986 resultados para Auditoris -- Andalusia -- Lucena


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Introduction: Anxiety is a common problem in primary care and specialty medical settings. Treating an anxious patient takes more time and adds stress to staff. Unrecognized anxiety may lead to exam repetition, and impedance of exam performance. Objective: The aim of the study was to examine the anxiety levels of patients who are to undergo diagnostic exams related to cancer diagnostic: PET/CT and mammography. Methods: Two hundred and thirty two patients who undergo PET/CT and one hundred thirteen women who undergo mammography filled out one questionnaire after the procedure to determine their concerns, expectations and perceptions of anxiety. Results: Our results show that the main causes of anxiety in patients who are having a PET/CT is the fear of the procedure itself and fear of the results. Patients who suffered from greater anxiety were those who were scanned during the initial stage of an oncological disease. On the other hand, the diagnostic is the main cause of anxiety in women who are requiring a mammography. 28% of the women reported having experienced pain or intense pain. Conclusions: The performance of diagnostic exams related to cancer diagnostic like a PET/CT and a mammography are important and statistically generators of anxiety. Patients are often poorly informed and present with a range of anxieties that may ultimately affect examination quality. These results provide expertise that can be used in the development of future training programs to integrate post-graduate courses of health professionals.


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Introduction: Anxiety is a common problem in primary care and specialty medical settings. Treating an anxious patient takes more time and adds stress to staff. Unrecognised anxiety may lead to exam repetition, image artifacts and hinder the scan performance. Reducing patient anxiety at the onset is probably the most useful means of minimizing artifactual FDG uptake, both fat brown and skeletal muscle uptake, as well patient movement and claustrophobia. The aim of the study was to examine the effects of information giving on the anxiety levels of patients who are to undergo a PET/CT and whether the patient experience is enhanced with the creation of a guideline. Methodology: Two hundred and thirty two patients were given two questionnaires before and after the procedure to determine their prior knowledge, concerns, expectations and experiences about the study. Verbal information was given by one of the technologists after the completion of the first questionnaire. Results: Our results show that the main causes of anxiety in patients who are having a PET/CT is the fear of the procedure itself, and fear of the results. The patients who suffered from greater anxiety were those who were scanned during the initial stage of a disease. No significant differences were found between the anxiety levels pre procedural and post procedural. Findings with regard to satisfaction show us that the amount of information given before the procedure does not change the anxiety levels and therefore, does not influence patient satisfaction. Conclusions: The performance of a PET/CT scan is an important and statistically generator of anxiety. PET/CT patients are often poorly informed and present with a range of anxieties that may ultimately affect examination quality. The creation of a guideline may reduce the stress of not knowing what will happen, the anxiety created and may increase their satisfaction in the experience of having a PET/CT scan.


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Introduction: Standard Uptake Value (SUV) is a measurement of the uptake in a tumour normalized on the basis of a distribution volume and is used to quantify 18F-Fluorodeoxiglucose (FDG) uptake in tumors, such as primary lung tumor. Several sources of error can affect its accuracy. Normalization can be based on body weight, body surface area (BSA) and lean body mass (LBM). The aim of this study is to compare the influence of 3 normalization volumes in the calculation of SUV: body weight (SUVW), BSA (SUVBSA) and LBM (SUVLBM), with and without glucose correction, in patients with known primary lung tumor. The correlation between SUV and weight, height, blood glucose level, injected activity and time between injection and image acquisition is evaluated. Methods: Sample included 30 subjects (8 female and 22 male) with primary lung tumor, with clinical indication for 18F-FDG Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Images were acquired on a Siemens Biography according to the department’s protocol. Maximum pixel SUVW was obtained for abnormal uptake focus through semiautomatic VOI with Quantification 3D isocontour (threshold 2.5). The concentration of radioactivity (kBq/ml) was obtained from SUVW, SUVBSA, SUVLBM and the glucose corrected SUV were mathematically obtained. Results: Statistically significant differences between SUVW, SUVBSA and SUVLBM and between SUVWgluc, SUVBSAgluc and SUVLBMgluc were observed (p=0.000<0.05). The blood glucose level showed significant positive correlations with SUVW (r=0.371; p=0.043) and SUVLBM (r=0.389; p=0.034). SUVBSA showed independence of variations with the blood glucose level. Conclusion: The measurement of a radiopharmaceutical tumor uptake normalized on the basis of different distribution volumes is still variable. Further investigation on this subject is recommended.


