217 resultados para Bamboo.
应用光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜,并结合组织化学和细胞化学方法,研究了毛竹(Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel)茎各组织中细胞壁的木质化过程、木质素异质性、酚酸类成分的分布、木质素在细胞壁中的沉积方式以及过氧化物酶的组织、细胞化学定位等。 研究结果表明:毛竹茎的原生木质部导管在维管束发育早期就已木质化;后生木质部导管和纤维细胞在维管束分化完成后,自胞间层和细胞角隅处开始木质化;基本薄壁组织细胞木质化的发生较晚,通常在茎的节间完成伸长生长后才开始,但也有少数薄壁组织细胞始终保持非木质化的薄壁状态。根据可见光显微分光光度的分析结果,纤维细胞壁在木质化的早期,主要形成愈创木基木质素(guaiacyl lignin), 随着木质化过程的发展,紫丁得基木质素(syringyl lignin)含量不断增加,最后成为纤维细胞壁木质素的主要组成成分。导管分子的木质素主要成分为愈创木基木质素,基本薄壁组织细胞壁为愈创木基与紫丁香基两种。 毛竹茎各组织在紫外光激发下自发荧光的荧光显微分光光度分析表明,氨水处理可以有效地识别阿魏酸的分布,如在竹笋各种幼嫩组织中均分布有阿魏酸;而用过氧化氢/冰醋酸混合液处理,则可以区分木素与结合于半纤维素中的阿魏酸和对-香豆酸,随着毛竹茎的生长和细胞壁木质化的增加,阿魏酸的含量下降。 通过对毛竹茎纤维细胞壁木质化过程中超微结构的观察表明,高尔基体、高尔基小泡、内质网、壁旁体细胞器在木质素前体的形成和运输等方面均起着重要作用,而周质微管在细胞壁木质化过程中的具体作用方式尚不明确。木质素在细胞壁中的沉积方式分别为:胞间层的木质素呈分散的颗粒状沉积方式,导管次生壁的木质素为片层状沉积方式,而在纤维细胞次生壁Sl层中,木质素为团块状的沉积方式。木质素沉积方式与纤维素微纤丝的排列有密切关系。 在毛竹茎各组织的细胞壁尚未木质化之前,过氧化物酶仅分布于细胞角隅处,随着细胞次生壁的增厚和木质化的增强,过氧化物酶可大量出现在次生壁中;在纤维细胞次生壁中,木质素含量较高的St各层,过氧化物酶活性也较强,而木质素含量较低的Sl各层,过氧化物酶活性则较弱。由此表明,过氧化物酶直接参与了细胞壁木质素的合成。另外,在茎的部分基本薄壁组织细胞和韧皮部等未木质化的细胞壁中,过氧化物酶也同样表现出较强的活性,这说明在茎的不同组织中分布的这种酶,可能是几种不同功能的同工酶形式。
Studies conducted in the laboratory and field have shown that iced fish can be preserved for longer periods in fresh and edible condition in conventional bamboo baskets by providing additional insulated linings of double layer of gunny and polythene or bitumen coated kraft paper. The quality of fish is adjudged by chemical and organoleptic evaluations.
Juveniles of freshwater prawns caught by the traditional cylindrical bamboo traps operated by the local fishermen in a natural habitat of Kalu River near Titvala were sampled every week during September to December 1991 and 1992, to study the composition and relative abundance of different species and their relationship with hydrobiological parameters. The juvenile catch comprised Macrobrachium rosenbergii, M. idella, M. scabriculum and M. bombayensis. Among these M. rosenbergii was more abundant followed by M. idella. It is also observed that high tide catches are more productive than those of low tides.
A brief description is given of experimental rearing of the red alga G. lichenoides using a coir net frame method. Frames of 1x1 m were made and tied to bamboo poles which were planted in water; the frame was fixed at a level about 1 ft below the water level. 2 cm fragments were used as propagating material. Plants were found to grow more luxuriantly and were more greenish than using other methods, and in addition were free from extraneous matter such as sand. The regeneration time of the plant is low, and it reaches marketable size in 3-4 months.
