980 resultados para BRDU-INCORPORATION
The correlation between dietary trans fatty acids and neoplasia was examined in the present study. Walker 256 tumor-bearing and control rats were fed a trans monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA)-rich diet for 8 weeks and the incorporation of trans fatty acids by tumor tissue was examined. Also, the effect of tumor growth on trans fatty acid composition of plasma and liver, and the content of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) was determined. Walker 256 tumor cells presented both trans and cis MUFAs given in the diet. The equivalent diet proportions were 0.66 for trans and 1.14 for cis. Taking into consideration the proportion of trans MUFAs in plasma (11.47%), the tumor incorporated these fatty acids in a more efficient manner (18.27%) than the liver (9.34%). Therefore, the dietary trans fatty acids present in the diet are actively incorporated by the tumor. Tumor growth itself caused marked changes in the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the plasma and liver but provoked only slight modifications in both trans and cis MUFAs. Tumor growth also reduced the unsaturation index in both plasma and liver, from 97.79 to 86.83 and from 77.51 to 69.64, respectively. This effect was partially related to an increase in the occurrence of the lipid oxidation/peroxidation process of TBARS content which was increased in both plasma (from 0.428 to 0.505) and liver (from 9.425 to 127.792) due to tumor growth.
Effect of incorporation of amaranth on the physical properties and nutritional value of cheese bread
At the present celiac disease has no known cure, and its only treatment is a strict lifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet. Cheese bread is a traditional Brazilian product and a safe option for celiacs. However, like other gluten-free breads, it has inherent low levels of fibers and minerals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of incorporation of whole amaranth flour on the physical properties and nutritional value of cheese bread. Amaranth flour was incorporated at 10, 15, and 20% proportions in different formulations. The increasing amaranth levels darkened the product, reduced specific volume, and increased compression force. Ten percent amaranth-content cheese breads exhibited slight differences in physical properties compared with the controls. These results demonstrated the possibility of incorporating 10% of whole amaranth flour in the formulation of cheese bread resulting in a product with higher dietary fiber and iron contents and the same level of acceptance as that of the conventional formulation. The aim of this approach is to increase the availability of gluten-free bakery products with added nutritional value contributing to increase the variety of the diet of celiac patients.
The objective of this study was to investigate the fatty acid composition of Pimedolus maculatus fillets of fish fed with different diets. The fish were submitted to an adaptation period (over 30 days) and fed only a control diet (diet I). After this period, the fish were divided into two groups: one group received a diet enriched with flaxseed oil (diet II), and the other received a diet enriched with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) (diet III). Subsequent collections were undertaken after 25 and 50 days. Compared to the control samples, fish fed diet II showed an increase in concentrations of total fatty acid omega-3 (n-3) in the fillets, with an improvement ratio of n-6/n-3. The incorporation of CLA into fish fed diet III was successful. Supplementing the diet of Pimedolus maculatus with CLA and flaxseed oil led to improvements in nutritional quality and fatty acid profile of the fish fillets.
The acceptance of tung oil enriched diet and the incorporation of conjugated linolenic acid - CLnA into fillets of Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) were investigated. The diet was well accepted, and after 10 days CLnA was incorporated into the fillets with a 1.02% content of total fatty acids (FA). In addition, biosynthesis of the conjugated linoleic acid isomers - CLA (0.31% of fillet total FA content) from CLnA, and the presence of alpha-linolenic acid - LNA (1.08% of fillet total FA content), eicosapentaenoic acid - EPA (2.85% of fillet total FA content) and docosahexaenoic acid - DHA (3.08% of fillet total FA content) were observed. Therefore, the consumption of this fish can increase the intake of different FA (CLnA, CLA, LNA, EPA and DHA), which play an important role in human metabolism.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the incorporation of conjugated linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid in fillets of pacu fish raised in net cages and fed diets enriched with these acids. The fish were fed for 49 days, and at the end of this period the fatty acid content in the fillets was determined by gas chromatography. Concentrations of α-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, and the total omega-3 (n-3) fatty acid in the fillets increased, improving the n-6/n-3 ratio. In addition, the incorporation of conjugated linoleic acid in the fish fillets proved well established. This study showed that the use of diets enriched with conjugated linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid results in the incorporation of these acids in the of pacu fish fillets, improving their nutritional quality.
