957 resultados para Bailey, Pearl


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Lucas (2000) has ShO\nl t hat Baile,\"'s formula for t hc \\'elfare costs of inflatioIl caIl bc rcgardpd as an approximation to t hc gcneral-equilibriuIll IllCaSllH'S \\"hich emerge from thc Sidrauski anrl the shopping-time models, In this paper \\'c shm\' that Baile~"s mcaSllrc can bc cxactly obtairlf'd in tllf' Siclrauski geIleral-equilibri1lIn framp\\'ork under the assUIllption of quasilinpar prefpreIlC'cs, The rpslllt. based on ",heter or not \\'Palt h pffpcts are incorporatccl into t hp analysis, is also helpful in darif\'ing \\'hy Lucas' Illeasurp clerin'd from the Siclrauski model turns 01lt to be aIl upper bOllIlcl to Bailp~"s, T,,'o eXaInplcs arp used to illustratc t he main C'ondusions,


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Em lutas entre peixes residentes e intrusos, residentes geralmente vencem, provavelmente porque valorizam o território mais do que os intrusos. Nós aventamos a hipótese de que ambientes enriquecidos aumentam o valor da área em disputa, levando os residentes a defenderem mais violentamente ambientes enriquecidos de recursos do que ambientes empobrecidos, pois possuiriam mais motivação para mantê-lo. No entanto, no presente estudo, ao testarmos as interações entre intrusos e residentes em acarás, Geophagus brasiliensis, observamos que o enriquecimento ambiental reduz a agressividade e pode levar a cohabitação entre os peixes, sem luta. Adicionalmente, em nossos experimentos, o efeito da residência prévia ocorreu independente da condição de enriquecimento. A diminuição das interações entre os peixes e, consequentemente, a diminuição do nível de agressividade é aqui atribuída aos efeitos da diminuição da visibilidade entre os peixes devido ao aumento de complexidade do ambiente.


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An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of replacing corn with pearl millet in commercial layer diets, formulated according to the minimal requirements for total and digestible amino acids. Two hundred and forty Lohmann LSL laying hens with 25 weeks of age were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design according to a 2 x 5 factorial arrangement with 3 replicates of 8 birds. Feed was formulated on two amino acid basis (total or digestible) according to Rostagno et al. (2000) and there were five pearl millet inclusion levels (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). Performance and egg quality were evaluated during five periods of 21 days.At the end of each period, feed intake, egg production, egg weight and feed conversion were evaluated. In the last three days of each period, the following egg quality parameters were evaluated: Haugh Unit, yolk pigmentation index, egg specific weight, shell percentage and shell thickness. Digestible amino acid requirements resulted in decreased feed intake (p<0.01) and increased production costs per mass of eggs (kg) or per dozen eggs (p<0.01) compared to total amino acid requirements. There was a linear reduction in feed intake, egg production, egg weight and yolk pigmentation index with increasing inclusion levels of pearl millet. Therefore, increasing levels of replacement of corn by pearl millet affected bird performance negatively. Besides, production costs were higher with increasing pearl millet levels.


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Pearl glands are scattered throughout the lamina of developing leaves and rarely found on adult leaves of Piper regnellii (Piperaceae). The pearl gland is a bicellular secretory trichome composed of a short broad basal cell and a spatula-like, semiglobular apical cell. Four different stages of the pearl grand were determined during its ontogenesis: origin, pre-secretory, secretory and post-secretory. During the pre-secretory stage, mitochondria, ribosomes, dictyosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and plastids with electron dense inclusions were present in the cytoplasm of the apical cell. During the secretory stage, the most remarkable characteristics of the apical cell are the proliferation of dictyosomes and their vesicles, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and modified plastids. At this stage, electron-dense oil drops occur in the plastids as well as scattered within the cytoplasm, proteins and polysaccharides are seen in the plastids, vesicles, and vacuoles. Only polysaccharides are present in the periplasmic space, wall cavities, and on the surface of the apical cell. The polysaccharides are one of the main components of the mucilagenous exudate that covers the developing leaf structures. The apical cell of the senescing trichomes undergoes a progressive degeneration of its cellular components, the plastids being the first organelles to undergo lysis.


