974 resultados para Atrial Remodeling
OBJETIVO: Relatar a experiência no emprego de altas doses de amiodarona via oral (1800mg/d) na reversão da fibrilação atrial (FA) em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca. MÉTODOS: Analisados, retrospectivamente, 80 pacientes que apresentaram FA no pós operatório de cirurgia cardíaca, constituindo 2 grupos: grupo A com 28 pacientes em uso de amiodarona e grupo B recebendo digital, sendo que este grupo foi subdividido no grupo C com 21 pacientes onde foi associada amiodarona, quando não houvesse reversão da arritmia em 48h. As diferenças foram consideradas significativas para um valor de P<0,05. RESULTADOS: A FA esteve presente em 19,4% dos pacientes operados, com predomínio no sexo masculino e entre 60-69 anos. No grupo A, a reversão ocorreu em 78,6% dos casos, grupo B, o digital obteve sucesso em 60% das vezes e no grupo C, a taxa de sucesso foi de 90%. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de altas doses de amiodarona via oral, isolada ou em combinação com digital pode ser segura e eficaz no tratamento da FA em pós operatório de cirurgia cardíaca.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a incidência e as características das crises de recorrência de fibrilação atrial (FA) em pacientes sob terapia com sotalol ou quinidina. MÉTODOS: Cento e vinte e um pacientes receberam de forma randômica sotalol (58 pacientes) ou quinidina (63 pacientes) após reversão de FA paroxística e foram acompanhados, ambulatorialmente, por 6 meses. As sintomatologias e as freqüências ventriculares ao eletrocardiograma de 12 derivações da crise inicial e da recorrência foram comparadas entre os grupos de drogas. As características clínicas e os dados do ecocardiograma foram analisados como preditores de recorrência. RESULTADOS: Dezessete (14%) pacientes apresentaram recorrência da arritmia, 7 (12%) em uso de sotalol e 10 (16%) em uso de quinidina. A recorrência ocorreu mais tardiamente no grupo tratado com sotalol (mediana de 69 dias) em comparação ao grupo tratado com quinidina (mediana de 10 dias) (p=0,04). A sintomatologia esteve presente em 14 (82%) pacientes na crise inicial e em 8 (47%) pacientes na recorrência. O tratamento antiarrítmico proporcionou recorrências menos sintomáticas (p<0,04), não sendo possível demonstrar diferença significante entre as terapias. Somente os pacientes tratados com sotalol apresentaram menor freqüência ventricular na recorrência em comparação à crise inicial (p<0,02). Todas as variáveis falharam em predizer recorrência da FA. CONCLUSÃO: Não foi possível demonstrar diferença entre o sotalol e a quinidina na prevenção de FA. O tratamento antiarrítmico proporcionou a ocorrência de recorrências menos sintomáticas. Os pacientes tratados com sotalol apresentaram recorrência mais tardiamente e freqüência ventricular significantemente menor na recorrência em comparação à crise inicial.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os tipos de bloqueio obtidos nos istmos posterior (entre o anel tricuspídeo e veia cava inferior) e septal (entre o anel tricuspídeo e óstio do seio coronário), após ablação do flutter atrial (FLA). MÉTODOS: Foram submetidos à ablação por radiofreqüência (RF) 14 pacientes com FLA tipo I (9 homens) em 16 procedimentos. A ativação atrial ao redor do anel tricuspídeo foi avaliada em ritmo sinusal utilizando-se cateter "Halo" com 10 pares de eletrodos (H1-2 a H19-20), durante estimulação do seio coronário proximal (SCP) e região póstero-lateral do átrio direito (H1-2), antes e após ablações lineares. De acordo com a frente de programação do impulso definiu-se: ausência de bloqueio (condução bidirecional), bloqueio incompleto (condução bidirecional com retardo num dos sentidos) e bloqueio completo (ausência de condução pelo istmo). O intervalo desta ativação (deltaSCP/H1-2) foi analisado. RESULTADOS: Bloqueio completo foi obtido em 7 procedimentos (44%) e incompleto em 4 (25%). O deltaSCP/H1-2 foi de 74 ± 26ms no primeiro grupo e de 30,5 ± 7,5ms no segundo (p<0,05). Em 5 casos não demonstrou-se bloqueio. Num seguimento médio de 12 meses, ocorreu recorrência do FLA nos 6 pacientes com bloqueio incompleto ou ausente e em nenhum com bloqueio completo (p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: A verificação de bloqueio completo pelo mapeamento multipolar atrial é uma estratégia eficaz para definir o sucesso e recorrência clínica na ablação do FLA tipo I.
