998 resultados para Argon gas


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Fractionation of the noble gases should occur during formation of a Structure I gas hydrate from water and CH4 such that CH4 hydrate is greatly enriched in Xenon. Noble gas concentrations and fractionation factors (F[4He], F[22Ne], F[86Kr], and F[132Xe] as well as R/Ra) were determined for eight gas hydrate specimens collected on Leg 164 to evaluate this theoretical possibility and to assess whether sufficient quantities of Xe are hosted in oceanic CH4 hydrate to account for Xe "missing" from the atmosphere. The simplest explanation for our results is that samples contain mixtures of air and two end-member gases. One of the end-member gases is depleted in Ne, but significantly enriched in Kr and Xe, as anticipated if the source of this gas involves fractionation during Structure I gas hydrate formation. However, although oceanic CH4 hydrate may be greatly enriched in Xe, simple mass balance calculations indicate that oceanic CH4 hydrate probably represents only a minor reservoir of terrestrial Xe. Noble gas analyses may play an important role in understanding the dynamics of gas hydrate reservoirs, but significantly more work is needed than presented here.


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Conventional K-Ar ages have been determined and inert-gas abundances have been measured on representative samples of altered rocks from Deep Sea Drilling Project Holes 501, 504B, and 505B in an attempt to correlate their degree of alteration with inert-gas and K-Ar data. Samples taken from the first 60 meters below the sediment/basalt interface give significantly higher ages than would be expected from the magnetic stratigraphy, though at greater depths the calculated ages are in broad agreement with the expected age. The inert gas ratios 20Ne/36Ar, 36Ar/84Kr, and 84Kr/130Xe also show a marked discontinuity at the 60-meter depth, and all these effects are interpreted as being a consequence of low-temperature alteration produced by burial metamorphism and by interaction with sea water (halmyrolysis).


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In this paper we consider the adsorption of argon on the surface of graphitized thermal carbon black and in slit pores at temperatures ranging from subcritical to supercritical conditions by the method of grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation. Attention is paid to the variation of the adsorbed density when the temperature crosses the critical point. The behavior of the adsorbed density versus pressure (bulk density) shows interesting behavior at temperatures in the vicinity of and those above the critical point and also at extremely high pressures. Isotherms at temperatures greater than the critical temperature exhibit a clear maximum, and near the critical temperature this maximum is a very sharp spike. Under the supercritical conditions and very high pressure the excess of adsorbed density decreases towards zero value for a graphite surface, while for slit pores negative excess density is possible at extremely high pressures. For imperfect pores (defined as pores that cannot accommodate an integral number of parallel layers under moderate conditions) the pressure at which the excess pore density becomes negative is less than that for perfect pores, and this is due to the packing effect in those imperfect pores. However, at extremely high pressure molecules can be packed in parallel layers once chemical potential is great enough to overcome the repulsions among adsorbed molecules. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper we investigate the mixture adsorption of ethylene, ethane, nitrogen and argon on graphitized thermal carbon black and in slit pores by means of the Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulations. Pure component adsorption isotherms on graphitized thermal carbon black are first characterized with the GCMC method, and then mixture simulations are carried out over a wide range of pore width, temperature, pressure and composition to investigate the cooperative and competitive adsorption of all species in the mixture. Results of mixture simulations are compared with the experimental data of ethylene and ethane (Friederich and Mullins, 1972) on Sterling FTG-D5 (homogeneous carbon black having a BET surface area of 13 m(2)/g) at 298 K and a pressure range of 1.3-93 kPa. Because of the co-operative effect, the Henry constant determined by the traditional chromatography method is always greater than that obtained from the volumetric method.


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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) needs a design basis to properly design a PJM and ventilation systems for the Waste Treatment Plant vessels. In order to meet DOE's needs for proper ventilation and PJM design technologies, Florida International University's Hemispheric Center for Environmental Technology (FIU-HCET) has studied the properties for gas holdup in selected non Newtonian fluids with physicochemical properties comparable to nuclear waste. The primary purpose of this research was to study the holdup properties of selected non - Newtonian simulants and quantify the level of gas holdup in selected simulants using continuous argon injection in five gallons vessel. Gas holdup tests involved the injection of gas bubbles in simulant waste in scaled prototypic vessels. The holdup was measured as a function of injection rate in the vessel. Tests were performed with both Laponite, Clay 12%, Clay 27% and Qard 13.5. This work showed that the percentage of holdup was about 3% for all simulants despite the significant differences in rheology.


