346 resultados para Archean Granites


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Jiaodong Peninsula is the largest repository of gold in China. Varieties of studies have been involved in the mechanism of metallogenesis. This thesis is a part of the project "Study of basic geology related to the prespecting of the supra-large deposits" which supported by National Climbing Program of China to Prof. Zhou. One of the key scientific problems is to study the age and metallogenic dynamics of ore deposit and to understand how interaction between mantle and crust constrains on metallogenesis and lithogenesis. As Jiaodong Peninsula to be study area, the Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Pb isotopic systematics of pyrite and altered rocks are measured to define the age and origin of gold. The elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions of dikes and granites was studied to implicate the source and lithogenesis of the dike and granite and removal of lithosphere and the interaction between mantle and crust in the Jiaodong Peninsula. Considering the tectonic of Jiaodong Peninsula, basic on the time and space, this thesis gives a metallogenic dynamics of gold mineralization and discusses the constraints of the interaction between mantle and crust on the metallogenesis and lithogenesis. This thesis reports the first direct Rb-Sr dating of pyrites and ores using sub-sampling from lode gold deposit in Linglong, Jiaodong Peninsula and the results demonstrate this as a useful geochronological technique for gold mineralization with poor age constraint. The Rb-Sr data of pyrites yields an isochron age of (121.6-122.7) Ma, whereas, those of ore and ore-pyrite spread in two ranges from 120.0 to 121.8 Ma and 110.0-111.7 Ma. Studies of characteristic of gold deposit, microscopy of pyrite and quartz indicate that the apparent ages of ore and ore-pyrite are not isochron ages, it was only mixed by two end members, i.e., the primitive hydrothermal fluids and wall rocks. However, the isochron age of pyrite samples constrains the age of gold mineralization, i.e., early Cretaceous, which is in good consistence with the published U-Pb ages of zircon by using the SHRIMP technique. The whole rock Rb-Sr isochron age of altered rocks indicates that the age of gold mineralizing in the Xincheng gold deposit is 116.6 ± 5.3 Ma. The Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of pyrite and altered rocks indicate that the gold and relevant elements were derived from multi-sources, i.e. dikes derived from enriched lithospheric mantle and granites, granodiorites and metamorphic rocks outcropped on the crust. It also shows that the hydrothermal fluids derived from mantle magma degassing had play an important role in the gold mineralizing. The major and trace elements, Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data of granites and granodiorites suggest that the Linglong Granite and Kunyushan Granite were derived from partial melting of basement rocks in the Jiaodong Peninsula at post-collision of North China Craton with South China Craton. Guojialing Granodiorite was considered to be derived from a mixture source, that is, mixed by magmas derived from an enriched lithospheric mantle and crust during the delamination of lithosphere induced by the subduction of Izanagi Plate and the movement of Tancheng-Lujiang Fault. There are kinds of dikes occurred in the Jiaodong Peninsula, which are accompanying with gold mineralization in time and space. The dikes include gabrro, diabase, pyroxene diorite, gabrrophyre, granite-porphyry, and aplite. The whole rock K-Ar ages give two age intervals: 120-124 Ma for the dikes that erupted at the gold mineralizing stage, and <120 Ma of the dikes that intruded after gold mineralizing. According to the age and the relationship between the dikes and gold mineralizing, the dikes could be divided into two groups: Group I (t = 120-124 Ma) and Group II (t < 120Ma). Group I dikes show the high Mg and K, low Ti contents, negative Nb anomalies and positive Eu anomalies, high ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr and negative εNd(t) values and an enrichment in light rare earth elements, large ion lithosphile elements and a depletion in high field strength elements. Thus the elemental and isotopic characteristics of the Group I dikes indicate that they were derived from an enriched lithospheric mantle perhaps formed by metasomatism of the melt derived from the recycled crustal materials during the deep subduction of continent. In contrast, the Group II dikes have high Ti, Mg and K contents, no negative Nb anomalies, high ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr and positive or little negative εNd(t) values, which indicate the derivation from a source like OIB-source. The geochemical features also give the tectonic constraints of dikes, which show that Group I dikes were formed at continental arc setting, whereas Group II dikes were formed within plate background. Considering the tectonic setting of Jiaodong Peninsula during the period of gold mineralizing, the metallogenic dynamics was related to the subduction of Izanagi Plate, movement of Tancheng-Lujiang Fault and removal of lithopheric mantle during Late Mesozoic Era.


