998 resultados para Atomic processes


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Ferroelectric Pb1-xCaxTiO3 (x = 0.24) thin films were formed on a Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate by the polymeric precursor method using the dip-coating technique for their deposition. Characterization of the films bq X-ray diffraction showed a perovskite single phase with a tetragonal structure after annealing at 700 degreesC. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) analyses showed that the film had a smooth and crack-free surface with low surface roughness. In addition, the PCT thin film had a granular structure with an 80 nm grain size. The thickness of the films observed by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is 550 nm and there is a good adhesion between the film and substrate. For the electrical measurements metal-ferroelectric-metal of the type capacitors were obtained, where the thin films showed good dielectric and ferroelectric properties. The dielectric constant and dissipation factor at 1 kHz and measured at room temperature were found to be 457 and 0.03. respectively. The remanent polarization and coercive field for the: deposited films were P-r = 17 muC/cm(2) and E-c = 75 kV/cm, respectively. Moreover. The 550-nm-thick film showed a current density in the order of 10(-8) A/cm(2) at the applied voltage of 2 V. The high values of the thin film's dielectric properties are attributed to its excellent microstructural quality and the chemical homogeneity obtained by the polymeric precursor method. (C) 2001 Elsevier science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work we investigate the effect from the solution concentration on aggregation in layer-by-layer (LBL) films of poly(omethoxyaniline) (POMA) alternated with poly(vinyl sulfonic acid). Films are adsorbed on hydrophilized glass substrates and characterized with UV-Vis spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. The formation of aggregates is favored in more concentrated solutions, leading to an increase in the diameter of the domains. This is caused by stronger polymer-polymer interactions under high concentrations. The size of POMA aggregates in solution is estimated to be larger than in LBL films, which is surprising because one should expect aggregates from solution to coalesce into larger aggregates in the deposited films. This unexpected result may be explained by a swelling effect of aggregates in the aqueous POMA solutions, consistent with other reports in the literature which consider the aggregates in solution to be made up of smaller aggregates. Upon adsorption on a solid substrate to form the LBL film, a molecular reorganization probably takes place, resulting in smaller aggregates. It is also found that the size distribution of the POMA domains in the LBL films is determined by the concentration of the solution. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The conditions for the existence of autosolitons were considered in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive atomic interactions. The expression for the parameters of the autosoliton was derived using the time-dependent variational approach for the nonconservative 3-dimensional Gross-pitaevskii equation and their stability was checked. The results were in agreement with the exact numerical calculations. It was shown that the transition from unstable to stable point solely depends on the magnitude of the parameters.


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The three-body recombination coefficient of an ultracold atomic system, together with the corresponding two-body scattering length a, allow us to predict the energy E 3 of the shallow trimer bound state, using a universal scaling function. The production of dimers in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates, from three-body recombination processes, in the regime of short magnetic pulses near a Feshbach resonance, is also studied in line with the experimental observation.


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Twenty six bottom sediment samples were collected from the Cananeia estuary in summer and winter of 2005. Multielemental analysis was carried out by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Total mercury was determined by cold vapor atomic absorption. As, Cr, Hg and Zn concentrations were compared to the Canadian oriented values (TEL and PEL). Sample points 4 and 9 presented higher concentration for most elements and As and Cr exceeded the TEL values. Organic matter (>10%) associated with siltic and clay sediments was observed. Climatic conditions, hydrodynamic and biogeochemical processes promote differences in seasonal concentrations of elements at some points, which contribute to special distributions.


