969 resultados para Apis mellifera honey


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The COLOSS BEEBOOK is a practical manual compiling standard methods in all fields of research on the western honey bee, Apis mellifera. The COLOSS network was founded in 2008 as a consequence of the heavy and frequent losses of managed honey bee colonies experienced in many regions of the world (Neumann and Carreck, 2010). As many of the world’s honey bee research teams began to address the problem, it soon became obvious that a lack of standardized research methods was seriously hindering scientists’ ability to harmonize and compare the data on colony losses obtained internationally. In its second year of activity, during a COLOSS meeting held in Bern, Switzerland, the idea of a manual of standardized honey bee research methods emerged. The manual, to be called the COLOSS BEEBOOK, was inspired by publications with similar purposes for fruit fly research (Lindsley and Grell, 1968; Ashburner 1989; Roberts, 1998; Greenspan, 2004).


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The COLOSS BEEBOOK is a practical manual compiling standard methods in all fields of research on the western honey bee, Apis mellifera. The COLOSS network was founded in 2008 as a consequence of the heavy and frequent losses of managed honey bee colonies experienced in many regions of the world (Neumann and Carreck, 2010). As many of the world’s honey bee research teams began to address the problem, it soon became obvious that a lack of standardized research methods was seriously hindering scientists’ ability to harmonize and compare the data on colony losses obtained internationally. In its second year of activity, during a COLOSS meeting held in Bern, Switzerland, the idea of a manual of standardized honey bee research methods emerged. The manual, to be called the COLOSS BEEBOOK, was inspired by publications with similar purposes for fruit fly research (Lindsley and Grell, 1968; Ashburner, 1989; Roberts, 1998; Greenspan, 2004).


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Adult honey bees are maintained in vitro in laboratory cages for a variety of purposes. For example, researchers may wish to perform experiments on honey bees caged individually or in groups to study aspects of parasitology, toxicology, or physiology under highly controlled conditions, or they may cage whole frames to obtain newly emerged workers of known age cohorts. Regardless of purpose, researchers must manage a number of variables, ranging from selection of study subjects (e.g. honey bee subspecies) to experimental environment (e.g. temperature and relative humidity). Although decisions made by researchers may not necessarily jeopardize the scientific rigour of an experiment, they may profoundly affect results, and may make comparisons with similar, but independent, studies difficult. Focusing primarily on workers, we provide recommendations for maintaining adults under in vitro laboratory conditions, whilst acknowledging gaps in our understanding that require further attention. We specifically describe how to properly obtain honey bees, and how to choose appropriate cages, incubator conditions, and food to obtain biologically relevant and comparable experimental results. Additionally, we provide broad recommendations for experimental design and statistical analyses of data that arises from experiments using caged honey bees. The ultimate goal of this, and of all COLOSS BEEBOOK papers, is not to stifle science with restrictions, but rather to provide researchers with the appropriate tools to generate comparable data that will build upon our current understanding of honey bees.


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n recent years, declines of honey bee populations have received massive media attention worldwide, yet attempts to understand the causes have been hampered by a lack of standardisation of laboratory techniques. Published as a response to this, the COLOSS BEEBOOK is a unique collaborative venture involving 234 bee scientists from 34 countries, who have produced the definitive guide to how to carry out research on honey bees. It is hoped that these volumes will become the standards to be adopted by bee scientists worldwide. Volume II includes approximately 600 separate protocols dealing with the study of the pests and diseases of the honey bee, Apis mellifera. These cover epidemiology and surveying techniques, virus diseases, bacterial diseases such as European and American foulbrood, fungal and microsporidian diseases such as Nosema, mites such as Acarapis, Varroa and Tropilaelaps, and other pests such as the small hive beetle.


