845 resultados para Auroville, Ashram, Residenza, Collettiva, Anger, Utopia, Città, Ideale
Facial expression recognition was investigated in 20 males with high functioning autism (HFA) or Asperger syndrome (AS), compared to typically developing individuals matched for chronological age (TD CA group) and verbal and non-verbal ability (TD V/NV group). This was the first study to employ a visual search, “face in the crowd” paradigm with a HFA/AS group, which explored responses to numerous facial expressions using real-face stimuli. Results showed slower response times for processing fear, anger and sad expressions in the HFA/AS group, relative to the TD CA group, but not the TD V/NV group. Reponses to happy, disgust and surprise expressions showed no group differences. Results are discussed with reference to the amygdala theory of autism.
Background The low expression polymorphism of the MAOA gene in interaction with adverse environments (G × E) is associated with antisocial behaviour disorders. These have their origins in early life, but it is not known whether MAOA G × E occurs in infants. We therefore examined whether MAOA G × E predicts infant anger proneness, a temperamental dimension associated with later antisocial behaviour disorders. In contrast to previous studies, we examined MAOA G × E prospectively using an observational measure of a key aspect of the infant environment, maternal sensitivity, at a specified developmental time point. Methods In a stratified epidemiological cohort recruited during pregnancy, we ascertained MAOA status (low vs. high expression alleles) from the saliva of 193 infants, and examined specific predictions to maternal report of infant temperament at 14 months from maternal sensitivity assessed at 29 weeks of age. Results Analyses, weighted to provide general population estimates, indicated a robust interaction between MAOA status and maternal sensitivity in the prediction of infant anger proneness (p = .003) which became stronger once possible confounders for maternal sensitivity were included in the model (p = .0001). The interaction terms were similar in males (p = .010) and females (p = .016), but the effects were different as a consequence of an additional sex of infant by maternal sensitivity interaction. Conclusions This prospective study provides the first evidence of moderation by the MAOA gene of effects of parenting on infant anger proneness, an important early risk for the development of disruptive and aggressive behaviour disorders.
Emotional dysregulation and attachment insecurity have been reported in borderline personality disorder (BPD). Domain disorganization, evidenced in poor regulation of emotions and behaviors in relation to the demands of different social domains, may be a distinguishing feature of BPD. Understanding the interplay between these factors may be critical for identifying interacting processes in BPD and potential subtypes of BPD. Therefore, we examined the joint and interactive effects of anger, preoccupied attachment, and domain disorganization on BPD traits in a clinical sample of 128 psychiatric patients. The results suggest that these factors contribute to BPD both independently and in interaction, even when controlling for other personality disorder traits and Axis I symptoms. In regression analyses, the interaction between anger and domain disorganization predicted BPD traits. In recursive partitioning analyses, two possible paths to BPD were identified: high anger combined with high domain disorganization and low anger combined with preoccupied attachment. These results may suggest possible subtypes of BPD or possible mechanisms by which BPD traits are established and maintained.
The dance film flourished in the 2000s in the form of the hip-hop teen dance film. Such films as Save the Last Dance (Thomas Carter, 2001), Honey (Billy Woodruff, 2002) and Step Up (Anne Fletcher, 2006) drew on hip-hop’s dominance of the mainstream music industry and combined the teen film’s pre-existing social problem and musical narratives. Yet various tension were created by their interweaving of representations of post-industrial city youth with the utopian sensibilities of the classical Hollywood musical. Their narratives celebrated hip-hop performance, and depicted dance’s ability to bridge cultural boundaries and bring together couples and communities. These films used hip-hop to define space and identity yet often constructed divisions within their soundscapes, limiting hip-hop’s expressive potential. This article explores the cycle’s celebration of, yet struggle with, hip-hop through examining select films’ interactions between soundscape, narrative and form. It will engage with these films’ attempts to marry the representational, narrative and aesthetic meanings of hip-hop culture with the form and ideologies of the musical genre, particularly the tensions and continuities that arise from their engagement with the genre’s utopian qualities identified by Richard Dyer (1985). Yet whilst these films illustrate the tensions and challenges of combining hip-hop culture and the musical genre, they also demonstrate an effective integration of hip-hop soundscape and the dancing body in their depiction of dance, highlighting both form’s aesthetics of layering, rupture and flow (Rose, 1994: 22).
O desafio da formação do policial militar do estado do Rio de Janeiro: utopia ou realidade possível?
This work of research treats of the police military formation in the state of the Rio de Janeiro. The academic approach to be adopted in respect to verify the state actions for the adaptation of the course of the soldier¿s formation to the national curriculum mould (NCM) for the police education, proposed by the National General Office of Public Security in the year of 2000. It¿s part of a group of actions of the federal government to format the police education in all country. The aim of this action is to form policemen to act in an appropriate way in a democratic society. The result of the research revealed that the Military Police of the state of the Rio de Janeiro, did not effect actions for the adoption the of NCM in the period of 2000-2005, as well as it¿s not preparing the militaries polices to act with base in the values of a democratic society. The empirical material show us the view the of the military police in relation to the education in the Military Police, as well as its performance day by day in the resolution of the social conflicts.
