, located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. It relates specific problems that small cotton agriculturists face in the cotton production and sale as well as their perception in relation to public policies that have been put into practice in these districts. The research revealed soils with potentiality for the cotton culture, but that are not being cultivated for anything else but subsistence, not being able to become productive, specifically through the cotton culture. That activity should be practiced so that it preserves the environment and the familiar farmers themselves, since it was verified they are constant1y exposed to health problems due to insecticides use. In what refers to fomentation policies it was observed that bureaucracy delays the liberation of the money destined to production, seeds delivery and other actions related to production and commercialization. Some procedures such as information and training about productivity development and attention with the environrnent and infrastructure are recommended. The results indicate lack of investments, rural credit and technical help, main1y in Triunfo Potiguar. There is unanimity, from the rural farmers of that district in what refers to the desire of improving the production and remaining in that activity. In this sense, the contribution of this research for the most appropriate culture production can be materialized through the technique of tissue's culture, aimed at obtaining plants that are resistant to diseases. The data indicated that the hormonal supplementations used induced regenerative calluses making in vitro morphogenesis possible in alI tested varieties. The use of the activated coal antioxidant was efficient, reducing oxidation, however not suppressing it. The results lead to an opportunity for the familiar tàrmers from Rio Grande do Norte enlarge the cotton culture, because to obtain plants that are resistant to diseases implies in insecticides reduction, propitiating smaller impact to the atmosphere and less cost
Includes bibliography
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Nos últimas décadas a demanda pelo açaí no estado do Pará cresceu gradualmente, já que a produção e mercado da fruta de açaí são a base da economia de mais de 20 municípios paraenses. A prática do extrativismo do açaizeiro é praticada pelos homens, mulheres e crianças, voltada para autoconsumo e para a comercialização. Devido a este fato, a dinâmica do extrativismo do açaizeiro começou a mudar pelo aumento da demanda do açaí para o mercado, principalmente pelo valor de importância e interesse econômico. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os impactos das mudanças da demanda dos frutos de açaí na (i) relação econômica da renda do açaí e na (ii) densidade e composição florística das áreas agroflorestais manejadas pelos ribeirinhos. O estudo realizou-se na comunidade São João Batista, município de Abaetetuba, Pará - Brasil. A população tem como principal fonte de trabalho a extração do fruto de açaí. Foram feitas entrevistas semi-estruturadas e abertas às famílias residentes na comunidade considerados pequenos e médios produtores de açaí. As entrevistas abarcaram dois componentes, o aspecto econômico e o aspecto social. Além disso, coletaram-se dados diários sobre a quantidade de rasa de açaí coletada, consumida e vendida, e o preço de cada rasa, com a finalidade de caracterizar a produção e preço nas diferentes temporadas da safra. Também se realizou o levantamento florístico mediante um inventário com a finalidade de caracterizar a vegetação, avaliar a densidade e composição florística dos açaizeiros. Para isso estabeleceu-se um total de 10 parcelas de 20 x 50 m (1000 m² ou 0.1 ha) distribuídas em cinco propriedades selecionadas, medindo o diâmetro de todos os indivíduos adultos > 10 cm de DAP (diâmetro à altura do peito) e para palmeiras com DAP > 2 cm e estimou-se a altura total (H) de cada individuo da base até o ponto mais alto das folhas. A análise da diversidade dos açaizais utilizou-se o índice de Shannon-Wiener e o índice de Simpson através do programa estatístico PAST – PAlaentologicalSTatistics, ver. 1,27. Como principais resultados obtiveram-se que na comunidade de São João Batista, a venda da produção de açaí é realizada para intermediários (marreteiros) (55%), no mercado de Abaetetuba (29%), no mercado de Belém (10%) e para marreteiro e/ou no mercado de Abaetetuba (6%). O município de Abaetetuba desde o ano 2005 teve uma queda na produção extrativa passando de 10.500 t (2004) a 900 t (2005) e progressivamente diminuindo até 770 t (2008). A quantidade da produção de açaí cultivada aumentou de 15.625 t (2003) a 131.250 t (2008) representando 99,4% da produção total. Na comunidade, foi inventariado 1043 indivíduos de árvores com um total de 11 famílias e 28 espécies, ocupando áreas basais maiores as famílias Arecaceae (8.83) e Fabaceae (6.77) e com maiores números de indivíduos (831 e 147 respectivamente). As espécies com maiores índices de valor de importância (IVIs) e de densidade registraram-se a Euterpe oleracea (777 indivíduos), Pterocarpus sp. (126) e Mauritia flexuosa (50). Obtiveram-se valores baixos nos índices de Simpson: 0.4275 e Shannon: 1.071, o que indica que se tem uma baixa diversidade resultante da atividade de manejo e extração de palmito e frutos de açaí levando a uma monocultura para o consumo e venda dos frutos. Concluindo, que o aumento do preço é forçado pelo crescimento da demanda, provocando a ampliação das áreas de cultivo e plantio de açaí para o aumento da produção. O impacto socioeconômico do manejo e cultivo dos açaizais sobre a economia ribeirinha e a economia extrativa do estuário amazônico gera grandes oportunidades de emprego, renda e qualidade de vida para as populações das várzeas e dos centros urbanos, sobretudo favorecendo aos mais pobres.
