118 resultados para Andesite


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A ilha de São Sebastião consta principalmente de rochas alcalinas que formam um maciço de 300 km2 aproximadamente, constituindo o terceiro em área no Brasil. Apresenta-se em um "stock" alongado segundo NE-SW, encaixado em estruturas de gnais. As formações geológicas encontradas consistem em 1 - Granitos e Gnais (ARQUEANO), 2 - Eruptivas básicas (RÉTICO), 3 - Eruptivas alcalinas (JURÁSSICO) e 4 - Depósitos recentes (HOLOCENO). O método de estudo empregado foi o petrográfico e a coluna geológica estabelecida em base de dados petrográficos, tectônicos e fisiográficos. O arqueano é determinado por definição dos seus tipos petrográficos (1- gnais facoidal, 2- oligoclásio-gnais, 3- hornblenda-gnais, 4- biotita-gnais e 5- microlina-granito) idênticos aos concorrentes no considerado arqueano do Brasil meridional. O triássico (rético) é conferido às rochas básicas (diabásios e basaltos) pela sua semelhança tectônica e petrográfica com as congêneres que cortam de maneira semelhante o arqueano no continente. A "mise-en-place" das eruptivas alcalinas (1- Nordmarkito, 2- Biotita-pulaskito, 3- Pulaskito, 4- Nefelina-sienito, 5- Foiaito, 6- Essexito-foiaito, 7- Essexito e 8- Teralito) pode ser considerada jurássica devido suas relações com as eruptivas básicas referidas réticas, pois na praia do Bonete (foto 14) observa-se um dique de nordmarkito cortando outro de diabásio. As eruptivas quartzo-dioríticas (quartzo-microdiorito e quartzo-andesito) cortam as alcalinas no cume do Zabumba, indicando sua idade mais moderna que estas. Além deste fato, preenchem linhas de fraturas tectônicas recentes, como as falhas ao longo do canal de São Sebastião, indicando que a topografia deveria ser a mesma que a atual para permitir rios efusivos ao nível do canal ou que pelo menos toda a zona de extrusão estivesse, como hoje está, em superfície. Os depósitos aluviais marinhos e continentais são considerados recentes, (holocênicos) pelo favor da topografia onde se dispõe, ocupando o fundo os vales e os bordos do atual modelado costeiro, idade esta conferida em base fisiográfica. A tectônica que afetou a ilha de São Sebastião participa da que atuou em todo o litoral meridional brasileiro. Pode-se distinguir duas fases distintas: na primeira ocorreram as erupções básicas e as alcalinas subsidiárias e na segunda deram-se os falhamentos escalonados em blocos basculados para NW, com as fraturas de tensão preenchidas pelas eruptivas quartzo-dioríticas. Toda a atividade tectônica foi regulada pela direção NE-SW privilegiada da estrutura do arqueano, correspondente a antigos eixos dos dobramentos laurencianos e huronianos. A geomorfologia da ilha consta de uma antiga superfície de erosão rematada até a senilidade, - o peneplano cretáceo, hoje reduzida às cristas culminares do maciço alcalino e às satélites das estruturas gnáissicas, desnivelada pelo falhamento em blocos e ligeiramente adernada para NW devido ao basculamento. Ao lado desta topografia vestigial existe o modelado atual da ilha caracterizado por uma juventude do estágio evolutivo. Esta escultura foi inaugurada com os últimos levantamentos epirogênicos que ascenderam as eruptivas alcalinas plutônicas a mais de 1.300 m sobre o nível do mar. O modelado costeiro apresenta uma costa típica de submergência com esculturas em rias, no estágio da juventude. A presença de terraceamentos marinhos de abrasão, atualmente elevados cerca de 20 a 30 m, lembra as oscilações epirogênicas ou eustáticas do litoral.


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Oxygen isotope compositions of the interstitial waters have been measured for 21 samples taken from the depth intervals of 1.5 to 398.9 mbsf at Site 798 (Oki Ridge) and 16.5 to 435.6 mbsf at Site 799 (Kita-Yamato Trough) in Japan Sea. The d18O values decrease with depth from -0.49 to -3.38 per mil (SMOW) at Site 798 and from -0.71 to -4.36 per mil (SMOW) at Site 799 corresponding to an average depletion gradient of -0.8 per mil per 100 m. Material balance calculations reveal that the d18O-variations at Sites 798 and 799 were principally controlled by low-temperature alteration of basement basalt and andesite, resulting in negative shifts in pore water d18O values, and by the polymorphic transformations of biogenic opal-A to opal-CT and opal-CT to microquartz, which tend to increase d18O of interstitial waters. Carbonate diagenesis and ash alteration also caused weakly negative shifts in pore water d18O values.