Este trabalho pretende mostrar que a implementação de políticas públicas no setor de turismo não é utopia, e sim um instrumento essencial à dinamização deste segmento tão promissor e rentável, que no mundo todo vem apresentando resultados surpreendentes, e que pode contribuir de forma significativa para o desenvolvimento de uma região. Para auferir os dividendos da indústria do turismo é primordial que sejam realizados investimentos no setor, de modo a oferecer as condições básicas para que o mesmo possa se expandir. Estas condições vão desde a infra-estrutura básica até a capacitação da mão-de-obra local. Cabe aqui destacar que é fundamental também que se dê incentivos fiscais e monetários para atrair investidores. E, estas, são ações que cabem, fundamentalmente, à iniciativa governamental. Uma análise comparativa entre o desempenho da indústria do turismo no mundo, no Brasil e na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, pretendeu-se provar que nas circunstâncias atuais, a elaboração e a implementação de políticas públicas são essenciais para a expansão do setor de turismo, e que este é certamente um próspero caminho a ser trilhado pelo nosso país e pela nossa cidade, considerando o enorme potencial turístico de ambos, rumo ao desenvolvimento econômico-social.
A dissertação se constitui na tentativa de responder a indagações sobre as possibilidades da juventude, no mundo contemporâneo, mais especificamente sobre as condições de travessia que a operação adolescente implica e em sua relação com as experiências no espaço público. A noção de espaço público é entendida, através de Hannah Arendt, como o lugar onde a liberdade com-partilhada entre os homens permite a ação política que revela o ser, entrela-çando ato e palavra, fundamentos do mundo humano. O texto discute a emer-gência contemporânea, em que a esfera midiática assumiu a função de legi-timar fatos, valores e pessoas, o que leva a constatar que a mídia hoje é que detém a autoridade sobre o campo público, em detrimento das instâncias in-termediárias que cumpriam essa função. Destaca, ainda, que alguns poucos locais, por suas particularidades histórico-sociais, contrapõem, ainda, ao que é publicizado pela mídia, os efeitos de um ordenamento público calcado em seu sentido político primordial. O Colégio Estadual Júlio de Castilhos (Juli-nho), que se notabilizou, no estado, pela propagação de pensamentos críticos e manifestações da juventude, no transcurso de sua história centenária, é o local que territorializa a pesquisa, revelando-se como espaço público ainda remanescente, por ter na liberdade seu fundamento principal. A escuta de depoimentos de estudantes vinculados ao grêmio estudantil da escola permi-tiu embasar a reflexão sobre a importância que as experiências de pertença a um campo público operam na passagem adolescente, que, enquanto inscri-ções de traços singulares num mundo comum, são compreendidas como re-sistência ao modo individualizante de subjetivação hegemônico nas socieda-des capitalísticas.
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O objetivo central deste estudo é, pois, o de analisar a organização do trabalho, as razões e as maneiras como a cooperação é construída nos grupos dos pesquisadores que trabalham expatriados na Antártica. Para efeitos desta análise usaremos como referencial teórico as contribuições dos Estudos Organizacionais e da psicossociologia, particularmente uma bibliografia relacionada com a construção do vínculo social e organizacional. Pressupomos que o tipo específico de associação entre as pessoas e profissionais que se dá na Antártica se alimente de um imaginário utópico, que pode orientar um outro paradigma em certas esferas do mundo do trabalho; supomos, ainda, que é importante se avaliar o sentido que é dado a esse trabalho e ao senso de missão partilhado por esses grupos multidisciplinares; por fim, temos claro que os pesquisadores de nosso estudo são a memória viva de seus grupos e do próprio programa antártico brasileiro e esta memória é, em nossa opinião, um conhecimento inédito e valioso, infelizmente ainda disperso, sobre fenômenos grupais de origens diversas que podem contribuir para o enriquecimento da teoria das organizações.
Though many of those who decided to report wrongdoings in their organizations were able to tell their stories (e.g. Bamford, 2014, Armenakis 2004), it is fair to say that there is still much left to uncover. The paper aims to contribute to the literature in three ways. First, it provides preliminary evidence that the wrongdoing linked with individual financial loss leads to higher whistleblowing rate. Secondly, it shows how the experience of anger is related to the higher likelihood to report the wrongdoer but only if the wrongful act is perceived as a cause of one’s financial loss. Finally, the paper establishes first steps for the future development of an experimental procedure that would enable to predict, and measure whistleblowing behavior in the lab environment.