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In recent years, declines of honey bee populations have received massive media attention worldwide, yet attempts to understand the causes have been hampered by a lack of standardisation of laboratory techniques. Published as a response to this, the COLOSS BEEBOOK is a unique collaborative venture involving 234 bee scientists from 34 countries, who have produced the definitive guide to how to carry out research on honey bees. It is hoped that these volumes will become the standards to be adopted by bee scientists worldwide. Volume I includes approximately 1,100 separate protocols dealing with the study of the honey bee, Apis mellifera. These cover anatomy, behavioural studies, chemical ecology, breeding, genetics, instrumental insemination and queen rearing, pollination, molecular studies, statistics, toxicology and numerous other techniques


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1. The comparison of molecular exclusion cromatography profiles of venoms from sting apparatuses of Apis mellifera ligustica, Apis mellifera adansonii and Africanized honey-bees in Sephadex G-100 revealed both qualitative and quantitative differences.2. The venoms from A.m. ligustica and A.m. adansonii presented, respectively, three and two peaks characteristic of each sub-species, while Africanized honey-bee was characterized by the absence of eight peaks common to the former.3. The polypeptides with M(r) in the range from 100,000 to 7500 da correspond respectively to 62.0%, 66.6% and 68.7% of total proteins from the venon of A.m. ligustica, A.m. adansonii and Africanized honey-bees, while the peptidic fraction with M(r) range from 4100 to 2000 da corresponds to 11.4%, 32.4% and 10.2% of venom protein, respectively.


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The switch from within-hive activities to foraging behavior is a major transition in the life cycle of a honeybee (Apis mellifera) worker. A prominent regulatory role in this switch has long been attributed to juvenile hormone (JH), but recent evidence also points to the yolk precursor protein vitellogenin as a major player in behavioral development. In the present study, we injected vitellogenin double-stranded RNA (dsVg) into newly emerged worker bees of Africanized genetic origin and introduced them together with controls into observation hives to record flight behavior. RNA interference-mediated silencing of vitellogenin gene function shifted the onset of long-duration flights (> 10 min) to earlier in life (by 3-4 days) when compared with sham and untreated control bees. In fact, dsVg bees were observed conducting such flights extremely precociously, when only 3 days old. Short-duration flights (< 10 min), which bees usually perform for orientation and cleaning, were not affected. Additionally, we found that the JH titer in dsVg bees collected after 7 days was not significantly different from the controls. The finding that depletion of the vitellogenin titer can drive young bees to become extremely precocious foragers could imply that vitellogenin is the primary switch signal. At this young age, downregulation of vitellogenin gene activity apparently had little effect on the JH titer. As this unexpected finding stands in contrast with previous results on the vitellogenin/JH interaction at a later age, when bees normally become foragers, we propose a three-step sequence in the constellation of physiological parameters underlying behavioral development.


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The present study compared two heating methods currently used for antigen retrieval (AR) immunostaining: the microwave oven and the steam cooker. Myosin-V, a molecular motor involved in vesicle transport, was used as a neuronal marker in honeybee Apis mellifera brains fixed in formalin. Overall, the steam cooker showed the most satisfactory AR results. At 100 degrees C, tissue morphology was maintained and revealed epitope recovery, while evaporation of the AR solution was markedly reduced; this is important for stabilizing the sodium citrate molarity of the AR buffer and reducing background effects. Standardization of heat-mediated AR of formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue sections results in more reliable immunostaining of the honeybee brain.


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In the honeybee the cAMP-dependent signal transduction cascade has been implicated in processes underlying learning and memory, The cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) is the major mediator of cAMP action. To characterize the PKA system in the honeybee brain we cloned a homologue of a PKA catalytic subunit from the honeybee,The deduced amino acid sequence shows 80-94% identity with catalytic subunits of PKA from Drosophila melanogaster, Aplysia californica and mammals. The corresponding gene is predominantly expressed in the mushroom bodies, a structure that is involved in learning and memory processes. However, expression can also be found in the antennal and optic lobes,The level of expression varies within all three neuropiles.


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Chemosensory proteins (CSPs) are ubiquitous soluble small proteins isolated from sensory organs of a wide range of insect species, which are believed to be involved in chemical communication. We report the cloning of a honeybee CSP gene called ASP3c, as well as the structural and functional characterization of the encoded protein. The protein was heterologously secreted by the yeast Pichia pastoris using the native signal peptide. ASP3c disulfide bonds were assigned after trypsinolysis followed by chromatography and mass spectrometry combined with microsequencing. The pairing (Cys(I)-Cys(II), Cys(III)-Cys(IV)) was found to be identical to that of Schistocerca gregaria CSPs, suggesting that this pattern occurs commonly throughout the insect CSPs. CD measurements revealed that ASP3c mainly consists of alpha-helices, like other insect CSPs. Gel filtration analysis showed that ASP3c is monomeric at neutral pH. Using ASA, a fluorescent fatty acid anthroyloxy analogue as a probe, ASP3c was shown to bind specifically to large fatty acids and ester derivatives, which are brood pheromone components, in the micromolar range. It was unable to bind tested general odorants and other tested pheromones (sexual and nonsexual). This is the first report on a natural pheromonal ligand bound by a recombinant CSP with a measured affinity constant.


