949 resultados para Aspergillus niger lipase


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O desenvolvimento de alimentos é uma constante nas indústrias, nas universidades e nos institutos de pesquisa visando otimizar processamentos, agregar diferentes ingredientes em produtos já existentes, entre outros fatores. Após o desenvolvimento de um produto, informações adicionais podem ser obtidas pela determinação do rendimento e do custo do produto final. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar o rendimento e o custo de queijos Minas frescal tradicionais e adicionados de extrato hidrossolúvel de soja desengordurado (EHS) processados com coalho bovino e com coagulante microbiano (Aspergillus niger var. awamori). A introdução de 8% do EHS (em relação ao teor de sólidos totais do leite) no queijo Minas frescal processado com coalho bovino proporcionou rendimento em gramas de sólidos totais por litro de leite (g ST/L) superior de 16,67% em relação ao queijo Minas frescal tradicional processado com o mesmo coalho. O queijo tipo Minas frescal processado com coagulante microbiano e com 8% de EHS apresentou rendimento (g ST/L) superior de 16,54%, quando comparado ao seu tradicional. O custo das formulações-base (kg de queijo/100L de leite) processadas com coalho bovino e com coagulante microbiano foi US$ 36,75 e US$ 37,50, respectivamente, ao passo que os queijos tradicionais processados com os mesmos agentes coagulantes apresentaram custo equivalente a US$ 35,12 e US$ 35,36.


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The high demands for sugars and the development of enzymatic technology have increased the production of sweeteners, especially for glucose and fructose syrups. This work describe a technology for glucose and fructose syrups from Brazilian cassava starch using enzymes produced by soil microrganisms isolated from the Brazilian Cerrado soil. Firstly, Aspergillus niger and Streptomyces sp. were isolated from the soil and used as glucoamylase (GA) and glucose isomerase (GI) producer sources. After characterization, GA and GI exhibited optimum pH 4.5 and 8.0, respectively. GA showed maximum activity at 60 ºC and GI at 85 ºC. GA and GI retained 65 and 80%, respectively, of initial activity after 180 minutes of incubation at 60 ºC. The kinetic parameters Km and Vmáx were 0.476 (mg.mL-1) and 8.58 (µmol/minute) for GA and 0.082 (M) and 48.20 (µmol/minute) for GI. The maximum glucose syrups production occurred after 24 hours of reaction with a 98% yield. The production of fructose syrups with 42% (w/v) was reached after 96 hours of reaction.


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In the present study, the effect of pectinases on the production of pulp and juice of araçá and the presence of bioactive compounds were evaluated. An enzyme extract (EE) produced by Aspergillus niger LB-02-SF in solid state fermentation and the commercial enzyme Ultrazym®AFP-L were used in this study. After enzyme treatment with the EE preparation, the extraction yield increased by 23.1% and viscosity decreased by 42.8%, during pulp maceration. During juice processing, there was an increase of 70.6% in clarification and a decrease of 72.87% in turbidity. Higher values of these parameters, 47.7, 69.0, 80.7, and 79.7%, respectively, were obtained using the Ultrazym®AFP-L, which also led to a significant increase in the polyphenol content, both in the pulp (24%) and in the juice (28%), with a less pronounced effect when the EE was applied (10 and 21%, respectively). The anthocyanins content in the araçá pulp increased after treatment with the commercial preparation (23%), and there was no significant increase with the use of EE. The use of Ultrazym®AFP-L increased the β-carotene content by 29.4% in the fruit pulp, while the treatment with EE did not result in significant changes compared with those of the juice and pulp controls.


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The goat placental immunomodulatory peptides were produced by fermentation with Aspergillus Niger. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of fermentation parameters (carbon source content, pH, and time) on spleen lymphocyte proliferation for the highest immune activity of the fermentation broth using response surface methodology (RSM). According to the data analysis by the Design-Expert® software, the stimulation index value (23.51%), which is the maximum immune activity, was obtained under the following conditions: content of carbon source 1.97 g·L-1, initial pH 5.0, and 74.43 h of fermentation time. Under the optimized fermentation conditions, at a certain concentration range, the fermentation broth produced a significant effect on the proliferation of mouse spleen lymphocytes. Ultrafiltration technique was performed to separate the fermentation broth with different MW (molecular weight). It was found that peptides in the range of <10 KDa were the main bioactivity fractions for the immunomodulatory and antioxidant activities.