This study evaluated the effect of adding flaxseed flour to the diet of Nile tilapia on the fatty acid composition of fillets using chemometrics. A traditional and an experimental diet containing flaxseed flour were used to feed the fish for 60 days. An increase of 18:3 n-3 and 22:6 n-3 and a decrease of 18:2 n-6 were observed in the tilapia fillets fed the experimental diet. There was a reduction in the n-6:n-3 ratio. A period of 45 days of incorporation caused a significant change in tilapia chemical composition. Principal Component Analysis showed that the time periods of 45 and 60 days positively contributed to the total content of n-3, LNA, and DHA, highlighting the effect of omega-3 incorporation in the treatment containing flaxseed flour.
AbstractThe incorporation of fiber into products consumed every day by the general population is important and viable. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the impact of incorporating orange juice industry dietary fiber byproducts in fettuccini of fresh pasta. Three different fiber concentrations were added to fresh pastas (25 g/kg, 50 g/kg and 75 g/kg). The results showed a significant increase in solid loss content when the incorporation of orange fiber was greater than 50 g/kg. This difference did not occur regarding weight increase values and color parameters. The pasta with 75 g/kg orange fiber can be considered a “high fiber” product, with the total dietary fiber content of the pasta increasing by 99% compared to control pasta. The carotenoid and phenolic contents of pasta increased significantly with the incorporation of fiber at 75 g/kg, but only the pasta formulation with 25 g/kg of orange fiber did not differ from control pasta in relation to all of the sensory attributes and presented an acceptance greater than 75%. The addition of orange fiber byproducts to pastas is an interesting alternative because fiber has a high nutritional value and an abundance of antioxidants.
Abstract Biodegradable films blends made of safflower oil nutraceutical capsules waste corn starch (20:4, 30:4, 40:4 and 50:4) were prepared. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of addition of different concentrations of safflower oil nutraceutical capsule waste in the mechanical properties (tensile strength, elongation at break, Young’s modulus) and thickness of corn starch films. A decrease in tensile strength and Young’s modulus and an increase in elongation at break were observed with the increase in the content of the nutraceutical capsule waste. The results showed that the blends of safflower oil capsules waste-corn starch films demonstrated promising characteristics to form biodegradable films with different mechanical characteristics.
The fall of 2013 could be characterized as a crossroad in the geopolitics of Eastern Europe, namely Ukraine. Two rivalry geopolitical projects have been developing throughout the post-Cold War years, and it seems that they reached a collision point in Ukraine; a country whose authorities have been for long switching sides between the European Union and the Russian Federation in their foreign policy commitments. The refusal/postponing to sign the Association Agreement with Brussels, an expected event by a large category of the Ukrainian society, by Yanukovich’s government led to the outset of the latter; and brought a pro-Western, anti-Russian government in Kyiv. It seems that Ukraine, after those events, has embarked definitively on the path of integration into the West (European Union and possibly NATO). The Russian Federation, who has been throughout Putin’s years engaged into the re-integration of post-Soviet space, reacted to these developments in an assertive manner by violating borders, agreements and the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Thus, the incorporation of the Crimea into the Russian Federation is the first in its kind in the post-Soviet space, despite the existence of various other conflicts that broke out in the region after the Soviet Union broke up. I will investigate in this thesis the nature of what will be labelled, in this work, the Crimean issue. I argue that the incorporation of the Crimean peninsula into the Russian Federation marks a new era in Russian geopolitical thinking that shapes, to a far extent, Russian foreign policy. Discourse analysis will be the methodological basis for this study, with a special focus on Michel Foucault’s Archaeology of Knowledge. The innovation that this research brings is the fact that it discusses Russian geopolitical discourse within the scope of Foucault’s ‘discursive tree’, with a reference to the Crimean issue. A wide range of primary sources will be consulted in this study such as presidential addresses to the Federal Assembly (2000-2014), Foreign Policy Concepts of the Russian Federation (2000, 2008), Russian maritime doctrines, as wells as Dugin’s Osnovy Geopolitiki (Foundations of Geopolitics), Mahan’s (The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660–1783) and other Eurasianism related literature.
Contains "Acts of Parliament of Province of Canada and Acts of Parliament of Dominion of Canada."
