710 resultados para BCE


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El Análisis Estratégico de Sectores Industriales se aplica a toda empresa o sector, con independencia de su tamaño y actividad económica, el mercado exige estar permanentemente mejorando su competitividad. Buscando tanto en su interior como en su medio externo las fortalezas y oportunidades que tiene para crecer y desarrollarse así como también las debilidades y amenazas que limitarían su crecimiento o permanencia en el mercado. El sector de Ópticas de Quito está compuesto por 225 establecimientos en los que los clientes acuden buscando soluciones a algún problema visual, reciben atención de salud visual por un profesional, son asesorados respecto a los productos disponibles y escogen el material y diseño de montura que más se acomode a sus características personales y requerimientos. Este sector está compuesto por grandes empresas, medianas y micro empresas sobre las que actúan fuerzas del macro entorno del país y ciudad, y fuerzas competitivas del micro entorno y del medio específico en donde se desarrollan. Para estos análisis se usa el esquema propuesto por Porter y con un método de valoración de las variables del entorno se determina que existe un entorno favorable para este sector. Por otra parte el análisis interno permite a una Óptica, conocerse a sí mismo y establecer de forma objetiva las fortalezas y debilidades con las que cuenta para competir y desarrollarse en el sector, proponiendo un método sistemático para llevarlo a cabo este análisis. Otros aspectos importantes son: conocer al consumidor, sus preferencias y criterios de valoración para comprar bienes y servicios. Revisar las tendencias en la oferta en el sector y que sirven de insumo para la formulación de estrategias. La realización del Análisis Estratégico sectorial permite generar recomendaciones y propuestas estratégicas para lograr crecimiento, ventajas competitivas y/o prevenir cambios del entorno. El trabajo se desarrolla usando la investigación bibliográfica especializada en el tema, fuentes secundarias como información de instituciones estatales (INEN, CAE, BCE, etc.), investigación empírica y de campo como encuestas a grupos de usuarios y consumidores y entrevistas a personas claves que trabajen o conozcan el sector de Ópticas de Quito, las mismas que son fuentes primarias.


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Despite recent scholarship that has suggested that most if not all Athenian vases were created primarily for the symposium, vases associated with weddings constitute a distinct range of Athenian products that were used at Athens in the period of the Peloponnesian War and its immediate aftermath (430-390 BCE). Just as the subject matter of sympotic vases suggested stories or other messages to the hetaireia among whom they were used, so the wedding vases may have conveyed messages to audiences at weddings. This paper is an assessment of these wedding vases with particular attention to function: how the images reflect the use of vases in wedding rituals (as containers and/or gifts); how the images themselves were understood and interpreted in the context of weddings; and the post-nuptial uses to which the vases were put. The first part is an iconographic overview of how the Athenian painters depicted weddings, with an emphasis on the display of pottery to onlookers and guests during the public parts of weddings, important events in the life of the polis. The second part focuses on a large group of late fifth century vases that depict personifications of civic virtues, normally in the retinue of Aphrodite (Pandemos). The images would reinforce social expectations, as they advertised the virtues that would create a happy marriage—Peitho, Harmonia (Harmony), and Eukleia (Good Repute)—and promise the benefits that might result from adherence to these values—Eudaimonia and Eutychia (Prosperity), Hygieia (Health), and Paidia (Play or Childrearing). Civic personifications could be interpreted on the private level—as personal virtues—and on the public level—as civic virtues— especially when they appeared on vases that functioned both in public and private, at weddings, which were public acknowledgments of private changes in the lives of individuals within the demos.


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Homonoia, “oneness of mind,” brings together unrelated groups, including poleis. This political ideal was contrasted with stasis, civil strife, in the fifth century bce (Funke 1980; Rosler 2005: 210–14).


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Euthydemos I (ca. 260–200 bce) was king of Bactria from around 230. He founded a dynasty which, most notably under his son Demetrios I, extended the control of the Greco-Bactrian kings south of the Hindu Kush into Arachosia and India.


