243 resultados para Aurea
OBJETIVO: Analisar a Avaliação Nutricional Subjetiva Global (ANSG) para o diagnóstico de desnutrição em pacientes cardiopatas. MÉTODOS: Em 106 pacientes hospitalizados (53 com insuficiência cardíaca), aplicou-se o questionário de ANSG com histórico nutricional (peso, dieta, sintomas gastrointestinais, capacidade funcional física e diagnóstico) e exame físico. Depois aferiram-se medidas antropométricas (peso, circunferência do braço, prega cutânea triciptal e circunferência muscular do braço). Para a avaliação objetiva dos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca consideraram-se albumina sérica, contagem de linfócitos e antropometria. A curva ROC analisou sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia da ANSG em relação à avaliação objetiva. RESULTADOS: A idade dos pacientes era de 57,7 ± 15,7 anos, e a maioria era de homens (67,9%). A curva ROC indicou o escore 16 como ponto de corte da ANSG com maior sensibilidade (62,2%) e especificidade (55,7%). A área sob a curva foi de 0,601 (IC 95%: 0,487 - 0,715). A prevalência de desnutrição foi de 51,9% pela ANSG e 42,5% pela avaliação antropométrica, com acurácia de 65,3% nos homens e 44,1% nas mulheres. Nos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, a prevalência de desnutrição foi de 60,4% pela ANSG e 32,1% pela avaliação objetiva, com acurácia de 67,6% nos homens e 31,3% nas mulheres. CONCLUSÃO: A ANSG identificou maior número de desnutridos do que a avaliação objetiva. O desempenho da ANSG na identificação de desnutrição foi maior nos homens. A ANSG detectou pacientes cardiopatas com risco nutricional.
After verifing the presence of the cupuliform organ on the seedlings from 105 species of Eucalyptus (ACCORSI, 1955-56), the author concluded that it is a morphological characteristic of the genus, which is peculiar to the plants only in first stages of their life. In this paper, the author resumes his study carried out on 20 species of Myrtaceae, distributed among 13 genus and he could certify, until now, that, in relation to the cupuliform organ, they may divided in three groups: 1.° Group - Without cupuliform organ 1. Campomanesia aurea Berg 2. Eugenia campestris DC. 3. Eugenia tomentosa Camb. 4. Eugenia uniflora L. 5. Myrciaria edulis Berg 6. Myrciaria trunciflora Berg 7. Pitangueira-gigante - As it was difficulty to identify this species, I use its common name. 2.° Group - With rudiment of cupuli orm organ 1. Eugenia uvalha Camb. 2. Jambosa vulgaris DC. 3. Myrciaria cauliflora Berg 3.° Group - With full cupuliform organ 1. Amomyrtus luma (Mol) Legr. et Kaus. 2. Blepharocalyx angustifolius Berg 3. Britoa acida Berg 4. Callistemon speciosus DC. o. Callistemon viminalis Cheel. 6. Feijoa sellowiana Berg 7. Myrceugenia glaucescens (Camb.) Legrand 8. Myrrhinium rubriflorum Berg 9. Psidium guayava Raddi 10. Psidium littorale Raddi During his observations, he could identify also in many, seeds an "operculum", further observations about it will be published opportunely.
As espécies de Cubozoa e Scyphozoa costeiras que ocorrem no Brasil são descritas, com base em espécimes de coleções de museus e exemplares recém-coletados. Chaves de identificação e um glossário também são apresentados. As espécies descritas são: Aurelia sp.; Cassiopea xamachana Bigelow, 1892; Chiropsalmus quadrumanus (Müller, 1859); Chrysaora lactea Eschscholtz, 1829; Drymonema dalmatinum Haeckel, 1880; Linuche unguiculata (Swartz, 1788); Lychnorhiza lucerna Haeckel, 1880; Nausithoe aurea Silveira & Morandini, 1997; Phyllorhiza punctata von Lendenfeld, 1884; Stomolophus meleagris Agassiz, 1862; Tamoya haplonema Müller, 1859 e Tripedalia cystophora Conant, 1897.