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Atomic beam experiments are limited by intensity. Intensity limitations are specially critical in the measurements of metastable atoms, since their relative population is several order of magnitude smaller than the beam population. This thesis provides a method for increasing the intensity of metastable argon and neon beams effusing from a hot cathode, glow discharge by use of a longitudinal magnetic field. The argon and neon metastable atom intensities have been measured for a range of discharge pressure, voltage, and current for a magnetic field strengths from 0 to 31 mT. For both argon and neon, the metastable atom beam intensity rises to a maximum value about one order of magnitude above the zero field case. A qualitative discussion of the theory of this phenomenon is also presented.


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The Arctic Ocean and Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) are the fastest warming regions on the planet and are undergoing rapid climate and ecosystem changes. Until we can fully resolve the coupling between biological and physical processes we cannot predict how warming will influence carbon cycling and ecosystem function and structure in these sensitive and climactically important regions. My dissertation centers on the use of high-resolution measurements of surface dissolved gases, primarily O2 and Ar, as tracers or physical and biological functioning that we measure underway using an optode and Equilibrator Inlet Mass Spectrometry (EIMS). Total O2 measurements are common throughout the historical and autonomous record but are influenced by biological (net metabolic balance) and physical (temperature, salinity, pressure changes, ice melt/freeze, mixing, bubbles and diffusive gas exchange) processes. We use Ar, an inert gas with similar solubility properties to O2, to devolve distinct records of biological (O2/Ar) and physical (Ar) oxygen. These high-resolution measurements that expose intersystem coupling and submesoscale variability were central to studies in the Arctic Ocean, WAP and open Southern Ocean that make up this dissertation.

Key findings of this work include the documentation of under ice and ice-edge blooms and basin scale net sea ice freeze/melt processes in the Arctic Ocean. In the WAP O2 and pCO2 are both biologically driven and net community production (NCP) variability is controlled by Fe and light availability tied to glacial and sea ice meltwater input. Further, we present a feasibility study that shows the ability to use modeled Ar to derive NCP from total O2 records. This approach has the potential to unlock critical carbon flux estimates from historical and autonomous O2 measurements in the global oceans.


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We have determined the concentrations and isotopic composition of noble gases in old oceanic crust and oceanic sediments and the isotopic composition of noble gases in emanations from subduction volcanoes. Comparison with the noble gas signature of the upper mantle and a simple model allow us to conclude that at least 98% of the noble gases and water in the subducted slab returns back into the atmosphere through subduction volcanism before they can be admixed into the earth's mantle. It seems that the upper mantle is inaccessible to atmospheric noble gases due to an efficient subduction barrier for volatiles.


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Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and K2O were measured in representative samples of holocrystalline basalt from DSDP Hole 504B. No hiatus in inert gas abundance is recognized at the base of the "oxic" alteration zone and the extent rather than the nature of alteration appears to determine these abundances. When the inert gas abundances are separately plotted against K2O, two distinct trends of loss emerge, one for alteration involving K-gain, the other for K-loss. Apparent whole-rock K-Ar ages are anomalous in the upper 50 m of basement, and below 300 m sub-basement. In the intervening zone of basement, celadonization adds sufficient potassium and eliminates enough "primary" 40Ar early in the history of the basalts for "excess" 40Ar to become subordinate to radiogenic 40Ar in basalts showing potassium enrichment greater than 0.2%. Stratigraphically correct K-Ar ages are obtained, therefore, from K-enriched basalts of the oxic alteration zone.


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Argon infiltration is a well-known problem of hot isostatic pressed components. Thus, the argon content is one quality attribute which is measured after a hot isostatic pressing (HIP) process. Since the Selective Laser Melting (SLM) process takes place under an inert argon atmosphere; it is imaginable that argon is entrapped in the component after SLM processing. Despite using optimized process parameters, defects like pores and shrink holes cannot be completely avoided. Especially, pores could be filled with process gas during the building process. Argon filled pores would clearly affect the mechanical properties. The present paper takes a closer look at the porosity in Inconel 718 samples, which were generated by means of SLM. Furthermore, the argon content of the powder feedstock, of samples made by means of SLM, of samples which were hot isostatic pressed after the SLM process, and of conventionally manufactured samples were measured and compared. The results showed an increased argon content in the Inconel 718 samples after SLM processing compared to conventional manufactured samples.


