991 resultados para Animals, Newborn


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Muscle glycogen exists in two forms: low molecular weight pro-glycogen and high molecular weight macro-glycogen. The degradation of glycogen to glucose 1 phosphate and free glucose is catalysed by glycogen phosphorylase together with glycogen debranching enzyme (GDE). The process in which glycogen is broken down via anaerobic pathways to lactate, results in the acidification of the muscles and has a great influence on meat quality. Thus, the overall aim of this thesis was to characterise the post mortem action of GDE in muscles of meat production animals (pigs, cattle and chickens). Interest was focused on the differences in GDE activity between fast twitch glycolytic muscles and slow twitch oxidative muscles. The effects of pH, temperature, RN genotype (PRKAG3 gene), and of time post mortem on GDE activity were also investigated. This thesis showed that there are differences in GDE activity between animal species and between different muscles of an animal. It was shown that in pigs and cattle, higher GDE activity and phosphorylase activity exists in the fast twitch glycolytic muscles than in slow twitch oxidative muscles of the same animal. Thus, the high activity of these enzymes enables a faster rate of glycogenolysis in glycolytic M. longissimus dorsi compared to oxidative M. masseter. In chicken muscles, the GDE activity was low compared to pig or cattle muscles. Furthermore, the GDE activity in the glycolytic M. pectoralis superficialis was lower than in more oxidative M. quadriceps femoris despite the high phosphorylase activity in the former. The relative ratios between phosphorylase and GDE activity were higher in fast twitch glycolytic muscles than in slow twitch oxidative muscles of all studied animals. This suggests that the relatively low GDE activity compared to the phosphorylase activity in fast twitch glycolytic muscles may be a protection mechanism in living muscle against a very fast pH decrease. Chilling significantly decreased GDE activity and below 15 C porcine GDE was almost inactive. The effect of pH on GDE activity was only minor at the range normally found in post mortem muscles (pH 7.4 to 5.0). The GDE activity remained level for several hours after slaughter. During the first hours post mortem, GDE activity was similar in RN- carrier pigs and in wild type pigs. However, the GDE activity declined faster in M. longissimus dorsi from wild type pigs than in the RN carrier pigs, the difference between genotypes was significant after 24 h post mortem. Pro-glycogen and macro-glycogen contents were higher, pH decrease was faster and ultimate pH was lower in RN- carrier pigs than in wild type pigs. In the RN- carriers, the prolonged high GDE activity level may enable an extended pH decrease and lower ultimate pH in their muscles. In conclusion, GDE is not the main factor determining the rate or the extent of post mortem glycogenolysis, but under certain conditions, such as in very fast chilling, the inhibition of GDE activity in meat may reduce the rate of pH decrease and result in higher ultimate pH. The rate and extent of pH decrease affects several meat quality traits.


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To find out whether food-producing animals (FPAs) are a source of extraintestinal expanded-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli (ESCR-EC) infections in humans, Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were systematically reviewed. Thirty-four original, peer-reviewed publications were identified for inclusion. Six molecular epidemiology studies supported the transfer of resistance via whole bacterium transmission (WBT), which was best characterized among poultry in the Netherlands. Thirteen molecular epidemiology studies supported transmission of resistance via mobile genetic elements, which demonstrated greater diversity of geography and host FPA. Seventeen molecular epidemiology studies did not support WBT and two did not support mobile genetic element-mediated transmission. Four observational epidemiology studies were consistent with zoonotic transmission. Overall, there is evidence that a proportion of human extraintestinal ESCR-EC infections originate from FPAs. Poultry, in particular, is probably a source, but the quantitative and geographical extent of the problem is unclear and requires further investigation.


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Establishment of the rumen microbiome can be affected by both early-life dietary measures and rumen microbial inoculation. This study used a 2 × 3 factorial design to evaluate the effects of inclusion of dietary fat type and the effects of rumen inoculum from different sources on ruminal bacterial communities present in early stages of the lambs’ life. Two different diets were fed ad libitum to 36 pregnant ewes (and their lambs) from 1 month pre-lambing until weaning. Diets consisted of chaffed lucerne and cereal hay and 4% molasses, with either 4% distilled coconut oil (CO) provided as a source of rumen-active fat or 4% Megalac® provided as a source of rumen-protected fat (PF). One of three inoculums was introduced orally to all lambs, being either (1) rumen fluid from donor ewes fed the PF diet; (2) rumen fluid from donor ewes fed CO; or (3) a control treatment of MilliQ-water. After weaning at 3 months of age, each of the six lamb treatment groups were grazed in spatially separated paddocks. Rumen bacterial populations of ewes and lambs were characterised using 454 amplicon pyrosequencing of the V3/V4 regions of the 16S rRNA gene. Species richness and biodiversity of the bacterial communities were found to be affected by the diet in ewes and lambs and by inoculation treatment of the lambs. Principal coordinate analysis and analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) showed between diet differences in bacterial community groups existed in ewes and differential bacterial clusters occurred in lambs due to both diet and neonatal inoculation. Diet and rumen inoculation acted together to clearly differentiate the bacterial communities through to weaning, however the microbiome effects of these initial early life interventions diminished with time so that rumen bacterial communities showed greater similarity 2 months after weaning. These results demonstrate that ruminal bacterial communities of newborn lambs can be altered by modifying the diet of their mothers. Moreover, the rumen microbiome of lambs can be changed by diet while they are suckling or by inoculating their rumen, and resulting changes in the rumen bacterial microbiome can persist beyond weaning.


