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A diblcok copolymer monomethoxy poly (ethylene glycol)-block-poly(L-lactide-co-2-methyl-2-carboxyl-propylene carbonate) (MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MCC)) was obtained by copolymerization of L-lactide (LA) and 2-methyl-2-benzoxycarbonyl-propylene carbonate (MBC) and subsequent catalytic hydrogenation. The pendant carboxyl groups of the copolymer MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MCC) were conjugated with antitumor drug docetaxel and tripeptide arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD), respectively.


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A series of binary SB blend samples with various overall volume fraction of PS (Phi(PS)) and different discrete distribution of the block length (denoted as d(PS) or d(PB)) were prepared by mixing various asymmetric poly(styrene)-block-poly(butadiene) (SB) block copolymers with a symmetric SB block copolymer. The influences of the external solvent field, composition, and the block length distribution on the morphologies of the blends in the thin films were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The experimental results revealed that after solvent annealing, the interface of the blend thin films depended mainly on the cooperative effects of the annealing solvent and the inherently interfacial curvature of the blends. Upon exposure to the saturated vapor of cyclohexane, which has preferential affinity for the PB block, a "threshold" of Phi(PS) (approximate 0.635-0.707) was found. Below such threshold, the influence of the annealing solvent played an important role on the interfacial curvature of the blend thin film.


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The crystallization behavior of crystalline-crystalline diblock copolymer containing poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL), in which the weight fraction of PCL is 0.815, has been studied via differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), and polarized optical microscopy (POM). DSC and WAXD indicated that both PEO and PCL blocks crystallize in the block copolymer. POM revealed a ring-banded spherulite morphology or the PEO-b-PCL diblock copolymer.


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A polystyrene-block-poly(ferrocenylethylmethylsilane) diblock copolymer, displaying a double-gyroid morphology when self-assembled in the solid state, has been prepared with a PFEMS volume fraction phi(PFMS)=0.39 and a total molecular weight of 64 000 Da by sequential living anionic polymerisation. A block copolymer with a metal-containing block with iron and silicon in the main chain was selected due to its plasma etch resistance compared to the organic block. Self-assembly of the diblock copolymer in the bulk showed a stable, double-gyroid morphology as characterised by TEM. SAXS confirmed that the structure belonged to the Ia3d space group.


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Nanostructured thermoset blends were prepared based on a bisphenol A-type epoxy resin and an amphiphilic reactive diblock copolymer, namely polyisoprene-block-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (PI-P4VP). Infrared spectra revealed that the P4VP block of the diblock copolymer reacted with the epoxy monomer. However, the non-reactive hydrophobic PI block of the diblock copolymer formed a separate microphase on the nanoscale. Ozone treatment was used to create nanoporosity in nanostructured epoxy/PI-P4VP blends via selective removal of the PI microphase and lead to nanoporous epoxy thermosets; disordered nanopores with the average diameter of about 60 nm were uniformly distributed in the blend with 50 wt% PI-P4VP. Multi-scale phase separation with a distinctly different morphology was observed at the air/sample interface due to the interfacial effects, whereas only uniform microphase separated morphology at the nanoscale was found in the bulk of the blend.