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Honghuagou gold field, Inner Mongolia, is selected as the study area for the dissertation. The geological background for gold mineralization, geology of gold deposits, ore-controlling factors, physical and chemical conditions, material sources, genesis and ore-forming epoch for gold mineralization are studied in the dissertation. Especially, the Early Mesozoic tectonic and magmatic activities and their relationship with gold mineralization are studied with special efforts. Based on the study, the criteria for ore-prospecting are systemically summarized, target areas for ore-prospecting are circled and their gold reserves is estimated. Based on the first discovery of Early Mesozoic ductile zone which show the detachment features and the study on the emplacement of Early Mesozoic maficintermediate dyke swarms, the author present that the studied area was mainly in extensional uplift state during Early Mesozoic. The tectonic evolution can be divided into two stages. The extension was dominated by ductile metamorphose at early stage, whose geodynamics was related with the post orogenic extension after the collision between the Northern China Plate with Siberia Plate. The extension at late stage was featured by the intrusion of diorite and the emplacement of dyke swarms, whose geodynamics was related with mantle uplift. The gold deposits in the area are just the products of the tectonic and magmatic activities resulted from Early Mesozoic extension. The plagio-amphibolite from Archean metamorphic rocks is partially melted under the influence of underplating caused by mantle uplift, result in the formation of diorite magma. The gold in metamorphic rocks will also be melted into magma pond, and ascend into the upper parts of crust along with the intrusion of magma. The gold-bearing hydrothermal fluids is formed during magma differentiation, and caused the precipitation and concentration of gold in favorable geological conditions, result in the formation of gold deposits. The fracture caused by the emplacement of dyke swarms break a path for the ascending and movement of hydrothermal fluids, some of them become parts of ore-controlling and host structure. The gold is thought to be formed in Early Mesozoic, not in Yanshanian epoch.


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The Study on rheology of the lithosphere and the environments of the seismogenic layer is currently the basic project of the international earthquake research. Yunnan is the ideal place for studying this project. Through the multi-disciplinary comprehensive study of petrology, geophysics, seismo-geology, rock mechanics, etc., the depth-strength profiles of the lithosphere have been firstly constructed, and the seismogenic layer and its geophysical and tectonic environments in Yunnan have been systematically expounded in this paper. The related results achieved are of the important significances for further understanding the mechanism of strong earthquake generation, dividing the potential foci and exposing recent geodynamical processes in Yunnan. Through the comprehensive contrast of the metamorphic rocks in early and middle Proterozoic outcropping on the surface, DSS data and experimental data of rock seismic velocity under high temperature and high pressure, the petrological structure of the crust and upper mantle has been studied on Yunnan: the upper, middle and lower crust is composed of the metamorphic rocks of greenschist, amphibolite and granulite facies, respectively or granitoids, diorites and gabbros, respectively, and the upper mantle composed of the peridotites. Through the contrast studies of the heat flow and epicenters of the strong earthquakes, the distribution of the geotemperature and the data of focal depth, the relationship of between seismicity and geothermal structure of the lithosphere in Yunnan has been studied: the strong earthquakes with magnitude M ≥ 6.0 mainly take place at the geothermal gradient zone, and the seismic foci densely distribute between 200~500 ℃ isogeotherms. On the basis of studies of the rock properties and constituents of the crust and upper mantle and geothermal structure of the lithosphere, the structure of the rheological stratification of the lithosphere has been studied, and the corresponding depth-strength profiles have been constructed in Yunnan. The lithosphere in majority region of Yunnan has the structure of the rheological stratification, i.e. the brittle regime in the upper crust or upper part of the upper crust, ductile regime in the middle crust or lower part of the upper crust to middle crust, ductile regime in the lower crust and ductile regime in the subcrustal lithosphere. The rheological stratification has the quite marked lateral variations in the various tectonic units. The distributions of the seismogenic layer have been determined by using the high accurate data of focal depth. Through the contrast of the petrological structure, the structure of seismic velocity, electric structure, geotemperature structure, and rheological structure and the study of the focal mechanism in the seismogenic layer, the geophysical environments of the seismogenic layer in Yunnan have been studied. The seismogenic layer in Yunnan is located at the depths of 3 ~ 20 km; the rocks in the seismogenic layer are composed of the metamorphic rocks of greenschist to amphibolite facies (or granites to diorites); the seismogenic layer and its internal focal regions of strong earthquakes have the structure of medium properties with the relatively high seismic velocity, high density and high resistivity; there exists the intracrustal low seismic velocity and high conductivity layer bellow the seismogenic layer, the geotemperature is generally 100~500 ℃ in the depth range in which the seismogenic layer is located. The horizontal stress field predominates in the seismogenic layer, the seismogenic layer corresponds to the brittle regime of the upper crust or brittle regime of the upper crust to semibrittle regime of the middle crust. The formation of the seismogenic layer, preparedness and occurrence of the strong earthquakes is the result of the comprehensive actions of the source fault, rock constituent, structure of the medium properties, distribution of the geotemperature, rheological structure of the seismogenic layer and its external environments. Through the study of the structure, active nature, slip rate, segmentation of the active faults, and seismogenic faults, the tectonic environments of the seismogenic layer in Yunnan have been studied. The source faults of the seismogenic layer in Yunnan are mainly A-type ones and embody mainly the strike slip faults with high dip angle. the source faults are the right-lateral strike slip ones with NW-NNW trend and left-lateral strike slip ones with NE-NEE trend in Southwestern Yunnan, the right-lateral strike slip ones with NNW trend and left-lateral strike slip ones with NNE trend (partially normal ones) in Northwestern Yunnan, the right-lateral strike slip ones with NWW trend in Central Yunnan and left-lateral strike slip ones with NW-NNW trend in Eastern Yunnan. Taking Lijiang earthquake with Ms = 7.0 for example. The generating environments of the strong earthquake and seismogenic mechanical mechanism have been studied: the source region of the strong earthquake has the media structure with the relatively high seismic velocity and high resistivity, there exists the intracrustal low velocity and high conductivity layer bellow it and the strong earthquakes occur near the transitional zone of the crustal brittle to ductile deformation. These characteristics are the generality of the generating environments of strong earthquakes. However, the specific seismogenic tectonic environments and action of the stress field of the seismic source in the various regions, correspondingly constrains the dislocation and rupture mechanical mechanism of source fault of strong earthquake.


