115 resultados para Archeology


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The origins of agriculture and the shift from hunting and gathering to committed agriculture is regarded as one of the major transitions in human history. Archeologists and anthropologists have invested significant efforts in explaining the origins of agriculture. A period of gathering intensification and experimentation and pursuing a mixed economic strategy seems the most plausible explanation for the transition to agriculture and provides an approach to study a process in which several nonlinear processes may have played a role. However, the mechanisms underlying the transition to full agriculture are not completely clear. This is partly due to the nature of the archeological record, which registers a practice only once it has become clearly established. Thus, points of transitions have limited visibility and the mechanisms involved in the process are difficult to untangle. The complexity of such transitions also implies that shifts can be distinctively different in particular environments and under varying historical and social conditions. In this paper we discuss some of the elements involved in the transition to food production within the framework of resilience theory. We propose a theoretical conceptual model in which the resilience of livelihood strategies lies at the intersection of three spheres: the environmental, economical, and social domains. Transitions occur when the rate of change, in one or more of these domains, is so elevated or its magnitude so large that the livelihood system is unable to bounce back to its original state. In this situation, the system moves to an alternative stable state, from one livelihood strategy to another.


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Seted in the context of the educational actions of Casa Renascer, a non-governmental organization, located in Natal city, which had as its primary purpose the care with children and adolescent girls in vulnerable situations, this research is based on describing and analysis on the topic in the creative process developed by Asmarias Theatre Company from 1993 to 2003, a process that culminated in the assembly of the dramatic text, Mateus e Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this research is focused on the route of the Theatre Company has done so much theater in its early history (1993), with the practice of reading and dramatic writing in the preparation of didactic material called Primer of Inventions, as in the procedures with theater street and forum theater (1997 to 2000) to the reunion in 2001 of seven teenagers which articulated the last group formation next to the assembly's text Qorpo-Santo (2002- 2003). During the development on this learning, the evolution of the creative process based on institutional theme when asked if one can provide moments of educational experiences through the traditional form of theater, with reference to the issues inherent in the dramatic texts considered classics. The debate on the issue through research and analysis in its descriptions and finds in the interim between his past and present indications that lead to conclusive guises. The methodology, which is guided by research, is based in theatrical archeology (PAVIS, 2005), the evidential paradigm (GINZBURG, 1989) and the second approaches the experiences narrated by Benjamin (1985). We selected documents in formats of written texts, photographic and filmed, and identified in these files, marks and tracks which took us to understand the subject in the creative process of Asmarias Theatre Company during the tests with the dramatic text, Mateus and Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this theatrical practice, located in the field of the theater pedagogy, it appears that the actions across thematic theater in the Casa Renascer and allowed the formation of critical aesthetic perspective and personal social dimension of the subjects involved. The theme has gained a significant proportion in the theatrical activity as a guiding point of the creative process of Theatre Company, taking in the theatrical art form. In this sense, the creative process with the dramatic and classic texts won the educational dimension to address the issue in the movement of the drama as the focus of individual creation which added to the collective universe of the interactive game


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Geographic Information System (GIS) is a technology that deals with location to support better representations and decision making. It has a long tradition in several planning areas, such as urbanism, environment, riskiness, transportation, archeology or tourism. In academics context higher education has followed that evolution. Despite of their potentialities in education, GIS technologies at the elementary and secondary have been underused. Empowering graduates to learn with GIS and to manipulate spatial data can effectively facilitate the teaching of critical thinking. Likewise it has been recognized that GIS tools can be incorporated as an interdisciplinary pedagogical tool. Nevertheless more practical examples on how GIS tools can enhance teaching and learning process, namely to promote interdisciplinary approaches. The proposed paper presents some results obtained from the project “Each thing in its place: the science in time and space”. This project results from the effort of three professors of Geography, History and Natural Sciences in the context of Didactics of World Knowledge curricular unit to enhance interdisciplinarity through Geographic Information Technologies (GIT). Implemented during the last three years this action-research project developed the research practice using GIS to create an interdisciplinary attitude in the future primary education teachers. More than teaching GIS the authors were focused on teaching with GIS to create an integrated vision where spatial data representation linked the space, the time and natural sciences. Accumulated experience reveals that those technologies can motivate students to learn and facilitating teacher’s interdisciplinary work.


