881 resultados para Automatic Generation Control
The isomorphisms holding in all models of the simply typed lambda calculus with surjective and terminal objects are well studied - these models are exactly the Cartesian closed categories. Isomorphism of two simple types in such a model is decidable by reduction to a normal form and comparison under a finite number of permutations (Bruce, Di Cosmo, and Longo 1992). Unfortunately, these normal forms may be exponentially larger than the original types so this construction decides isomorphism in exponential time. We show how using space-sharing/hash-consing techniques and memoization can be used to decide isomorphism in practical polynomial time (low degree, small hidden constant). Other researchers have investigated simple type isomorphism in relation to, among other potential applications, type-based retrieval of software modules from libraries and automatic generation of bridge code for multi-language systems. Our result makes such potential applications practically feasible.
In the last decade, we have witnessed the emergence of large, warehouse-scale data centres which have enabled new internet-based software applications such as cloud computing, search engines, social media, e-government etc. Such data centres consist of large collections of servers interconnected using short-reach (reach up to a few hundred meters) optical interconnect. Today, transceivers for these applications achieve up to 100Gb/s by multiplexing 10x 10Gb/s or 4x 25Gb/s channels. In the near future however, data centre operators have expressed a need for optical links which can support 400Gb/s up to 1Tb/s. The crucial challenge is to achieve this in the same footprint (same transceiver module) and with similar power consumption as today’s technology. Straightforward scaling of the currently used space or wavelength division multiplexing may be difficult to achieve: indeed a 1Tb/s transceiver would require integration of 40 VCSELs (vertical cavity surface emitting laser diode, widely used for short‐reach optical interconnect), 40 photodiodes and the electronics operating at 25Gb/s in the same module as today’s 100Gb/s transceiver. Pushing the bit rate on such links beyond today’s commercially available 100Gb/s/fibre will require new generations of VCSELs and their driver and receiver electronics. This work looks into a number of state‐of-the-art technologies and investigates their performance restraints and recommends different set of designs, specifically targeting multilevel modulation formats. Several methods to extend the bandwidth using deep submicron (65nm and 28nm) CMOS technology are explored in this work, while also maintaining a focus upon reducing power consumption and chip area. The techniques used were pre-emphasis in rising and falling edges of the signal and bandwidth extensions by inductive peaking and different local feedback techniques. These techniques have been applied to a transmitter and receiver developed for advanced modulation formats such as PAM-4 (4 level pulse amplitude modulation). Such modulation format can increase the throughput per individual channel, which helps to overcome the challenges mentioned above to realize 400Gb/s to 1Tb/s transceivers.
The last few years have seen a substantial increase in the geometric complexity for 3D flow simulation. In this paper we describe the challenges in generating computation grids for 3D aerospace configuations and demonstrate the progress made to eventually achieve a push button technology for CAD to visualized flow. Special emphasis is given to the interfacing from the grid generator to the flow solver by semi-automatic generation of boundary conditions during the grid generation process. In this regard, once a grid has been generated, push button technology of most commercial flow solvers has been achieved. This will be demonstrated by the ad hoc simulation for the Hopper configuration.