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The Homeric epics are among the greatest masterpieces of literature, but when they were produced is not known with certainty. Here we apply evolutionary-linguistic phylogenetic statistical methods to differences in Homeric, Modern Greek and ancient Hittite vocabulary items to estimate a date of approximately 710–760 BCE for these great works. Our analysis compared a common set of vocabulary items among the three pairs of languages, recording for each item whether the words in the two languages were cognate – derived from a shared ancestral word – or not. We then used a likelihood-based Markov chain Monte Carlo procedure to estimate the most probable times in years separating these languages given the percentage of words they shared, combined with knowledge of the rates at which different words change. Our date for the epics is in close agreement with historians' and classicists' beliefs derived from historical and archaeological sources.


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This is the second half of a two-part paper dealing with the social theoretic assumptions underlying system dynamics. In the first half it was concluded that analysing system dynamics using traditional, paradigm-based social theories is highly problematic. An innovative and potentially fruitful resolution is now proposed to these problems. In the first section it is argued that in order to find an appropriate social theoretic home for system dynamics it is necessary to look to a key exchange in contemporary social science: the agency/structure debate. This debate aims to move beyond both the theories based only on the actions of individual human agents, and those theories that emphasise only structural influences. Emerging from this debate are various theories that instead aim to unite the human agent view of the social realm with views that concentrate solely on system structure. It is argued that system dynamics is best viewed as being implicitly grounded in such theories. The main conclusion is therefore that system dynamics can contribute to an important part of social thinking by providing a formal approach for explicating social mechanisms. This conclusion is of general significance for system dynamics. However, the over-arching aim of the two-part paper is to increase the understanding of system dynamics in related disciplines. Four suggestions are therefore offered for how the system dynamics method might be extended further into the social sciences. It is argued that, presented in the right way, the formal yet contingent feedback causality thinking of system dynamics should diffuse widely in the social sciences and make a distinctive and important contribution to them. Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas Happy is he who comes to know the causes of things Virgil - Georgics, Book II, line 490. 29 BCE


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Accurate high-resolution records of snow accumulation rates in Antarctica are crucial for estimating ice sheet mass balance and subsequent sea level change. Snowfall rates at Law Dome, East Antarctica, have been linked with regional atmospheric circulation to the mid-latitudes as well as regional Antarctic snowfall. Here, we extend the length of the Law Dome accumulation record from 750 years to 2035 years, using recent annual layer dating that extends to 22 BCE. Accumulation rates were calculated as the ratio of measured to modelled layer thicknesses, multiplied by the long-term mean accumulation rate. The modelled layer thicknesses were based on a power-law vertical strain rate profile fitted to observed annual layer thickness. The periods 380–442, 727–783 and 1970–2009 CE have above-average snow accumulation rates, while 663–704, 933–975 and 1429–1468 CE were below average, and decadal-scale snow accumulation anomalies were found to be relatively common (74 events in the 2035-year record). The calculated snow accumulation rates show good correlation with atmospheric reanalysis estimates, and significant spatial correlation over a wide expanse of East Antarctica, demonstrating that the Law Dome record captures larger-scale variability across a large region of East Antarctica well beyond the immediate vicinity of the Law Dome summit. Spectral analysis reveals periodicities in the snow accumulation record which may be related to El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) frequencies.


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The goals of this project are manifold. First, I will attempt to discover evidence in the book of Joshua that will lend support to the theory of a Josianic influence enacted in the 7th century BCE. I will do this through an analysis of the rhetoric in selected stories in Joshua using the ideas of Foucault. Second, I will address the significance of this kind of analysis as having potential for the emancipation of oppressed peoples. The first section delineates scholarly discussion on the literary and historical context of the book of Joshua. These scholarly works are foundational to this study because they situate the text within a particular period in history and within certain ideologies. Chapter 2 discusses the work of Foucault and how his ideas will be applied to particular texts of the book of Joshua. The focused analysis of these texts occurs within chapters 3 to 6. Chapter 7 presents an integration of the observations made through the analyses performed in the previous chapters and expands on the ethical significance of this study.