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Sur le site de Ras el Bassit, durant les campagnes de fouilles menées de 1971 à 1984, 133 timbres amphoriques furent trouvés principalement dans le Tell du Meidan. Ces timbres sont des artefacts précieux. En effet, ce mémoire démontre comment les timbres amphoriques contribuent à l’élaboration de l’histoire d’un site, vue ici par l’analyse de ces 133 timbres amphoriques. Tout d’abord, les termes de base sont présentés pour expliquer ce que sont une amphore et un timbre. Par la suite, l’historiographie des recherches faites sur les timbres montre que, depuis le recueillement des informations sur les sites de production, certaines séries de timbres furent datés à l’année près, contribuant ainsi à améliorer les datations des autres sites. C’est de cette manière que les anses timbrées contribuent le plus souvent à améliorer un site. Il existe aussi d’autres apports. Par exemple, en localisant la production d’une série de timbres, les échanges commerciaux peuvent être aperçus. À travers l’analyse de ces 133 timbres, le site de Ras el Bassit pourra être mieux daté pendant l’époque hellénistique. En effet, les couches stratigraphiques en contexte pourront alors avoir un élément datable d’une grande précision, si tel est le cas. De plus, en connaissant la provenance de ces timbres amphoriques, elle démontrera que les échanges (avec des amphores timbrées) commencèrent dès le IVe siècle, ce qui correspond à une reprise des importations grecques. Ces importations dureront pendant toute l’époque hellénistique.


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Seted in the context of the educational actions of Casa Renascer, a non-governmental organization, located in Natal city, which had as its primary purpose the care with children and adolescent girls in vulnerable situations, this research is based on describing and analysis on the topic in the creative process developed by Asmarias Theatre Company from 1993 to 2003, a process that culminated in the assembly of the dramatic text, Mateus e Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this research is focused on the route of the Theatre Company has done so much theater in its early history (1993), with the practice of reading and dramatic writing in the preparation of didactic material called Primer of Inventions, as in the procedures with theater street and forum theater (1997 to 2000) to the reunion in 2001 of seven teenagers which articulated the last group formation next to the assembly's text Qorpo-Santo (2002- 2003). During the development on this learning, the evolution of the creative process based on institutional theme when asked if one can provide moments of educational experiences through the traditional form of theater, with reference to the issues inherent in the dramatic texts considered classics. The debate on the issue through research and analysis in its descriptions and finds in the interim between his past and present indications that lead to conclusive guises. The methodology, which is guided by research, is based in theatrical archeology (PAVIS, 2005), the evidential paradigm (GINZBURG, 1989) and the second approaches the experiences narrated by Benjamin (1985). We selected documents in formats of written texts, photographic and filmed, and identified in these files, marks and tracks which took us to understand the subject in the creative process of Asmarias Theatre Company during the tests with the dramatic text, Mateus and Mateusa, of Qorpo-Santo. In this theatrical practice, located in the field of the theater pedagogy, it appears that the actions across thematic theater in the Casa Renascer and allowed the formation of critical aesthetic perspective and personal social dimension of the subjects involved. The theme has gained a significant proportion in the theatrical activity as a guiding point of the creative process of Theatre Company, taking in the theatrical art form. In this sense, the creative process with the dramatic and classic texts won the educational dimension to address the issue in the movement of the drama as the focus of individual creation which added to the collective universe of the interactive game


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Nowadays, one of the most important areas of interest in archeology is the characterization of the submersed cultural heritage. Mediterranean Sea is rich in archaeological findings due to storms, accidents and naval battles since prehistoric times. Chemical analysis of submerged materials is an extremely valuable source of information on the origin and precedence of the wrecks, and also the raw materials employed during the manufacturing of the objects found in these sites. Nevertheless, sometimes it is not possible to extract the archaeological material from the marine environment due to size of the sample, the legislation or preservation purposes. In these cases, the in-situ analysis turns into the only alternative for obtaining information. In spite of this demand, no analytical techniques are available for the in-situ chemical characterization of underwater materials. The versatility of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been successfully tested in oceanography 1. Advantages such as rapid and in situ analysis with no sample preparation make LIBS a suitable alternative for field measurements. To further exploit the inherent advantages of the technology, a mobile fiber-based LIBS platform capable of performing remote measurements up to 50 meters range has been designed for the recognition and identification of artworks in underwater archaeological shipwrecks. The LIBS prototype featured both single-pulse (SP-LIBS) and multi-pulse excitation (MP-LIBS) 2. The use of multi-pulse excitation allowed an increased laser beam energy (up to 95 mJ) transmitted through the optical fiber. This excitation mode results in an improved performance of the equipment in terms of extended range of analysis (to a depth of 50 m) and a broader variety of samples to be analyzed (i.e., rocks, marble, ceramics and concrete). In the present work, the design and construction considerations of the instrument are reported and its performance is discussed on the basis of the spectral response, the remote irradiance achieved upon the range of analysis and its influence on plasma properties, as well as the effect of the laser pulse duration and purge gas to the LIBS signal. Also, to check the reliability and reproducibility of the instrument for field analysis several robustness tests were performed outside the lab. Finally, the capability of this instrument was successfully demonstrated in an underwater archaeological shipwreck (San Pedro de Alcántara, Malaga).


