117 resultados para Automaton


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This document presents theimplementation ofa Student Behavior Predictor Viewer(SBPV)for a student predictive model. The student predictive model is part of an intelligent tutoring system, and is built from logs of students’ behaviors in the “Virtual Laboratory of Agroforestry Biotechnology”implemented in a previous work.The SBPVis a tool for visualizing a 2D graphical representationof the extended automaton associated with any of the clusters ofthe student predictive model. Apart from visualizing the extended automaton, the SBPV supports the navigation across the automaton by means of desktop devices. More precisely, the SBPV allows user to move through the automaton, to zoom in/out the graphic or to locate a given state. In addition, the SBPV also allows user to modify the default layout of the automaton on the screen by changing the position of the states by means of the mouse. To developthe SBPV, a web applicationwas designedand implementedrelying on HTML5, JavaScript and C#.


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A statistical fractal automaton model is described which displays two modes of dynamical behaviour. The first mode, termed recurrent criticality, is characterised by quasi-periodic, characteristic events that are preceded by accelerating precursory activity. The second mode is more reminiscent of SOC automata in which large events are not preceded by an acceleration in activity. Extending upon previous studies of statistical fractal automata, a redistribution law is introduced which incorporates two model parameters: a dissipation factor and a stress transfer ratio. Results from a parameter space investigation indicate that a straight line through parameter space marks a transition from recurrent criticality to unpredictable dynamics. Recurrent criticality only occurs for models within one corner of the parameter space. The location of the transition displays a simple dependence upon the fractal correlation dimension of the cell strength distribution. Analysis of stress field evolution indicates that recurrent criticality occurs in models with significant long-range stress correlations. A constant rate of activity is associated with a decorrelated stress field.


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In this tutorial paper we summarise the key features of the multi-threaded Qu-Prolog language for implementing multi-threaded communicating agent applications. Internal threads of an agent communicate using the shared dynamic database used as a generalisation of Linda tuple store. Threads in different agents, perhaps on different hosts, communicate using either a thread-to-thread store and forward communication system, or by a publish and subscribe mechanism in which messages are routed to their destinations based on content test subscriptions. We illustrate the features using an auction house application. This is fully distributed with multiple auctioneers and bidders which participate in simultaneous auctions. The application makes essential use of the three forms of inter-thread communication of Qu-Prolog. The agent bidding behaviour is specified graphically as a finite state automaton and its implementation is essentially the execution of its state transition function. The paper assumes familiarity with Prolog and the basic concepts of multi-agent systems.


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In this paper, we discuss how discriminative training can be applied to the hidden vector state (HVS) model in different task domains. The HVS model is a discrete hidden Markov model (HMM) in which each HMM state represents the state of a push-down automaton with a finite stack size. In previous applications, maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) is used to derive the parameters of the HVS model. However, MLE makes a number of assumptions and unfortunately some of these assumptions do not hold. Discriminative training, without making such assumptions, can improve the performance of the HVS model by discriminating the correct hypothesis from the competing hypotheses. Experiments have been conducted in two domains: the travel domain for the semantic parsing task using the DARPA Communicator data and the Air Travel Information Services (ATIS) data and the bioinformatics domain for the information extraction task using the GENIA corpus. The results demonstrate modest improvements of the performance of the HVS model using discriminative training. In the travel domain, discriminative training of the HVS model gives a relative error reduction rate of 31 percent in F-measure when compared with MLE on the DARPA Communicator data and 9 percent on the ATIS data. In the bioinformatics domain, a relative error reduction rate of 4 percent in F-measure is achieved on the GENIA corpus.


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The summary of automata theory ontology is presented in the paper. It is based on the following dependences: a type of an automaton – the language accepted by the automaton – applications. The given ontology does not claim to be exhaustive as automata theory is very extensive and it is a complicated problem to survey all its aspects within one article. Only the main properties of automata and their applications are considered.