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This thesis presents two novel algorithms for blind chancel equalization (BCE) and blind source separation (BSS). Beside these, a general framework for global convergent analysis is proposed. Finally, the open problem of equalising a non-irreducible system is answered by the algorithm proposed in this thesis.


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This paper unites Deely’s call for a better understanding of semiotics with Jaeger’s insight into the sophists and the cultural history of the Ancient Greeks. The two bodies of knowledge are brought together to try to better understand the importance of rhetorical processes to political forms such as democracy. Jaeger explains how cultural expression, particularly poetry, changed through the archaic and classical eras to deliver, or at least to be commensurate with contemporary politics and ideologies. He explains how Plato (429-347 BCE) struggled against certain poetry and prose manifestations in his ambition to create a ‘perfect man’ – a humanity which would think in a way which would enable the ideal Republic to flourish. Deely’s approach based on Poinsot and Peirce presents a theoretical framework by means of which we can think of the struggle to influence individual and communal conceptualisation as a struggle within semiotics. This is a struggle over the ways reality is signified by signs. Signs are physical and mental indications which, in the semiotic tradition, are taken to produce human subjectivity – human ‘being’. Deely’s extensive body of work is about how these signs are the building blocks of realist constructions of understanding. This paper is concerned with the deliberate use of oral and written signs in rhetorical activity which has been deliberately crafted to change subjectivity. We discuss: (1) what thought and culture is in terms of semiotics and (2) Jaeger’s depiction of Ancient Greece as an illustration of the conjunction between culture and subjectivity. These two fields are brought together in order to make the argument that rhetoric can be theorised as the deliberate harnessing of semiotic affects. The implication is that the same semiotic, subjectivity-changing potency holds for 21st century rhetoric. However fourth century BCE Athens is the best setting for a preliminary discussion of rhetoric as deliberate semiotic practice because this was when rhetoric was most clearly understood for what it is. By contrast a discussion concentrating on modern rhetoric: public relations; advertising; lobbying; and public affairs would open wider controversies requiring considerably more complex explanation.


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We intend to analyze how, through your own views and social practices, Xenophon composed the image of Spartans and their poliad regime during the period following the end of the 5th century to the early 4th century before BCE a time of great political turbulence in the Hellenic Poleis. In order to do so, we will use the writings in The Constitution of the Lacedaemonians, to point three elements that we believe are essential understanding of the Xenophon´s narrative: who was Xenophon and in which ways his life experiences influenced his narrative style; the idea of City, i.e., Xenophon´s idea of the Polis and how he defined it as a community of Citizens; and finally, to establish through which tools Xenophon build an image of Sparta and Spartans by way of their representations in his writings


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Internal friction and frequency measurements as a function of temperature have been carried out in Nb and Nb-Zr policrystalline samples, using a torsion pendulum in the temperature range between 300K and 700K the heating rate was 1K/min and the pressure was kept better than 5x10(-3) mbar. Metals with bce lattice containing solute atoms dissolved interstitially often show anelastic behaviour due to a process know as stress-induced ordering responsible for the appearance of Snoek peaks. In the Nb sample it has been identified two constituent peaks corresponding to the interstitial-matrix interactions (Nb-O and Nb-N), but for the Nb-Zr samples with interstitial solute concentrations very close to those measured for the unalloyed Nb, it was not observed any mechanical relaxation peaks due to the presence of oxygen and nitrogen in solid solution.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Building on the foundations of French Discourse Analysis and Social Psychology's developments on the issue of stereotypes, this paper analyzes the images of women available in works of self-help for women. With this purpose in mind, we have especially taken into account aphorizing enunciations present in works of this kind currently circulating in the market. The analysis shows the contradiction inherent to the self-help discourse for women, which proposes to women a pattern of behavior consistent with their emancipation, but, at the same time, contributes to keeping certain female stereotypes associated with their traditional roles.