982 resultados para Arte - Sec. XVI


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Recursos Educativos - Conhecer


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La concepción de Estado moderno está íntimamente vinculada al ejercicio del monopolio legítimo de la fuerza, en tanto supone que la violencia es una de las principales prerrogativas que el Estado pretende detentar, para constituirse en una organización política de poder que perdure en la sociedad en la que se instaura. En este sentido, el proyecto de investigación tiene como uno de sus objetivos específicos, identificar, caracterizar y analizar los daños antijurídicos por los cuales el Comité de Conciliación del Ministerio de Defensa Nacional autoriza el ejercicio de la acción de repetición contra los funcionarios o ex-funcionarios de las Fuerzas Militares, limitando el análisis al periodo transcurrido durante los años 2010 a 2016. Lo anterior, con el fin de establecer cuáles son las causas generadoras de responsabilidad más frecuentes en las que han incurrido los agentes de la entidad, para luego observar su impacto en el erario de la nación y verificar cómo se constituyen en una necesidad de imposición de límites al ejercicio de la fuerza del Estado.


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A combination of X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis and Raman spectroscopy was employed to characterise the ageing of alumina hydrolysates synthesised from the hydrolysis of anhydrous tri-sec-butoxyaluminium(III). X-Ray diffraction showed that the alumino-oxy(hydroxy) hydrolysates were pseudoboehmite. For boehmite the lamellar spacings are in the b direction and multiple d(020) peaks are observed for the un-aged hydrolysate. After 4 h of ageing, a single d(020) peak is observed at 6.53 Å. Thermal analysis showed five endotherms at 70, 140, 238, 351 and 445°C. These endotherms are attributed to the dehydration and dehydroxylation of the boehmite-like hydrolysate. Raman spectroscopy shows the presence of bands for the washed hydrolysates at 333, 355, 414, 455, 475, 495, 530 and 675 cm–1. These bands are attributed to pseudoboehmite. Ageing of the hydrolysates results in an increase in the crystallite size of the pseudoboehmite.


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The structure, previously assigned to zerumbone, has been found to be untenable. The ketone has been shown to be monocyclic containing three ethylenic linkages, and has been further correlated with humulene. Results from ozonolysis, and base-catalysed cleavage allowed the compound to be formulated as 2,6,9,9-tetramethyl-2,6,10-cyclo-undecatrien-1-one.


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Cereal arabinoxylans, guar galactomannans, and dextrans produced by lactic acid bacteria(LAB) are a structurally diverse group of branched polysaccharides with nutritional and industrial functions. In this thesis, the effect of the chemical structure on the dilute solution properties of these polysaccharides was investigated using size-exclusion chromatography(SEC) and asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AsFlFFF) with multiple-detection. The chemical structures of arabinoxylans were determined, whereas galactomannan and dextran structures were studied in previous investigations. Characterization of arabinoxylans revealed differences in the chemical structures of cereal arabinoxylans. Although arabinoxylans from wheat, rye, and barley fiber contained similar amounts of arabinose side units, the substitution pattern of arabinoxylans from different cereals varied. Arabinoxylans from barley husks and commercial low-viscosity wheat arabinoxylan contained a lower number of arabinose side units. Structurally different dextrans were obtained from different LAB. The structural effects on the solution properties could be studied in detail by modifying pure wheat and rye arabinoxylans and guar galactomannan with specific enzymes. The solution characterization of arabinoxylans, enzymatically modified galactomannans, and dextrans revealed the presence of aggregates in aqueous polysaccharide solutions. In the case of arabinoxylans and dextrans, the comparison of molar mass data from aqueous and organic SEC analyses was essential in confirming aggregation, which could not be observed only from the peak or molar mass distribution shapes obtained with aqueous SEC. The AsFlFFF analyses gave further evidence of aggregation. Comparison of molar mass and intrinsic viscosity data of unmodified and partially debranched guar galactomannan, on the other hand, revealed the aggregation of native galactomannan. The arabinoxylan and galactomannan samples with low or enzymatically extensively decreased side unit content behaved similarly in aqueous solution: lower molar mass samples stayed in solution but formed large aggregates, whereas the water solubility of the higher-molar-mass samples decreased significantly. Due to the restricted solubility of galactomannans in organic solvents, only aqueous galactomannan solutions were studied. The SEC and AsFlFFF results differed for the wheat arabinoxylan and dextran samples. Column matrix effects and possible differences in the separation parameters are discussed, and a problem related to the non-established relationship between the separation parameters of the two separation techniques is highlighted. This thesis shows that complementary approaches in the solution characterization of chemically heterogeneous polysaccharides are needed to comprehensively investigate macromolecular behavior in solution. These results may also be valuable when characterizing other branched polysaccharides.