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Indospicine is a non-proteinogenic amino acid which occurs in Indigofera species with widespread prevalence in grazing pastures across tropical Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. It accumulates in the tissues of grazing livestock after ingestion of Indigofera. It is a competitive inhibitor of arginase and causes both liver degeneration and abortion. Indospicine hepatoxicity occurs universally across animal species but the degree varies considerably between species, with dogs being particularly sensitive. The magnitude of canine sensitivity is such that ingestion of naturally indospicine-contaminated horse and camel meat has caused secondary poisoning of dogs, raising significant industry concern. Indospicine impacts on the health and production of grazing animals per se has been less widely documented. Livestock grazing Indigofera have a chronic and cumulative exposure to this toxin, with such exposure experimentally shown to induce both hepatotoxicity and embryo-lethal effects in cattle and sheep. In extensive pasture systems, where animals are not closely monitored, the resultant toxicosis may well occur after prolonged exposure but either be undetected, or even if detected not be attributable to a particular cause. Indospicine should be considered as a possible cause of animal poor performance, particularly reduced weight gain or reproductive losses, in pastures where Indigofera are prevalent.


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This study aimed to define the frequency of resistance to critically important antimicrobials (CIAs) [i.e. extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESCs), fluoroquinolones (FQs) and carbapenems] among Escherichia coli isolates causing clinical disease in Australian food-producing animals. Clinical E. coli isolates (n = 324) from Australian food-producing animals [cattle (n = 169), porcine (n = 114), poultry (n = 32) and sheep (n = 9)] were compiled from all veterinary diagnostic laboratories across Australia over a 1-year period. Isolates underwent antimicrobial susceptibility testing to 18 antimicrobials using the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute disc diffusion method. Isolates resistant to CIAs underwent minimum inhibitory concentration determination, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), phylogenetic analysis, plasmid replicon typing, plasmid identification, and virulence and antimicrobial resistance gene typing. The 324 E. coli isolates from different sources exhibited a variable frequency of resistance to tetracycline (29.0–88.6%), ampicillin (9.4–71.1%), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (11.1–67.5%) and streptomycin (21.9–69.3%), whereas none were resistant to imipenem or amikacin. Resistance was detected, albeit at low frequency, to ESCs (bovine isolates, 1%; porcine isolates, 3%) and FQs (porcine isolates, 1%). Most ESC- and FQ-resistant isolates represented globally disseminated E. coli lineages (ST117, ST744, ST10 and ST1). Only a single porcine E. coli isolate (ST100) was identified as a classic porcine enterotoxigenic E. coli strain (non-zoonotic animal pathogen) that exhibited ESC resistance via acquisition of blaCMY-2. This study uniquely establishes the presence of resistance to CIAs among clinical E. coli isolates from Australian food-producing animals, largely attributed to globally disseminated FQ- and ESC-resistant E. coli lineages.


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Immobile plants and immobile modular animals outlive unitary animals. This paper discusses competing but not necessarily mutually exclusive theories to explain this extreme longevity, especially from the perspective of phenotypic plasticity. Stem cell immortality, vascular autonomy, and epicormic branching are some important features of the phenotypic plasticity of plants that contribute to their longevity. Monocarpy versus polycarpy can also influence the kind of senescent processes experienced by plants. How density-dependent phenomena affecting the establishment of juveniles in these immobile organisms can influence the evolution of senescence, and consequently longevity, is reviewed and discussed. Whether climate change scenarios will favour long-lived or short-lived organisms, with their attendant levels of plasticity, is also presented.