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The Buchans ore bodies of central Newfoundland represent some of the highest grade VMS deposits ever mined. These Kuroko-type deposits are also known for the well developed and preserved nature of the mechanically transported deposits. The deposits are hosted in Cambro-Ordovician, dominantly calc-alkaline, bimodal volcanic and epiclastic sequences of the Notre Dame Subzone, Newfoundland Appalachians. Stratigraphic relationships in this zone are complicated by extensively developed, brittledominated Silurian thrust faulting. Hydrothermal alteration of host rocks is a common feature of nearly all VMS deposits, and the recognition of these zones has been a key exploration tool. Alteration of host rocks has long been described to be spatially associated with the Buchans ore bodies, most notably with the larger in-situ deposits. This report represents a base-line study in which a complete documentation of the geochemical variance, in terms of both primary (igneous) and alteration effects, is presented from altered volcanic rocks in the vicinity of the Lucky Strike deposit (LSZ), the largest in-situ deposit in the Buchans camp. Packages of altered rocks also occur away from the immediate mining areas and constitute new targets for exploration. These zones, identified mostly by recent and previous drilling, represent untested targets and include the Powerhouse (PHZ), Woodmans Brook (WBZ) and Airport (APZ) alteration zones, as well as the Middle Branch alteration zone (MBZ), which represents a more distal alteration facies related to Buchans ore-formation. Data from each of these zones were compared to those from the LSZ in order to evaluate their relative propectivity. Derived litho geochemical data served two functions: (i) to define primary (igneous) trends and (ii) secondary alteration trends. Primary trends were established using immobile, or conservative, elements (i. e., HFSE, REE, Th, Ti0₂, Al₂0₃, P₂0₅). From these, altered volcanic rocks were interpreted in terms of composition (e.g., basalt - rhyodacite) and magmatic affinity (e.g., calc-alkaline vs. tholeiitic). The information suggests that bimodality is a common feature of all zones, with most rocks plotting as either basalt/andesite or dacite (or rhyodacite); andesitic senso stricto compositions are rare. Magmatic affinities are more varied and complex, but indicate that all units are arc volcanic sequences. Rocks from the LSZ/MBZ represent a transitional to calc-alkalic sequence, however, a slight shift in key geochemical discriminants occurs between the foot-wall to the hanging-wall. Specifically, mafic and felsic lavas of the foot-wall are of transitional (or mildly calc-alkaline) affinity whereas the hanging-wall rocks are relatively more strongly calc-alkaline as indicated by enriched LREE/HREE and higher ZrN, NbN and other ratios in the latter. The geochemical variations also serve as a means to separate the units (at least the felsic rocks) into hanging-wall and foot-wall sequences, therefore providing a valuable exploration tool. Volcanic rocks from the WBZ/PHZ (and probably the APZ) are more typical of tholeiitic to transitional suites, yielding flatter mantlenormalized REE patterns and lower ZrN ratios. Thus, the relationships between the immediate mining area (represented by LSZ/MBZ) and the Buchans East (PHZ/WBZ) and the APZ are uncertain. Host rocks for all zones consist of mafic to felsic volcanic rocks, though the proportion of pyroclastic and epiclastic rocks, is greatest at the LSZ. Phenocryst assemblages and textures are common in all zones, with minor exceptions, and are not useful for discrimination purposes. Felsic rocks from all zones are dominated by sericiteclay+/- silica alteration, whereas mafic rocks are dominated by chlorite- quartz- sericite alteration. Pyrite is ubiquitous in all moderately altered rocks and minor associated base metal sulphides occur locally. The exception is at Lucky Strike, where stockwork quartzveining contains abundant base-metal mineralization and barite. Rocks completely comprised of chlorite (chloritite) also occur in the LSZ foot-wall. In addition, K-feldspar alteration occurs in felsic volcanic rocks at the MBZ associated with Zn-Pb-Ba and, notably, without chlorite. This zone represents a peripheral, but proximal, zone of alteration induced by lower temperature hydrothermal fluids, presumably with little influence from seawater. Alteration geochemistry was interpreted from raw data as well as from mass balanced (recalculated) data derived from immobile element pairs. The data from the LSZ/MBZ indicate a range in the degree of alteration from only minor to severe modification of precursor compositions. Ba tends to show a strong positive correlation with K₂0, although most Ba occurs as barite. With respect to mass changes, Al₂0₃, Ti0₂ and P₂0₅ were shown to be immobile. Nearly all rocks display mass loss of Na₂O, CaO, and Sr reflecting feldspar destruction. These trends are usually mirrored by K₂0-Rb and MgO addition, indicating sericitic and chloritic alteration, respectively. More substantial gains ofK₂0 often occur in rocks with K-feldspar alteration, whereas a few samples also displayed excessive MgO enrichment and represent chloritites. Fe₂0₃ indicates both chlorite and sulphide formation. Si0₂ addition is almost always the case for the altered mafic rocks as silica often infills amygdules and replaces the finer tuffaceous material. The felsic rocks display more variability in Si0₂. Silicic, sericitic and chloritic alteration trends were observed from the other zones, but not K-feldspar, chloritite, or barite. Microprobe analysis of chlorites, sericites and carbonates indicate: (i) sericites from all zones are defined as muscovite and are not phengitic; (ii) at the LSZ, chlorites ranged from Fe-Mg chlorites (pycnochlorite) to Mg-rich chlorite (penninite), with the latter occurring in the stockwork zone and more proximal alteration facies; (iii) chlorites from the WBZ were typical of those from the more distal alteration facies of the LSZ, plotting as ripidolite to pycnochlorite; (iv) conversely, chlorite from the PHZ plot with Mg-Al-rich compositions (chlinochlore to penninite); and (v) carbonate species from each zone are also varied, with calcite occurring in each zone, in addition to dolomite and ankerite in the PHZ and WBZ, respectively. Lead isotope ratios for galena separates from the different various zones, when combined with data from older studies, tend to cluster into four distinctive fields. Overall, the data plot on a broad mixing line and indicate evolution in a relatively low-μ environment. Data from sulphide stringers in altered MBZ rocks, as well as from clastic sulphides (Sandfill prospect), plot in the Buchans ore field, as do the data for galena from altered rocks in the APZ. Samples from the Buchans East area are even more primitive than the Buchans ores, with lead from the PHZ plotting with the Connel Option prospect and data from the WBZ matching that of the Skidder prospect. A sample from a newly discovered debris flow-type sulphide occurrence (Middle Branch East) yields lead isotope ratios that are slightly more radiogenic than Buchans and plot with the Mary March alteration zone. Data within each cluster are interpreted to represent derivation from individual hydrothermal systems in which metals were derived from a common source.