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The "in vivo" chemotaxis was studied in C57B1/10 mice 10, 30, 50 and 60 days after a Schistosoma mansoni infection in comparison to a control group (uninfected mice). Staphylococcal protein A was injected into a connective tissue air pouch of control and experimental mice and the leukocyte chemotaxis was counted. A decrease in polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocyte response was found in infected mice in comparison to the control group (p<0.05). The 10 day infected mice showed a decreased PMN leukocyte response respecting the control group (p<0.05) and this finding became more evident 30 and 50 days post-infection. Although the PMN leukocyte response of 60 day infected mice increased in comparison to 50 day infected animals, it was still significantly lower the control response. The mononuclear leukocyte response was not significantly different between infected or uninfected mice.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Phospholipase and proteinase production and the ability of adhesion to buccal epithelial cells (BEC) of 112 Candida isolates originated from oral cavity of HIV infected patients and from blood and catheter of intensive care unit patients were investigated. The proteinase production was detected by inoculation into bovine serum albumin (BSA) agar and the phospholipase activity was performed using egg yolk emulsion. A yeast suspension of each test strain was incubated with buccal epithelial cells and the number of adherence yeast to epithelial cells was counted. A percentage of 88.1% and 55.9% of Candida albicans and 69.8% and 37.7% of non-albicans Candida isolates produced proteinase and phospholipase, respectively. Non-albicans Candida isolated from catheter were more proteolytic than C. albicans isolates. Blood isolates were more proteolytic than catheter and oral cavity isolates while oral cavity isolates produced more phospholipase than those from blood and catheter. C. albicans isolates from oral cavity and from catheter were more adherent to BEC than non-albicans Candida isolates, but the adhesion was not different among the three sources analyzed. The results indicated differences in the production of phospholipase and proteinase and in the ability of adhesion to BEC among Candida spp. isolates from different sources. This study suggests that the pathogenicity of Candida can be correlated with the infected site.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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This work aimed to assess pathogenic potential and clonal relatedness of Aeromonas sp. and Vibrio cholerae isolates recovered during a diarrhea outbreak in Brazil. Clinical and environmental isolates were investigated for the presence of known pathogenic genes and clonal relatedness was assessed by intergenic spacer region (ISR) 16S-23S amplification. Four Aeromonas genes (lip, exu, gcat, flaA/B) were found at high overall frequency in both clinical and environmental isolates although the lip gene was specifically absent from selected species. A fifth gene, aerA, was rarely found in A. caviae, the most abundant species. The ISR profile revealed high heterogeneity among the Aeromonas isolates and no correlation with species identification. In contrast, in all the V. cholerae isolates the four genes investigated (ctxA, tcpA, zot and ace) were amplified and revealed homogeneous ISR and RAPD profiles. Although Aeromonas isolates were the major enteric pathogen recovered, their ISR profiles are not compatible with a unique cause for the diarrhea events, while the clonal relationship clearly implicates V. cholerae in those cases from which it was isolated. These results reinforce the need for a better definition of the role of aeromonads in diarrhea and whether they benefit from co-infection with V. cholerae.