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Biogenic amines and their receptors regulate and modulate many physiological and behavioural processes in animals. In vertebrates, octopamine is only found in trace amounts and its function as a true neurotransmitter is unclear. In protostomes, however, octopamine can act as neurotransmitter, neuromodulator and neurohormone. In the honeybee, octopamine acts as a neuromodulator and is involved in learning and memory formation. The identification of potential octopamine receptors is decisive for an understanding of the cellular pathways involved in mediating the effects of octopamine. Here we report the cloning and functional characterization of the first octopamine receptor from the honeybee, Apis mellifera . The gene was isolated from a brain-specific cDNA library. It encodes a protein most closely related to octopamine receptors from Drosophila melanogaster and Lymnea stagnalis . Signalling properties of the cloned receptor were studied in transiently transfected human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells. Nanomolar to micromolar concentrations of octopamine induced oscillatory increases in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. In contrast to octopamine, tyramine only elicited Ca2+ responses at micromolar concentrations. The gene is abundantly expressed in many somata of the honeybee brain, suggesting that this octopamine receptor is involved in the processing of sensory inputs, antennal motor outputs and higher-order brain functions.


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Foram analisados os pólen corbiculares de operárias de Apis melliferadurante o período de dois anos, no Município de Ji-Parana(RO). Constatou-se que dos 126 tipos polínicos coletados, apenas uma pequena parte (12,0%) foram intensamente explorados pelas africanizadas, destacando-se entre eles: Cecropiasp., Orbignya martiana,Poaceae tipo, Cosmos caudaíus, Cocos nucifera, Cynometrasp., Mimosa pudica, Cissussp., etc. que tiveram seus pólen coletados em mais de dez meses. Observou-se que a coleta de pólen pelas Apis,na Amazônia, não está relacionada com as mudanças climáticas e sim com a época de floração das fontes. Fevereiro de 1989 foi o mês onde as operárias mais diversificaram, coletando 41 tipos de plantas. Os meses de março, novembro de 1988 e janeiro de 1990 foram os meses que apresentaram a menor diversificação num total de onze espécies de plantas coletadas pelas operárias.


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Foram analisadas amostras de mel de um apiário localizado na Aldeia do Contão, Roraima, Brasil. As amostras foram obtidas das colheitas nos meses de outubro e dezembro de 1996 e janeiro, fevereiro e março de 1997. Foram identificados um total de 20 tipos polínicos distribuídos em 18 gêneros e 13 famílias. As famílias: Mimosaceae (4 espécies), Anacardiaceae (3 espécies), Sterculiaceae (2 espécies), Caesalpiniaceae (2 espécies) e Amaranthaceae (2 espécies) foram as mais representadas, as demais por uma única espécie. Os tipos polínicos mais frequentes foram: Mimosa polydactyla H.B.K (outubro e dezembro de 1996), Curatella americana L. (janeiro, fevereiro e março de 1997). Encontrou-se três correlações significativas entre as frequências dos tipos polínicos de: Curatella americana L. X Mimosa polydactyla H.B.K (r = -0,99), Curatella americana L. X Astronium sp (r = 0,95) e Mimosa polydactyla H.B.K e Astronium sp (r = -0,91)


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As abelhas africanas (Apis mellifera scutellata) foram trazidas para o Brasil na década de 1950 e, por acidente, cruzaram-se com outras subespécies de abelhas melíferas européias introduzidas no século XIX. Isso proporcionou o surgimento de híbridos com características predominantes das abelhas africanas, tais como rusticidade e maior capacidade de enxamear, o que lhes permitiu uma rápida adaptação e expansão por quase todo continente americano. Até hoje existem controvérsias se essas abelhas, denominadas africanizadas, causam algum impacto sobre a fauna de abelhas nativas. Nas Américas, as africanizadas estão restritas a regiões de baixas altitudes e de invernos amenos; no Brasil, ocorrem principalmente em áreas urbanas e formações vegetacionais abertas ou adulteradas, sendo dificilmente vistas ou coletadas no interior de florestas densas como a amazônica. Diante dessa observação, diversas iscas foram disponibilizadas no interior de fragmentos de florestas e de florestas contínuas na Amazônia central, para testar se operárias de abelhas africanizadas seriam capazes de penetrar nos mesmos. Nenhuma operária foi vista visitando as iscas na floresta contínua ou mesmo nos fragmentos de floresta, ocorrendo visitas somente nas áreas desmatadas e capoeiras próximas. Esse resultado, além de indicar a inexistência de competição por recursos com as abelhas nativas no interior da floresta amazônica, também indica que uma apicultura em grande escala na região seria inviável, uma vez que a floresta não é sequer visitada por essas abelhas.