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Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar a fungitoxicidade de iprodione, em diferentes concentrações, sobre o crescimento micelial in vitro dos fungos mais comuns disseminados pelas sementes de arroz no Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Isolados de Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus ochraceus, Curvularia oryzae, Drechslera oryzae, Gerlachia oryzae, Phoma sorghina e Pyricularia grisea foram obtidos de sementes de arroz e o seu cresci-mento micelial foi avaliado em meio BDA contendo o fungicida nas concentrações de 10mg.l-1, 50mg.l-1, 100mg.l-1 e 500mg.l-1, após sete dias de incubação. O efeito de iprodione foi avaliado por meio da ED50 (dose necessária para inibir em 50% o crescimento micelial). O fungicida iprodione inibe com alto efeito (ED50<10mg.l-1) o crescimento micelial dos fungos A. alternata, A. niger, A. ochraceus, C. oryzae, D. oryzae e G. oryzae, médio efeito (ED50 entre 10 e 50mg.l-1) Phoma sorghina e baixo efeito (ED50>50mg.l-1) Pyricularia grisea. Os fungos A. niger e A. ochraceus foram os mais sensíveis a iprodione, tendo apresentado ED50 de 2,5 e 3,1mg.l-1, respectivamente.


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Os objetivos do trabalho foram os de avaliar o efeito da aplicação de fungicida às sementes de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.), que foram colhidas em distintos estádios de maturação e provenientes de plantas-mãe que foram ou não submetidas à calagem, nas condições de envelhecimento acelerado. Foram avaliados quatro lotes de sementes do cultivar Botucatu, provenientes das áreas que receberam (CC) ou não a aplicação de calcário (SC) e que foram colhidas aos 104 (E1) e 124 (E2) dias após a semeadura e denominados de lote 1 (E1/SC), 2 (E1/CC), 3 (E2/SC) e 4(E2/CC). De cada lote, foram retiradas duas amostras de sementes, uma original e outra tratada com fungicida thiram. Estas amostras foram submetidas às condições do teste de envelhecimento acelerado, e após o período de exposição, as sementes foram avaliadas na primeira e na segunda contagem do teste de germinação realizado com e sem secagem. Pelos resultados pode-se concluir que há maior incidência de patógenos nas sementes colhidas aos 104 DAS e provenientes de plantas-mãe submetidas à calagem; o tratamento fungicida favorece a germinação das sementes contaminadas por Aspergillus do grupo flavus e Aspergillus niger, até 24 horas após a exposição às condições de envelhecimento acelerado.


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O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito dos procedimentos de incubação e de desinfestação usando hipoclorito de sódio no desenvolvimento de fungos em teste de sanidade de sementes de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.). Foram realizados dois experimentos com dois lotes da cultivar Botutatu. No primeiro experimento, as sementes foram divididas em duas amostras, sendo uma imersa previamente em hipoclorito de sódio. A incubação destas foi realizada em meio agarizado (BDA, CZ) e em folhas de papel (sobre e em rolo), com ou sem restrição hídrica. No segundo experimento, as sementes foram imersas em hipoclorito de sódio a 1, 2, 3 5 e 10%, por um, três, cinco e dez minutos e, posteriormente, foram incubadas em BDA. Os métodos de incubação em meio agarizado com restrição hídrica propiciaram maior recuperação de Aspergillus spp e de Cladosporium spp. nas sementes de amendoim sem desinfestação prévia. Houve menor ocorrência de Rhizopus spp. e Aspergillus niger nas sementes desinfestadas, independente do período de embebição e da concentração de hipoclorito de sódio.


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Epoxides can be hydrolyzed by fungi to produce chiral diols. The first part of this thesis presents an investigation of the microbial hydrolysis of aziridines comparable in structure to epoxide biotransformation substrates. Biotransformation of the aziridines 1 -methyl-2-phenyl aziridine, 2- phenylaziridine and N-methyl-7-aza bicyclo[4.1.0] heptane was studied using Beauveria sulfurescens, Aspergillus niger and Diplodia gossypina but no evidence for enzymic hydrolysis was obtained. The hydroxylation reaction performed by the fungus Beauveria sulfurescens ATCC 7159 has been studied for many years and several models describing the hydroxylating pattern exhibited by this fungus have been proposed. The second part of this thesis presents a test of the proposed models. The ability of Beauveria sulfurescens to hydroxylate thirty potential substrates was examined, and the data suggest that none of the earlier proposed models accounts for all of the bioconversion results. A possible explanation is proposed, suggesting that there is more than one enzyme responsible for the hydroxylation reactions performed by Beauveria sulfurescens.


