989 resultados para Asymptotic analysis


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Pattern formation in systems with a conserved quantity is considered by studying the appropriate amplitude equations. The conservation law leads to a large-scale neutral mode that must be included in the asymptotic analysis for pattern formation near onset. Near a stationary bifurcation, the usual Ginzburg--Landau equation for the amplitude of the pattern is then coupled to an equation for the large-scale mode. These amplitude equations show that for certain parameters all roll-type solutions are unstable. This new instability differs from the Eckhaus instability in that it is amplitude-driven and is supercritical. Beyond the stability boundary, there exist stable stationary solutions in the form of strongly modulated patterns. The envelope of these modulations is calculated in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions and, away from the onset of modulation, is closely approximated by a sech profile. Numerical simulations indicate that as the modulation becomes more pronounced, the envelope broadens. A number of applications are considered, including convection with fixed-flux boundaries and convection in a magnetic field, resulting in new instabilities for these systems.


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Calcium ions are an important second messenger in living cells. Indeed calcium signals in the form of waves have been the subject of much recent experimental interest. It is now well established that these waves are composed of elementary stochastic release events (calcium puffs or sparks) from spatially localised calcium stores. The aim of this paper is to analyse how the stochastic nature of individual receptors within these stores combines to create stochastic behaviour on long timescales that may ultimately lead to waves of activity in a spatially extended cell model. Techniques from asymptotic analysis and stochastic phase-plane analysis are used to show that a large cluster of receptor channels leads to a release probability with a sigmoidal dependence on calcium density. This release probability is incorporated into a computationally inexpensive model of calcium release based upon a stochastic generalization of the Fire-Diffuse-Fire (FDF) threshold model. Numerical simulations of the model in one and two dimensions (with stores arranged on both regular and disordered lattices) illustrate that stochastic calcium release leads to the spontaneous production of calcium sparks that may merge to form saltatory waves. Illustrations of spreading circular waves, spirals and more irregular waves are presented. Furthermore, receptor noise is shown to generate a form of array enhanced coherence resonance whereby all calcium stores release periodically and simultaneously.


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Even though the use of recommender systems is already widely spread in several application areas, there is still a lack of studies for accessibility research field. One of these attempts to use recommender system benefits for accessibility needs is Vulcanus. The Vulcanus recommender system uses similarity analysis to compare user’s trails. In this way, it is possible to take advantage of the user’s past behavior and distribute personalized content and services. The Vulcanus combined concepts from ubiquitous computing, such as user profiles, context awareness, trails management, and similarity analysis. It uses two different approaches for trails similarity analysis: resources patterns and categories patterns. In this work we performed an asymptotic analysis, identifying Vulcanus’ algorithm complexity. Furthermore we also propose improvements achieved by dynamic programming technique, so the ordinary case is improved by using a bottom-up approach. With that approach, many unnecessary comparisons can be skipped and now Vulcanus 2.0 is presented with improvements in its average case scenario.


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A primary goal of this dissertation is to understand the links between mathematical models that describe crystal surfaces at three fundamental length scales: The scale of individual atoms, the scale of collections of atoms forming crystal defects, and macroscopic scale. Characterizing connections between different classes of models is a critical task for gaining insight into the physics they describe, a long-standing objective in applied analysis, and also highly relevant in engineering applications. The key concept I use in each problem addressed in this thesis is coarse graining, which is a strategy for connecting fine representations or models with coarser representations. Often this idea is invoked to reduce a large discrete system to an appropriate continuum description, e.g. individual particles are represented by a continuous density. While there is no general theory of coarse graining, one closely related mathematical approach is asymptotic analysis, i.e. the description of limiting behavior as some parameter becomes very large or very small. In the case of crystalline solids, it is natural to consider cases where the number of particles is large or where the lattice spacing is small. Limits such as these often make explicit the nature of links between models capturing different scales, and, once established, provide a means of improving our understanding, or the models themselves. Finding appropriate variables whose limits illustrate the important connections between models is no easy task, however. This is one area where computer simulation is extremely helpful, as it allows us to see the results of complex dynamics and gather clues regarding the roles of different physical quantities. On the other hand, connections between models enable the development of novel multiscale computational schemes, so understanding can assist computation and vice versa. Some of these ideas are demonstrated in this thesis. The important outcomes of this thesis include: (1) a systematic derivation of the step-flow model of Burton, Cabrera, and Frank, with corrections, from an atomistic solid-on-solid-type models in 1+1 dimensions; (2) the inclusion of an atomistically motivated transport mechanism in an island dynamics model allowing for a more detailed account of mound evolution; and (3) the development of a hybrid discrete-continuum scheme for simulating the relaxation of a faceted crystal mound. Central to all of these modeling and simulation efforts is the presence of steps composed of individual layers of atoms on vicinal crystal surfaces. Consequently, a recurring theme in this research is the observation that mesoscale defects play a crucial role in crystal morphological evolution.


