173 resultados para Banner


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A listing from Banner of all courses (listed by School and level) run in the university that relate to research and inquiry. There is a crude attempt to cluster these courses thematically.


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El propósito de este trabajo es exponer cómo los modelos de e-Commerce & e-Marketing permiten optimizar el desempeño comercial de las empresas, aprovechando los recursos electrónicos, como la internet y los sistemas virtuales de comunicación, en este caso desde la visión que se tiene hacia el cliente. El estudio se realizó en la empresa Blue Trade S.A.S., analizando cómo la implementación de dichos modelos permitieron mejorar su desempeño, de igual manera se exponen dos modelos exitosos de optimización del recurso electrónico, como fue en Avianca y en Carvajal, S.A., quienes tuvieron en cuenta costos, estrategias y acciones a tomar para aplicarlos.


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Introducción: Se conocen los beneficios del uso de los tubos endotraqueales con neumotaponador, aunque dicha práctica tiene un impacto sobre el trabajo respiratorio durante el acto anestésico sin embargo se propone estudiar las consecuencias físicas de la variación en la longitud de los tubos para compensar dicha perdida de flujo, con base en la ley de Hagen-Poiseuille. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio experimental in vitro, en el cual se realizaron mediciones repetidas de flujo, variando la longitud y diámetro de diferentes tubos endotraqueales pediátricos (desde calibre 3.5mm hasta 6.5mm), con longitudes de 20cm, 15 cm, 10 cm y manteniendo su longitud original. Se analizaron los datos con el fin de medir el impacto sobre el flujo. Resultados: A pesar que los resultados muestran diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p0,000), la variación en la longitud de los tubos endotraqueales pediátricos tiene mucho menor impacto sobre la variación en el flujo, que la modificación del diámetro. Discusión: Si bien la práctica de acortar la longitud de un tubo endotraqueal pediátrico puede ayudar a reducir el espacio muerto y la retención de CO2, el impacto que tiene sobre el flujo es poco. Cuando se trata de disminuir el trabajo respiratorio de un niño en ventilación espontánea durante el acto anestésico, se debe escoger de forma apropiada el calibre de tubo correspondiente para la edad.


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Resumen basado en de la publicación


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This paper presents a critical history of the concept of ‘structured deposition’. It examines the long-term development of this idea in archaeology, from its origins in the early 1980s through to the present day, looking at how it has been moulded and transformed. On the basis of this historical account, a number of problems are identified with the way that ‘structured deposition’ has generally been conceptualized and applied. It is suggested that the range of deposits described under a single banner as being ‘structured’ is unhelpfully broad, and that archaeologists have been too willing to view material culture patterning as intentionally produced – the result of symbolic or ritual action. It is also argued that the material signatures of ‘everyday’ practice have been undertheorized and all too often ignored. Ultimately, it is suggested that if we are ever to understand fully the archaeological signatures of past practice, it is vital to consider the ‘everyday’ as well as the ‘ritual’ processes which lie behind the patterns we uncover in the ground.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo comparar a eficiência dos formatos de publicidade online utilizados no Brasil. Para isso, foram colhidos dados referentes ao desempenho e ao custo de 170 peças de publicidade online brasileiras para que, por meio de testes estatísticos apropriados, fosse possível determinar se existe alguma diferença significativa de eficiência entre eles. Pelos resultados obtidos, foi possível concluir que os anúncios em ferramentas de busca apresentam eficiência maior do que os demais formatos, embora não sejam os mais utilizados por agências de publicidade no Brasil hoje em dia.


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o presente trabalho investiga os efeitos da redução de preço, combinada com diversas atividades promocionais em três produtos de uma determinada marca da categoria de fraldas descartáveis num supermercado. O entendimento dos efeitos de atividades promocionais é justificado pelo fato de: a alocação das verbas para promoções, na maioria dos casos, ser feita de forma aleatória, mesmo tendo grandes parcelas dos investimentos de marketing direcionados para este fim, existirem lacunas teóricas relativas a este tema que englobem a realidade do varejo brasileiro e pelo fato do uso de dados escaneados em avaliações de marketing ainda serem incipientes no Brasil. Como objetivo final, este trabalho busca analisar o efeito simultâneo de reduções de preço combinadas a diferentes atividades promocionais no resultado das vendas de três produtos de uma marca da categoria de fraldas descartáveis, e verificar quais dos conjuntos de ações promocionais estudadas influenciam significativamente nas vendas. O conjunto de atividades promocionais estudadas variou por loja e envolveu a execução de: demonstração de produto, ilha, ponta de gôndola, banner, inclusão de faixas de gôndolas e cartazete de preço aéreo, modificação na cor das etiquetas de preço dos produtos promovidos e alterações no espaço e na organização dos produtos nas prateleiras. Foram usados dados escaneados de um experimento realizado sob condições controladas em sete lojas de uma rede supermercadista no estado de São Paulo. O método utilizado neste estudo é um pré-experimento do tipo pré-teste/pós-teste (01 X O2) e para os testes de hipóteses foi utilizado o teste t de Student para observações pareadas. Concluiu-se que, apesar de ter sido detectado aumento da média de vendas dos produtos durante o período promocional na maioria das lojas, apenas duas das 21 hipóteses testadas foram rejeitadas, ou seja, em apenas dois casos foi possível rejeitar a hipótese de que as médias de vendas do período com promoção e do período sem promoção não são iguais. Adicionalmente, foi possível perceber que o produto de maior tamanho, cuja embalagem proporcionava, dentre todos os produtos analisados, o menor custo por unidade de produto, teve os maiores crescimentos em vendas na semana da promoção, quando comparado com os outros dois produtos de menor tamanho. Espera-se que a metodologia utilizada neste trabalho possa ser aplicada no dia-a-dia do varejo para avaliação da efetividade de promoções, e que este estudo venha contribuir com o desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas sobre este fascinante tema.


