909 resultados para Audience response systems


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The hardening cubic spring oscillator is studied under narrow-band gaussian excitation. Equivalent linearization leads to multiple steady states. The realizability of the solution is discussed through stochastic stability analysis. Theoretical results are supported by numerical simulation.


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A rotor-body system with blades interconnected through viscoelastic elements is analyzed for response, loads, and stability in propulsive trim in ground contact and under forward-flight conditions, A conceptual model of a multibladed rotor with rigid flap and lag motions, and the fuselage with rigid pitch and roll motions is considered, Although the interconnecting elements are placed in the in-plane direction, considerable coupling between the flap-lag motions of the blades can occur in certain ranges of interblade element stiffness, Interblade coupling can yield significant changes in the response, loads, and stability that are dependent on the interblade element and rotor-body parameters, Ground resonance stability investigations show that by tuning the interblade element stiffness, the ground resonance instability problem can be reduced or eliminated, The interblade elements with damping and stiffness provide an effective method to overcome the problems of ground and air resonance.


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The use of an instrumented impact test set-up to evaluate the influence of water ingress on the impact response of a carbon–epoxy (C–E) laminated composite system containing discontinuous buffer strips (BS) has been examined. The data on the BS-free C–E sample in dry conditions are used as reference to compare with the data derived from those immersed in water. The work demonstrated the utility of an instrumented impact test set-up in characterising the response, first owing to the architectural difference due to introduction of buffer strips and then due to the presence of an additional phase in the form of water ingressed into the sample. The presence of water was found to enhance the energy absorption characteristics of the C–E system with BS insertions. It was also noticed that with an increasing number of BS layer insertions, the load–time plots displayed characteristic changes. The ductility indices (DI) were found to display a lower value for the water immersed samples compared to the dry ones.


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A new series of lipophilic cholesteryl derivatives of 2,4,6-trichloro-pyrimidine-5-carbaldehyde has been synthesized. Oxyethylene spacers of variable lengths were inserted between the hydrogen bonding promoting pyrimidine core and the cholesteryl tail in order to understand their effect on the selfassembly of these compounds. Only compound 1a with the shortest spacer formed a gel in organic solvents such as n-butanol and n-dodecane. While other members (1b and c) having longer spacers led to sol formation and precipitation in n-butanol and n-dodecane respectively. The self-assembly phenomena associated with the gelation process were investigated using temperature-dependent UVVis and CD-spectroscopy. The morphological features of the freeze-dried gels obtained from different organic solvents were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The solid phase behaviours of these molecules and their associated alkali metal ion complexes were explored using polarized optical microscopy (POM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The molecular arrangements in the xerogel and in the solid state were further probed using a wide-angle Xray diffraction (WAXD) technique. Analysis of the wide-angle X-ray diffraction data reveals that this class of molecules adopts a hexagonal columnar organization in the gel and in the solid state. Each slice of these hexagonal columnar structures is composed of a dimeric molecular-assembly as a building block. Significant changes in the conformation of the oxyethylene chains could be triggered via the coordination of selected alkali metal ions. This led to the production of interesting metal ion promoted mesogenic behaviour.


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This thesis presents a technique for obtaining the stochastic response of a nonlinear continuous system. First, the general method of nonstationary continuous equivalent linearization is developed. This technique allows replacement of the original nonlinear system with a time-varying linear continuous system. Next, a numerical implementation is described which allows solution of complex problems on a digital computer. In this procedure, the linear replacement system is discretized by the finite element method. Application of this method to systems satisfying the one-dimensional wave equation with two different types of constitutive nonlinearities is described. Results are discussed for nonlinear stress-strain laws of both hardening and softening types.


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This thesis is concerned with the dynamic response of a General multidegree-of-freedom linear system with a one dimensional nonlinear constraint attached between two points. The nonlinear constraint is assumed to consist of rate-independent conservative and hysteretic nonlinearities and may contain a viscous dissipation element. The dynamic equations for general spatial and temporal load distributions are derived for both continuous and discrete systems. The method of equivalent linearization is used to develop equations which govern the approximate steady-state response to generally distributed loads with harmonic time dependence.