An intelligent ink, previously shown to be capable of rapidly assessing photocatalytic activity, was simply applied via a felt-pen onto a commercially available piece of Activ (TM) self-cleaning glass. The ink, comprising of redox dye resazurin and the sacrificial electron donor glycerol within an aqueous hydroxy ethyl cellulose (HEC) polymer media, was photocatalytically degraded in a two-step process. The key initial stage was the photo-reductive conversion of resazurin to resorufin, whereby a colour change from blue to pink occurred. The latter stage was the subsequent photo-reduction of the resorufin, where a slower change from pink to colourless was seen. Red and green components of red-green-blue colour extracted from flat-bed scanner digital images of resazurin ink coated photocatalytic films at intervals during the photocatalysis reaction were inversely proportional to the changes seen via UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and indicative of reaction kinetics. A 3 x 3 grid of intelligent ink was drawn onto a piece of Activ (TM) and a glass blank. The photocatalysis reaction was monitored solely by flat-bed digital scanning. Red-green-blue values of respective positions on the grid were extracted using a custom-built program entitled RGB Extractor (c). The program was capable of extracting a number of 5 x 5 pixel averages of red-green-blue components simultaneously. Allocation of merely three coordinates allowed for the automatic generation of a grid, with scroll-bars controlling the number of positions to be extracted on the grid formed. No significant change in red and green components for any position on the glass blank was observed; however, the Activ (TM) film displayed a homogenous photo-reduction of the dye, reaching maxima in red and minima in green components in 23 +/- 3 and 14 +/- 2 min, respectively. A compositionally graded N-doped titania film synthesised in house via a combinatorial APCVD reaction was also photocatalytically tested by this method where 247 positions on a 13 x 19 grid were simultaneously analysed. The dramatic variation in photocatalysis observed was rapidly quantified for all positions (2-3 hours) allowing for correlations to be made between thicknesses and N : Ti% compositions attained from Swanepoel and WDX analysis, respectively. N incorporation within this system was found to be detrimental to film activity for the photocatalysis reaction of intelligent ink under 365 nm light.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi efetuar um estudo de otimização dos parâmetros de exposição do mamógrafo digital da marca GE, modelo Senographe DS instalado no Instituto Português de Oncologia de Coimbra (IPOC) baseado numa análise contraste detalhe e avaliar o impacto do resultado obtido na melhoria da capacidade de detecção clínica das estruturas da mama. O mamógrafo em estudo dispõe de um sistema de controle automático da exposição designado por sistema AOP (Automatic Optimization of Parameters) que foi otimizado pelo fabricante a partir da razão contraste ruído. O sistema AOP é usado na prática clínica na quase totalidade dos exames de mamografia realizados no IPOC. Tendo em conta o tipo de estrutura que se pretende visualizar na mamografia, nomeadamente estruturas de baixo contraste como as massas e estruturas de dimensão submilimétrica como as microcalcificações, a análise contraste detalhe poderia constituir uma abordagem mais adequada para o estudo de otimização dos parâmetros de exposição uma vez que permitiria uma avaliação conjunta do contraste, da resolução espacial e do ruído da imagem. Numa primeira fase do trabalho foi efetuada a caracterização da prática clínica realizada no mamógrafo em estudo em termos de espessura de mama comprimida “típica”, dos parâmetros técnicos de exposição e das opções de processamento das imagens aplicadas pelo sistema AOP (combinação alvo/filtro, tensão aplicada na ampola - kVp e produto corrente-tempo da ampola - mAs). Numa segunda fase foi realizado um estudo de otimização da qualidade da imagem versus dose na perspectiva dos parâmetros físicos. Para tal foi efetuada uma análise contrastedetalhe no objeto simulador de mama CDMAM e usada uma figura de mérito definida a partir do IQFinv (inverted image quality figure) e da dose glandular média. Os resultados apontaram para uma diferença entre o ponto ótimo resultante do estudo de otimização e o ponto associado aos parâmetros de exposição escolhidos pelo sistema AOP, designadamente no caso da mama pequena. Sendo a qualidade da imagem na perspectiva clínica um conceito mais complexo cujo resultado da apreciação de uma imagem de boa qualidade deve ter em conta as diferenças entre observadores, foi efetuado na última parte deste trabalho um estudo do impacto clínico da proposta de otimização da qualidade de imagem. A partir das imagens realizadas com o objeto simulador antropomórfico TOR MAM simulando uma mama pequena, seis médicos(as) radiologistas com mais de 5 anos de experiência em mamografia avaliaram as imagens “otimizadas” obtidas utilizando-se os parâmetros técnicos de exposição resultantes do estudo de otimização e a imagem resultante da escolha do sistema AOP. A análise estatística das avaliações feitas pelos médicos indica que a imagem “otimizada” da mama pequena apresenta uma melhor visualização das microcalcificações sem perda da qualidade da imagem na deteção de fibras e de massas em comparação com a imagem “standard”. Este trabalho permitiu introduzir uma nova definição da figura de mérito para o estudo de otimização da qualidade da imagem versus dose em mamografia. Permitiu também estabelecer uma metodologia consistente que pode facilmente ser aplicada a qualquer outro mamógrafo, contribuindo para a área da otimização em mamografia digital que é uma das áreas mais relevantes no que toca à proteção radiológica do paciente.