Mazocraeoides georgei price, 1936 and mazocraeoides opisthonema Hargis, 1955 are reported for the first time in Brazil in Brevoortia aurea (Spix, 1829) and in Harengula clupeola (Cuvier, 1829) respectively, clupeid fishes from the littoral of Rio de janeiro State, which represent new host records. Mazocraeoides olentangiensis Sroufe, 1958 and mazocraeoides hargisi Price, 1961 are considered new synonyms for Mazocraeoides georgei.
Albanus. (164v). — Alexius (160). — Andreas (178v). — Anianus (166). — Antoninus de Sanctoninus (42v). — Apollinaris (14v). — Aurea (12). — Avitus (176). — Benignus (98). — Britius (155v). — Caesarius (102). — Calixtus papa (52v). — Cecilia (168v). — Clemens (172). — Corpus Domini (4). — Crispinus et Cr. (86). — Demetrius (24v). — Dionysius (29v). — Domninus (29). — Eustachius (108). — Fides (22). — Gendulfus (157). — Geraldus (47v). — Longinus (76). — Lucanus (93). — Lucas (53). — Maglorius (57). — Marcellus ep. (99v). — Mariae conceptio (1). — Martinus (121v). — Martinus abbas (77v). — Maturinus (104). — Maximinus (181). — Mennas (119v). — Nicolaus (186v). — Nicasius (43v). — Paulinus Trever. (84v). — Pelagia (25). — Quatuor coronati (116). — Quintinus (94v). — Saturninus (178). — Sergius et Bachus (17). — Severinus Trever. (55v). — Symon et Judas (88). — Theodorus, presb. et m. (113v). — Victor m. (162v).
The New World species of Atteva Walker are reviewed and illustrated in colour. One name: A. pustulella (Fabricius), nom. rev. and three species: A. aurea (Fitch), sp. rev., A. floridana (Neumoegen), sp. rev. and A. gemmata (Grote), sp. rev. are reinstated; five names are synonymised under A. aurea: Poeciloptera compta Clemens, syn. n., A. edithella Busck, syn. n., A. exquisita Busck, syn. n., A. ergatica Walsingham, syn. n. and A. microsticta Walsingham, syn. n.; four new species are described: A. rawlinsi sp. n., from the Dominican Republic, A. sidereoides sp. n., from Jamaica, A. entermedia sp. n., from Antigua, and A. zebrina sp. n., from Brazil; lectotypes for A. floridana and A. glaucopidella (Guenée) (=fulviguttata) are also designated.
Differentiation of female sexual organs in flowering plants is rare and contrasts with the wide range of male reproductive strategies. An unusual example involves diplostigmaty, the possession of spatially and temporally distinct stigmas in Sebaea (Gentianaceae). Here, the single pistil within a flower has an apical stigma, as occurs in most flowering plants, but also a secondary stigma that occurs midway down the style, which is physically discrete and receptive several days after the apical stigma. We examined the function of diplostigmaty in Sebaea aurea, an insect-pollinated species of the Western Cape of South Africa. Floral manipulations and measurements of fertility and mating patterns provided evidence that basal stigmas function to enable autonomous delayed self-pollination, without limiting opportunities for outcrossing and thus avoiding the costs of seed discounting. We suggest that delayed selfing serves as a mechanism of reproductive assurance in populations with low plant density. The possession of dimorphic stigma function provides a novel example of a flexible mixed-mating strategy in plants that is responsive to changing demographic conditions.