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É possível assistir nos dias de hoje, a um processo tecnológico evolutivo acentuado por toda a parte do globo. No caso das empresas, quer as pequenas, médias ou de grandes dimensões, estão cada vez mais dependentes dos sistemas informatizados para realizar os seus processos de negócio, e consequentemente à geração de informação referente aos negócios e onde, muitas das vezes, os dados não têm qualquer relacionamento entre si. A maioria dos sistemas convencionais informáticos não são projetados para gerir e armazenar informações estratégicas, impossibilitando assim que esta sirva de apoio como recurso estratégico. Portanto, as decisões são tomadas com base na experiência dos administradores, quando poderiam serem baseadas em factos históricos armazenados pelos diversos sistemas. Genericamente, as organizações possuem muitos dados, mas na maioria dos casos extraem pouca informação, o que é um problema em termos de mercados competitivos. Como as organizações procuram evoluir e superar a concorrência nas tomadas de decisão, surge neste contexto o termo Business Intelligence(BI). A GisGeo Information Systems é uma empresa que desenvolve software baseado em SIG (sistemas de informação geográfica) recorrendo a uma filosofia de ferramentas open-source. O seu principal produto baseia-se na localização geográfica dos vários tipos de viaturas, na recolha de dados, e consequentemente a sua análise (quilómetros percorridos, duração de uma viagem entre dois pontos definidos, consumo de combustível, etc.). Neste âmbito surge o tema deste projeto que tem objetivo de dar uma perspetiva diferente aos dados existentes, cruzando os conceitos BI com o sistema implementado na empresa de acordo com a sua filosofia. Neste projeto são abordados alguns dos conceitos mais importantes adjacentes a BI como, por exemplo, modelo dimensional, data Warehouse, o processo ETL e OLAP, seguindo a metodologia de Ralph Kimball. São também estudadas algumas das principais ferramentas open-source existentes no mercado, assim como quais as suas vantagens/desvantagens relativamente entre elas. Em conclusão, é então apresentada a solução desenvolvida de acordo com os critérios enumerados pela empresa como prova de conceito da aplicabilidade da área Business Intelligence ao ramo de Sistemas de informação Geográfica (SIG), recorrendo a uma ferramenta open-source que suporte visualização dos dados através de dashboards.


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Os autores, efetuando um inquérito sorológico baseado na reação de Guerreiro-Machado para o diagnóstico da doença de Chagas em 136 candidatos não selecionados a doadores do Banco de Sangue do Hospital das Clínicas da FM.U.F.Pe., Brasil, encontraram seis (4,41%) com reações positivas.