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We consider a finite state automata based method of solving a system of linear Diophantine equations with coefficients from the set {-1,0,1} and solutions in {0,1}.


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There are a great deal of approaches in artificial intelligence, some of them also coming from biology and neirophysiology. In this paper we are making a review, discussing many of them, and arranging our discussion around the autonomous agent research. We highlight three aspect in our classification: type of abstraction applied for representing agent knowledge, the implementation of hypothesis processing mechanism, allowed degree of freedom in behaviour and self-organizing. Using this classification many approaches in artificial intelligence are evaluated. Then we summarize all discussed ideas and propose a series of general principles for building an autonomous adaptive agent.


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A general technique for transforming a timed finite state automaton into an equivalent automated planning domain based on a numerical parameter model is introduced. Timed transition automata have many applications in control systems and agents models; they are used to describe sequential processes, where actions are labelling by automaton transitions subject to temporal constraints. The language of timed words accepted by a timed automaton, the possible sequences of system or agent behaviour, can be described in term of an appropriate planning domain encapsulating the timed actions patterns and constraints. The time words recognition problem is then posed as a planning problem where the goal is to reach a final state by a sequence of actions, which corresponds to the timed symbols labeling the automaton transitions. The transformation is proved to be correct and complete and it is space/time linear on the automaton size. Experimental results shows that the performance of the planning domain obtained by transformation is scalable for real world applications. A major advantage of the planning based approach, beside of the solving the parsing problem, is to represent in a single automated reasoning framework problems of plan recognitions, plan synthesis and plan optimisation.


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SQL Injection Attack (SQLIA) remains a technique used by a computer network intruder to pilfer an organisation’s confidential data. This is done by an intruder re-crafting web form’s input and query strings used in web requests with malicious intent to compromise the security of an organisation’s confidential data stored at the back-end database. The database is the most valuable data source, and thus, intruders are unrelenting in constantly evolving new techniques to bypass the signature’s solutions currently provided in Web Application Firewalls (WAF) to mitigate SQLIA. There is therefore a need for an automated scalable methodology in the pre-processing of SQLIA features fit for a supervised learning model. However, obtaining a ready-made scalable dataset that is feature engineered with numerical attributes dataset items to train Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Machine Leaning (ML) models is a known issue in applying artificial intelligence to effectively address ever evolving novel SQLIA signatures. This proposed approach applies numerical attributes encoding ontology to encode features (both legitimate web requests and SQLIA) to numerical data items as to extract scalable dataset for input to a supervised learning model in moving towards a ML SQLIA detection and prevention model. In numerical attributes encoding of features, the proposed model explores a hybrid of static and dynamic pattern matching by implementing a Non-Deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA). This combined with proxy and SQL parser Application Programming Interface (API) to intercept and parse web requests in transition to the back-end database. In developing a solution to address SQLIA, this model allows processed web requests at the proxy deemed to contain injected query string to be excluded from reaching the target back-end database. This paper is intended for evaluating the performance metrics of a dataset obtained by numerical encoding of features ontology in Microsoft Azure Machine Learning (MAML) studio using Two-Class Support Vector Machines (TCSVM) binary classifier. This methodology then forms the subject of the empirical evaluation.


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Recent years have seen an astronomical rise in SQL Injection Attacks (SQLIAs) used to compromise the confidentiality, authentication and integrity of organisations’ databases. Intruders becoming smarter in obfuscating web requests to evade detection combined with increasing volumes of web traffic from the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud-hosted and on-premise business applications have made it evident that the existing approaches of mostly static signature lack the ability to cope with novel signatures. A SQLIA detection and prevention solution can be achieved through exploring an alternative bio-inspired supervised learning approach that uses input of labelled dataset of numerical attributes in classifying true positives and negatives. We present in this paper a Numerical Encoding to Tame SQLIA (NETSQLIA) that implements a proof of concept for scalable numerical encoding of features to a dataset attributes with labelled class obtained from deep web traffic analysis. In the numerical attributes encoding: the model leverages proxy in the interception and decryption of web traffic. The intercepted web requests are then assembled for front-end SQL parsing and pattern matching by applying traditional Non-Deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA). This paper is intended for a technique of numerical attributes extraction of any size primed as an input dataset to an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and statistical Machine Learning (ML) algorithms implemented using Two-Class Averaged Perceptron (TCAP) and Two-Class Logistic Regression (TCLR) respectively. This methodology then forms the subject of the empirical evaluation of the suitability of this model in the accurate classification of both legitimate web requests and SQLIA payloads.