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Mafic granulite xenoliths have been extensively concerned over the recent years because they are critical not only to studies of composition and evolution of the deep parts of continental crust but to understanding of the crust-mantle interaction. Detailed petrology, geochemistry and isotope geochronology of the Early Mesozoic mafic-ultramafic cumulate xenoliths and mafic granulite xenoliths and their host diorites from Harqin area, eastern Inner-Mongolia have been studied here. Systematic Rb-Sr isochron, ~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar and K-Ar datings for mafic-ultramafic cumulate xenoliths give ages ranging from 237Ma to 221Ma. Geochemical research and forming temperature and pressure estimates suggest that cumulates are products of the Early Mesozoic mantle-derived magmatic underplating and they formed in the magmatic ponds at the lowermost of the continental crust and are later enclaved by the dioritic magma. Detailed study on the first-discovered mafic granulite xenoliths reveals that their modal composition, mineral chemistry and metamorphic P-T conditions are all different from those of the Precambrian granulite exposed on the earth surface of the North China craton. High-resolution zircon U-Pb dating suggests that the granulite facies metamorphism may take place in 253 ~ 236Ma. Hypersthene single mineral K-Ar dating gives an age of 229Ma, which is believed to represent a cooling age of the granulite. As the host rock of the cumulate and granulite xenoliths, diorites intruded into Archean metamorphic rocks and Permian granite. They are mainly composed of grandodiorite, tonalite and monzogranite and show metaluminous and calc-alkaline features. Whole rock and single mineral K-Ar dating yields age of 221 ~ 223Ma, suggesting a rapid uplift in the forming process of the diorites. Detailed field investigation and geochemical characteristics indicate that these diorites with different rock types are comagmatic rocks, and they have no genetic correlation with cumulate and granulite xenoliths. Geochemical model simulating demonstrates that these diorites in different lithologies are products of highly partial melting of Archean amphibolite. It is considered that the Early Mesozoic underplating induced the intrusion of diorites, and it reflects an extensional geotectonic setting. Compression wave velocity V_P have been measured on 10 representative rock samples from the Early Mesozoic granulite and mafic-ultramafic cumulate xenoliths population as an aid to interpret in-situ seismic velocity data and investigating velocity variation with depth in a mafic lower crust. The experiments have been carried out at constant confining pressures up to 1000MPa and temperatures ranging from 20 ℃ to around 1300 ℃, using the ultrasonic transmission technique. After corrections for estimated in situ crustal pressures and temperatures, elastic wave velocities range from 6.5 ~ 7.4 km s~(-1). On the basis of these experimental data, the Early-Mesozoic continental compression velocity profile has also been reestablished and compared with those of the present and of the different tectonic environments in the world. The result shows that it is similar to the velocity structure of the extensional tectonic area, providing new constraints on the Early Mesozoic continental structure and tectonic evolution of the North-China craton. Combining with some newly advancements about the regional geology, the thesis further proposes some constraints on the Mesozoic geotectonic evolution history, especially the features of deep geology of the North China craton.