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An AB(2) monomer, 1-(2-hydroxyethoxy)-3,5-bis-(methoxymethyl)-2,4,6-trimethylbenzene, was synthesized from mesitol and melt-polycondensed in the presence of an acid catalyst via a transetherification process at 145-150 degreesC to yield a soluble, moderately high molecular weight hyperbranched polyether. The degree of branching in the polymer was calculated to be 0.78 by a comparison of its NMR spectrum with that of an appropriately designed model compound. The weight-average molecular weight of the hyperbranched polymer was determined to be 64,600 (weight-average molecular weight/number-average molecular weight = 5.2) by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) in CHCl3, with polystyrene standards. The origin of the broad molecular weight distribution, which could either be intrinsic to such hyperbranched structures or be due to structural heterogeneity, was further probed by the fractionation of the samples by SEC and by the subjection of each fraction to matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectral analysis. The mass spectral analysis suggested the presence of two primary types of species: one corresponding to the simple branched structure and the other to macrocyclics. Interestingly, from the relative intensities of the two peaks, it was apparent that cyclization became favorable at higher conversions in the melt transetherification process. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Contenido: Conocimiento y cultura / Octavio N. Derisi – Itinerario de Manuel Gonzalo Casas / Alberto Caturelli – Los orígenes hegelianos y la esencia del marxismo / Juan A. Casaubón – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: Editorial – La personalidad del maestro Ángel J. Battistessa / Octavio N. Derisi – Soneto del cumpleaños, opus 80 / Ángel J. Battistesa – Plácemes, evocaciones y semblanzas – Una reelaboración estilística de Enrique Larreta / Arturo Berenguer Carisomo – Battistessa traductor de Dante / Eugenio Castelli – El problema de la lengua y otros aspectos americanistas en la obra de Andrés Bello / Graciela M. Pucciarelli de Colantonio – Góngora y la poesía pura / Celina Sabor de Cortazar – Maestros e ingratitudes / Elso Darío Di Bernardo – Cuatro clases de modificadores causales con “porque” / Ofelia Kovacci – Un Calisto o Romeo anónimo del siglo XVI / Rafael Lapesa – Lectura retórica de Facundo / Luisa López Grigera – Cautivos en la literatura argentina del siglo XX / Luis Martínez Cuitiño – Aproximaciones a Benito Lynch y su obra / María Luisa Montero – Nota a un cuento de Jorge Luis Borges / Eithel Orbit Negri – Ardientes hebras, do s’ilustra el oro / Germán Orduna – La escritura de Manuel Gálvez / Antonio Pagés Larraya – Ulises de Joyce: el laberinto y el secreto / Rosa E. M. D. Penna – La composición de las “figuras” en “El mundo por de dentro” / Melchora Romanos – Celos, aun del aire, matan (de Juan Hidalgo y Pedro Calderón de la Barca) en versión de nuestro tiempo / Beatriz Entenza de Solare – Doctrina metafísica tradicional del Romance de la Infantina Encantada / Aquilino Suárez Pallasá – La Sagrada Escritura en “Morada del cielo”, de Fray Luis de León / Teresa Herraiz de Tresca – Expresiones de agasajo y de recuerdo – Homenaje universitario y académico – En la perspectiva del tiempo


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Contenido: Garcilaso de la Vega: 1501?-2001 -- El concepto de "transformación" y sus aplicaciones al análisis de la poesía de Garcilaso / Sofía M. Carrizo Rueda – Algunas observaciones, a principios de un nuevo milenio, en torno a las comedias de Calderón de la Barca / Lilia E. Ferrario de Orduna – Palomeque, don Quijote, Cervantes: tres lectores de Cirongilio de Tracia de Bernardo de Vargas / Javier Roberto González – Cervantes: riesgo del vivir, azar y Providencia. Una lectura en clave bíblica y patrística / Teresa Herráiz de Tresca –La justicia divina o el orlo Amoris en el Amadis de Gaula / Silivia C. Lastra Paz -- Catálogo descriptivo de libros de caballerías castellanos, XIV. Otro Palmerín de Olivia recuperado: Sevilla, Jácome Cromberger, 1547 (Con algunas reflexiones sobre el arte de editar textos impresos) / José Manuel Lucía Megías – La defensa de la poesía en el Perú colonial: El Discurso en Loor de la Poesía / Graciela Maturo – Sobre la evolución de -nn-, -nw- y -w- interiores intervocálicos en la onomástica geográfica del Amadís de Gaula / Aquilino Suárez Pallasá – Reforma y Contrarreforma en las artes plásticas / Carmen Balzer – Tomás Moro y el Humanismo cristiano / Inés de Cassagne – Algunos poetas latinos del Humanismo / Raúl Lavalle – Reseñas bibliográficas


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La convocatoria a recorrer un “Año de la fe” permitió a Benedicto XVI centrar su alocución de 2012 a la Rota romana en ese próximo acontecimiento eclesial. La extrema importancia que el Pontífice atribuye a su llamada a renovar la fe católica se puso de manifiesto en las palabras que dirigiera unos días más tarde a la plenaria de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe...


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Entrevista concedida por el Santo Padre Benedicto XVI a los periodistas durante el vuelo hacia África. Martes 17 de marzo de 2009.


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Pensar la utopía / Eduardo Briancesco -- El “Confesionario breve” de Fr. Alonso de Molina (1565). Un ejemplo para el estudio de la disciplina penitencial en el Nuevo Mundo / Guillermo Durán -- Diaconado permanente: evaluación de un encuentro y algunas reflexiones teológicas / Luciano Bertelli -- ¿La filosofía amor a la sabiduría o sabiduría del amor? Diálogo con Emmanuel Levinas / Pablo Sudar -- Puebla: Evangelización de la cultura / Lucio Gera -- Notas bibliográficas -- Libros recibidos


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Resumo: Neste artigo, propomo-nos a analisar o Governo do Imperador Romano Tibério, da forma como foi descrito por Dion Cássio Cocceiano na obra História Romana. Dion Cássio foi senador na passagem do II para o III século d.C. e sua narrativa nos chegou bastante fragmentada, reconstruída a partir dos excertos de Xifilino e Zonaras. A autoridade do Príncipe não era hereditária. Assim, tornavase necessário refazer os laços de patronato e amicitia no início de cada governo. E esta não era uma tarefa fácil, nem mesmo para Tibério que sucedeu o considerado bom Imperador Otávio Augusto.