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This thesis was driven by the ambition to create suitable model systems that mimic complex processes in nature, like intramolecular transitions, such as unfolding and refolding of proteins, or intermolecular interactions between different cell compo-nents. Novel biophysical approaches were adopted by employing atomic force mi-croscopy (AFM) as the main measurement technique due to its broad diversity. Thus, high-resolution imaging, adhesion measurements, and single-molecule force distance experiments were performed on the verge of the instrumental capabilities. As first objective, the interaction between plasma membrane and cytoskeleton, me-diated by the linker protein ezrin, was pursued. Therefore, the adsorption process and the lateral organization of ezrin on PIP2 containing solid-supported membranes were characterized and quantified as a fundament for the establishment of a biomimetic model system. As second component of the model system, actin filaments were coated on functionalized colloidal probes attached on cantilevers, serving as sensor elements. The zealous endeavor of creating this complex biomimetic system was rewarded by successful investigation of the activation process of ezrin. As a result, it can be stated that ezrin is activated by solely binding to PIP2 without any further stimulating agents. Additional cofactors may stabilize and prolong the active conformation but are not essentially required for triggering ezrin’s transformation into an active conformation. In the second project, single-molecule force distance experiments were performed on bis-loop tetra-urea calix[4]arene-catenanes with different loading rates (increase in force per second). These macromolecules were specifically designed to investigate the rupture and rejoining mechanism of hydrogen bonds under external load. The entangled loops of capsule-like molecules locked the unbound state of intramolecular hydrogen bonds mechanically, rendering a rebinding observable on the experimental time scale. In conjunction with Molecular Dynamics simulations, a three-well potential of the bond rupture process was established and all kinetically relevant parameters of the experiments were determined by means of Monte Carlo simulations and stochastic modeling. In summary, it can be stated that atomic force microscopy is an invaluable tool to scrutinize relevant processes in nature, such as investigating activation mechanisms in proteins, as shown by analysis of the interaction between F-actin and ezrin, as well as exploring fundamental properties of single hydrogen bonds that are of paramount interest for the complete understanding of complex supramolecular structures.


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Self-assembled molecular structures were investigated on insulating substrate surfaces using non-contact atomic force microscopy. Both, substrate preparation and molecule deposition, took place under ultra-high vacuum conditions. First, C60 molecules were investigated on the TiO2 (110) surface. This surface exhibits parallel running troughs at the nanometer scale, which strongly steer the assembly of the molecules. This is in contrast to the second investigated surface. The CaF2 (111) surface is atomically flat and the molecular assemblyrnwas observed to be far less affected by the surface. Basically different island structures were observed to what is typically know. Based on extensive experimental studies and theoretical considerations, a comprehensive picture of the processes responsible for the island formation of C60 molecules on this insulating surfaces was developed. The key process for the emergence of the observed novel island structures was made out to be the dewetting of molecules from the substrate. This new knowledge allows to further understand andrnexploit self-assembly techniques in structure fabrication on insulating substrate surfaces. To alter island formation and island structure, C60 molecules were codeposited with second molecule species (PTCDI and SubPc) on the CaF2 (111) surface. Depending on the order of deposition, quiet different structures were observed to arise. Thus, these are the first steps towards more complex functional arrangements consisting of two molecule species on insulating surfaces.