Nos últimos anos, o fácil acesso em termos de custos, ferramentas de produção, edição e distribuição de conteúdos audiovisuais, contribuíram para o aumento exponencial da produção diária deste tipo de conteúdos. Neste paradigma de superabundância de conteúdos multimédia existe uma grande percentagem de sequências de vídeo que contém material explícito, sendo necessário existir um controlo mais rigoroso, de modo a não ser facilmente acessível a menores. O conceito de conteúdo explícito pode ser caraterizado de diferentes formas, tendo o trabalho descrito neste documento incidido sobre a deteção automática de nudez feminina presente em sequências de vídeo. Este processo de deteção e classificação automática de material para adultos pode constituir uma ferramenta importante na gestão de um canal de televisão. Diariamente podem ser recebidas centenas de horas de material sendo impraticável a implementação de um processo manual de controlo de qualidade. A solução criada no contexto desta dissertação foi estudada e desenvolvida em torno de um produto especifico ligado à área do broadcasting. Este produto é o mxfSPEEDRAIL F1000, sendo este uma solução da empresa MOG Technologies. O objetivo principal do projeto é o desenvolvimento de uma biblioteca em C++, acessível durante o processo de ingest, que permita, através de uma análise baseada em funcionalidades de visão computacional, detetar e sinalizar na metadata do sinal, quais as frames que potencialmente apresentam conteúdo explícito. A solução desenvolvida utiliza um conjunto de técnicas do estado da arte adaptadas ao problema a tratar. Nestas incluem-se algoritmos para realizar a segmentação de pele e deteção de objetos em imagens. Por fim é efetuada uma análise critica à solução desenvolvida no âmbito desta dissertação de modo a que em futuros desenvolvimentos esta seja melhorada a nível do consumo de recursos durante a análise e a nível da sua taxa de sucesso.
Fado was listed as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2011. This dissertation describes a theoretical model, as well as an automatic system, able to generate instrumental music based on the musics and vocal sounds typically associated with fado’s practice. A description of the phenomenon of fado, its musics and vocal sounds, based on ethnographic, historical sources and empirical data is presented. The data includes the creation of a digital corpus, of musical transcriptions, identified as fado, and statistical analysis via music information retrieval techniques. The second part consists in the formulation of a theory and the coding of a symbolic model, as a proof of concept, for the automatic generation of instrumental music based on the one in the corpus.
The subject of Photonics is concerned with the generation,control and utilization of photons for performing a variety of tasks.It came to existence as a consequence of the harmonious fusion of optical methods with electronic technology.Wide spread use of laser based methods in electronics is slowly replacing elecrtons with photons in the field of Communication,Control and Computing .Therefore,there is a need to promote the R & D activities in the area of Photonics and to generate well trained manpower in laser related fields.Development and characterization of photonic materials is an important subject of research in the field of Photonics.Optical and thermal characterization of photonic materials using thermal lens technique is a PhD thesis in the field of Photonics in which the author describes how thermal lens effect can be used to characterize themal and optical properties of photonic materials.Plausibility of thermal lens based logic gates is also presented in this thesis.
This paper presents Reinforcement Learning (RL) approaches to Economic Dispatch problem. In this paper, formulation of Economic Dispatch as a multi stage decision making problem is carried out, then two variants of RL algorithms are presented. A third algorithm which takes into consideration the transmission losses is also explained. Efficiency and flexibility of the proposed algorithms are demonstrated through different representative systems: a three generator system with given generation cost table, IEEE 30 bus system with quadratic cost functions, 10 generator system having piecewise quadratic cost functions and a 20 generator system considering transmission losses. A comparison of the computation times of different algorithms is also carried out.