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A incidência das doenças respiratórias infantis é elevada a nível mundial, sendo a principal causa de mortalidade no mundo. Resultados apresentados no Congresso Nacional de Pediatria, em 2008 revelaram que 83% dos internamentos tinham como diagnóstico bronquiolite. (Gonzaga et al., 2006 e Rodrigues et al., 2008). Estas doenças representam uma carga significativa, não só em termos de custos a nível dos sistemas de saúde, mas também em termos de perda de produtividade por parte dos pais e, alteração da vida familiar. O recurso à fisioterapia respiratória infantil, tem vindo a ser crescente devido à sua reconhecida efectividade. E, ainda que a literatura valorize a expectativa como factor influente nos resultados clínicos da fisioterapia e na satisfação global do utente, não foram encontrados estudos referentes à categorização das expectativas dos pais face à fisioterapia respiratória infantil. Assim, assumiu-se como principal objectivo caracterizar as expectativas dos pais face à fisioterapia respiratória infantil. Como não se encontraram quaisquer estudos nesta área, optou-se por realizar um estudo qualitativo, de carácter descritivo, exploratório e retrospectivo para identificação das expectativas percepcionadas pelos pais antes e após o tratamento de fisioterapia respiratória infantil e, como são construídas. Utilizou-se como referencial teórico modelo de expectativas de Thompson e Sunol (1995) cit. por Bialosky et al., (2010) que classifica as expectativas em 4 categorias: preditivas, idealizadas, normativas e vagas ou sem uma ideia pré-concebida. A técnica principal de recolha de dados foi o grupo focal. Os participantes deste estudo são mãe ou pai (apenas um dos pais) de crianças que tenham tido pelo menos um episódio de patologia respiratória aguda e, que recorreram à fisioterapia, em regime hospitalar (com e sem internamento), ambulatório com e sem acordo com o SNS e domiciliário, num total de 18. Como instrumento de recolha de dados utilizou-se um guião de entrevista. As discussões foram conduzidas, transcritas e analisadas pelo investigador. Os procedimentos para a análise dos dados foram análise comportamental, o sumário etnográfico e a codificação dos dados via análise de conteúdo. De acordo com o modelo, as expectativas iniciais dos pais, cujos filhos nunca tinham feito fisioterapia respiratória são essencialmente categorias do tipo idealista ou do tipo vagas ou sem uma ideia pré-concebida. As idealistas estão relacionadas com o desejo de melhoria do bebé e do retorno às rotinas, ou são baseadas em construções falsas ou exageradas face à técnica aplicada na FRI. As vagas ou sem um ideia pré-concebida foram motivadas por não haver conhecimento ou experiência anterior de FRI. A estruturação mental das crenças e percepções associadas à FRI antes do tratamento é um processo individual e multifactorial. Foram identificados alguns géneros de crença: crenças ligadas à patologia, crenças ligadas à técnica de FRI e a crença que a saúde é controlada por factores externos. Identificou-se ainda uma construção mental definida como a percepção da importância atribuída à (falta de) saúde da criança e há ainda a considerar factores inerentes à criança e aos pais. No final do tratamento as expectativas são sobretudo do tipo preditivo (os pais procuram resultados) e do tipo afectivas ou emocionais. As preditivas estão relacionadas com a percepção dos benefícios e com o conhecimento adquirido no decorrer do contacto com a fisioterapia. A categoria do tipo afectivo ou emocional foi adicionada ao modelo inicial e, está relacionada com as expectativas relativas ao perfil do fisioterapeuta. Foram identificadas várias barreiras, que terão que ser valorizadas à luz do novo contexto sociopolítico tais como políticas de saúde, comparticipações e recursos humanos. O contacto com a FRI permitiu aos pais o conhecimento dos locais, do processo e o ganho de empowerment, que lhes permitirá reduzir a ansiedade e melhorar quer a sua capacidade interventiva no processo quer o desenvolvimento de competências de participação na resolução do problema do seu filho.


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Dacron and nitrocellulose were evaluated as matrices for the dot enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (dot-ELISA) for schistosomiasis and compared to indirect immunofluorescence (IMF). Titration of sera from 18 schistosomiasis patients against soluble worm antigen preparation (SWAP) was carried out and sera from healthy individuals from non-endemic areas were used as controls. The IMF was less sensitive than the dot-ELISAs, although the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The dot-ELISA based on nitrocellulose was as sensitive as that using dacron. Stability did not differ between nitrocellulose and dacron. Specificity was lower when dacron was used than when nitrocellulose was used, although the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). In conclusion, this work showed that nitrocellulose and dacron performed similarly in dot-ELISA, suggesting that they may be used alternatively in population surveillance in endemic areas.


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Com o objetivo de descrever as características clínicas e laboratoriais da meningoencefalite criptocócica, foram analisados 104 prontuários de pacientes com este diagnóstico, internados no Hospital Couto Maia, na cidade de Salvador-Bahia, no período de 1972 a 1996. A idade dos pacientes variou de 8 meses a 79 anos. Sessenta e quatro (61,5%) enfermos eram do sexo masculino. O tempo de doença variou de 2 a 150 dias, com média de 27,6 dias. Os sinais e sintomas clínicos mais comuns foram cefaléia (92,7%), febre (84,4%) e rigidez de nuca (83,2%). A celularidade do líquido cefalorraquiano foi superior a 4 cels/mm+ em 95,8% dos pacientes com predominância de linfócitos em 86,3% dos casos. A letalidade foi de 42,7%.