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Notre mémoire porte sur la mise en valeur du patrimoine archéologique sur la côte nord du Pérou. À partir de deux études de cas, Chan Chan et Huacas de Moche, nous cherchons à faire ressortir différentes approches de mise en valeur au complexe archéologique et d’exposition au musée de site. La cité de Chan Chan aurait été la capitale de l’Empire chimor (900 à 1476 ap. J.C.) et utilisée à titre de siège pour le gouvernement, de résidence, de centre administratif et de centre religieux. Le complexe de Huaca del Sol y de la Luna aurait été la capitale de la civilisation moche (100 av. J.C. à 700 ap. J.C.) à son apogée. Il représente l’un des plus anciens centre urbain-cérémonial de la côte nord du Pérou. Le cas du Musée de site de Chan Chan présente un modèle muséographique des années 1990, tandis que le cas du Musée de site de Huacas de Moche propose une approche puisant ses concepts dans la nouvelle muséologie (2010). D’autre part, ces modèles de gestion, l’un issu du secteur public (Chan Chan) et l’autre (Huacas de Moche) émanant d’une gestion mixte ont une influence sur la manière de présenter l’archéologie au public. Le premier chapitre aborde l’histoire du développement de l’archéologie, des musées et du tourisme au Pérou. La deuxième partie de ce chapitre traite des questions liées à l’herméneutique de la culture matérielle, des questions esthétiques et de l’architecture précolombienne, ainsi que des approches de médiation. Le deuxième chapitre met en parallèle l’analyse du circuit de visite du complexe archéologique de Chan Chan et celui de Huacas de Moche. Le troisième chapitre présente l’analyse de la mise en exposition des musées de site des deux études de cas et des liens créés avec leur site archéologique. Le quatrième chapitre porte sur les formes de financement des projets de fouilles, de conservation, de restauration et de mise en valeur de l’archéologie, ainsi que des stratégies utilisées pour sa diffusion et sa mise en tourisme. Enfin, la dernière section du quatrième chapitre traite des différents moyens utilisés par chacun des complexes archéologiques et leurs musées pour intégrer la communauté locale aux projets de recherche et de mise en valeur archéologique.


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Notre mémoire porte sur la mise en valeur du patrimoine archéologique sur la côte nord du Pérou. À partir de deux études de cas, Chan Chan et Huacas de Moche, nous cherchons à faire ressortir différentes approches de mise en valeur au complexe archéologique et d’exposition au musée de site. La cité de Chan Chan aurait été la capitale de l’Empire chimor (900 à 1476 ap. J.C.) et utilisée à titre de siège pour le gouvernement, de résidence, de centre administratif et de centre religieux. Le complexe de Huaca del Sol y de la Luna aurait été la capitale de la civilisation moche (100 av. J.C. à 700 ap. J.C.) à son apogée. Il représente l’un des plus anciens centre urbain-cérémonial de la côte nord du Pérou. Le cas du Musée de site de Chan Chan présente un modèle muséographique des années 1990, tandis que le cas du Musée de site de Huacas de Moche propose une approche puisant ses concepts dans la nouvelle muséologie (2010). D’autre part, ces modèles de gestion, l’un issu du secteur public (Chan Chan) et l’autre (Huacas de Moche) émanant d’une gestion mixte ont une influence sur la manière de présenter l’archéologie au public. Le premier chapitre aborde l’histoire du développement de l’archéologie, des musées et du tourisme au Pérou. La deuxième partie de ce chapitre traite des questions liées à l’herméneutique de la culture matérielle, des questions esthétiques et de l’architecture précolombienne, ainsi que des approches de médiation. Le deuxième chapitre met en parallèle l’analyse du circuit de visite du complexe archéologique de Chan Chan et celui de Huacas de Moche. Le troisième chapitre présente l’analyse de la mise en exposition des musées de site des deux études de cas et des liens créés avec leur site archéologique. Le quatrième chapitre porte sur les formes de financement des projets de fouilles, de conservation, de restauration et de mise en valeur de l’archéologie, ainsi que des stratégies utilisées pour sa diffusion et sa mise en tourisme. Enfin, la dernière section du quatrième chapitre traite des différents moyens utilisés par chacun des complexes archéologiques et leurs musées pour intégrer la communauté locale aux projets de recherche et de mise en valeur archéologique.


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Esta investigación explora arqueológicamente el saber constituido sobre el campesinado en Colombia, en el período de 1965-1975, tomando como material empírico principal un archivo fotográfico documental que relacionaremos con hemerografía y las reconstrucciones socio-históricas de la década. Nuestro propósito es relacionar el archivo, sus condiciones, su porvenir, medios y definiciones con la constitución de subjetividades políticas. Las subjetividades son entendidas aquí en tanto procesos que al referir universos simbólicos socialmente compartidos, dotan al sujeto de un lenguaje cultural que a continuación internaliza, y adquiere así una singularidad que lo caracteriza y finalmente lo representa como “ser colectivo”. Descifraremos, a través de lo visible y lo oculto de las representaciones fotográficas, los enunciados posibles y las aproximaciones desde la sociología. Veremos como los discursos, por demás contradictorios, fungen a manera de proyectos de homogeneización de la cultura campesina efectuándose en la esfera de la heterogeneidad: campesinos marcados por diferencias entre sí, multiplicidad de subjetividades implicadas políticamente en los procesos inscritos dentro de la reforma agraria.