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The Alytn fault is a huge left-slip fault zone within the Asian continent, and locates such zone that is linked to main tectonic units in the western China, which makes it is very important to the tectonic framework and ore distribution in the western China. Selecting two ophiolite zones (namely Hongliugou-Lapeiquan ophiolite zone and Sulamutage ophiolite zone) respectively located within the southern and northern part of the Altyn fault and based on analysis of field geology characteristics and geochemistry, this paper recognized the rock types (mainly mafic and ultramafic rocks) within the melanges and subdivided each lithological unit based on tectonic environment. At last, this paper rebuilt the paleo-tectonic framework in the Alytn region by the method of tectonic facies and discussed its tectonic evolution with the theory of collision orogens. Combining former results with hard field observation and geochemical analysis, this paper acquired such recognitions to two ophiolte zones within the Altyn fault zone as follows: To the typical regions (Hongliugou, Lapeiquan, Mangya and Sulamutage) within the two ophiolte zones in the Altyn fault zone, this paper offered the field geology profiles. Field geology characteristics show that they are composed of melange bases (mainly abyssal flysch and carbonate rocks) and melange blocks from various tectonic environments, often with fault contact among each lithological units, belonging to typical ophiolitic melange zone. The ultramafic rocks outcropped at the Altyn region are all harzburgites. Remant grains of primary minerals have melted residual texture and elastic deformation texture under high temperature and pressure. The whole-rock analyses show their low TiO_2 contents (0.01~0.04%), low Al, Ca and high MgO contents and wide Mg~# range (89.35~95.57). Rare earth patterns have two types, namely tabacco pipe-shped and LREE-shaped, of which the former is often seen. The chondrite-nomalized Yb values of these analyses are all lower than 1. The spinels have low Ti and high Cr content and most spinels have Cr# higher than 60. All of the above characteristics show that the ultramafic rocks in the Altyn fault zone are components of metmorphic peridotites of ophiolite from depleted mantle source and most ophiolites from this zone belong to supra-subduction zone (SSZ) type ophiolite with a few mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) type. Geochemical analyses show that the melange blocks within the Altyn ophiolitic melange zone have different characteristics from various tectonic environments. This paper recognized such tectonic-lithological assemblages as mid-ocean basalts, oceanic island basalts, oceanic island arc tholeiites, island arc calalkaline basalts and island arc granites and inferred that these tectonic-lithological units respectively belongs to such tectonic units as ophiolites, oceanic islands and/or oceanic seamounts, oceanic island arc and a~creting arcs, which show these blocks from oceanic crust and subduction zone for the most part. For the Altyn ophiolites, the chronological data show they become new from the north to the south. Combined with the study on late slip of Altyn fault and North Qilianshan orogeny, the author inferred that the Altyn region had belonged to one part of the North Qilianshan accreting wedge-arc orogeny at paleozoic, and later huge left-slip made it locate modem site.


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Kunyushan composite granite pluton is located in northeast part of the Sulu UHP collisional belt, Jiaodong peninsula, eastern China. It is regarded as the boundary of the Jiaodong block and the Sulu UHP collisional belt. The body is unique in the Dabieshan-Sulu UHP collisional orogen for its feature of multiple intrusions of diverse types granitoid rocks in a long span after UHP the collision between the North China and the Yangtze plates in late Triassic. It can be grouped into four series on the basis of petrology and petrochemistry. They are mid-K calc-alkaline granitoids, strongly peraluminous granites, high-K calc-alkaline granitoids and syenitic granite of shoshonitic series. In this thesis, the later three types of rocks are investigated geochronologically in detail. The grain zircon U-Pb isotope dilution dating technique has been employed in this study. Zircon morphology are presented and discussion on the chemical and physical conditions of the granite formation have been carried out in addtion. Strongly peraluminous granites comprises foliated monzogranite and garnet bearing leucogranite. They occupy more than half of the area of the Kunyushan composite body. Three zircon samples of foliated monzogranites have been analyzed, they yield lower intercept ages mainly in the range of 140-150 Ma. The formation of these rocks was likely to be at 700-600 ℃, implied by zircon morphology. Two zircon samples of the garnet bearing leucogranite yield lower intercept ages from 130 Ma to 140 Ma. Zircon morphology indicate that the liquidus temperature of the magma was about 750 °C. Syenitic granite of shoshonitic series occur in the north central part of the body, and the volume is quite small contrast to other types. One zircon sample was chosen from this rock, and yield lower intercept age of 121+1.8/-2.1 Ma. Zircon morphology indicate that the liquidus temperature of this rock is up to 900 °C, which is much higher than others'. High-K calc-alkaline granitoids can be divided into two types on the basis of rock texture and structure. One is Kf-porphyritic monzogranite. It's outcrop is quite small. Zircon ages of one sample constrain the emplacement of this rock at about 112 Ma. The other is medium-grain to coarse-grain monzogranite. Zircons from it yield lower intercept age of 100.5+2.9/-4.6 Ma. The variation of zircon morphology suggest that these two monzogranites were outcomes of a single magma at different stage. The former emplaced earlier than the latter. The liquidus temperature of the magma was about 800 ℃ Inherited zircon is ubiquitous in the Kunyushan composite body. Most of the samples yield upper intercept ages of late Proterozoic. It was considered that only the Yangtze plate underwent a crustal growth during late Proterozoic among the two plates which involved into the UHP collision. Inherited zircon of about 200 Ma can also be observed in strongly peraluminous and high-K calc-alkaline granitoids. Two samples out of eight yield upper intercept ages of Achaean.