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This short article, a political chronicle, examines the meanings and political and ideological effects of a Internet petition that was created in February of 2009. Repúdio e Solidariedade (Repudiation and Solidarity) questioned the use of the term ditabranda [a conjunction of two terms, ditadura and branda - or soft dictatorship] disseminated by the São Paulo news daily Folha de S. Paulo to refer to the Brazilian military dictatorship, and manifested solidarity with two University of São Paulo (USP) professors and intellectuals known for their action in defense of human rights in Brazil. Obtaining over eight thousand signatures in a period of less than six weeks, the petition may be considered (as the extensive comments which it includes testify to) a relevant document in the struggle for the right to truth and justice regarding what really happened during the period of the Brazilian military regime (1964-1985). Perhaps its most relevant symbolic role is that of staking claims within an ideological struggle over the memory of 1964. In the center of these claims sits a banner with the old motto No pasarán. In other words, democratic and progressive sectors of Brazilian society that supported Repúdio e Solidariedade made it clear that they were not going to quietly accept falsified views of history that are an insult to the memory of those who struggled, were tortured and died in the struggle to redemocratize the country.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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The paper studies the mobilization occurred in June 2013 in Brazil, initially under the banner of the Movement Free Pass, but without the existence of a lead, but multiple voices that alternate in search of social and economic change. The object of study is the communication made through social networks and their realization, or realization, the streets of major cities. The rallies demonstrate the power of communications media and a new phenomenon of talk, the use of social networks, now as uniting factor and not just a showcase of everyday life. The internet has become a new means of communication easy and free access, in addition to its fast dissipation data. Thus, the youth was used such technology to an uprising in the pursuit of social improvement of the cities where marches happened. Such a move still without an academic and social needs to be discussed so that, in addition to understood, can expand contributions to society, helping it in its claims. Was chosen as the site for the #causabrasil study and understanding of issues in which the public expresses dissatisfaction. The site performs an analysis with the combination of hastags a list of pre-registered and a list of terms used by different users of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Google, through monitoring tool Seekr, and an infographic presents the main political demands of the population.


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The paper studies the mobilization occurred in June 2013 in Brazil, initially under the banner of the Movement Free Pass, but without the existence of a lead, but multiple voices that alternate in search of social and economic change. The object of study is the communication made through social networks and their realization, or realization, the streets of major cities. The rallies demonstrate the power of communications media and a new phenomenon of talk, the use of social networks, now as uniting factor and not just a showcase of everyday life. The internet has become a new means of communication easy and free access, in addition to its fast dissipation data. Thus, the youth was used such technology to an uprising in the pursuit of social improvement of the cities where marches happened. Such a move still without an academic and social needs to be discussed so that, in addition to understood, can expand contributions to society, helping it in its claims. Was chosen as the site for the #causabrasil study and understanding of issues in which the public expresses dissatisfaction. The site performs an analysis with the combination of hastags a list of pre-registered and a list of terms used by different users of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Google, through monitoring tool Seekr, and an infographic presents the main political demands of the population.


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This paper aims to analyze the Constitutionalist Movement in 1932, trying to understand, more specifically, the political end sought by the Front Unique Paulista, on a literal translation, union of the political parties of São Paulo (Republican Party Paulista and Democratic Party). The research is motivated by the need to understand the political project of FUP with the movement and the existing motivations why it was articulated. The comprehension of the constitutionalists' reasons is relevant to understanding the history of the revolution, from its origin to its outcome. Based on literature and its historical analysis, the paper will demonstrate that the Front, with the advent of the Constitutionalist Revolution of 1932, had as its main purpose regain political control of the state of São Paulo lost with the revolution of 1930. More than the vaunted concern with the implementation of a new constitution for the nation, the FUP leaders had intended to retrieve the lost power with the movement of 30 and the rise of Getulio Vargas to power. Under a banner to fight for a new constitution and the expected change from a totalitarian and centralized state imposed by Vargas for a more autonomous state, the cause of São Paulo enticed sympathy and support from the community, whose social history always harbored separatist ideas, even that they have never been carried out to its ultimate consequences