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Diese Arbeit stellt eine ausführliche Studie fundamentaler Eigenschaften der Kalzit CaCO3(10.4) und verwandter Mineraloberflächen dar, welche nicht nur durch die Verwendung von Nichtkontakt Rasterkraftmikroskopie, sondern hauptsächlich durch die Messung von Kraftfeldern ermöglicht wurde. Die absolute Oberflächenorientierung sowie der hierfür zugrundeliegende Prozess auf atomarer Skala konnten erfolgreich für die Kalzit (10.4) Oberfläche identifiziert werden.rnDie Adsorption chiraler Moleküle auf Kalzit ist relevant im Bereich der Biomineralisation, was ein Verständnis der Oberflächensymmetrie unumgänglich macht. Die Messung des Oberflächenkraftfeldes auf atomarer Ebene ist hierfür ein zentraler Aspekt. Eine solche Kraftkarte beleuchtet nicht nur die für die Biomineralisation wichtige Wechselwirkung der Oberfläche mit Molekülen, sondern enthält auch die Möglichkeit, Prozesse auf atomarer Skala und damit Oberflächeneigenschaften zu identifizieren.rnDie Einführung eines höchst flexiblen Messprotokolls gewährleistet die zuverlässige und kommerziell nicht erhältliche Messung des Oberflächenkraftfeldes. Die Konversion der rohen ∆f Daten in die vertikale Kraft Fz ist jedoch kein trivialer Vorgang, insbesondere wenn Glätten der Daten in Frage kommt. Diese Arbeit beschreibt detailreich, wie Fz korrekt für die experimentellen Bedingungen dieser Arbeit berechnet werden können. Weiterhin ist beschrieben, wie Lateralkräfte Fy und Dissipation Γ erhalten wurden, um das volle Potential dieser Messmethode auszureizen.rnUm Prozesse auf atomarer Skala auf Oberflächen zu verstehen sind die kurzreichweitigen, chemischen Kräfte Fz,SR von größter Wichtigkeit. Langreichweitige Beiträge müssen hierzu an Fz angefittet und davon abgezogen werden. Dies ist jedoch eine fehleranfällige Aufgabe, die in dieser Arbeit dadurch gemeistert werden konnte, dass drei unabhängige Kriterien gefunden wurden, die den Beginn zcut von Fz,SR bestimmen, was für diese Aufgabe von zentraler Bedeutung ist. Eine ausführliche Fehleranalyse zeigt, dass als Kriterium die Abweichung der lateralen Kräfte voneinander vertrauenswürdige Fz,SR liefert. Dies ist das erste Mal, dass in einer Studie ein Kriterium für die Bestimmung von zcut gegeben werden konnte, vervollständigt mit einer detailreichen Fehleranalyse.rnMit der Kenntniss von Fz,SR und Fy war es möglich, eine der fundamentalen Eigenschaften der CaCO3(10.4) Oberfläche zu identifizieren: die absolute Oberflächenorientierung. Eine starke Verkippung der abgebildeten Objekte


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The vibrational excitation of CO2 by a fast-moving O atom followed by infrared emission from the vibrationally excited CO2 has been shown to be an important cooling mechanism in the upper atmospheresof Venus, Earth and Mars. We are trying to determine more precisely the efficiency (rate coefficient) of the CO2-O vibrational energy transfer. For experimental ease the reverse reaction is used, i.e. collision of a vibrationally excited CO2 with atomic O, where we are able to convert to the atmospherically relevant reaction via a known equilibrium constant. The goal of this experiment was to measure the magnitudes of rate coefficients for vibrational energy states above the first excited state, a bending mode in CO2. An isotope of CO2, 13CO2, was used for experimental ease. The rate coefficients for given vibrational energy transfers in 13CO2 are not significantly different from 12CO2 at this level of precision. A slow-flowing gas mixture was flowed through a reaction cell: 13CO2 (vibrational specie of interest), O3(atomic O source), and Ar (bath gas). Transient diode laser absorption spectroscopy was used to monitor thechanging absorption of certain vibrational modes of 13CO2 after a UV pulse from a Nd:YAG laser was fired. Ozone absorbed the UV pulse in a process which vibrationally excited 13CO2 and liberated atomic O.Transient absorption signals were obtained by tuning the diode laser frequency to an appropriate ν3 transition and monitoring the population as a function of time following the Nd:YAG pulse. Transient absorption curves were obtained for various O atom concentrations to determine the rate coefficient of interest. Therotational states of the transitions used for detection were difficult to identify, though their short reequilibration timescale made the identification irrelevant for vibrational energy transfer measurements. The rate coefficient for quenching of the (1000) state was found to be (4 ± 8) x 10-12 cm3 s-1 which is the same order of magnitude as the lowest-energy bend-excited mode: (1.8 ± 0.3) x 10-12 cm3 s-1. More data is necessary before it can be certain that the numerical difference between the two is real.


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Fundamental biological processes such as cell-cell communication, signal transduction, molecular transport and energy conversion are performed by membrane proteins. These important proteins are studied best in their native environment, the lipid bilayer. The atomic force microscope (AFM) is the instrument of choice to determine the native surface structure, supramolecular organization, conformational changes and dynamics of membrane-embedded proteins under near-physiological conditions. In addition, membrane proteins are imaged at subnanometer resolution and at the single molecule level with the AFM. This review highlights the major advances and results achieved on reconstituted membrane proteins and native membranes as well as the recent developments of the AFM for imaging.