É apresentado um caso de mixoma atrial esquerdo associado a acidente vascular cerebral embólico em paciente do sexo feminino, com oito anos de idade. Feita a exérese do tumor, a criança apresentava, dois meses após cirurgia, presença de massa septoatrial esquerda, sugerindo recidiva, mantendo-se, porém, assintomática. A revisão da literatura enfatiza a raridade e a agressividade com que este tumor acomete esta faixa etária, além de salientar baixas taxas de recidiva após sua retirada.
OBJETIVO: Estudar a importância clínica da determinação eletrofisiológica da presença de bloqueio bidirecional na condução pelo istmo localizado entre a veia cava inferior e o anel da valva tricúspide (VCI - AT), após a ablação do flutter atrial tipo I (FL) com radiofreqüência (RF). MÉTODOS: Quarenta pacientes consecutivos (idade média 51±11 anos) com FL foram submetidos a ablação do istmo VCI-AT com RF. Em 30 pacientes (GI), o sucesso foi avaliado pela interrupção e não reindução do FL com estimulação atrial programada. Nos últimos 10 pacientes foi avaliada também a condução bidirecional pelo istmo, com cateteres posicionados na sua entrada e saída e em cada lado da linha de bloqueio. O bloqueio foi considerado bidirecional quando ocorrido nos dois sentidos e unidirecional quando ocorrido em um só sentido. RESULTADOS: Vinte e seis (86%) pacientes do GI e 10 (100%) do GII tiveram sucesso imediato (p= 0,5558). Durante o seguimento, 7 (30%) de 23 pacientes do GI e 3 (30%) de 9 do GII tiveram recorrência de FL (p= NS). Os três pacientes do GII que apresentaram recorrência tinham bloqueio unidirecional, enquanto os seis casos sem recorrência tinham bloqueio bidirecional (p=0,012). CONCLUSÃO: A demonstração de bloqueio bidirecional no istmo VCI-AT, obtida imediatamente após a ablação do FL com RF, relaciona-se a menor índice de recorrência clínica, devendo ser o critério preferencial para término do procedimento.
PURPOSE: Evaluation of the role of transesophageal echocardiography in percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects (ASD) with the Amplatzer septal occluder. METHODS: Patients were selected for percutaneous closure of ASD by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), which was also used to monitor the procedure, helping to select the appropriate size of the Amplatzer device, to verify its position, and to access the immediate results of the procedure. During the follow-up, TEE was used to evaluate the presence and magnitude of residual shunt (RS), device position, and right cardiac chamber diameters. RESULTS: Twenty-two (40%) of a total of 55 studied patients were selected. Thirteen underwent Amplatzer device implantation, eight are still waiting for it, and one preferred the conventional surgical treatment. All procedures were successful, which was mainly due to proper patient selection. Six (23%) patients acutely developed RS, which spontaneously disapeared at the three-month follow-up examination in three patients. There was a significant reduction in the right ventricle diastolic diameter, from 27mm (average) to 24mm and 20mm, one and three months after the procedure, respectively (p<0.0076). CONCLUSION: With the aid of TEE, percutaneous closure of ASD can be successfully, safely, and effectively performed.
A patient with heart failure and acute atrial fibrillation received the final diagnosis of atrial infarction associated with ventricular infarction based on clinical findings of ischemia in association with atrial fibrillation and heart failure (mechanisms probably involved: contractile dysfunction and loss of atrial contribution). Although a transesophageal echocardiography, which could refine the diagnosis of anatomic abnormalities, was not performed, all evidence led to the diagnosis of atrial involvement. Electrocardiographic findings were consistent with Liu's major criterion 3. Therapy with digitalis, quinidine and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors was chosen, as the patient had acute pulmonary edema. The use of beta-blockers and verapamil was restricted. No other complications, such as thrombo-embolism or atrial rupture, were noted.