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The work presented in this thesis is divided into three separate sections 4!> Each' 'section is involved wi th a different problem, however all three are involved with a microbial oxidation of a substrate~ A series of 'aryl substituted phenyl a.nd be,nzyl methyl sulphides were oxidized to the corre~pondi~g sulphoxides by 'Mo:rtierellai's'a'b'e'llina NRR.L17'S7 @ For this enzymic Qxidation, based on 180 labeled experiments, the oxygen atom is derived fr'orn the atmosphere and not from water. By way of an u~.traviolet analysis, the rates of oxidation, in terms of sulphox~ de appearance, were obtained and correlated with the Hatnmett p s~grna constants for the phenyl methyl sulphide series. A value of -0.67 was obtained and, is interpreted in terms of a mechanism of oxidation that involves an electrophilic attack on the sulphide sulphur by an enzymic ironoxygen activated complex and the conversion of the resulti!lg sulphur cation to sulphoxide. A series of alkyl phenyl selen~des have been incubated with the fu~gi, Aspergillus niger ATCC9l42, Aspergillus fO'etidus NRRL 337, MIIJisabellina NF.RLl757 and'He'lminth'osparium sp'ecies NRRL 4671 @l These fu?gi have been reported to be capable of carrying out the efficient oxidation of sulphide to sulphoxide, but in no case was there any evidence to supp'ort the occurrence of a microbialox,idation. A more extensive inves·t~gation was carried out with'M,e 'i's'a'b'e'l'l'i'na, this fu~gus was capable of oxidizing the correspondi~g sulphides to sulphoxi.de·s·$ Usi:ng a 1abel.edsubstra.te, [Methyl-l4c]-methyl phenyl selenide, the fate of this compound was invest~gated followi!lg an i'ncubation wi th Me isabellina .. BeSUldes th. e l4C-ana1YS1Q S-,'. a quant"ltta"lve selen'lum ana1Y"S1S was carried out with phenyl methyl selenide. These techniques indicate that thesel'enium was capable of enteri!1g thefu!1gal cell ef'ficiently but that s'ome metabolic cleav~ge of the seleni'um-carbon bond' may take plac'e Ie The l3c NMR shifts were assigned to the synthesized alkyl phenyl sulphides and selenides@ The final section involved the incubation ofethylben~ zene and p-e:rtr.hyltoluene wi th'M ~ 'isab'e'llina NRRL 17574b Followi~ g this incubation an hydroxylated product was isolated from the medium. The lH NMR and mass spectral data identify the products as I-phenylethanol and p-methyl-l-phenylethanol. Employi!lg a ch'iral shift re~gent,tri~ (3-heptafluorobutyl-dcamphorato)'- europium III, the enantiomeric puri ty of these products was invest~gated. An optical rotation measurement of I-phenylethanol was in ~greement with the results obtained with the chiral shift re~gen,te 'M.isabe'l'lina is capable of carryi~g out an hydroxylation of ethylbenzene and p-ethyltoluene at the ~ position.


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Fungal metabolism of halogenated and related steroids was investigated. The fungi Aspergillus niger ATCC 9142, Curvularia lunata NRRL 2380 and Rhizopus stolonifer ATCC6227b were studied in this regard. 2l-Fluoro-, 2l-chloro, 2l-bromo- and 2l-methyl-pregn-4-ene-3,20diones were prepared and incubated with ~ niger (a C-2l-hydroxylator) in order to observe the effect of the C-2l substituent on the metabolism of these substrates. In all four cases, the C-2l substituent prevented any significant metabolism of these substrates. llB-Fluoropregn-4-ene-3,20-dione was prepared and incubated with C. lunata (an llB-hydroxylator) and ~ stolonifer (an lla-hydroxylator). With ~ lunata, the ll-fluoro- substituent prevent hydroxylation at the 11 position, but diverted it to a site remote from the fluorine atom. In contrast, with ~ stolonifer the llB-fluoro- substituent, although slowing the apparent rate of hydroxylation, did not prevent its occurrence at the 11a- position. llB-Hydroxypregn-4-ene-3,20-dione was also incubated with R. stolonifer. The llB-hydroxy-;group did not appear to have any significant effect on hydroxylation at the lla- position. The incubation of a substrate, unsaturated at a favoured site of hydroxylation with Rhizopus arrhizus ATCC 11145 provided a complex mixture of products; among them were both the a and S epoxides. The formation of these products is rationalized as arising because of the lack of regio- and stereospecificity of the hydroxylase enzyme(s) involved.