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The concentrations of rare earth elements (REEs), sulphate, hydrogen sulphide, total alkalinity, calcium, magnesium and phosphate were measured in shallow (<12 cm below seafloor) pore waters from cold-seep sediments on the northern and southern summits of Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon. Downward-decreasing sulphate and coevally increasing sulphide concentrations reveal sulphate reductionas dominant early diagenetic process from ~2 cm depth downwards. A strong increase of total dissolved REE concentrations is evident immediately below the sediment-water interface, which can be related to early diagenetic release of REEs into pore water resulting from the remineralization of particulate organic matter. The highest pore water REE concentrations were measured close to the sediment-water interface at ~2 cm depth. Distinct shale normalized REE patterns point to particulate organic matter and iron oxides as main REE sources in the upper ~2-cm depth interval. In general, the pore waters have shalenormalized patterns reflecting heavy REE (HREE) enrichment, which suggests preferential complexation of HREEs with carbonate ions. Below ~2 cm depth, a downward decrease in REE correlates with a decrease in pore water calcium concentrations. At this depth, the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) coupled to sulphate reduction increases carbonate alkalinity through the production of bicarbonate, which results in the precipitation of carbonate minerals. It seems therefore likely that the REEs and calcium are consumed during vast AOM-induced precipitation of carbonate in shallow Hydrate Ridge sediments. The analysis of pore waters from Hydrate Ridge shed new light on early diagenetic processes at cold seeps, corroborating the great potential of REEs to identify geochemical processes and to constrain environmental conditions.


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Variations in barium (Ba) stable isotope abundances measured in low and high temperature environments have recently received increasing attention. The actual processes controlling Ba isotope fractionation, however, remain mostly elusive. In this study, we present the first experimental approach to quantify the contribution of diffusion and adsorption on mass- dependent Ba isotope fractionation during transport of aqueous Ba2+ ions through a porous medium. Experiments have been carried out in which a BaCl2 solution of known isotopic composition diffused through u-shaped glass tubes filled with silica hydrogel at 10 C and 25 C for up to 201 days. The diffused Ba was highly fractionated by up to -2.15‰ in d137/134Ba, despite the low relative difference in atomic mass. The time-dependent isotope fractionation can be successfully reproduced by a diffusive transport model accounting for mass-dependent differences in the effective diffusivities of the Ba isotope species (D137Ba/D134Ba = (m134/m137)^b). Values of b extracted from the transport model were in the range of 0.010–0.011. Independently conducted batch experiments revealed that adsorption of Ba onto the surface of silica hydrogel favoured the heavier Ba isotopes (a = 1.00015 ± 0.00008). The contribution of adsorption on the overall isotope fractionation in the diffusion experiments, however, was found to be small. Our results contribute to the understanding of Ba isotope fractionation pro- cesses, which is crucial for interpreting natural isotope variations and the assessment of Ba isotope ratios as geochemical proxies.


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Oxygen 1s excitation and ionization processes in the CO2 molecule have been studied with dispersed and non-dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy as well as with the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photon?photoion coincidence technique. The intensity of the neutral O emission line at 845 nm shows particular sensitivity to core-to-Rydberg excitations and core?valence double excitations, while shape resonances are suppressed. In contrast, the partial fluorescence yield in the wavelength window 300?650 nm and the excitation functions of selected O+ and C+ emission lines in the wavelength range 400?500 nm display all of the absorption features. The relative intensity of ionic emission in the visible range increases towards higher photon energies, which is attributed to O 1s shake-off photoionization. VUV photon?photoion coincidence spectra reveal major contributions from the C+ and O+ ions and a minor contribution from C2+. No conclusive changes in the intensity ratios among the different ions are observed above the O 1s threshold. The line shape of the VUV?O+ coincidence peak in the mass spectrum carries some information on the initial core excitation