PURPOSE: To assess the presence and the prevalence of arrhythmias and the variability of the heart rate in the medium-term postoperative period following the maze procedure for chronic atrial fibrillation (AF). METHODS: Seventeen patients with a mean age of 51.7±12.9 years, who previously underwent the maze procedure without cryoablation for chronic atrial fibrillation, were evaluated with the 24 hour electrocardiogram (ECG) - Holter monitoring from the 6th month after the operation. Valvular and coronary procedures were concomitantly performed. RESULTS: The mean heart rate during Holter monitoring was 82±8bpm; the maximal heart rate was 126 ± 23bpm and the minimal heart rate 57±7bpm. Sinus rhythm was found in 10 (59%) patients and atrial rhythm was found in 7 (41%). Supraventricular extrasystoles had a rate of 2.3±5.5% of the total number of heartbeats and occurred in 16 (94%) patients. Six (35%) patients showed nonsustained atrial tachycardia. Ventricular extrasystoles, with a rate of 0.8±0.5% of the total heartbeats, occurred in 14 (82%) patients. The chronotropic competence was normal in 9 (53%) patients and attenuated in 8 (47%). The atrioventricular conduction (AV) was unchanged in 13 (76%) patients and there were 4 (24%) cases of first degree atrioventricular block (AVB). CONCLUSION: After the maze procedure, the values for the mean heart rate, AV conduction and chronotropic competence approach the normal range, although some cases show attenuation of the chronotropic response, first degree AV block or benign arrhythmias.
OBJECTIVE: Report clinical experience in surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) by Cox-maze procedure. METHODS: 61 patients underwent surgical treatment for AF. Two had primary AF and 59 AF secondary to heart disease (2 atrial septal defects, 57 mitral). Ages ranged from 20 to 74 years (mean = 49). There were 44 females (72%). The surgical technique employed was Cox 3 without cryoablation. The patients were follow-up in specific at patient clinics and underwent periodical ECG, exercise tests, echocardiogram and Holter monitoring. RESULTS: In-hospital mortality was 4.9% and late mortality 1.6%. A temporary pacemaker was used in 28 (46%) and a definitive in 7 patients (11.4%). On hospital discharge, AF remained in 17%; 63.9% had sinus rhythm, 6.9% atrial rhythm, 1.7% junctional rhythm, and 10.3% had pacemaker rhythm. In the last evaluation, AF was present in 19.5%; (70.5% sinus rhythm, 4% atrial rhythm, 2% atrial tachycardia, and 4% pacemaker rhythm). There was no report of thromboembolic episodes. Chronotropic response was considered adequate in 19%, intermediate in 29%, and inadequate in 42%. In Holter monitoring, the mean heart rate was 82±8 bpm, with a minimum of 57±7 bpm and maximum of 126±23 bpm, with supraventricular extrasystoles in 2.3±5.5% of the total heartbeats and ventricular extrasystoles in 0.8±0.5%. In the echocardiogram, the A wave was present in the left atrium in 87.5%. CONCLUSION: Maze procedure is effective and has acceptable surgical risk. Atrial or sinus rhythms remain stable with a small but remarkable frequency of atrial and ventricular arrhythmias. Left atrial contraction is present, although attenuated, as well as the chronotropic response to exercise.