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The East Shandong gold province is located on the southeastern margin of the North China Craton and features uplift in the north and depression in the south. The uplift area is made up of the Archaean Jiaodong Group, the Proterozoic Jingshan Group and Yanshannian granites. Most gold deposits in the uplift area are spatially associated with the Yanshannian granites. Two types of gold mineralization occur in the region: the quartz-vein type hosted in the Linglong granite suite, and the shear zone type hosted by either the Linglong granite or Guojialing granitoid suites. The mineralization ages are 113~126 Ma. The southern part of East Shandong contains the Mesozoic Jiaolai basin, which formed during regional extension. The basin is bounded by the Wulian-Rongcheng fault in the southeast and the Tanlu fault in the west. The Pengjiakuang, Fayunkuang and Dazhuangzi gold deposit occurs on the northeastern margin of the basin. The mineralization ages of these deposits are 110~128 Ma. This paper focuses on a low-angle detachment fault developed between the Proterozoic Jingshan Group metamorphic complex and the northeastern margin of the basin. Our field work shows that the distribution of the Pengjiakuang gold deposit was controlled by the detachment fault. Moreover, the Fayunkuang, Guocheng and Liaoshang gold deposits also occurr in the periphery of the basin, and their features are similar to Pengjiakuang gold deposit. The study of geological geochemistry of the gold deposits has shown: ①three-type gold deposit was situated in the Jiaodong area, including altered rock type (Jiaojia type), quartz vein type (Linglong type) and breccia type (Pengjiakuang type); the ore-forming materials and fluid for Pengjiakuang type gold deposit shows multiple source; ②the ore materials of Jiaojia and Linglong type deposits are mainly from deep source. The author has studied geological-geochemical dynamics of three types deposits in Jiaodong area. The study of tectonic dynamics shows that ore-forming structure differential stress values of Pengjiakuang gold deposit is 100 * 10~6~130 * 10~6 Pa, and that of Jiaojia gold deposit is 100 * 10~5~194 * 10~6 Pa. Dynamics of hydrothermal ore-forming fluid has also been studied in this paper. Author applies Bernoulli equation to dynamic model of hydrothermal fluid motion in brittle fracture and cracks (quartz vein type gold mineralization), and applies Darcy law to dynamic model of hydro thermal fluid motion in porous medium (altered rock type gold mineralization). Author does daring try in order to study quantitativly transport mechanism of hydrothermal ore-forming fluid in this paper. The study of fluid inclusions and crystal dynamics shows that reaction system of hydrothermal ore-forming includes three types, as follows: ore-forming reaction, controlling reaction and buffer controlling reaction. They depend on each other, controlling each other, which form a organic system. Further research shown that formation of ore shoots was controlled by coincidence processes of tectonic dynamic condition and thermodynamic evolution. This paper has summaried reginoal metallogenic laws and seted up metallogenic(dynamics) models for Jiaodong gold ore belt.


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Muanggang-Dajing area located in the south end of Dahinggan Mts is the only discovered tin-polymetallic minerzalization belt and the only tectonic magmaism zone with middle-upper grade tin-ore deposites in North China. Tin mineralization in this area is believed tn related to Yanshannian granites which is different from those in South China tin belt. Through geochemical study of these granites on the base of fieldworks , thin section observation, major and trace elements as well as isotopic composision determination, the isochronic sequence and petrogenetic series for the granites have been determined. Hi light ing on the petrogenesis of earlier Yanshannian of MOmarh granites, two groups granites with different Neodymium isotopic features have been distinguished. Both belonging to hi-K calc-alkalinic series, their nature of source rocks and.magma processing were restricted, we argue for that the two groups have get the isotopic differences from their sources-middle and later proterozoic juvenial crustal via mantle underplating. From then on , there is a pre-enrichment of tin in this area. The partial melting from a F rich soruses can dissolve and carry more tin from the same some due to the de-connection of melt, which supply the mineralization fluids after a thoroughly evolement.