In a goat-tilapia integrated farming system, the effect of Black Bengal goat manure on the growth and production of Oreochromis niloticus was studied at the Freshwater Substation, Shantahar, Bogra for 4.5 months. The stocking density used in three treatments were, 200 goats and 15,000 GIFT strain/ha (T1); 300 goats and 15,000 GIFT strain/ha (T2); and only 15,000 GIFT strain/ha (T3). The initial individual total length and weight of stocked tilapia were 7.6 cm and 11.34 g, respectively. Twelve ponds each having an area of 40 square meters were used for this trail [sic]. On one side of each pond goat shed was constructed and the space allocated for each goat was 0.75 m x 1.5 m. Newly weaned black Bengal goats of average weight 8.45 kg was used in the trial. Every morning the goats manure was swiped out in ponds through the fixed opening of bamboo made floor of goat shed. Water depth of the ponds was maintained at 0.75 m. The highest fish production was in treatment 1 (1,750 kg/ha) followed by treatment 2 (1,455 kg/ha) and treatment 3 (621 kg/ha). The difference in individual goat weight was not significant (P>0.05) among treatments 1 and 2.
Traditional bamboo basket and expanded polystyrene insulated plywood box (second hand tea-chest) were compared for transportation of iced marine, fresh water and brackish water fishes from Kakinada to Madras by rail. Quality of fish at dispatching and receiving centres was assessed by organoleptic, total volatile nitrogen (TVN) and total bacterial count (TBC) tests. Based on the results obtained and the prices fetched, the traditional bamboo basket apart from being cheaper was found to be as good as expanded polystyrene insulated plywood box for short distance transportation of iced fish involving less than 24 hours journey.
Quality changes in Labeo rohita, Cirrhinus mrigala and Tilapia mossambica were studied during storage in ice and at ambient temperature (29-32°C). After 10h at ambient temperature L. rohita and T. mossambica were completely spoiled, while C. mrigala became unacceptable within 11h. Organoleptic examination, total volatile base nitrogen and total bacterial counts showed that L. rohita (0.5 kg and above) and C. mrigala (0.5 kg and above) were acceptable up to 7 to 8 days of storage in ice in popular container (Bamboo basket) lined with palmyrah mat) at ambient temperature while T. mossambica (30-40 g) was acceptable up to 6 days. Influence of size of fish on shelf life in ice studied with reference to L. rohita showed that fishes below 500 g were acceptable up to 6 days of storage in ice in popular container at ambient temperature while those above 1000 g size were acceptable up to 8 days. Provision of an alkathene lining to the popular container extended the storage life of L. rohita from 6 days to 8 days. Pre-chilled and iced L. rohita had a longer shel flife (9 days) than merely iced sample (7 days).
Using next-generation sequencing technology alone, we have successfully generated and assembled a draft sequence of the giant panda genome. The assembled contigs (2.25 gigabases (Gb)) cover approximately 94% of the whole genome, and the remaining gaps (0.05 Gb) seem to contain carnivore-specific repeats and tandem repeats. Comparisons with the dog and human showed that the panda genome has a lower divergence rate. The assessment of panda genes potentially underlying some of its unique traits indicated that its bamboo diet might be more dependent on its gut microbiome than its own genetic composition. We also identified more than 2.7 million heterozygous single nucleotide polymorphisms in the diploid genome. Our data and analyses provide a foundation for promoting mammalian genetic research, and demonstrate the feasibility for using next-generation sequencing technologies for accurate, cost-effective and rapid de novo assembly of large eukaryotic genomes.