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Este trabalho propõe uma metodologia de tradução para igualar o programa de controle de PLC no ambiente Matlab/Simulink. A lista traduz automaticamente o programa de controlo de PLC para a linguagem. de software Matlab/Simulink. O programa do PlC é traduzido para uma função bloco do Matlab, dentro do ambiente Matlab/Simulink, que irá controlar o modelo do processo industrial, desde que a simulação seja executada. As entradas e saídas da lista de tradução do PLC depende do tipo de autómato que é escolhido. A lista de tradução será compatível com um ficheiro Matlab/Simulink que corresponde tradução de programa de controle de PLC. ABSTRACT: This work proposes a translation methodology to equa1 the program of control of PLC in the environment Matlab/Simulink. The list translates automatically the program of control of PLC for the language of software Matlab/Simulink. The program of the PlC is translated for a function block of the Matlab, inside the environment Matlab/Simulink, which will be going to control the model of the industrial process, since the simulation is executed. The entries and exits of the translation list of the PLC it depends on the type of automaton that is chosen. The translation list will be compatible with a filing cabinet Matlab/Simulink that corresponds translation of program of control of PLC.


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Motion planning, or trajectory planning, commonly refers to a process of converting high-level task specifications into low-level control commands that can be executed on the system of interest. For different applications, the system will be different. It can be an autonomous vehicle, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV), a humanoid robot, or an industrial robotic arm. As human machine interaction is essential in many of these systems, safety is fundamental and crucial. Many of the applications also involve performing a task in an optimal manner within a given time constraint. Therefore, in this thesis, we focus on two aspects of the motion planning problem. One is the verification and synthesis of the safe controls for autonomous ground and air vehicles in collision avoidance scenarios. The other part focuses on the high-level planning for the autonomous vehicles with the timed temporal constraints. In the first aspect of our work, we first propose a verification method to prove the safety and robustness of a path planner and the path following controls based on reachable sets. We demonstrate the method on quadrotor and automobile applications. Secondly, we propose a reachable set based collision avoidance algorithm for UAVs. Instead of the traditional approaches of collision avoidance between trajectories, we propose a collision avoidance scheme based on reachable sets and tubes. We then formulate the problem as a convex optimization problem seeking control set design for the aircraft to avoid collision. We apply our approach to collision avoidance scenarios of quadrotors and fixed-wing aircraft. In the second aspect of our work, we address the high level planning problems with timed temporal logic constraints. Firstly, we present an optimization based method for path planning of a mobile robot subject to timed temporal constraints, in a dynamic environment. Temporal logic (TL) can address very complex task specifications such as safety, coverage, motion sequencing etc. We use metric temporal logic (MTL) to encode the task specifications with timing constraints. We then translate the MTL formulae into mixed integer linear constraints and solve the associated optimization problem using a mixed integer linear program solver. We have applied our approach on several case studies in complex dynamical environments subjected to timed temporal specifications. Secondly, we also present a timed automaton based method for planning under the given timed temporal logic specifications. We use metric interval temporal logic (MITL), a member of the MTL family, to represent the task specification, and provide a constructive way to generate a timed automaton and methods to look for accepting runs on the automaton to find an optimal motion (or path) sequence for the robot to complete the task.