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Las actividades socioeconómicas en muchos casos generan residuos que afectan a la salud humana, la calidad de los ecosistemas y los procesos ecológicos. La acumulación de residuos de plaguicidas en el ambiente se ha puesto de manifiesto desde hace años y la incidencia de éstos en los ecosistemas supone un riesgo que es necesario conocer y reducir. La agricultura depende, en gran medida, de la utilización de pesticidas para controlar las plagas y las enfermedades que pueden ocasionar pérdidas en la calidad de las cosechas y disminuir su producción. En los últimos años, la contaminación de los alimentos y del medio ambiente por los pesticidas se ha convertido en objeto de gran interés y preocupación social debido a los posibles efectos adversos de una exposición prolongada a estos compuestos. La provincia de Córdoba, en particular la región sur, no es ajena a dicha problemática dado que la actividad más importante es la agropecuaria. Por tanto, resulta de sumo interés desarrollar métodos para diagnosticar y monitorear la contaminación del ambiente. En este sentido, los indicadores ambientales han tomado impulso con el propósito de estandarizar metodologías y procesos que nos permitan desarrollar la capacidad de analizar, evaluar y comparar el estado del ambiente y los recursos naturales. Las abejas melíferas y los productos de la colmena podrían muy bien cumplir con este rol ya que durante su pecoreo las abejas se ponen en contacto con prácticamente todos los sectores medioambientales (suelo, vegetación, aire y agua). Las abejas exploran áreas de unos 30 km2 para recolectar elementos para el desarrollo de su colonia y por consiguiente los productos de la colmena se pueden relacionar con la contaminación local. La presencia de plaguicidas de uso agrícola, tanto en miel como en cera, en cantidades suficientemente altas, también podría llevar a que la colmena se vea debilitada y las abejas tiendan a abandonarla. No obstante, el abandono de las colmenas no sólo puede deberse a la acumulación de compuestos químicos extraños, sino también a problemas de sanidad relacionados al mal manejo del apiario. La incidencia de este último factor puede estimarse determinando en miel y cera los residuos de medicamentos, sintéticos y/o naturales, utilizados por los apicultores para el tratamiento de enfermedades de la colmena. Por lo tanto, se propone utilizar el grado de contaminación de la miel y de la cera con plaguicidas de uso agrícola como indicadores ambientales y establecer la influencia de este factor y de los medicamentos de uso apícola sobre el síndrome de despoblamiento de las colmenas. Para ello se seleccionarán tres zonas de trabajo, todas pertenecientes al sur de la provincia de Córdoba, (una silvestre, una de agricultura en base a soja y maíz y una tambera) donde se esté desarrollando la actividad apícola, instalando también colmenas propias para el proyecto. Se realizarán encuesta a productores agropecuarios y apícolas. Para el diagnóstico de enfermedades se emplearán las siguientes técnicas: gota pendiente para Loque americana, método de Cantwell para Nosema y el método de David Jong modificado para Varroa. Para la cuantificación de residuos de plaguicidas y medicamentos se emplearán técnicas cromatográficas. Los resultados obtenidos permitirán evaluar el estado sanitario de las colmenas, la disminución o no de la población, determinar indirectamente la contaminación ambiental estableciendo las vinculaciones entre las causas que generan los cambios, las respuestas del medio y tendencias futuras y realizar transferencia a distintos niveles mediante, conferencias, cursos, material didáctico y prestación de servicios. Asimismo, los resultados podrían ser utilizados en el futuro en la implementación de políticas regulatorias de las actividades agroindustriales, mientras que el relevamiento del estado sanitario de las colmenas permitirá tomar decisiones respecto de las políticas sanitarias a aplicar en el manejo de los colmenare