994 resultados para Associations, institutions, etc.


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Published by the National Council of Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States of America


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Proceedings of the 7th-9th, 11th meetings 1896-98, 1900 published as issues of Detroit legal news.


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Originally delivered as an address before the Bath Literary Club, December 11, 1871.


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Introduction: The research and teaching of French linguistics in UK higher education (HE) institutions have a venerable history; a number of universities have traditionally offered philology or history of the language courses, which complement literary study. A deeper understanding of the way that the phonology, syntax and semantics of the French language have evolved gives students linguistic insights that dovetail with their study of the Roman de Renart, Rabelais, Racine or the nouveau roman. There was, in the past, some coverage of contemporary French phonetics but little on sociolinguistic issues. More recently, new areas of research and teaching have been developed, with a particular focus on contemporary spoken French and on sociolinguistics. Well supported by funding councils, UK researchers are also making an important contribution in other areas: phonetics and phonology, syntax, pragmatics and second-language acquisition. A fair proportion of French linguistics research occurs outside French sections in psychology or applied linguistics departments. In addition, the UK plays a particular role in bringing together European and North American intellectual traditions and methodologies and in promoting the internationalisation of French linguistics research through the strength of its subject associations, and that of the Journal of French Language Studies. The following sections treat each of these areas in turn. History of the French Language There is a long and distinguished tradition in Britain of teaching and research on the history of the French language, particularly, but by no means exclusively, at the universities of Cambridge, Manchester and Oxford.


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In the 20th century nature of the world economy has started to change significantly, and the former state-centric constellation disappeared. Several development factors that induced the change are still active and nowadays we live in a much different world. The world economy consists of transnational networks; these complicated systems have a great impact on the world of states. The transnational actors’ (multinational corporations, non-governmental organizations etc) influence became very essential as they are able to mobilize the society, have high expertise (think tanks), but it is also important to note their financial strength and moral effects (norm entrepreneurs).


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Transnational governance has been advanced as a viable option for regulating commodities produced in emerging economies—where incapable or unwilling states may undersupply institutions requisite for overseeing supply chains consistent with the quality, safety, environmental, or social standards demanded by the global marketplace. Producers from these jurisdictions, otherwise left with few venues for securing market access and price premiums, ostensibly benefit from whatever pathways transnational actors offer to minimize barriers to entry—including voluntary certification for compliance with a panoply of public and private rules, such as those promulgated by NGOs like the Fair Trade Federation or multinational retailers like Wal-Mart. Yet, such transnational “sustainability” governance may neither be effective nor desirable. Regulatory schemes, like third-party certification, often privilege the interests of primary architects and beneficiaries—private business associations, governments, NGOs, and consumers in the global North—over regulatory targets—producers in the global South. Rather than engaging with the international marketplace via imported and externally-driven schemes, some producer groups are instead challenging existing rules and innovating homegrown institutions. These alternatives to commercialization adopt some institutional characteristics of their transnational counterparts yet deliver benefits in a manner more aligned with the needs of producers. Drawing on original empirical cases from Nicaragua and Mexico, this dissertation examines the role of domestic institutional alternatives to transnational governance in enhancing market access, environmental quality and rural livelihoods within producer communities. Unlike the more technocratic and expert-driven approaches characteristic of mainstream governance efforts, these local regulatory institutions build upon the social capital, indigenous identity, “ancestral” knowledge, and human assets of producer communities as new sources of power and legitimacy in governing agricultural commodities.


