952 resultados para BOOST converter


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Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subtype C is the predominant HIV in southern Africa, and is the target of a number of recent vaccine candidates. It has been proposed that a heterologous prime/boost vaccination strategy may result in stronger, broader and more prolonged immune responses. Since HIV-1 Gag Pr55 polyprotein can assemble into virus-like particles (VLPs) which have been shown to induce a strong cellular immune response in animals, we showed that a typical southern African subtype C Pr55 protein expressed in insect cells via recombinant baculovirus could form VLPs. We then used the baculovirus-produced VLPs as a boost to a subtype C HIV-1 gag DNA prime vaccination in mice. This study shows that a low dose of HIV-1 subtype C Gag VLPs can significantly boost the immune response to a single subtype C gag DNA inoculation in mice. These results suggest a possible vaccination regimen for humans. © 2004 SGM.


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Mycobacterium bovis BCG is considered an attractive live bacterial vaccine vector. In this study, we investigated the immune response of baboons to a primary vaccination with recombinant BCG (rBCG) constructs expressing the gag gene from a South African HIV-1 subtype C isolate, and a boost with HIV-1 subtype C Pr55 gag virus-like particles (Gag VLPs). Using an interferon enzyme-linked immunospot assay, we show that although these rBCG induced only a weak or an undetectable HIV-1 Gag-specific response on their own, they efficiently primed for a Gag VLP boost, which strengthened and broadened the immune responses. These responses were predominantly CD8+ T cell-mediated and recognised similar epitopes as those targeted by humans with early HIV-1 subtype C infection. In addition, a Gag-specific humoral response was elicited. These data support the development of HIV-1 vaccines based on rBCG and Pr55 gag VLPs. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Several approaches have been explored to eradicate HIV; however, a multigene vaccine appears to be the best option, given their proven potential to elicit broad, effective responses in animal models. The Pr55 Gagprotein is an excellent vaccine candidate in its own right, given that it can assemble into large, enveloped, virus-like particles (VLPs) which are highly immunogenic, and can moreover be used as a scaffold for the presentation of other large non-structural HIV antigens. In this study, we evaluated the potential of two novel chimaeric HIV-1 Pr55 Gag-based VLP constructs - C-terminal fusions with reverse transcriptase and a Tat::Nef fusion protein, designated GagRT and GagTN respectively - to enhance a cellular response in mice when used as boost components in two types of heterologous prime-boost vaccine strategies. A vaccine regimen consisting of a DNA prime and chimaeric HIV-1 VLP boosts in mice induced strong, broad cellular immune responses at an optimum dose of 100 ng VLPs. The enhanced cellular responses induced by the DNA prime-VLP boost were two- to three-fold greater than two DNA vaccinations. Moreover, a mixture of GagRT and GagTN VLPs also boosted antigen-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T-cell responses, while VLP vaccinations only induced predominantly robust Gag CD4+ T-cell responses. The results demonstrate the promising potential of these chimaeric VLPs as vaccine candidates against HIV-1. © 2010 Pillay et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Multilevel converters, because of the benefits they attract in generating high quality output voltage, are used in several applications. Various modulation and control techniques are introduced by several researchers to control the output voltage of the multilevel converters like space vector modulation and harmonic elimination (HE) methods. Multilevel converters may have a DC link with equal or unequal DC voltages. In this study a new HE technique based on the HE method is proposed for multilevel converters with unequal DC link voltage. The DC link voltage levels are considered as additional variables for the HE method and the voltage levels are defined based on the HE results. Increasing the number of voltage levels can reduce lower order harmonic content because of the fact that more variables are created. In comparison to previous methods, this new technique has a positive effect on the output voltage quality by reducing its total harmonic distortion, which must take into consideration for some applications such as uninterruptable power supply, motor drive systems and piezoelectric transducer excitation. In order to verify the proposed modulation technique, MATLAB simulations and experimental tests are carried out for a single-phase four-level diode-clamped converter.


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A general electrical model of a piezoelectric transducer for ultrasound applications consists of a capacitor in parallel with RLC legs. A high power voltage source converter can however generate significant voltage stress across the transducer that creates high leakage currents. One solution is to reduce the voltage stress across the piezoelectric transducer by using an LC filter, however a main drawback is changing the piezoelectric resonant frequency and its characteristics. Thereby it reduces the efficiency of energy conversion through the transducer. This paper proposes that a high frequency current source converter is a suitable topology to drive high power piezoelectric transducers efficiently.


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Advances in solid-state switches and power electronics techniques have led to the development of compact, efficient and more reliable pulsed power systems. Although, the power rating and operation speed of the new solid-state switches are considerably increased, their low blocking voltage level puts a limits in the pulsed power operation. This paper proposes the advantage of parallel and series configurations of pulsed power modules in obtaining high voltage levels with fast rise time (dv/dt) using only conventional switches. The proposed configuration is based on two flyback modules. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is verified by numerical simulations, and the advantages of each configuration are indicated in comparison with a single module.