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Toluene is converted to benzyl alcohol by the fungi Mortierella isabellina and Helminthosporium species; in the latter case, the product is further metabolized. Toluene-a -d 1 , toluene-a,a-d2, and toluene-a,a,a-d 3 have been used with Mortierellaisabellina in a series of experiments to determine both primary and secondary deuterium kinetic isotope effects for the enzymic benzylic hydroxylation reaction. The values obtained, intermolecular primary kH/kD = intramolecular p rim a r y kH r kD = 1. 0 2 + O. 0 5, and sec 0 n dar y k H I kD = 1. 37 .:!. 0.05, suggest a mechanism for the reaction involving benzylic proton removal from a radical intermediate in a non-symmetrical transition state. 2H NMR (30.7 MHz) studies using ethylbenzene-l,1-d 2 , 3 -fluoroethylbenzene-l,1-d 2 , 4 -fluoroethylbenzene-l,1-d 2 , and toluene-dB as substrates with Mortierella isabellina suggest, based on the observable differences in rates of conversion between the substrates, that the hydroxylation of hydrocarbons at the benzylic position proceeds via a one electron abstraction from the aromatic ring, giving a radical cation. A series of 1,3-oxathiolanes (eight) were incubated with Mortierella isabellina , Helminthosporium , Rhizopus arrhizus , and Aspergillus niger . Sulphoxides were obtained from Mortierella isabellina and Rhizopus arrhizus using the substrates 2-phenyl-, 2-methyl-2-phenyl-, and 2-phenyl-2-tert. butyl-l,3-oxathiolane. The relative stereochemistry of 2-methyl-2-phenyl-l,3-oxathiolan-l-oxide was assigned based on lH decoupling, n.O.e, 1 and H NMR experiments. The lH NMR (200 MHz) of the methylene protons of 2-methyl-2-phenyl-l,3-oxathiolan-l-oxide was used as a diagnostic standard in assigning the relative stereochemistry of 2-phenyl-l,3-oxathiolan-l-oxide and 2-phenyl-2-tert. butyl-l,3-oxathiolan-l-oxide. The sulphoxides obtained were consistent with an oxidation occurring from the opposite side of the molecule to the phenyl substituent.


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Un papier bioactif est obtenu par la modification d’un papier en y immobilisant une ou plusieurs biomolécules. La recherche et le développement de papiers bioactifs est en plein essor car le papier est un substrat peu dispendieux qui est déjà d’usage très répandu à travers le monde. Bien que les papiers bioactifs n’aient pas connus de succès commercial depuis la mise en marche de bandelettes mesurant le taux de glucose dans les années cinquante, de nombreux groupes de recherche travaillent à immobiliser des biomolécules sur le papier pour obtenir un papier bioactif qui est abordable et possède une bonne durée de vie. Contrairement à la glucose oxidase, l’enzyme utilisée sur ces bandelettes, la majorité des biomolécules sont très fragiles et perdent leur activité très rapidement lorsqu’immobilisées sur des papiers. Le développement de nouveaux papiers bioactifs pouvant détecter des substances d’intérêt ou même désactiver des pathogènes dépend donc de découverte de nouvelles techniques d’immobilisation des biomolécules permettant de maintenir leur activité tout en étant applicable dans la chaîne de production actuelle des papiers fins. Le but de cette thèse est de développer une technique d’immobilisation efficace et versatile, permettant de protéger l’activité de biomolécules incorporées sur des papiers. La microencapsulation a été choisie comme technique d’immobilisation car elle permet d’enfermer de grandes quantités de biomolécules à l’intérieur d’une sphère poreuse permettant leur protection. Pour cette étude, le polymère poly(éthylènediimine) a été choisi afin de générer la paroi des microcapsules. Les enzymes laccase et glucose oxidase, dont les propriétés sont bien établies, seront utilisées comme biomolécules test. Dans un premier temps, deux procédures d’encapsulation ont été développées puis étudiées. La méthode par émulsion produit des microcapsules de plus petits diamètres que la méthode par encapsulation utilisant un encapsulateur, bien que cette dernière offre une meilleure efficacité d’encapsulation. Par la suite, l’effet de la procédure d’encapsulation sur l’activité enzymatique et la stabilité thermique des enzymes a été étudié à cause de l’importance du maintien de l’activité sur le développement d’une plateforme d’immobilisation. L’effet de la nature du polymère utilisé pour la fabrication des capsules sur la conformation de l’enzyme a été étudié pour la première fois. Finalement, l’applicabilité des microcapsules de poly(éthylèneimine) dans la confection de papiers bioactifs a été démontré par le biais de trois prototypes. Un papier réagissant au glucose a été obtenu en immobilisant des microcapsules contenant l’enzyme glucose oxidase. Un papier sensible à l’enzyme neuraminidase pour la détection de la vaginose bactérienne avec une plus grande stabilité durant l’entreposage a été fait en encapsulant les réactifs colorimétriques dans des capsules de poly(éthylèneimine). L’utilisation de microcapsules pour l’immobilisation d’anticorps a également été étudiée. Les avancées au niveau de la plateforme d’immobilisation de biomolécules par microencapsulation qui ont été réalisées lors de cette thèse permettront de mieux comprendre l’effet des réactifs impliqués dans la procédure de microencapsulation sur la stabilité, l’activité et la conformation des biomolécules. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que la plateforme d’immobilisation développée peut être appliquée pour la confection de nouveaux papiers bioactifs.