The qualitative response behavior of a class of undamped chainlike structures with a nonlinear terminal constraint is investigated. It is shown that the hardening or softening behavior of every resonance curve is similar and is determined by the properties of the constraint. Also examined are the number and location of resonance curves, the boundedness of the forced response, the loci of response extrema, and other characteristics of the response. Particular consideration is given to the dependence of the response characteristics on the properties of the linear system, the nonlinear constraint, and the load distribution.

Numerical examples of the approximate steady-state response of three structural systems are presented. These examples illustrate the application of the formulation and qualitative theory. It is shown that disconnected response curves and response curves which cross are obtained for base excitation of a uniform shear beam with a cubic spring foundation. Disconnected response curves are also obtained for the steady-state response to a concentrated load of a chainlike structure with a hardening hysteretic constraint. The accuracy of the approximate response curves is investigated.


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An approximate approach is presented for determining the stationary random response of a general multidegree-of-freedom nonlinear system under stationary Gaussian excitation. This approach relies on defining an equivalent linear system for the nonlinear system. Two particular systems which possess exact solutions have been solved by this approach, and it is concluded that this approach can generate reasonable solutions even for systems with fairly large nonlinearities. The approximate approach has also been applied to two examples for which no exact or approximate solutions were previously available.

Also presented is a matrix algebra approach for determining the stationary random response of a general multidegree-of-freedom linear system. Its derivation involves only matrix algebra and some properties of the instantaneous correlation matricies of a stationary process. It is therefore very direct and straightforward. The application of this matrix algebra approach is in general simpler than that of commonly used approaches.


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The response of linear, viscous damped systems to excitations having time-varying frequency is the subject of exact and approximate analyses, which are supplemented by an analog computer study of single degree of freedom system response to excitations having frequencies depending linearly and exponentially on time.

The technique of small perturbations and the methods of stationary phase and saddle-point integration, as well as a novel bounding procedure, are utilized to derive approximate expressions characterizing the system response envelope—particularly near resonances—for the general time-varying excitation frequency.

Descriptive measurements of system resonant behavior recorded during the course of the analog study—maximum response, excitation frequency at which maximum response occurs, and the width of the response peak at the half-power level—are investigated to determine dependence upon natural frequency, damping, and the functional form of the excitation frequency.

The laboratory problem of determining the properties of a physical system from records of its response to excitations of this class is considered, and the transient phenomenon known as “ringing” is treated briefly.

It is shown that system resonant behavior, as portrayed by the above measurements and expressions, is relatively insensitive to the specifics of the excitation frequency-time relation and may be described to good order in terms of parameters combining system properties with the time derivative of excitation frequency evaluated at resonance.

One of these parameters is shown useful for predicting whether or not a given excitation having a time-varying frequency will produce strong or subtle changes in the response envelope of a given system relative to the steady-state response envelope. The parameter is shown, additionally, to be useful for predicting whether or not a particular response record will exhibit the “ringing” phenomenon.


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A general class of single degree of freedom systems possessing rate-independent hysteresis is defined. The hysteretic behavior in a system belonging to this class is depicted as a sequence of single-valued functions; at any given time, the current function is determined by some set of mathematical rules concerning the entire previous response of the system. Existence and uniqueness of solutions are established and boundedness of solutions is examined.

An asymptotic solution procedure is used to derive an approximation to the response of viscously damped systems with a small hysteretic nonlinearity and trigonometric excitation. Two properties of the hysteresis loops associated with any given system completely determine this approximation to the response: the area enclosed by each loop, and the average of the ascending and descending branches of each loop.

The approximation, supplemented by numerical calculations, is applied to investigate the steady-state response of a system with limited slip. Such features as disconnected response curves and jumps in response exist for a certain range of system parameters for any finite amount of slip.

To further understand the response of this system, solutions of the initial-value problem are examined. The boundedness of solutions is investigated first. Then the relationship between initial conditions and resulting steady-state solution is examined when multiple steady-state solutions exist. Using the approximate analysis and numerical calculations, it is found that significant regions of initial conditions in the initial condition plane lead to the different asymptotically stable steady-state solutions.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): High-resolution proxy records of climate, such as varves, ice cores, and tree-rings, provide the opportunity for reconstructing climate on a year-by-year basis. In order to do so it is necessary to approximate the complex nonlinear response function of the natural recording system using linear statistical models. Three problems with this approach were discussed, and possible solutions were suggested. Examples were given from a reconstruction of Santa Barbara precipitation based on tree-ring records from Santa Barbara County.