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The dc capacitors voltage unbalancing is the main technical drawback of a diode-clamped multilevel inverter (DCMLI), with more than three levels. A voltage-balancing circuit based on buck–boost chopper connected to the dc link of DCMLI is a reliable and robust solution to this problem. This study presents four different schemes for controlling the chopper circuit to achieve the capacitor voltages equalisation. These can be broadly categorised as single-pulse, multi-pulse and hysteresis band current control schemes. The single-pulse scheme does not involve faster switching actions but need the chopper devices to be rated for higher current. The chopper devices current rating can be kept limited by using the multi-pulse scheme but it involves faster switching actions and slower response. The hysteresis band current control scheme offers faster dynamics, lower current rating of the chopper devices and can nullify the initial voltage imbalance as well. However, it involves much faster switching actions which may not be feasible for some of its applications. Therefore depending on the system requirements and ratings, one of these schemes may be used. The performance and validity of the proposed schemes are confirmed through both simulation and experimental investigations on a prototype five-level diode-clamped inverter.


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For dynamic closed loop control of a multilevel converter with a low pulse number (ratio of switching frequency to synthesized fundamental), natural sampled pulse-width modulation (PWM) is the best form of modulation. Natural sampling does not introduce distortion or a delayed response to the modulating signal. However previous natural sampled PWM implementations have generally been analog. For a modular multilevel converter, a digital implementation has advantages of accuracy and flexibility. Re-sampled uniform PWM is a novel digital modulation technique which approaches the performance of natural PWM. Both hardware and software implementations for a five level multilevel converter phase are presented, demonstrating the improvement over uniform PWM.


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Grid connected photovoltaic (PV) inverters fall into three broad categories - central, string and module integrated converters (MICs). MICs offer many advantages in performance and flexibility, but are at a cost disadvantage. Two alternative novel approaches proposed by the author - cascaded dc-dc MICs and bypass dc-dc MICs - integrate a simple non-isolated intelligent dc-dc converter with each PV module to provide the advantages of dc-ac MICs at a lower cost. A suitable universal 150 W 5 A dc-dc converter design is presented based on two interleaved MOSFET half bridges. Testing shows zero voltage switching (ZVS) keeps losses under 1 W for bi-directional power flows up to 15 W between two adjacent 12 V PV modules for the bypass application, and efficiencies over 94% for most of the operational power range for the cascaded converter application. Based on the experimental results, potential optimizations to further reduce losses are discussed.


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A Switch-Mode Assisted Linear Amplifier (SMALA) combines the high quality of a linear amplifier required for audio applications with the high efficiency of a switch-mode amplifier. The careful choice of current sense point and switch placement allows a simple non-isolated hysteresis current controller for the switch-mode section. This paper explains the extension of the hysteresis current controller for the control of a three level Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) converter, with simulations as proof of concept. The NPC topology allows the use of lower voltage switches and lower switching frequencies to implement high power audio amplifiers using the SMALA topology.


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Many grid connected PV installations consist of a single series string of PV modules and a single DC-AC inverter. This efficiency of this topology can be enhanced with additional low power, low cost per panel converter modules. Most current flows directly in the series string which ensures high efficiency. However parallel Cúk or buck-boost DC-DC converters connected across each adjacent pair of modules now support any desired current difference between series connected PV modules. Each converter “shuffles” the desired difference in PV module currents between two modules and so on up the string. Spice simulations show that even with poor efficiency, these modules can make a significant improvement to the overall power which can be recovered from partially shaded PV strings.


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The measurement of losses in high efficiency / high power converters is difficult. Measuring the losses directly from the difference between the input and output power results in large errors. Calorimetric methods are usually used to bypass this issue but introduce different problems, such as, long measurement times, limited power loss measurement range and/or large set up cost. In this paper the total losses of a converter are measured directly and switching losses are exacted. The measurements can be taken with only three multimeters and a current probe and a standard bench power supply. After acquiring two or three power loss versus output current sweeps, a series of curve fitting processes are applied and the switching losses extracted.


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A design for a cascaded multilevel DC-DC converter is proposed. The applications of a multilevel converter and the design issues involved in changing from a single converter to multiple converters are discussed. Implementation of the multilevel system using multiple Cuk converters is suggested and explanations of design decisions are given. The merits of the proposed design are discussed.


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This paper demonstrates power management and control of DERs in an autonomous MG. The paper focuses on the control and performance of converter-interfaced DERs in voltage controlled mode. Several case studies are considered for a MG based on the different types of loads supplied by the MG (i.e. balanced three-phase, unbalanced, single-phase and harmonic loads). DERs are controlled by adjusting the voltage magnitude and angle in their converter output through droop control, in a decentralized concept. Based on this control method, DERs can successfully share the total demand of the MG in the presence of any type of loads. This includes proper total power sharing, unbalanced power sharing as well as harmonic power sharing, depending on the load types. The efficacy of the proposed power control, sharing and management among DERs in a microgrid is validated through extensive simulation studies using PSCAD/EMTDC.


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Typical inductive power transfer (IPT) systems employ two power conversion stages to generate a high-frequency primary current from low-frequency utility supply. This paper proposes a matrix-converter-based IPT system, which employs high-speed SiC devices to facilitate the generation of high-frequency current through a single power conversion stage. The proposed matrix converter topology transforms a three-phase low-frequency voltage system to a high-frequency single-phase voltage, which, in turn, powers a series compensated IPT system. A comprehensive mathematical model is developed and power losses are evaluated to investigate the efficiency of the proposed converter topology. Theoretical results are presented with simulations, which are performed in MATLAB/Simulink, in comparison to a conventional two-stage converter. Experimental evident of a prototype IPT system is also presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed concept.