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Il CTBT (Trattato di Bando Complessivo dei Test Nucleari) è un accordo multilaterale tra Stati, stilato nel 1996, che impone il divieto assoluto di effettuare esplosioni di tipo nucleare, sia per scopi civili che per scopi militari, in qualsiasi ambiente. Esso prevede l'istituzione di un sistema di verifica e monitoraggio che si prefigge lo scopo di rilevare tempestivamente se in una qualsiasi parte del mondo sia stato clandestinamente effettuato un test. Tra le varie tecniche utilizzate, la più decisiva per l'identificazione di un'esplosione è data dal monitoraggio di radionuclidi, che permette di fare ipotesi su di un eventuale evento illecito di origine nucleare se in una certa regione si rileva la presenza nell'ambiente di particolari isotopi radioattivi in quantità anomale. Attualmente, il metodo più efficace consiste nell'eventuale identificazione della presenza di quattro radioisotopi di gas nobili, ovvero xeno-131m, xeno-133, xeno-133m e xeno-135. Di recente, però, gli esperti hanno cominciato a valutare l'ipotesi di effettuare misurazioni anche di un altro radioisotopo di gas nobili, ovvero l'argon-37. L'efficacia nell'utilizzo di quest'ultimo è superiore a quella che caratterizza il monitoraggio dello xeno, anche se il motivo per cui il metodo di rilevazione dell'argon non è ancora sfruttato è dato dall'estrema difficoltà che la sua misurazione comporta. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è proprio quello di analizzare le potenzialità dell'utilizzo di tale radioisotopo dell'argon per gli scopi di verifica del CTBT, di descrivere l'attuale stato dell'arte delle tecnologie disponibili per la sua misurazione e di valutare quantitativamente il fondo di argon-37 naturalmente presente, in modo da stabilire i criteri con cui si possa dire se le quantità rilevate siano compatibili con la normale presenza di tale radioisotopo oppure se siano senza dubbio dovute a un'avvenuta esplosione.


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Buckler sorrel (Rumex induratus Boiss. & Reut.) is an underutilized leafy vegetable with peculiar sensory properties and potential as a gourmet food. In the food industry, different packaging methods have been used for shelf-life extension, but it is important to know how the quality of minimally processed vegetable is affected by these treatments. Recently, nitrogen and argon have been used for food packaging. Nitrogen is low soluble in water and other food constituents and does not support the growth of aerobic microbes. In turn, argon is biochemically active and appears to interfere with enzymatic oxygen receptor sites. In this study, modified atmospheres enriched with nitrogen and argon were evaluated for shelf-life extension of buckler sorrel leaves. Wild samples were gathered in Bragança, Portugal, considering local consumers’ sites and criteria. Healthy and undamaged leaves were selected, rinsed in tap water, and a portion was immediately analyzed (non-stored control). The remaining fresh material was packaged in polyethylene bags under nitrogen- and argon-enriched atmospheres and a conventional control atmosphere (air). All packaged samples were stored at 4 ºC for 12 days and then analyzed. The headspace gas composition was monitored during storage. Different quality attributes were evaluated, including visual (colour), nutritional (macronutrients, individual sugars and fatty acids) and bioactive (hydrophilic and lipophilic molecules and antioxidant properties) parameters. Different statistical tools were used; the one-way analysis of variance (ANO VA) was applied for analyse the differences among treatments and a linear discriminant analysis (LDA ) was used to evaluate the effects on the overall postharvest quality. The argon-enriched atmosphere better prevent the samples yellowing. The proximate composition did not change significantly during storage. Samples in control atmosphere revealed higher protein and ash contents and lower levels of lipids. The non-stored control samples presented the higher amounts of fructose, glucose and trehalose. The storage time increased the palmitic acid levels and decreased the content in α-linolenic and linoleic acids. The γ- e δ-tocopherols were higher after the 12 days of cold storage. Probably, the synthesis of these lipophilic compounds was a plant strategy to fight against the abiotic stress induced by storage. Higher levels of total phenolics and flavonoids and increased reducing power and β-carotene bleaching inhibition capacity were also found in the stored control samples. Once again, this result may be attributed to the intrinsic plant-protection mechanisms. Overall, the argon atmosphere was more suitable for quality preservation and shelf-life extension of buckler sorrel.