The study was conducted in collaboration with the ECFC project of the FAO (BGD/97/017) in Cox's Bazar to develop a low cost solar tunnel dryer for the production of high quality marine dried fish. The study areas were Kutubdiapara, Maheshkhali and Shahparirdip under Cox's Bazar district. Three different models of low cost solar dryer were constructed with locally available materials such as bamboo, wood, bamboo mat, hemp, canvas, wire, nails, rope, tin, polythene and net. Size of the dryers were: 20x4x3 ft ; 30x3x3 ft and 65x3x3 ft with the costs of Tk. 3060, 3530, 9600 for dryer 1, 2 and 3, respectively having different models. The drying capacities were 50, 150, 500 kg for dryer 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The average temperature range inside the dryers were 29-43°C, 34-51°C and 37-57°C for dryer 1, 2 and 3 respectively as recorded at 8:30h to 16:30h. The relative humidity were in the ranges of 22-42%, 27-39% and 24-41 % in dryer 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The fish samples used were Bombay duck, Silver Jew fish and Ribbon fish. The total drying time was in the range of 30-42, 28-38 and 24-34 hours to reach the moisture content of 12.3-14.5, 11.8-14.3, and 11.6-14.1% in dryer 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Among these three fish samples the drying was faster in Silver Jew fish followed by Bombay duck and Ribbon fish in all the three dryer.
Effect of delayed icing on the quality of Penaeus monodon iced after three hours of harvest was studied in plastic and bamboo baskets. After harvest of three hours at ambient temperature (28°-32°C), ice was added to the shrimp at a ratio of 1:1 (shrimp:ice) and stored for 21 hours in both the baskets. Quality evaluation was carried out through visual assessment, biochemical analysis and microbial analysis for 24 hours. The organoleptic evaluation and scoring was done from the time of harvest treated as 0 hour and the average score was 10. At 9th hour after iced condition quality of shrimp was found reduced to the next stage (acceptable) with a score ranged from 8.4-6.5 in both baskets. This acceptable stage was observed throughout the experiment for bamboo basket whereas in the plastic basket the quality was reduced to a small extent with a score of 6.4 (moderately acceptable). Till the end point of the experiment the quality of shrimp was acceptable in respect to biochemical analysis. The microbial load was found log sub(10) 3.99±0.12 cfu/g to log sub(10) 4.33±0.21 cfu/g and log sub(10) 4.01 ±0.12 cfu/g to log sub(10) 4.83±0.19 cfu/g in the bamboo and plastic basket respectively. The importers or buyers suggests for immediate icing to maintain good quality but results of the present experiment suggest that the quality does not vary drastically for first three hours.
Natural food plants of partly provisioned groups of Macaca thibetana included about 196 species belonging to 135 genera and 72 families. The macaques consumed mainly bamboo shoots and fruits for about 2 months in autumn, whereas they relied on active or passive provisions from visitors, a variety of structural parts of plants and a small amount of invertebrates in late spring and summer and ate mainly mature leaves and bark for the rest of the year. About half of the species eaten came from the dense herb and shrub layers. This forest-dwelling species shows a distinctive feeding and foraging pattern in comparison with other macaques, explaining why M. thibetana has the largest body weight of all macaques.
Data on sleeping site selection were collected for a group of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti; around 80) at Mt. Fuhe, Yunnan, China (99degrees20'E, 26degrees25'N, about 3,000 m asl) from November 2000 to January 2002. At the site mainly three vegetation types were present in an elevation-ascending order: deciduous broad leaf forest, mixed coniferous and broad leaf forest, and dark coniferous forest. In addition, bamboo forest presented in areas burned in 1958. Sleeping sites (n = 10) were located in the coniferous forest, where trees were the tallest, bottommost branches were the highest, the diameter of crowns was the second largest, and the gradient of the ground was the steepest. Monkeys usually kept quiet during entering and staying at a sleeping site. The site choice and the quietness may be tactics to avoid potential predators. In the coniferous forest, however, monkeys did not sleep in the valley bottom where trees were the largest, but frequently slept in the middle of the slope towards the east/southeast, in the shadow of ridges in three other directions, to avoid strong wind and to access sunshine; in winter-spring, they ranged in a more southern and lower area than in summer-autumn. These may be behavioral strategies to minimize energy stress in the cold habitat. Monkeys often slept in the same sleeping site on consecutive nights, which reflected a reduced pressure of predation probably due to either the effectiveness of anti-predation through sleeping site selection, or the population decline of predators with increasing human activities in the habitat. The group's behavioral responses to interactive and sometimes conflicting traits of the habitat are site-specific and conform to expectations for a temperate zone primate.