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We investigate the structure of strongly nonlinear Rayleigh–Bénard convection cells in the asymptotic limit of large Rayleigh number and fixed, moderate Prandtl number. Unlike the flows analyzed in prior theoretical studies of infinite Prandtl number convection, our cellular solutions exhibit dynamically inviscid constant-vorticity cores. By solving an integral equation for the cell-edge temperature distribution, we are able to predict, as a function of cell aspect ratio, the value of the core vorticity, details of the flow within the thin boundary layers and rising/falling plumes adjacent to the edges of the convection cell, and, in particular, the bulk heat flux through the layer. The results of our asymptotic analysis are corroborated using full pseudospectral numerical simulations and confirm that the heat flux is maximized for convection cells that are roughly square in cross section.


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Estimates of flexural frequencies of clamped square plates are initially obtained by the modified Bolotin's method. The mode shapes in “each direction” are then determined and the product functions of these mode shapes are used as admissible functions in the Rayleigh-Ritz method. The data for the first twenty eigenvalues in each of the three (four) symmetric groups obtained by the (i) Bolotin, (ii) Rayleigh and (iii) Rayleigh-Ritz methods are reported here. The Rayleigh estimates are found to be much closer to the true eigenvalues than the Bolotin estimates. The present product functions are found to be much superior to the conventional beam eigenmodes as admissible functions in the Rayleigh-Ritz method of analysis.


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Active Fiber Composites (AFC) possess desirable characteristics over a wide range of smart structure applications, such as vibration, shape and flow control as well as structural health monitoring. This type of material, capable of collocated actuation and sensing, call be used in smart structures with self-sensing circuits. This paper proposes four novel applications of AFC structures undergoing torsion: sensors and actuators shaped as strips and tubes; and concludes with a preliminary failure analysis. To enable this, a powerful mathematical technique, the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) was used to perform cross-sectional analyses of thin generally anisotropic AFC beams. The resulting closed form expressions have been utilized in the applications presented herein.