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Kontrolloidut radikaalipolymerointimenetelmät, kuten RAFT-polymerointi, ovat moderni tapa valmistaa polymeerejä säädellysti. RAFT-polymeroinnilla polymeerien ketjunpituutta, moolimassajakaumaa, mikrorakennetta (taktisuus, järjestys), koostumusta ja funktionaalisuutta kyetään hallitsemaan. Siten menetelmällä voidaan valmistaa uudenlaisia polymeeriarkkitektuureja, kuten blokki- ja tähtipolymeerejä, sekä hybridimateriaaleja ja biokonjugaatteja. Polymeeristen rakennuspalikoiden itsejärjestyminen, missä huolellisesti syntetisoidut polymeerit järjestyvät halutulla tavalla nanoskaalassa, on suosittu tutkimuskohde materiaalitieteessä. On huomattava, että blokkipolymeerien itsejärjestyminen on vielä suhteellisen nuori tutkimusaihe. Tämän hetkiset polymeeriset nanomateriaalit ovat suhteellisen yksinkertaisia luonnon luomuksiin verrattuina, tarjoten jatkuvasti uusia mahdollisuuksia seuraavan sukupolven polymeereille. Tässä työssä RAFT-polymeroinnilla syntetisoitiin amfifiilisiä di- ja triblokkikopolymeerejä sekä tutkittiin niiden järjestymistä nanorakenteiksi. Kaikissa blokkikopolymeereissä käytettiin lämpöherkkää poly(N-isopropyyliakryyliamidia). Siten polymeerit ja tutkitut materiaalit reagoivat lämpötilanmuutokseen ympäristössä eli ovat ns. ympäristöherkkiä. Työssä tutkittiin taktisuuden kontrollointia N-isopropyyliakryyliamidin RAFT-polymeroinnissa. Polymeerin taktisuutta sekä ketjunpituutta ja blokkijärjestystä säätämällä voitiin hallita polymeerin itsejärjestymistä vesiliuoksessa. Amfifiiliset polymeerit järjestyivät laimeissa vesiliuoksissa erilaisiksi misellirakenteiksi, muodostaen ns. mikrosäiliöitä. Tällaisilla polymeereillä odotetaan olevan sovelluksia esim. lääkeainevapautuksessa. Amfifiilejä käytetään myös esimerkiksi apuaineina pinnoitteissa ja kosmetiikassa. Kiinteässä tilassa tutkitut triblokkikopolymeerit muodostivat teoreettisesti ennustettuja morfologioita. Lämpöherkän materiaalin hydrogeelit toimivat suodatinmembraanina nanokokoluokassa. RAFT-polymeroinnilla syntetisoituja polymeereja voidaan sellaisenaan käyttää kultananopartikkeleiden päällystämiseen. Kultananopartikkelit ovat erittäin kiinostavia mm. niiden stabiilisuuden ja ainutlaatuisten pintaominaisuuksien vuoksi. Kun amfifiilisiä polymeerejä kiinnitettiin kultapartikkelin pinnalle, sen liuos- ja optisia ominaisuuksia voitiin säädellä pH:n ja lämpötilan avulla. Tällaisilla kultananopartikkeleilla on sovelluksia mm. diagnostiikassa, sensoreina ja solukuvauksessa.


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We demonstrate a new and simple route to fabricate highly dense arrays of hexagonally close packed inorganic nanodots using functional diblock copolymer (PS-b-P4VP) thin films. The deposition of pre-synthesized inorganic nanoparticles selectively into the P4VP domains of PS-b-P4VP thin films, followed by removal of the polymer, led to highly ordered metallic patterns identical to the order of the starting thin film. Examples of Au, Pt and Pd nanodot arrays are presented. The affinity of the different metal nanoparticles towards P4VP chains is also understood by extending this approach to PS-b-P4VP micellar thin films. The procedure used here is simple, eco-friendly, and compatible with the existing silicon-based technology. Also the method could be applied to various other block copolymer morphologies for generating 1-dimensional (1D) and 2-dimensional (2D) structures. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new biodegradable amphiphilic block copolymer, poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(L-factide-co-9-phenyl-2,4,8, 10-tetraoxaspiro[5,5]undecan-3-one) [PEG-b-P(LA-co-PTO)], was successfully prepared by ring-opening polymerization (ROP) Of L-lactide (LA) and functionalized carbonate monomer 9-phenyl-2,4,8,10-tetraozaspiro[5,5]undecan-3-one (PTO) in the presence of monohydroxyl poly(ethylene glycol) as macroinitiator using Sn(Oct)(2) as catalyst. NMR, FT-IR, and GPC studies confirmed the copolymer structure.


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The evolution of morphologies of isothermally crystallized thin films with different thicknesses of poly(L-lactide-bethylene oxide) diblock copolymer was observed by optical microscopy (OM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Dendritic superstructures stacked with lamellae were investigated in thin films with similar to 200 nm to similar to 400 nm thickness. The lamellar structure was a lozenge- or truncated-lozenge-shaped single crystal of PLLA confirmed by AFM observations. The contour of the dendritic superstructures is hexagonal, and two types of sectors, [110] and [100], can be classified in terms of the chain-folding and crystal growth directions. These phenomena Are due to the interplay of the crystallization of the PLLA block, the microphase separation of the block copolymer, and the effect of the film thickness.