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新疆北部地区属于中亚造山带的关键部位,有独特的构造岩浆活动和成矿作用,自二十世纪八十年代早期以来一直是国内外地质研究的热点地区之一。准噶尔盆地两侧大面积出露的A型花岗岩及相关矿床是该区的重要研究对象。尽管已有的研究积累了一定成果,但对一些关键问题,特别是对于A型花岗岩形成时代和成因的认识还存在较大争议。另一方面,传统观点认为锡矿床主要与演化的过铝质S型花岗岩有关,但在东准噶尔卡拉麦里构造带,多个中小型锡矿床产于A型花岗岩体内或岩体与围岩的接触带附近,花岗岩与锡矿的成因联系有待深入研究。 本论文以准噶尔盆地两侧的三条A型花岗岩带(包括东准噶尔的卡拉麦里和乌伦古河A型花岗岩带、西准噶尔的达拉布特A型花岗岩带)为研究对象,对其中的一些A型花岗岩体开展了详细的年代学和地球化学研究,并以这些资料为基础,探讨了A型花岗岩的岩石成因及其构造和成矿意义。概括起来,主要得到以下结论性认识: (1)锆石U-Pb年代学结果显示,卡拉麦里铝质和碱性A型花岗岩都形成于302~310Ma左右;乌伦古河碱性A型花岗岩形成于305~320Ma,而铝质A型花岗岩形成于270~280Ma;西准噶尔达拉布特铝质A型花岗岩形成于295~305Ma。这些高精度的同位素年龄资料进一步确证了准噶尔地区大面积发育的A型花岗岩是该区后碰撞阶段的岩浆作用产物。 (2)三个构造带的碱性花岗岩和碱长花岗岩都具有典型A型花岗岩的矿物学和地球化学特征。在主量元素上它们富硅、富碱、低铝、贫钙镁,在微量元素上它们明显富集Rb、K、Th等大离子亲石元素及Zr、Hf等高场强元素和稀土元素而亏损Ba、Sr、Eu。根据地球化学组成,苏吉泉黑云母碱长花岗岩是典型的铝质A型花岗岩,而不是前人提出的S型花岗岩。 (3)三个构造带的A型花岗岩均有较高的正Nd(T)值和大于成岩年龄的两阶段Nd同位素模式年龄,它们的地质特征和地球化学组成难以用幔源岩浆高度分异的成岩模式解释。这些A型花岗岩的岩浆很可能是花岗闪长质岩浆分异结晶作用的产物,而花岗闪长质岩浆则起源于具亏损地幔同位素组成的玄武质洋壳和少量陆壳物质的部分熔融。 (4)东准噶尔早二叠世A型花岗岩的发育表明该区后碰撞阶段的花岗岩浆作用持续时间较长(约60Ma),这些花岗岩与晚石炭世A型花岗岩在地球化学组成上的差异揭示了东准噶尔乃至新疆北部在早二叠世的陆壳垂向生长。 (5)萨惹什克锡矿石中辉钼矿的Re-Os同位素年龄值(307Ma)与赋矿的萨北碱性花岗岩中锆石的U-Pb年龄值(306Ma)有很好的一致性,而且辉钼矿的Re含量低,表明成矿物质可能主要源于地壳。时间和物源的证据反映该区A型花岗岩与锡矿床具有密切的成因联系。


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Liquid segregation phenomena have been found and explained in the F(Li)-rich granites in south China by Wang Linakui et al. (1979; 1983). A number of experimental investigations into the liquid immiscibilities in the granites systems have been carried out (Anfilogov et al., 1983; Glyuk et al., 1971; Glyuk et al., 1973a; 1973b; kovalenko, 1978; Wang Liangkui et al., 1987). Nevertheless, the detailed scenarios of the liquid immiscibilities in the granitic magmas are much less understood. This experimental study is amide to get access to this problem. Starting materials are biotite granite +LiF(3-10%)+NaF(3-10%)+H_2O(30%). The experimental results have shown that the liquid immiscibilities of melts of different compositions occur at 1 kbar and 840 ℃ when 5wt% (LiF + NaF) are added to the granite samples. three kinds of glasses indicating of three types of coexisting immiscible melts have been observed: light blue matrix glass, melanocratic glass balls and leucocratic glass balls. It is interesting that we have observed various kinds of textures as follows: spherulitic texture, droplets, flow bands, swirls. All these textures can be comparable to those in the natural granitic bodies. Electron microprobe data suggest that these different kinds of glasses are of different chemical compositions respectively; matrix glasses are F-poor silicate melts; melanocratic balls correspond to F-rich silicate melts; and leucocratic balls are the melts consisting mainly of fluorides. Raman spectrometric data have indicated that different glasses have different melt structures. TFM Diagrams at 1000 * 10~5 Pa have been plotted, in which two miscible gaps are found. One of the two gaps corresponds to the immiscibility between F - poor silicate melt and F-rich silicate melt, another to that between the silicate melt and fluoride melt. The experiments at different pressures have suggested that the decreases in pressures are favorable to the liquid immiscibility. Several reversal experiments have indicated that the equilibria in different runs have been achieved. We have applied the experimental results to explain the field evidence of immiscibilities in some of granites associated with W-Sn-Nb-Ta mineralization. These field phenomena include flow structure, globular structures,mineralized globular patche and glass inclusions in topaz. We believe that the liquid immiscibility (liquid segregation) is a possible way of generation of F(Li)-rich granites. During the evolution of the granitic magmas, the contents of Li, F, H_2O and ore-forming elements in the magmas become higher and higher. The granites formed in the extensional tectonic settings commonly bear higher abundences of the above-mentioned elements. the pressures of the granitic magmas are relatively lower during the processes of their emplacements and cooling. The late-staged magmas will produce liquid immiscibilities, leading to the production of several coexisting immiscible melts with different chemical compositions. The flow of immiscible consisting magmas will produce F(Li)-rich granites. It is also considered that liquid immiscibilities are of great significance in the production of rare metal granites. The ore-forming processes and magmatic crystallization and metasomatic processes can be occur at the same time. The mineralisations of rare metals are related to both magmatic and hydrothermal processes.