(A) In recent years, considerable amount of effort has contributed towards enhancing our understanding of the new photoswitch, cyclic azobenzene, particularly from the theoretical point of view. However, the challenging part with this system was poor efficiency of its synthesis from 2,2’- dinitrodibenzyl and lack of effective methods for further modification which would be useful to incorporate this system into biomolecules as a photoswitch. We report the synthesis of cyclic azobenzene and analogues from 2,2’-dinitrodibenzyl, which would allow for further incorporation of this cyclic azobenzene into biomolecules. Reaction of 2,2’-dinitrodibenzyl with zinc metal powder in the presence of triethylammonium formate buffer (pH-9.5) gave a cyclic azoxybenzene, 11,12-dihydrodibenzo[c,g][1,2]diazocine-5-oxide. The latter compound was converted into cyclic azobenzene analogues (bromo-, chloro-, cyano-, and carboxyl) through subsequent transformations. The carboxylic acid analogue was reacted with D-threoninol to give the corresponding amide, which readily undergoes photo-isomerization upon illumination with light. Upon illumination with light at 400 nm, approximately 70% of cis- isomer of amide was isomerized to trans- isomer. It was observed that cis- to trans- isomerization reached the maximum steady state of light transmission after approximately 40 min, whereas the trans- to cis- isomerization approximately acquired in 2 h to regain full recovery of light transmission. Cyclic azobenzene phosphoramidite was synthesized from DMT-protected D-threoninol linked cyclic azobenzene. (B) In recent years, there has been considerable interest invested towards the synthesis of azobenzene analogues for incorporation into proteins. Among the many azobenzene analogues, the synthesis of bi-functional cyclic azobenzene analogues for the incorporation into proteins is relatively new. In this thesis, we report the synthesis of a cyclic azobenzene biscarboxylic acid from 4-(bromomethyl)benzonitrile. (C) Azobenzene has been widely used in the field of polymer science to study the surface morphology and surface properties of polymers. In this thesis, we report the incorporation of cyclic azobenzene into a commercial polymer 2- (hydroxyethyl)methacrylate. Samples collected after 24 h from the reaction solution showed approximately 9% of incorporation of cyclic azobenzene into polymer compared to samples collected after 10 h, which showed approximately 6% incorporation.
Amendment to the Act of Incorporation, chapter 122 of the Long Point Company. This is put out by John I. Mackenzie, secretary, treasurer (2 printed pages), Feb. 18, 1885.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Le Pérou a sombré pendant vingt ans dans un climat de violence politique, opposant des groupes subversifs, comme le Sentier Lumineux, à l’armée péruvienne. Ce conflit a causé la disparition de 70 000 personnes, majoritairement des paysans andins quechuaphone. Poussés à fuir pour survivre, ils ont dû abandonner leurs terres pour migrer dans des centres urbains où l’adaptation n’a pas toujours été facile. C'est pourquoi on remarque, dès les années 90, avec la mise en place d'une politique de repeuplement par Fujimori, un retour des paysans dans leur communauté. Le retour, et par conséquent le déplacement, ont généré une nouvelle dynamique dans les communautés et perturbé les relations sociales. Les liens de confiance ont été rompus, les liens sociaux brisés et sont remplacés par un ressentiment qui déstructure l’organisation des communautés et principalement celle de Cayara. Le traumatisme pesant incite les Cayarinos au silence. Un silence qui ne peut être associé à l’oubli, mais qui a pour fonction de protéger les générations futures des horreurs du passé. Tout traitement de la souffrance causé par la violence suppose une politique de la mémoire. À cette mémoire silencieuse, que je qualifierai de traumatique s’oppose une mémoire active qui opère dans la ville d'Ayacucho. Les hommes représentant 80% des disparus, ce sont les femmes qui ont dû prendre en charge la gestion des communautés, en assumant de nouvelles responsabilités. Ce sont elles qui se sont battues pour amener la paix en dénonçant les horreurs commises. Et ce sont elles qui aujourd’hui luttent pour préserver la mémoire du conflit, afin que celui-ci ne se répète pas. À l’inverse du silence des communautés, à Ayacucho les femmes agissent activement, ce qui nous amène à penser que la transmission de la mémoire passerait par une spécialisation de celle-ci. On qualifierait la mémoire vive, de mémoire féminine.
Réalisé en co-tutelle avec le laboratoire Santé-Individu-Société, Ecole doctorale Interdisciplinaire Sciences et Santé, Université de Lyon, avec l'obtention du grade de docteur en sociologie.