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By using a combinatorial screening method based on the self-consistent field theory (SCFT) for polymer systems, the micro-phase morphologies of the H-shaped (AC)B(CA) ternary block copolymer system are studied in three-dimensional (3D) space. By systematically varying the volume fractions of the components A, B, and C, six triangle phase diagrams of this H-shaped (AC)B(CA) ternary block copolymer system with equal interaction energies among the three components are constructed from the weaker segregation regime to the strong segregation regime, In this study, thirteen 3D micro-phase morphologies for this H-shaped ternary block copolymer system are identified to be stable and seven 3D microphase morphologies are found to be metastable.


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White-light emission is achieved from a single layer of diblock copolymer micelles containing green- and red-light-emitting dyes in the separate micellar cores and blue-light-emitting polymer around their periphery, in which fluorescence resonance energy transfer between fluorophores is inhibited due to micelle isolation, resulting in simultaneous emission of these three species.


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A facile approach to the preparation of light-responsive copolymer micelles is developed. This approach is based on the attachment of hydrophobic groups to one block of a diblock copolymer via a light-sensitive linkage. The micelles can be dissociated under light irradiation and release the encapsulated pyrene. The obtained polymeric micelles are expected to be of use as drug-delivery vehicles.


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A series of block copolymers containing nonconjugated spacer and 3D pi-pi stacking structure with simultaneous blue-, green-, and yellow-emitting units has been synthesized and characterized. The dependence of the energy transfer and electroluminescence (EL) properties of these block copolymers on the contents of oligo(phenylenevinylene)s has been investigated. The block copolymer (GEO8-BEO-YEO4) with 98.8% blue-emitting oligomer (BEO), 0.8% green-emitting oligomer (GEO), and 0.4% yellow-emitting oligomer (YEO) showed the best electroluminescent performance, exhibiting a maximum luminance of 2309 cd/m(2) and efficiency of 0.34 cd/A. The single-layer-polymer light-emitting diodes device based on GEO2-BEO-YEO4 emitted greenish white light with the CIE coordinates of (0.26, 0.37) at 10 V. The synergetic effect of the efficient energy transfer and 3D pi-pi stack of these block copolymers on the photoiuminescent and electroluminescent properties are investigated.


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The effects of blend composition on morphology, order-disorder transition (ODT), and chain conformation of symmetric ABA/AB copolymer blends confined between two neutral hard walls have been investigated by lattice Monte Carlo simulation. Only lamellar structure is observed in all the simulation morphologies under thermodynamic equilibrium state, which is supported by theoretical prediction. When the composition of AB diblock copolymer (phi) increases, both lamellar spacing and the corresponding ODT temperature increase, which can be attributed to the variation of conformation distribution of the diblock and the triblock copolymer chains. In addition, both diblock and triblock copolymer, chains with bridge conformation extend dramatically in the direction parallel to the surface when the system is in ordered state. Finally, the copolymer chain conformation depends strongly on both the blend composition and the incompatibility parameter chi N.


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In this paper, the authors have systematically studied the microphase separation and crystallization during spin coating of an ABC triblock copolymer, polystyrene-b-poly(2-vinylpyridine)-b-poly(ethylene oxide) (PS-b-P2VP-b-PEO). The microphase separation of PS-b-P2VP-b-PEO and the crystallization of PEO blocks can be modulated by the types of the solvent and the substrate, the spinning speed, and the copolymer concentration. Ordered microphase-separated pattern, where PEO and P2VP blocks adsorbed to the substrate and PS blocks protrusions formed hexagonal dots above the P2VP domains, can only be obtained when PS-b-P2VP-b-PEO is dissolved in N,N-dimethylformamide and the films are spin coated onto the polar substrate, silicon wafers or mica. The mechanism of the formation of regular pattern by microphase separation is found to be mainly related to the inducement of the substrate (middle block P2VP wetting the polar substrate), the quick vanishment of the solvent during the early stage of the spin coating, and the slow evaporation of the remaining solvent during the subsequent stage. On the other hand, the probability of the crystallization of PEO blocks during spin coating decreases with the reduced film thickness. When the film thickness reaches a certain value (3.0 nm), the extensive crystallization of PEO is effectively prohibited and ordered microphase-separated pattern over large areas can be routinely prepared.