L'article s'inscrit dans une recherche sur la survie du Protévangile de Jacques en latin. Il contient l'édition critique et la traduction d'une homélie pour la fête de sainte Anne, qui combine le début du Protévangile (ch. 1-4) et le début du De Nativitate Mariae (ch. 1-5 ). L'homélie se compose de trois parties. (1) un préambule (<pilcrow> 1-6) ; (2) un récit sur Anne et Joachim, qui associe les deux sources précitées (<pilcrow> 7-29), (3) une péroraison (<pilcrow> 30-34 ). Les manuscrits l'ont conservée sous des formes plus ou moins complètes et remaniées. Certains la transmettent comme légende d'Anne au sein de la Legenda Aurea de Jacques de Voragine. La plupart son t des recueils liturgiques, contenant l'office et les lectures pour la fête d'Anne. Dans un cas, l'homélie a été transformée et fournit des leçons pour la fête de la Conception de la Vierge. L'auteur de l'homélie s'adresse à une communauté de moniales qui lui ont demandé de traduire en latin un « petit livre grec - qui n'est autre que le Protévangile. Le texte a dû être composé à Chartres ou dans les environs immédiats de cette ville, durant les premières années du XIIIe siècle Son origine est liée à l'institution dans l'église de Chartres d'une fête en l'honneur de sainte Anne. Cette innovation liturgique s'explique par la donation d'une relique- la tête de la sainte - acquise par Louis de Blois et provenant du butin enlevé à Constantinople lors de la conquête de la ville par les Latins (1204).
Estos delitos son un fraude a la ciudadanía en su conjunto. No perjudican a los creadores o a las marcas solamente, si no que lo hacen a todo el tejido industrial Limitan las posibilidades de crecimiento y desarrollo . Debilitan las garantías de los consumidores.
The synthesis and NMR analysis of seven new 4-(aryl)amino-5-carboethoxy-1,3-dimethyl-1H-pyrazolo[3,4- b]pyridines (7-13) are described. The synthetic approach used involved the preparation of intermediates 5-aminopyrazol (4), the enamine derivative (5) and the 4-chloro-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridine (6). Compounds (7-13) were obtained by treatment of 6 with the desired aniline. The structures of new heterocyclic compounds and their precursors intermediates were assigned on the basis of spectral analysis including 1D and 2D NMR experiments [¹H; 13C{¹H} and DEPT; ¹H x ¹H - COSY; ¹H x13C - COSY, nJ CH, n = 1, 2 or 3 (HETECOR and COLOC)].
The synthesis of ten symmetrically and unsymmetrically substituted 1,3,5-triazines by Phase Transfer Catalysis (PTC) method is described. Their toxicities were determined against Artemia salina Leach. The LD50 values have also been obtained for these compounds.
This paper presents a program emphasizing ethnopharmacological approaches that could allow great success in the study of medicinal plants. The minimum ethnopharmacological research team should consist of a botanist, a chemist and a pharmacologist with each carrying the responsibility for answering in sequential fashion critical questions. The chemical composition and pharmacological properties of the very efficient medicinal plant Croton cajucara were investigated according to ethnopharmacological approaches. The study with this Croton proved to be both efficient and successful. This happy situation was only possible because a multidisciplinary team was involved getting the research done correctly. The ethnopharmacological study involving one other especies Copaifera will be cited.
A series of seven Schiff bases have been synthesized from 3,3-diphenylpropilamine and substituted benzaldehydes. These imines were treated with NaBH4 in ethanol affording the corresponding amines in 98-55% yields. A molecular modeling study was performed with the Schiff bases in order to compare the theoretical parameters with the experimental results. The theoretical parameters were obtained by AM1 and PM3 semi-empirical methods. The analysis of charge, electron densities and LUMO coefficients suggested that the most favorable interactions should occur with Schiff bases containing electron-donating groups, in accordance with experimental yields, showing that the higher reactivity is due to higher electrophilic character of imine carbons.
The tanning process in the leather industry generates very high quantities of chromium-containing solid waste ("wet blue" leather). Environmental concerns and escalating landfill-costs are becoming increasingly serious problems for the leather industry and an alternative disposal is needed. In this work, we are presenting a novel application for this solid waste, which is the removal of organic contaminants from aqueous-solution. The adsorption isotherm of "wet blue" leather waste from the AUREA tanning company in Erechim-RS (Brazil) showed that this material presents high adsorption capacities of the reactive textile dyes.