Unit commitment is an optimization task in electric power generation control sector. It involves scheduling the ON/OFF status of the generating units to meet the load demand with minimum generation cost satisfying the different constraints existing in the system. Numerical solutions developed are limited for small systems and heuristic methodologies find difficulty in handling stochastic cost functions associated with practical systems. This paper models Unit Commitment as a multi stage decision task and Reinforcement Learning solution is formulated through one efficient exploration strategy: Pursuit method. The correctness and efficiency of the developed solutions are verified for standard test systems
La visualización 3D ofrece una serie de ventajas y funcionalidades cada vez más demandadas, por lo que es conveniente su incorporación a las aplicaciones GIS. El sistema propuesto integra la vista 2D propia de un GIS y la vista 3D garantizando la interacción entre ellas y teniendo por resultado una solución GIS integral. Se permite la carga de Modelos Digitales del Terreno (MDT), de forma directa o empleando servicios OGC-CSW, para la proyección de los elementos 2D, así como la carga de modelos 3D. Además el sistema está dotado de herramientas para extrusión y generación automática de volúmenes empleando parámetros existentes en la información 2D. La generación de las construcciones a partir de su altura y la elaboración de redes tridimensionales a partir de la profundidad en las infraestructuras son algunos casos prácticos de interés. Igualmente se permite no sólo la consulta y visualización sino también la edición 3D, lo que supone una importante ventaja frente a otros sistemas 3D. LocalGIS, Sistema de Información Territorial de software libre aplicado a la gestión municipal, es el sistema GIS empleado para la incorporación del prototipo. Se permite por lo tanto aplicar todas las ventajas y funcionalidades propias del 3D a la gestión municipal que LocalGIS realiza. Esta tecnología ofrece un campo de aplicaciones muy amplio y prometedor
El presente trabajo analiza de manera crítica el pronunciamiento de la Corte Constitucional para el Período de Transición respecto al control constitucional de las denuncias de tratados bilaterales de inversiones de capital, tomando como caso de estudio el instrumento internacional suscrito entre Ecuador y Alemania, en el cual bajo una corriente constitucionalista, la Corte somete al crisol de la contradicción el contenido del Tratado Internacional con la normativa constitucional vigente. En aquel sentido, analizaremos cómo, a través de este polémico dictamen, se inicia una línea jurisprudencial en la que se configuran temas controversiales como el denominado control automático de constitucionalidad, y, el debate respecto a la soberanía estatal en cuanto al no sometimiento del Ecuador a arbitrajes comerciales internacionales en asuntos de índole comercial.
An approach to the automatic generation of efficient Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) circuits for the Regular Expression-based (RegEx) Pattern Matching problems is presented. Using a novel design strategy, as proposed, circuits that are highly area-and-time-efficient can be automatically generated for arbitrary sets of regular expressions. This makes the technique suitable for applications that must handle very large sets of patterns at high speed, such as in the network security and intrusion detection application domains. We have combined several existing techniques to optimise our solution for such domains and proposed the way the whole process of dynamic generation of FPGAs for RegEX pattern matching could be automated efficiently.
We study a two-way relay network (TWRN), where distributed space-time codes are constructed across multiple relay terminals in an amplify-and-forward mode. Each relay transmits a scaled linear combination of its received symbols and their conjugates,with the scaling factor chosen based on automatic gain control. We consider equal power allocation (EPA) across the relays, as well as the optimal power allocation (OPA) strategy given access to instantaneous channel state information (CSI). For EPA, we derive an upper bound on the pairwise-error-probability (PEP), from which we prove that full diversity is achieved in TWRNs. This result is in contrast to one-way relay networks, in which case a maximum diversity order of only unity can be obtained. When instantaneous CSI is available at the relays, we show that the OPA which minimizes the conditional PEP of the worse link can be cast as a generalized linear fractional program, which can be solved efficiently using the Dinkelback-type procedure.We also prove that, if the sum-power of the relay terminals is constrained, then the OPA will activate at most two relays.