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Los agrietamientos poligonales representan una forma común de modelado granítico cuyo origen y evolución continúa en fase de estudio, no existiendo una sistematización de estas estructuras diversas. Algunos autores explican su origen por procesos geodinámicos internos, relacionándolo con movimientos de planos de fractura en estados tardíos de consolidación magmática. Otros autores atribuyen su formación y desarrollo a factores externos relacionados con el régimen climático. La gran variedad de agrietamientos poligonales requiere la utilización de un número mayor de variables para definir los distintos orígenes, y las posibles interrelaciones entre los factores externos e internos, así como para explicar la evolución de dichas estructuras y avanzar en la clasificación de los patrones concretos. Este trabajo pretende contribuir a sistematizar los mecanismos que intervienen en el desarrollo de agrietamientos poligonales. Para ello se estudian únicamente agrietamientos poligonales formados sobre planos de fractura verticales o subverticales. En particular se establecen relaciones entre la presencia de agrietamientos poligonales y la red de fracturación, la altura de aparición, la orientación e inclinación de la pared, la morfología de las placas y la profundidad de incisión de las grietas perimetrales. Por otra parte, establece relaciones entre procesos geodinámicos internos y procesos de meteorización externos.


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To assess the contribution of accumulated winter precipitation and glacial meltwater to the recharge of deep ground water flow systems in fracture crystalline rocks, measurements of environmental isotope ratios, hydrochemical composition, and in situ parameters of ground water were performed in a deep tunnel. The measurements demonstrate the significance of these ground water recharge components for deep ground water flow systems in fractured granites of a high alpine catchment in the Central Alps, Switzerland. Hydrochemical and in situ parameters, as well as d18O in ground water samples collected in the tunnel, show only small temporal variations. The precipitation record of d18O shows seasonal variations of ~14‰ and a decrease of 0.23‰ ± 0.03‰ per 100 m elevation gain. d2H and d18O in precipitation are well correlated and plot close to the meteoric water line, as well as d2H and d18O in ground water samples, reflecting the meteoric origin of the latter. The depletion of 18O in ground water compared to 18O content in precipitation during the ground water recharge period indicates significant contributions from accumulated depleted winter precipitation to ground water recharge. The hydrochemical composition of the encountered ground water, Na-Ca-HCO3-SO4(-F), reflects an evolution of the ground water along the flowpath through the granite body. Observed tritium concentrations in ground water range from 2.6 to 16.6 TU, with the lowest values associated with a local negative temperature anomaly and anomalous depleted 18O in ground water. This demonstrates the effect of local ground water recharge from meltwater of submodern glacial ice. Such localized recharge from glaciated areas occurs along preferential flowpaths within the granite body that are mainly controlled by observed hydraulic active shear fractures and cataclastic faults.


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Da totalidade da água existente na Terra, somente 1% diz respeito à água subterrânea, recurso finito e essencial para a sobrevivência do Homem. A composição química das águas subterrâneas é influência não só pela actividade humana, mas também pelas características químicas do substrato geológico. As rochas e os sedimentos funcionam como meio de transporte e armazém desse tipo de águas e a presença de certos minerais pode originar a contaminação natural das águas subterrâneas em elementos prejudiciais para o Homem. Um desses elementos é o arsénio. Uma vez que a concentração máxima admitida de arsénio para água consumo humano diminuiu dos anteriores 50 mg.l-1 para os actuais 10 mg.l-1,a probabilidade de encontrar concentrações naturais em arsénio em águas subterrâneas acima desse limite aumentou. Este trabalho visa estudar e compreender, através de ensaios laboratoriais, a interacção água/rocha em termos químicos e a mobilidade/comportamento do arsénio em seis zonas de Portugal Continental com contextos geológicos diferentes (Vila Flor – Formação Filito-Quartzítica, Baião – granitos, Cacia – sedimentos do Cretácico, Mamodeiro – sedimentos do Neogénico, Escusa – calcários dolomíticos e Beja - gabros). Para o efeito, nas zonas de estudo mencionadas foram colhidas amostras de rocha ou sedimento e de água subterrânea que foram analisadas para 36 e 76 elementos, respectivamente. A componente mineralógica e as fases suporte do As foram estudadas recorrendo à análise por difracção de raios X, microssonda electrónica e à aplicação da extracção química selectiva sequencial. A mobilização do As foi avaliada através da realização de ensaios de coluna e de agitação com hidrocarbonetos derivados do petróleo. No primeiro ensaio, a circulação de diferentes soluções com diferentes velocidades lineares no interior de colunas de vidro cheias de rocha moída, avaliou a presença de As associado a fases hidrossolúveis e biodisponíveis. No segundo, a agitação de rocha moída com água e hidrocarbonetos derivados do petróleo pretendeu avaliar o comportamento do As quando um aquífero apresenta uma contaminação com aquele tipo de hidrocarbonetos.