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The aim of the present thesis was to study the role of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) in clearance of fetal lung fluid in the newborn infant by measurement of airway epithelial expression of ENaC, of nasal transepithelial potential difference (N-PD), and of lung compliance (LC). In addition, the effect of postnatal dexamethasone on airway epithelial ENaC expression was measured in preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). The patient population was formed of selected term newborn infants born in the Department of Obstetrics (Studies II-IV) and selected preterm newborn infants treated in the neonatal intensive care unit of the Hospital for Children and Adolescents (Studies I and IV) of the Helsinki University Central Hospital in Finland. A small population of preterm infants suffering from BPD was included in Study I. Studies I, III, and IV included airway epithelial measurement of ENaC and in Studies II and III, measurement of N-PD and LC. In Study I, ENaC expression analyses were performed in the Research Institute of the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. In the following studies, analyses were performed in the Scientific Laboratory of the Hospital for Children and Adolescents. N-PD and LC measurements were performed at bedside in these hospitals. In term newborn infants, the percentage of amiloride-sensitive N-PD, a surrogate for ENaC activity, measured during the first 4 postnatal hours correlates positively with LC measured 1 to 2 days postnatally. Preterm infants with BPD had, after a therapeutic dose of dexamethasone, higher airway epithelial ENaC expression than before treatment. These patients were subsequently weaned from mechanical ventilation, probably as a result of the clearance of extra fluid from the alveolar spaces. In addition, we found that in preterm infants ENaC expression increases with gestational age (GA). In preterm infants, ENaC expression in the airway epithelium was lower than in term newborn infants. During the early postnatal period in those born both preterm and term airway epithelial βENaC expression decreased significantly. Term newborn infants delivered vaginally had a significantly smaller airway epithelial expression of αENaC after the first postnatal day than did those delivered by cesarean section. The functional studies showed no difference in N-PD between infants delivered vaginally and by cesarean section. We therefore conclude that the low airway epithelial expression of ENaC in the preterm infant and the correlation of N-PD with LC in the term infant indicate a role for ENaC in the pathogenesis of perinatal pulmonary adaptation and neonatal respiratory distress. Because dexamethasone raised ENaC expression in preterm infants with BPD, and infants were subsequently weaned from ventilator therapy, we suggest that studies on the treatment of respiratory distress in the preterm infant should include the induction of ENaC activity.


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The coagulation system of newborn infants differs markedly from that of older children and adults. The activities of most coagulation factors and anticoagulants are low, leading to altered regulation in the formation of the key enzyme, thrombin. Timely and adequate generation of thrombin is essential, as thrombin activates platelets and many coagulation factors, cleaves fibrinogen into fibrin and activates the antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory protein C pathway. On the other hand, excess thrombin may promote thrombotic complications and exacerbate harmful inflammatory reactions. Despite the characteristic features, the newborn coagulation system can be considered physiological, since healthy newborns rarely show haemorrhagic or thrombotic complications. Sick newborns, however, often encounter clinical situations that challenge their coagulation system. The aim of this study was to clarify the behaviour of the neonatal coagulation system in selected clinical situations, with a special emphasis on the generation of thrombin. Thrombin was measured by in vivo thrombin generation markers and by thrombin generation potential in vitro. The patient groups included sick newborns undergoing intensive care and receiving fresh-frozen plasma (FFP), requiring exchange transfusions (ET) or presenting with a congenital heart defect requiring open heart surgery. Additionally, healthy newborns with inherited heterozygous factor V Leiden (FVL) mutation were studied. Thrombin generation potential was also analysed in cord plasma of healthy infants and in adults. Healthy as well as sick newborn infants showed lower total thrombin generation potential in vitro but faster initiation of thrombin generation than adults. These findings were qualitatively similar when plasma was supplemented with platelets. Platelets, however, significantly altered the effect of the major anticoagulant, activated protein C (APC), on thrombin generation potential. In accordance with previous studies, thrombin generation in healthy newborn platelet-poor plasma was resistant to the anticoagulant effects of APC, but when the plasma was supplemented with platelets APC attenuated thrombin generation significantly more in newborns than in adults. In vivo generation of thrombin was elevated in nearly all of the sick newborn infants. The low-volume FFP transfusion as opposed to the change from neonatal to adult blood in ET exerted markedly different effects on neonatal thrombin generation. FFP reduced the in vivo generation of thrombin in those newborns with the highest pretransfusional thrombin generation, thus acting as an anticoagulant agent. In those infants with lower pretransfusional thrombin generation, the effect of FFP on thrombin generation was fairly neutral. On the other hand, the combination of red blood cells and FFP, used to perform ET, significantly increased the in vivo thrombin formation and shifted the balance in the newborn coagulation system to the procoagulant direction. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) also significantly increased the in vivo thrombin generation, but the thrombin generation profile during CPB differed from that previously observed in adults. Escalation of thrombin at early reperfusion was not observed in newborns; in adults, its occurrence is associated with postoperative myocardial damage. Finally, in healthy newborns with FVL heterozygosity, faster initiation of thrombin generation was observed compared with controls. Interestingly, FV level was lower in FVL-heterozygous infants, possibly to counteract the procoagulant effects induced by FVL. In conclusion, unique features regarding thrombin regulation in newborn infants were observed. These features included a novel platelet effect on the regulation of the protein C pathway. The clinical challenges mainly seemed to shift the balance in the coagulation system of newborns to the procoagulant direction. Blood component transfusions markedly affected coagulation in a manner specific to the product but that could also be altered by the clinical situation. Overall, the results highlight the need for understanding developmental haemostasis for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.


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