O trabalho aqui apresentado trata da organização dos tiradores de caranguejos da Vila do Acarajó nos fins de semana, a Vila pertence ao município de Bragança//PA, nordeste do estado. A inspiração parte dos estudos dos bóias-frias. Os tiradores de caranguejos são organizados em turma, por um comerciante local que, em parceria com comerciantes moradores na cidade, facilitam a viajam dos tiradores de caranguejos em caminhões, para que possam tirar o máximo possível de crustáceos, denotando uma captura intensiva, com conseqüências negativas do ponto de vista biológico da espécie e social, dos grupos humanos que vivem no entorno dependentes do ecossistema. Este estudo foi norteado pela hipótese de que pela falta de condições materiais para desenvolver a pesca e a agricultura, devido à escassez de terra, restavam aos tiradores somente os manguezais, para alocar sua força de trabalho. Os resultados da investigação demonstram uma acelerada mudança no contexto da captura e venda dos caranguejos, produto considerado rápido e fácil parar vender. Verificou-se que a corrida aos manguezais é feita pelos moradores da Vila, mesmo aqueles que possuem terrenos, que indiscriminadamente retiram caranguejos que ainda não atingiram a fase adulta. Esses caranguejos pequenos são vendidos sem que o tamanho e a quantidade sejam questionados pelos comerciantes. Tudo é vendido.
ABSTRACT: In Guajará bay, mouth of the Amazon River, is located the capital of Pará state (Belém) and its metropolitan area. Exists in this area an intense boat traffic, as well as transportation and sale of fuels in floating docks and activities related to the storage and transportation of oil in Miramar Petrochemical Terminal (TEMIR). Small spills and discharges of oil in water can serve as sources of pollution by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs are organic compounds generated by incomplete combustion of organic matter (OM) and are among the contaminants of most interest in environmental studies due to their mutagenic and carcinogenic potential. One way to detect and evaluate the impact of PAHs in an environment is using biomonitors, however the qualitative and quantitative analysis in sediments are most widely used. This study aimed to evaluate, by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS), the 16 PAHs considered as priority by the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States in sediments and benthic organisms (Namalicastys abiuma) of TEMIR. Field expeditions were carried out in December 2012, March, May and June 2013 representing the dried, wet (two samples) and dried seasons successively. Fine sediments levels dominated in both sampling periods and the %Fines in Guajará bays has a direct relationship to the %OM. In relation to the 16 PAHs studied, 10 of them were detected in the wet season sediments samples and 8 in the dried season. Even with a low diversity of aromatic compounds, sediment samples of the dried season presented greater ΣHPAs (1.351,43 ng g-1) than the sediments of the wet season (263,99 ng g-1), which can be related to the increased hydrodynamic in Guajará bay this last period. Correlation analysis indicated that ΣHPAs not seem to be influenced by %Fine and %OM. Benzo(a)pyrene accounted for 87% of ΣHPAs during the wet season, the other PAHs showed percentage ≤ 3%. During the other period stood out: pyrene (18% of ΣHPAs) fluoranthene (16%), the chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene (15%) and benzo(a)pyrene (11%). The use of the geochemical reason to interpret likely sources of PAHs indicated that there is a predominance of aromatics from pyrolytic origin in TEMIR. The activities that may be responsible for the PAHs levels observed in sediments and benthic organisms in TEMIR are the discharge of untreated domestic sewage and the emissions of particulates from cars and small/medium boats. The ΣHPAs seems to influence the density of polychaetes because a reduction of about 50% in the number of organisms was observed during the dry season when there was the greater amount of ΣHPAs in their body structure. Among the 16 PAHs studied, 11 were detected in the polychaetes during the dry season (ΣHPAsMED = 848,71 ng g-1) and 10 in the wet season (ΣHPAsMED = 141,85 ng g-1). Were highlighted during the dried season: indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene (47%) and pyrene (23%). While in the wet season: pyrene (23%), chrysene (17%), fluorene (17%) and fluoranthene (13%). The %Rec obtained was >>100% indicating a matrix effect and reducing the quantitative accuracy of results. The use of the polychaete N. abiuma as biomonitor of pollution by PAHs in estuaries not seem to be effective when the sample period is limited, because collecting it requires a great effort to obtain a small amount of mass and it still results in a matrix effect in the chromatographic analysis (method %Rec >> 100%) that may not be corrected due to the restricted availability of sample mass. Studies with a larger number of samples, enabling depth statistical analysis, and covering other collection points in Guajará bay are required to prove mathematically that has been stated in this dissertation.
The expansion of the energy matrix is a matter of great importance since the recent problems facing the country in this sector, such as rationing mobilized in 2001. Moreover, there is also concern with global sustainable development. Brazil is producing about 64 million cubic meters of biogas per day, but only a small percentage of this total is harnessed as an energy resource. Compounders are considered potential, for example, landfill energy (LE) and sewage treatment plants (STP), which can be adapted to produce biogas and market them. The work focuses its studies on biogas produced by these small and medium compounders. Are proposed and studied the following alternatives for the utilization of biogas energy: generation and sale of electricity through the installation of a small power station within the landfill, and purification and marketing of gas, whose price will be a consideration on the price of natural gas, taking into account the percentage of methane present in the biogas. Trade ensures that gas plus a destination ecologically appropriate to it, taking advantage of its energy
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)