Herein we report on the transport characteristics of rapid pulsed vacuum-arc thermally annealed, individual and network multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Substantially reduced defect densities (by at least an order of magnitude), measured by micro-Raman spectroscopy, and were achieved by partial reconstruction of the bamboo-type defects during thermal pulsing compared with more traditional single-pulse thermal annealing. Rapid pulsed annealed processed networks and individual multi-walled nanotubes showed a consistent increase in conductivity (of over a factor of five at room temperature), attributed to the reduced number density of resistive axial interfaces and, in the case of network samples, the possible formation of structural bonds between crossed nanotubes. Compared to the highly defective as-grown nanotubes, the pulsed annealed samples exhibited reduced temperature sensitivity in their transport characteristics signifying the dominance of scattering events from structural defects. Transport measurements in the annealed multi-walled nanotubes deviated from linear Ohmic, typically metallic, behavior to an increasingly semiconducting-like behavior attributed to thermally induced axial strains. Rapid pulsed annealed networks had an estimated band gap of 11.26 meV (as-grown; 6.17 meV), and this observed band gap enhancement was inherently more pronounced for individual nanotubes compared with the networks most likely attributed to mechanical pinning effect of the probing electrodes which possibly amplifies the strain induced band gap. In all instances the estimated room temperature band gaps increased by a factor of two. The gating performance of back-gated thin-film transistor structures verified that the observed weak semiconductivity (p-type) inferred from the transport characteristic at room temperature. © 2014 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
生物多样性是人类赖以生存的物质基础,菌物多样性是生物多样性的重要组成。我国位于亚太竹区,是世界竹类的分布中心之一,有着极为丰富的竹种资源,并孕育着丰富的菌物资源。近年来,我国对木材腐朽菌,特别是多孔菌进行了广泛深入的研究,发表了许多新种和中国新记录种,但是对生于竹材上的腐朽菌却少见报道。因此,开展竹材腐朽真菌种类的研究对深入认识腐朽菌物种多样性,积极利用这些菌物资源,防治竹类病害以及竹材保藏都具有重要意义。 本论文按照多孔菌现代分类学方法对采集自我国10省市18个自然保护区、森林公园和林场的竹材腐朽真菌标本进行了初步的研究。对11种重要的竹材腐朽菌进行详细的描述和显微结构绘图,记载了每种的寄主、国内分布,并对每种与其相似种的联系和区别以及腐朽类型进行了讨论。 研究结果显示,我国范围内共记录及描述竹材腐朽真菌从5属增加到28属,新增属分别为:假芝属、薄孔菌属、小薄孔菌属、蜡孔菌属、拟蜡孔菌属、小集毛孔菌属、囊孔菌属、浅孔菌属、圆齿菌属、产丝齿菌属、耙齿菌属、容氏孔菌属、锐孔菌属、多年卧孔菌属、木层孔菌属、硬孔菌属、中国干腐菌属、干皮孔菌属、褶菌属、栓孔菌属、附毛孔菌属、孢孔菌属和中国记录属拟浅孔菌属 (Grammotheloposis),其中广义多孔菌有20属,革菌2属,齿菌1属;有15属为白腐菌,1属褐腐。 新增竹材腐朽真菌19种,其中多孔菌有15种,革菌1种,齿菌1种,褶菌2属。相似干朽菌(Serpula similis)和棕榈浅孔菌(Grammothele fuligo)竹区分布较多,前者是腐朽病原菌,后者腐朽作用不强,但影响竹材美观。二者在中国南方竹区广泛分布,是对竹材危害较严重的种类。而长江以北分布极少。另外有药用菌4种,分别为浅黄囊孔菌(Flavodon flavus)、宽棱木层孔菌(Phellinus torulosus)、裂褶菌(Schizophyllum commune)和灵芝(Ganoderma lucidum)。待定种1种(Grammotheloposis sp.)。