995 resultados para Atlantic, (South)


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Two new species, three new forms in open nomenclature and two previously known species of the genus Pithonella (sensu Bolli, 1974), attributed to the dinoflagellate family Peridiniaceae are described from Upper Cretaceous to lower Pleistocene sediments of the Walvis Ridge, southeastern Atlantic Ocean. It is the first time that pithonelloid calcareous dinoflagellates are described from sediment younger than early Paleocene.


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In conjunction with a study of ice-rafted detritus (IRD), textural analyses were carried out on Miocene to Quaternary sediments at Sites 511, 512, 513, and 514. Grain-size statistics were computed for the <62.5 µm fraction in order to identify changes in current velocity; the sand fraction was omitted from these determinations because it consists primarily of ice-raft and biogenic components. The contributions by terrigenous sediment in the 62.5-250 µm and the >250 µm fractions were determined.


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High-resolution, fish tooth Nd isotopic records for eight Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program sites were used to reconstruct the nature of late Paleocene-early Eocene deep-water circulation. The goal of this reconstruction was to test the hypothesis that a change in thermohaline circulation patterns caused the abrupt 4-5°C warming of deep and bottom waters at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary - the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) event. The combined set of records indicates a deep-water mass common to the North and South Atlantic, Southern and Indian oceans characterized by mean epsilon-Nd values of ~-8.7, and different water masses found in the central Pacific Ocean (epsilon-Nd ~-4.3) and Caribbean Sea (epsilon-Nd ~1.2). The geographic pattern of Nd isotopic values before and during the PETM suggests a Southern Ocean deep-water formation site for deep and bottom waters in the Atlantic and Indian ocean basins. The Nd data do not contain evidence for a change in the composition of deep waters prior to the onset of the PETM. This finding is consistent with the pattern of warming established by recently published stable isotope records, suggesting that deep- and bottom-water warming during the PETM was gradual and the consequence of surface-water warming in regions of downwelling.


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Oxygen and carbon isotope measurements have been made in picked planktonic and benthonic foraminifers from the five sites drilled on Leg 74, covering the whole Cenozoic. For the Neogene, the coverage gives good information on the development of the vertical temperature structure of Atlantic deep water. For the Paleogene, vertical gradients were weak and it is possible to combine data from different sites to obtain a very detailed record of both the temperature and carbon isotope history of Atlantic deep waters.


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Interstitial water studies from sites drilled during a transect of the Walvis Ridge indicate that concentration increases in calcium and decreases in magnesium toward and into the basement. These trends can be understood principally in terms of reactions taking place in Layer 2 of the oceanic crust. At Site 525, however, some removal of magnesium occurs within the sediment column. Concentration maxima of dissolved strontium clearly indicate that carbonate recrystallization occurs throughout the carbonate sediments, and studies of the Sr/Ca ratio in carbonates indicate that in chalks and limestones recrystallization is essentially complete. Predictions of dissolved strontium maxima generally fail; this can be understood as removal of strontium in basal sediments and/or basalts.


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Seventeen sediment samples of Albian-Cenomanian to early Pliocene age from DSDP Hole 530A in the Angola Basin and six sediment samples of early Pliocene to late Pleistocene age from the Walvis Ridge were investigated by organic geochemical methods, including organic carbon determination, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of extractable hydrocarbons, and kerogen microscopy. The organic matter in all samples is strongly influenced by a terrigenous component from the nearby continent. The amount of marine organic matter present usually increases with the total organic carbon content, which reaches an extreme value of more than 10% in a Cenomanian black shale from Hole 530A. At Site 530 the extent of preservation of organic matter in the deep sea sediments is related to mass transport down the continental slope, whereas the high organic carbon contents in the sediments from Site 532 reflect both high bioproductivity in the Benguela upwelling regime and considerable supply of terrigenous organic matter. The maturation level of the organic matter is low in all samples.