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A área de Aguiar da Beira está integrada nos terrenos autóctones da Zona Centro-ibérica e é constituída essencialmente por rochas granitóides variscas instaladas durante e após a terceira fase de deformação (D3). As relações de campo mostram que estes granitóides intruíram formações metassedimentares de idade proterozóica superior-câmbrica e as sequências do Ordovícico e do Carbónico do sinclinal Porto-Sátão, cujo extremo SE aflora na área de estudo. Com base na cartografia publicada e nos dados de campo colhidos no âmbito deste trabalho, foi possível individualizar oito intrusões distintas: o granodiorito -granito biotítico de Sernancelhe, o granito gnaissoso de duas micas, o granito moscovítico-biotítico de Vila Nova de Paiva, o granodiorito-granito biotítico-moscovítico de Lagares e os granitos de Touro (biotítico-moscovítico), Aguiar da Beira (moscovítico-biotítico), Pera Velha / Vila da Ponte (biotítico-moscovítico) e Rei Mouro (moscovítico-biotítico). A presença de encraves microgranulares em cinco dos granitóides estudados sugere que os processos de mistura de magmas desempenharam um papel importante na sua petrogénese. As datações U-Pb obtidas em zircões e monazites durante o presente estudo permitiram subdividir os granitóides de Aguiar da Beira em três grupos, de acordo com as suas relações com a terceira fase de deformação (D3): granitóides sin-tectónicos (Sernancelhe e granito gnaissoso; 322-317 Ma), tardi-tectónicos (Vila Nova de Paiva, Lagares e Touro; 308-306 Ma), e tardi- a pós-tectónicos (Aguiar da Beira, Pera Velha / Vila da Ponte e Rei Mouro; 303297 Ma). As assinaturas geoquímicas de elementos maiores e traço dos granitóides estudados, em conjunto com os dados isotópicos Sr-Nd e δ18 (rocha total e zircão) apontam para uma contribuição significativa de protólitos crustais na génese destes magmas. Á excepção do granito gnaissoso, todos os granitóides possuem um carácter transicional entre os granitos do tipo I e do tipo S, o que apoiado pelos dados de geoquímica de rocha total e isotópica, e pela presença de encraves microgranulares de composição mais máfica presentes em muitos deles, indicia uma forte intervenção de processos de hibridização de líquidos de proveniência distinta (crustais e mantélicos), em diferentes proporções, na sua origem. Pelo contrário, as características geoquímicas e isotópicas do granito gnaissoso revelam claras afinidades com os granitos do tipo S, e sugerem que tenha derivado da anatexia de fontes exclusivamente supracrustais. No entanto, parte da variabilidade geoquímica e isotópica observada em todos os granitóides estudados só poderá ser explicada pela actuação de processos de cristalização fraccionada, especialmente intensos no caso do granito gnaissoso e dos granitos tardi- a PÓS-D3.


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O presente estudo diz respeito a um trabalho de pesquisa no âmbito de uma Tese de Mestrado incluída no segundo ciclo de estudos do curso de Engenharia Geotécnica e Geoambiente, realizado sobre as condições de desidroxilação para a obtenção de metacaulino com propriedades cimentíceas, a partir da fracção argilosa proveniente dos finos residuais da produção de areias de natureza granítica. O produto resultante da alteração e desintegração dos feldspatos constituintes dos granitos são ricos em caulinite. Na natureza e em particular no Norte de Portugal, existem significativos depósitos cauliníticos com características potenciadoras para a produção de metacaulino. O metacaulino utilizado neste estudo foi obtido de uma amostra de argila submetida a 750oC, por um período de tempo de 30 minutos, processo que permitiu a desidroxilação quase total da matéria-prima, transformando esta numa fase amorfa e irreversível, com propriedades pozolânicas. Os metacaulinos, também conhecidos por geopolímeros, são produtos de fácil produção utilizando uma matéria-prima abundante e proporcionam a obtenção de novos produtos que permitem a substituição parcial do cimento Portland normal na composição das pastas de betão, com vantagens significativas no comportamento mecânico e na resistência aos agentes atmosféricos. Neste estudo são apresentados os resultados dos ensaios de caracterização da matéria-prima, das condições de calcinação e do produto resultante da desidroxilação, nomeadamente a determinação da pozolanicidade e das características fundamentais para a aplicabilidade do produto. No âmbito da especialidade de Georrecursos, consideramos que este trabalho está perfeitamente adequado, já que, para além do estudo para o conhecimento das propriedades da matéria-prima, foi possível, através das alterações introduzidas com o tratamento térmico, obter um novo produto, cuja utilização terá importantes reflexos na sustentabilidade dos recursos naturais e sua utilização.