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Glucoamylase from Aspergillus Niger was immobilized on montmorillonite clay (K-10) by two procedures, adsorption and covalent binding. The immobilized enzymes were characterized using XRD, surface area measurements and 27Al MAS NMR and the activity of the immobilized enzymes for starch hydrolysis was tested in a fixed bed reactor (FBR). XRD shows that enzyme intercalates into the inter-lamellar space of the clay matrix with a layer expansion up to 2.25 nm. Covalently bound glucoamylase demonstrates a sharp decrease in surface area and pore volume that suggests binding of the enzyme at the pore entrance. NMR studies reveal the involvement of octahedral and tetrahedral Al during immobilization. The performance characteristics in FBR were evaluated. Effectiveness factor (η) for FBR is greater than unity demonstrating that activity of enzyme is more than that of the free enzyme. The Michaelis constant (Km) for covalently bound glucoamylase was lower than that for free enzyme, i.e., the affinity for substrate improves upon immobilization. This shows that diffusional effects are completely eliminated in the FBR. Both immobilized systems showed almost 100% initial activity after 96 h of continuous operation. Covalent binding demonstrated better operational stability.


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A study was conducted to assess the effect of condensed tannins on the activity of fibrolytic enzymes from the anaerobic rumen fungus, Neocallimastix hurleyensis and a recombinant ferulic acid esterase (FAE) from the aerobic fungus Aspergillus niger. Condensed tannins were extracted from the tropical legumes Desmodium ovalifolium, Flemingia macrophylla, Leucaena leticocephala, Leucaena pallida, Calliandra calothyrsus and Clitoria fairchildiana and incubated in fungal enzyme mixtures or with the recombinant FAE. In most cases, the greatest reductions in enzyme activities were observed with tannins purified from D. ovalifolium and F macrophylla and the least with tannins from L leucocephala. Thus, whereas 40 mu g ml(-1) of condensed tannins from C. calothyrsus and L. leucocephala were needed to halve the activity of N. hurleyensis carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase), just 5.5 mu g ml(-1) of the same tannins were required to inhibit 50% of xylanase activity. The beta-D-glucosidase and beta-D-Xylosidase enzymes were less sensitive to tannin inhibition and concentrations greater than 100 mu g ml(-1) were required to reduce their activity by 50%. In other assays, the inhibitory effect of condensed tannins when added to incubation mixtures containing particulate substrates (the primary cell walls of E arundinacea) or when bound to these substrate was compared. Substrate-associated tannins were more effective in preventing fibrolytic activities than tannins added directly to incubations solutions. It was concluded that condensed tannins from tropical legumes can inhibit fibrolytic enzyme activities, although the extent of the effect was dependent on the tannin, the nature of its association with the substrate and the enzyme involved. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The growth of molds on paper containing cellulose is a frequent occurrence when the level of relative air humidity is high or when books become wet due to water leaks in libraries. The aim of this study is to differentiate the bioreceptivity of different types of book paper for different fungi. Laboratory tests were performed with strains of Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium sp., Chaetomium globosum and Trichoderma harzianum isolated from books. Four paper types were evaluated: couche Men (offset), recycled and a reference paper containing only cellulose. The tests were carried out in chambers with relative air humidity of 95% and 100%. Mold growth was greatest in the tests at 100% relative humidity. Results of stereoscopic microscopy observation showed that Cladosporium sp. grew in 74% of these samples, A. niger in 75%, T. harzianum in 72% and C. globosum in 60%. In the chambers with 95% air humidity Cladosporium sp. grew in only 9% of the samples, A. niger in 1%, T harzianum in 3% and C globosum did not grow in any sample. The most bioreceptive paper was couche and the least receptive was recycled paper. The composition of the recycled paper, however, varies depending on the types of waste materials used to make it. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.