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The problem of time variant reliability analysis of existing structures subjected to stationary random dynamic excitations is considered. The study assumes that samples of dynamic response of the structure, under the action of external excitations, have been measured at a set of sparse points on the structure. The utilization of these measurements m in updating reliability models, postulated prior to making any measurements, is considered. This is achieved by using dynamic state estimation methods which combine results from Markov process theory and Bayes' theorem. The uncertainties present in measurements as well as in the postulated model for the structural behaviour are accounted for. The samples of external excitations are taken to emanate from known stochastic models and allowance is made for ability (or lack of it) to measure the applied excitations. The future reliability of the structure is modeled using expected structural response conditioned on all the measurements made. This expected response is shown to have a time varying mean and a random component that can be treated as being weakly stationary. For linear systems, an approximate analytical solution for the problem of reliability model updating is obtained by combining theories of discrete Kalman filter and level crossing statistics. For the case of nonlinear systems, the problem is tackled by combining particle filtering strategies with data based extreme value analysis. In all these studies, the governing stochastic differential equations are discretized using the strong forms of Ito-Taylor's discretization schemes. The possibility of using conditional simulation strategies, when applied external actions are measured, is also considered. The proposed procedures are exemplifiedmby considering the reliability analysis of a few low-dimensional dynamical systems based on synthetically generated measurement data. The performance of the procedures developed is also assessed based on a limited amount of pertinent Monte Carlo simulations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An asymptotically-exact methodology is presented for obtaining the cross-sectional stiffness matrix of a pre-twisted moderately-thick beam having rectangular cross sections and made of transversely isotropic materials. The anisotropic beam is modeled from 3-D elasticity, without any further assumptions. The beam is allowed to have large displacements and rotations, but small strain is assumed. The strain energy of the beam is computed making use of the constitutive law and the kinematical relations derived with the inclusion of geometrical nonlinearities and initial twist. Large displacements and rotations are allowed, but small strain is assumed. The Variational Asymptotic Method is used to minimize the energy functional, thereby reducing the cross section to a point on the reference line with appropriate properties, yielding a 1-D constitutive law. In this method as applied herein, the 2-D cross-sectional analysis is performed asymptotically by taking advantage of a material small parameter and two geometric small parameters. 3-D strain components are derived using kinematics and arranged as orders of the small parameters. Warping functions are obtained by the minimization of strain energy subject to certain set of constraints that renders the 1-D strain measures well-defined. Closed-form expressions are derived for the 3-D non-linear warping and stress fields. The model is capable of predicting interlaminar and transverse shear stresses accurately up to first order.


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The cross-sectional stiffness matrix is derived for a pre-twisted, moderately thick beam made of transversely isotropic materials and having rectangular cross sections. An asymptotically-exact methodology is used to model the anisotropic beam from 3-D elasticity, without any further assumptions. The beam is allowed to have large displacements and rotations, but small strain is assumed. The strain energy is computed making use of the beam constitutive law and kinematical relations derived with the inclusion of geometrical nonlinearities and an initial twist. The energy functional is minimized making use of the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM), thereby reducing the cross section to a point on the beam reference line with appropriate properties, forming a 1-D constitutive law. VAM is a mathematical technique employed in the current problem to rigorously split the 3-D analysis of beams into two: a 2-D analysis over the beam cross-sectional domain, which provides a compact semi-analytical form of the properties of the cross sections, and a nonlinear 1-D analysis of the beam reference curve. In this method, as applied herein, the cross-sectional analysis is performed asymptotically by taking advantage of a material small parameter and two geometric small parameters. 3-D strain components are derived using kinematics and arranged in orders of the small parameters. Closed-form expressions are derived for the 3-D non-linear warping and stress fields. Warping functions are obtained by the minimization of strain energy subject to certain set of constraints that render the 1-D strain measures well-defined. The zeroth-order 3-D warping field thus yielded is then used to integrate the 3-D strain energy density over the cross section, resulting in the 1-D strain energy density, which in turn helps identify the corresponding cross-sectional stiffness matrix. The model is capable of predicting interlaminar and transverse shear stresses accurately up to first order.


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Cracking of ceramics with tetragonal perovskite grain structure is known to appear at different sites and scale level. The multiscale character of damage depends on the combined effects of electromechanical coupling, prevailing physical parameters and boundary conditions. These detail features are exhibited by application of the energy density criterion with judicious use of the mode I asymptotic and full field solution in the range of r/a = 10(-4) to 10(-2) where r and a are, respectively, the distance to the crack tip and half crack length. Very close to the stationary crack tip, bifurcation is predicted resembling the dislocation emission behavior invoked in the molecular dynamics model. At the macroscopic scale, crack growth is predicted to occur straight ahead with two yield zones to the sides. A multiscale feature of crack tip damage is provided for the first time. Numerical values of the relative distances and bifurcation angles are reported for the PZT-4 ceramic subjected to different electric field to applied stress ratio and boundary conditions that consist of the specification of electric field/mechanical stress, electric displacement/mechanical strain, and mixed conditions. To be emphasized is that the multiscale character of damage in piezoceramics does not appear in general. It occurs only for specific combinations of the external and internal field parameters, elastic/piezoelectric/dielectric constants and specified boundary conditions. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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We present a mathematical analysis of the asymptotic preserving scheme proposed in [M. Lemou and L. Mieussens, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 31 (2008), pp. 334-368] for linear transport equations in kinetic and diffusive regimes. We prove that the scheme is uniformly stable and accurate with respect to the mean free path of the particles. This property is satisfied under an explicitly given CFL condition. This condition tends to a parabolic CFL condition for small mean free paths and is close to a convection CFL condition for large mean free paths. Our analysis is based on very simple energy estimates. © 2010 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.