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Time-place learning based on food association was investigated in the cichlids angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) and pearl cichlid (Geophagus brasiliensis) reared in isolation, therefore eliminating social influence on foraging. During a 30-day period, food was placed in one side of the aquarium (containing three compartments) in the morning and in the opposite side in the afternoon. Learning was inferred by the number of correct side choices of all fish in each day of test (15th and 30th). During the test day fish were not fed. The angelfish learned to switch sides at the correct day period in order to get food, suggesting this species has time-place learning ability when individually reared. on the other hand, the same was not observed for pearl cichlid. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pearls are an amazing example of calcium carbonate biomineralization. They show a classic brick and mortar internal structure in which the predominant inorganic part is composed by aragonite and vaterite tablets. The organic matrix is disposed in concentric layers tightly associated to the mineral structures. Freshwater cultivate pearls (FWCPs) and shells nacreous layers of the Chinese mussel Hyriopsis cumingii were demineralized using an ion exchange resin in order to isolate the organic matrix. From both starting materials a soluble fraction was obtained and further analyzed. The major component of the soluble extracts was represented by a similar glycoprotein having a molecular weight of about 48 kDa in pearls and 44 kDa in shells. Immunolocalization showed their wide distribution in the organic sheet surrounding calcium carbonate tablets of the nacre and in the interlamellar and intertabular matrix. These acidic glycoprotein also contained inside the aragonite platelets, are direct regulators during biomineralization processes, participating to calcium carbonate precipitation since the nucleation step. Selective calcium carbonate polymorph precipitation was performed using the two extracts. The polysaccharides moiety was demonstrate to be a crucial factor in polymorphs selection. In particular, the higher content in sugar groups found in pearls extract was responsible of stabilization of the high energetic vaterite during the in vitro precipitation assay; while irregular calcite was obtained using shells protein. Furthermore these polypeptides showed a carbonic anhydrase activity that, even if not directly involved in polymorphs determination, is an essential regulator in CaCO3 formation by means of carbonate anions production. The structural and functional characterization of the proteins included in biocomposites, gives important hints for understanding the complicated process of biomineralization. A better knowledge of this natural mechanism can offer new strategies for producing environmental friendly materials with controlled structures and enhanced chemical-physical features.


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Pearl millet is Eritrea’s second most important cereal crop. Embedded in Eritrea’s millet improvement programme, this study summarizes the results of an on-farm appraisal of millet varieties at 3 study sites in western Eritrea. The participating communities were asked to rank improved and traditional varieties. Men generally preferred the improved varieties for their higher yields, while women preferred the traditional landraces owing to taste and food quality.


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The Princeton Ocean Model is used to study the circulation features in the Pearl River Estuary and their responses to tide, river discharge, wind, and heat flux in the winter dry and summer wet seasons. The model has an orthogonal curvilinear grid in the horizontal plane with variable spacing from 0.5 km in the estuary to 1 km on the shelf and 15 sigma levels in the vertical direction. The initial conditions and the subtidal open boundary forcing are obtained from an associated larger-scale model of the northern South China Sea. Buoyancy forcing uses the climatological monthly heat fluxes and river discharges, and both the climatological monthly wind and the realistic wind are used in the sensitivity experiments. The tidal forcing is represented by sinusoidal functions with the observed amplitudes and phases. In this paper, the simulated tide is first examined. The simulated seasonal distributions of the salinity, as well as the temporal variations of the salinity and velocity over a tidal cycle are described and then compared with the in situ survey data from July 1999 and January 2000. The model successfully reproduces the main hydrodynamic processes, such as the stratification, mixing, frontal dynamics, summer upwelling, two-layer gravitational circulation, etc., and the distributions of hydrodynamic parameters in the Pearl River Estuary and coastal waters for both the winter and the summer season.


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The Princeton Ocean Model is used to study the circulation in the Pear River Estuary (PRE) and the adjacent coastal waters in the winter and summer seasons. Wong et al. [2003] compares the simulation results with the in situ measurements collected during the Pearl River Estuary Pollution Project (PREPP). In this paper, sensitivity experiments are carried out to examine the plume and the associated frontal dynamics in response to seasonal discharges and monsoon winds. During the winter, convergence between the seaward spreading plume water and the saline coastal water sets up a salinity front that aligns from the northeast to the southwest inside the PRE. During the summer the plume water fills the PRE at the surface and spreads eastward in the coastal waters in response to the prevailing southwesterly monsoon. The overall alignment of the plume is from the northwest to the southeast. The subsurface front is similar to that in the winter and summer except that the summer front is closer to the mouth and the winter front closer to the head of the estuary. Inside the PRE, bottom flows are always toward the head of the estuary, attributed to the density gradient associated with the plume front. In contrast, bottom flows in the shelf change from offshore in winter to onshore in summer, reflecting respectively the wintertime downwelling and summertime upwelling. Wind also plays an essential role in controlling the plume at the surface. An easterly wind drives the plume westward regardless winter or summer. The eastward spreading of the plume during the summer can be attributed to the southerly component of the wind. On the other hand, the surface area of the plume is positively proportional to the amount of discharge.