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In the late Paleocene to early Eocene, deep sea benthic foraminifera suffered their only global extinction of the last 75 million years and diversity decreased worldwide by 30-50% in a few thousand years. At Maud Rise (Weddell Sea, Antarctica; Sites 689 and 690, palaeodepths 1100 m and 1900 m) and Walvis Ridge (Southeastern Atlantic, Sites 525 and 527, palaeodepths 1600 m and 3400 m) post-extinction faunas were low-diversity and high-dominance, but the dominant species differed by geographical location. At Maud Rise, post-extinction faunas were dominated by small, biserial and triserial species, while the large, thick-walled, long-lived deep sea species Nuttallides truempyi was absent. At Walvis Ridge, by contrast, they were dominated by long-lived species such as N. truempyi, with common to abundant small abyssaminid species. The faunal dominance patterns at the two locations thus suggest different post-extinction seafloor environments: increased flux of organic matter and possibly decreased oxygen levels at Maud Rise, decreased flux at Walvis Ridge. The species-richness remained very low for about 50 000 years, then gradually increased. The extinction was synchronous with a large, negative, short-term excursion of carbon and oxygen isotopes in planktonic and benthic foraminifera and bulk carbonate. The isotope excursions reached peak negative values in a few thousand years and values returned to pre-excursion levels in about 50 000 years. The carbon isotope excursion was about -2 per mil for benthic foraminifera at Walvis Ridge and Maud Rise, and about -4 per mil for planktonic foraminifera at Maud Rise. At the latter sites vertical gradients thus decreased, possibly at least partially as a result of upwelling. The oxygen isotope excursion was about -1.5 per mil for benthic foraminifera at Walvis Ridge and Maud Rise, -1 per mil for planktonic foraminifera at Maud Rise. The rapid oxygen isotope excursion at a time when polar ice-sheets were absent or insignificant can be explained by an increase in temperature by 4-6°C of high latitude surface waters and deep waters world wide. The deep ocean temperature increase could have been caused by warming of surface waters at high latitudes and continued formation of the deep waters at these locations, or by a switch from dominant formation of deep waters at high latitudes to formation at lower latitudes. Benthic foraminiferal post-extinction biogeographical patterns favour the latter explanation. The short-term carbon isotope excursion occurred in deep and surface waters, and in soil concretions and mammal teeth in the continental record. It is associated with increased CaC03-dissolution over a wide depth range in the oceans, suggesting that a rapid transfer of isotopically light carbon from lithosphere or biosphere into the ocean-atmosphere system may have been involved. The rapidity of the initiation of the excursion (a few thousand years) and its short duration (50 000 years) suggest that such a transfer was probably not caused by changes in the ratio of organic carbon to carbonate deposition or erosion. Transfer of carbon from the terrestrial biosphere was probably not the cause, because it would require a much larger biosphere destruction than at the end of the Cretaceous, in conflict with the fossil record. It is difficult to explain the large shift by rapid emission into the atmosphere of volcanogenic CO2, although huge subaerial plateau basalt eruptions occurred at the time in the northern Atlantic. Probably a complex combination of processes and feedback was involved, including volcanogenic emission of CO2, changing circulation patterns, changing productivity in the oceans and possibly on land, and changes in the relative size of the oceanic and atmospheric carbon reservoirs.


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Stable isotopic data from benthic foraminifera indicate the occurrence of at least three deepwater masses in the late Maastrichtian ocean. Given mean oceanic d18Ow of -1.0 per mil, the temperature of the coolest intermediate-depth waters was 5°-7°C, that of the deepest waters was 10°C, and that of the warmest intermediate waters was 13°-15°C. The cool intermediate-depth water mass probably originated in the high-latitude Southern Ocean. The deepest waters originated at least partly in the northern Atlantic. The source region for the warmest intermediate-depth water mass is unknown. Although much of the late Maastrichtian deep water was probably preconditioned for winter sinking by low- or middle-latitude evaporation, no more than ~11% of late Maastrichtian deep water could have been directly actuated by low-latitude sea surface evaporation. At least in the southern Atlantic and Indian Oceans, heat transport by upwelling of deep water was not the primary cause of mild sea surface and coastal temperatures.