Beginning with a patient presenting with an atrial septal defect (ASD) of the secundum type, the genealogy was identified in four affected individuals who belonged to three successive generations of the same family. The defects were visually confirmed in all individuals and were found to be anatomically similar. No other congenital malformations were present in these individuals. The genealogy was identified in 1972, when ASD recurred in two generations, and it was concluded that the mechanism of transmission was autosomal recessive. The fifth individual, identified 21 years later, and having an anomaly identical to that of the others, was the child of a couple who had no consaguinity and whose mother was a member of the previously studied genealogy. Considering the absence of phenotype in the parents and the rarity of the ASD gene in the general population, the occurrence of the uniparental disomy for this family nucleus, and the same autosomal recessive mechanism of transmission by this affected individual is possible. This study reports the familial occurrence of ASD by genetic mechanisms of transmission, emphasizing the necessity for genetic-clinical studies in members of the familial nucleus in order to detect new carriers, who usually are asymptomatic, thereby allowing for early and adequate treatment of individuals who may be affected.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of losartan on ventricular remodeling and on survival after myocardial infarction in rats. METHODS: After surgical occlusion of left coronary artery, 84 surviving male Wistar rats were divided into two groups: LO treated with losartan (20mg/kg/day, n=33) and NT (n=51), without medication. After 3 months, we analyzed mortality; ventricular to body mass ratio (VM /BM); myocardial hydroxyproline concentration (HOP); isovolumetric pressure, +dp/dt, -dp/dt, and diastolic volume/left ventricle mass ratio (VO/LV). RESULTS: Mortality was: LO = 22%, and NT = 47% (p<0.05). Ventricular mass,(VM/BM, mg/g) was 4.14 ± 0.76 and 3.54±0.48, in the NT and LO groups, respectively (p<0.05). HOP (median) was 4.92 upsilong/mg in the LO and 5.54 upsilong/g in the NT group (p>0.05). The V0/LV values (median) were 0.24 mL/g in group LO and 0.31 mL/g in group NT (p<0.05) compared to NT group. There were no differences between the groups for +dp/dt and -dp/dt parameters. CONCLUSION: 1- The use of losartan myocardial infarction causes an attenuation of ventricular remodeling, bringing about an increased survival, an attenuation of ventricular hypertrophy and dilation, and an improvement of the isovolumetric pressure; 2- the treatment does not modify the myocardial collagen concentration.
OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the feasibility and safety of simultaneous catheterization and mapping of the 4 pulmonary veins for ablation of atrial fibrillation. METHODS: Ten patients, 8 with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and 2 with persistent atrial fibrillation, refractory to at least 2 antiarrhythmic drugs and without structural cardiopathy, were consecutively studied. Through the transseptal insertion of 2 long sheaths, 4 pulmonary veins were simultaneously catheterized with octapolar microcatheters. After identification of arrhythmogenic foci radiofrequency was applied under angiographic or ultrasonographic control. RESULTS: During 17 procedures, 40 pulmonary veins were mapped, 16 of which had local ectopic activity, related or not with the triggering of atrial fibrillation paroxysms. At the end of each procedure, suppression of arrhythmias was obtained in 8 patients, and elimination of pulmonary vein potentials was accomplished in 4. During the clinical follow-up of 9.6±3 months, 7 patients remained in sinus rhythm, 5 of whom were using antiarrhythmic drugs that had previously been ineffective. None of the patients had pulmonary hypertension or evidence of stenosis in the pulmonary veins. CONCLUSION: Selective and simultaneous catheterization of the 4 pulmonary veins with microcatheters for simultaneous recording of their electrical activity is a feasible and safe procedure that may help ablation of atrial fibrillation.
OBJECTIVE: Using P-wave signal-averaged electrocardiography, we assessed the patterns of atrial electrical activation in patients with idiopathic atrial fibrillation as compared with patterns in patients with atrial fibrillation associated with structural heart disease. METHODS: Eighty patients with recurrent paroxysmal atrial fibrillation were divided into 3 groups as follows: group I - 40 patients with atrial fibrillation associated with non-rheumatic heart disease; group II - 25 patients with rheumatic atrial fibrillation; and group III - 15 patients with idiopathic atrial fibrillation. All patients underwent P-wave signal-averaged electrocardiography for frequency-domain analysis using spectrotemporal mapping and statistical techniques for detecting and quantifying intraatrial conduction disturbances. RESULTS: We observed an important fragmentation in atrial electrical conduction in 27% of the patients in group I, 64% of the patients in group II, and 67% of the patients in group III (p=0.003). CONCLUSION: Idiopathic atrial fibrillation has important intraatrial conduction disturbances. These alterations are similar to those observed in individuals with rheumatic atrial fibrillation, suggesting the existence of some degree of structural involvement of the atrial myocardium that cannot be detected with conventional electrocardiography and echocardiography.