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Es bien conocido que las pequeñas imperfecciones existentes en los álabes de un rótor de turbomaquinaria (conocidas como “mistuning”) pueden causar un aumento considerable de la amplitud de vibración de la respuesta forzada y, por el contrario, tienen típicamente un efecto beneficioso en el flameo del rótor. Para entender estos efectos se pueden llevar a cabo estudios numéricos del problema aeroelástico completo. Sin embargo, el cálculo de “mistuning” usando modelos de alta resolución es una tarea difícil de realizar, ya que los modelos necesarios para describir de manera precisa el componente de turbomáquina (por ejemplo rotor) tienen, necesariamente, un número muy elevado de grados de libertad, y, además, es necesario hacer un estudio estadístico para poder explorar apropiadamente las distribuciones posibles de “mistuning”, que tienen una naturaleza aleatoria. Diferentes modelos de orden reducido han sido desarrollados en los últimos años para superar este inconveniente. Uno de estos modelos, llamado “Asymptotic Mistuning Model (AMM)”, se deriva de la formulación completa usando técnicas de perturbaciones que se basan en que el “mistuning” es pequeño. El AMM retiene sólo los modos relevantes para describir el efecto del mistuning, y permite identificar los mecanismos clave involucrados en la amplificación de la respuesta forzada y en la estabilización del flameo. En este trabajo, el AMM se usa para estudiar el efecto del “mistuning” de la estructura y de la amortiguación sobre la amplitud de la respuesta forzada. Los resultados obtenidos son validados usando modelos simplificados del rotor y también otros de alta definición. Además, en el marco del proyecto europeo FP7 "Flutter-Free Turbomachinery Blades (FUTURE)", el AMM se aplica para diseñar distribuciones de “mistuning” intencional: (i) una que anula y (ii) otra que reduce a la mitad la amplitud del flameo de un rotor inestable; y las distribuciones obtenidas se validan experimentalmente. Por último, la capacidad de AMM para predecir el comportamiento de flameo de rotores con “mistuning” se comprueba usando resultados de CFD detallados. Abstract It is well known that the small imperfections of the individual blades in a turbomachinery rotor (known as “mistuning”) can cause a substantial increase of the forced response vibration amplitude, and it also typically results in an improvement of the flutter vibration characteristics of the rotor. The understanding of these phenomena can be attempted just by performing numerical simulations of the complete aeroelastic problem. However, the computation of mistuning cases using high fidelity models is a formidable task, because a detailed model of the whole rotor has to be considered, and a statistical study has to be carried out in order to properly explore the effect of the random mistuning distributions. Many reduced order models have been developed in recent years to overcome this barrier. One of these models, called the Asymptotic Mistuning Model (AMM), is systematically derived from the complete bladed disk formulation using a consistent perturbative procedure that exploits the smallness of mistuning to simplify the problem. The AMM retains only the essential system modes that are involved in the mistuning effect, and it allows to identify the key mechanisms of the amplification of the forced response amplitude and the flutter stabilization. In this work, AMM methodolgy is used to study the effect of structural and damping mistuning on the forced response vibration amplitude. The obtained results are verified using a one degree of freedom model of a rotor, and also high fidelity models of the complete rotor. The AMM is also applied, in the frame of the European FP7 project “Flutter-Free Turbomachinery Blades (FUTURE)”, to design two intentional mistuning patterns: (i) one to complete stabilize an unstable rotor, and (ii) other to approximately reduce by half its flutter amplitude. The designed patterns are validated experimentally. Finally, the ability of AMM to predict the flutter behavior of mistuned rotors is checked against numerical, high fidelity CFD results.