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[…] Depuis le succès, parfois trop galvaudé, de la Banque Grameen au Bengladesh, la microfinance est de plus en plus vue comme un des outils privilégiés de développement dans les pays où les capitaux sont rares. L'intérêt pour la microfinance a cumulé au Sommet sur le microcrédit tenu à Washington en février 1997. Le sommet a réuni une pléiade d'acteurs parmi les plus importants de la planète. Un objectif a fait consensus : atteindre 100 millions de familles pauvres de la planète d'ici 2005 et beaucoup d'argent en jeux. D'un autre côté, certains disent qu'il y a un danger à vouloir tourner un outil en une panacée et doutent de ce genre de déclaration typique des grands sommets. L'expansion de la microfinance serait trop rapide et aléatoire et «jeter» trop d'argent aux pauvres est la meilleure recette pour en assurer l'échec D'autres opposants disent également que la microfinance est en train de drainer beaucoup d'argent et d'efforts vers des programmes dont la viabilité est douteuse au détriment des programmes essentiels de santé et d'éducation. Cet essai vise essentiellement à dresser un portrait général de la microfinance dans le contexte du développement international. L'accent est mis sur l'évaluation de la performance de la microfinance sous deux angles : [1] Les performances financières et opérationnelles des institutions de microfinance (IMF). Ici, on considère l'institution comme l'objet de l'évaluation. L'objectif est d'évaluer la pérennité de l'institution, laquelle peut être estimée à travers des indicateurs (ratios) de viabilité financière, de la qualité du portefeuille, de la productivité et d'efficacité dans l'utilisation des actifs immobiles et des capitaux, etc. Plus précisément, on s'intéressera au rendement ajusté sur l'actif, au portefeuille à risque, à l'autosuffisance financière et opérationnelle. [2] Les impacts socio-économiques de la microfinance. Une des prétentions des adeptes de la microfinance est qu'elle puisse contribuer à réduire la pauvreté ou du moins à améliorer le sort des bénéficiaires de crédits. Dans cette optique, l'objet de l'évaluation n'est plus seulement l'institution, il devra aussi englober les effets sur les clients et parfois même sur l'environnement financier si l'objectif est d'amener les clients à intégrer éventuellement le marché financier formel. Or, il n'est pas aisé d'évaluer tous ces impacts de la microfinance. L'essai exposera la problématique entourant ces évaluations d'impacts. Les évaluations de la performance et des impacts sont devenues incontournables. Sans trop entrer en détails sur l'importance de ces évaluations, on peut relever au passage les éléments suivants : - Les bailleurs de fonds veulent savoir si leurs fonds sont utilisés efficacement et s'ils ont des impacts en fonction des objectifs fixés. - Les gestionnaires veulent mieux gérer leurs institutions et satisfaire les bailleurs. - Les organisations d'appuis techniques veulent mieux servir les IMF et avancer les connaissances. - Quant aux clients, on ne leur demande pas souvent leurs avis. Pourtant, ils sont les mieux placés pour connaître les impacts des crédits sur leurs conditions de vie. Les clients informés veulent aussi connaître les risques qu'ils encourent sur les prêts. Certains placent leurs épargnes dans les EMF, ils veulent donc connaître les rendements et les risques de leurs placements. […]


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Due to the rapid changes that governs the Swedish financial sector such as financial deregulations and technological innovations, it is imperative to examine the extent to which the Swedish Financial institutions had performed amid these changes. For this to be accomplish, the work investigates what are the determinants of performance for Swedish Financial Monetary Institutions? Assumptions were derived from theoretical and empirical literatures to investigate the authenticity of this research question using seven explanatory variables. Two models were specified using Returns on Asset (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) as the main performance indicators and for the sake of reliability and validity, three different estimators such as Ordinary Least Square (OLS), Generalized Least Square (GLS) and Feasible Generalized Least Square (FGLS) were employed. The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) was also used to verify which specification explains performance better while performing robustness check of parameter estimates was done by correcting for standard errors. Based on the findings, ROA specification proves to have the lowest Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Standard errors compared to ROE specification. Under ROA, two variables; the profit margins and the Interest coverage ratio proves to be statistically significant while under ROE just the interest coverage ratio (ICR) for all the estimators proves significant. The result also shows that the FGLS is the most efficient estimator, then follows the GLS and the last OLS. when corrected for SE robust, the gearing ratio which measures the capital structure becomes significant under ROA and its estimate become positive under ROE robust. Conclusions were drawn that, within the period of study three variables (ICR, profit margins and gearing) shows significant and four variables were insignificant. The overall findings show that the institutions strive to their best to maximize returns but these returns were just normal to cover their costs of operation. Much should be done as per the ASC theory to avoid liquidity and credit risks problems. Again, estimated values of ICR and profit margins shows that a considerable amount of efforts with sound financial policies are required to increase performance by one percentage point. Areas of further research could be how the individual stochastic factors such as the Dupont model, repo rates, inflation, GDP etc. can influence performance.


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Encouraging Ethics and Preventing Corruption brings theory and practice together in addressing the question: How are we to be ethical in public life and through public institutions? It is a major contribution to public sector ethics within Australia and internationally because it provides an exhaustive analysis of reform across a decade in one jurisdiction, Queensland, and then proceeds to itemise a best practice integrity system or ethics regime. Drawing on the extensive research of two of Australia's leading practical ethicists, this text is essential reading for all students and practitioners of applied and professional ethics in the public sphere. Part A of the text provides a preferred theoretical and conceptual framework which both justifies and guides the development of a public sector ethics regime. Part B examines the place of the individual within a world of institutional ethics. Part C outlines the Queensland governance reforms introduced since 1989 following the Fitzgerald Inquiry which exposed corruption in the police and ministry. The final chapter, the 'Epilogue', gathers the insights of earlier chapters and suggests a more explicitly ethics-centred approach to governance reform that may take us 'beyond best practice'. Clearly, while it is the Australian context we have in mind, we are confident that this is a text which addresses the quest for integrity and ethics in government wherever society is committed to social and liberal democratic ideals.


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Troubled dynamics between residents of an Aboriginal town in Queensland and the local health system were established during colonisation and consolidated during those periods of Australian history where the policies of 'protection' (segregation), integration and then assimilation held sway. The status of Aboriginal health is, in part, related to interactions between the residents' current and historical experiences of the health and criminal justice systems as together these agencies used medical and moral policing to legitimate dispossession, marginalisation, institutionalisation and control of the residents. The punitive regulations and ethnocentric strategies used by these institutions are within the living memory of many of the residents or in the published accounts of preceding generations. This paper explores current residents' memories and experiences.