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New data on lithology and stratigraphy of Cenozoic sediments from the Clarion Transform Fault Zone (Pacific Ocean) have been obtained on the base of polygon studies. It has been established that on different blocks (uplifted and subsided) of the Clarion tectonic structure deposits of different age (Eocene to Quaternary) occur. Unconsolidated sediments have been deposited under pelagic conditions since Eocene (probably, since Early Cretaceous) until now. Their mineral composition and content of different ore components are given.


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Hypotheses of origin of ocean deep red clays are under discussion. On an example of the Pacific Ocean grain size, mineralogy and chemical composition of clays are considered. It is shown that they formed from atmospheric dust and andesite pyroclastics. Accumulation of the clays occurred through deposition particle-by-particle and by pellet transport.


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Hole 841B was drilled in the forearc region of the Lau Basin at a water depth of 4810 m. The hole penetrated a roughly 500-m-thick series of Miocene volcanic sediments with a number of basaltic to andesitic units (sills?) varying in thickness between 7 cm and 17 m. The volcanics are slightly to moderately altered and contain analcite, chabazite, natrolite-thompsonite, heulandite (?), prehnite, and quartz as secondary phases. In addition, thaumasite [Ca3Si(OH)6 * 12H2O](SO4)(CO3) was identified in the altered sequence. Sulfur isotope data of two thaumasite separates (+23.5 per mil and +21.1 per mil d34S) indicate a seawater origin of the sulfate sulfur. It is suggested that thaumasite is a product of low-temperature (<60 °C), seawater-derived CaCl2-rich fluids that were almost identical in composition to those presently circulating in the sub-seafloor.


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Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 provided igneous rock cores from six sites drilled on a transect across the Lau Basin between the Lau Ridge remnant arc and the modem spreading ridges of the Central and Eastern Lau Spreading Centers. The drill cores sampled crust from the earliest stage of backarc extension (latest Miocene time, about 6 Ma), and younger crust (late Pliocene, about 3.8-2 Ma, and middle Pleistocene, about 0.64-0.8 Ma). Nearly all of the igneous samples are from tholeiitic basalt flows; many of them are interbedded with arc-composition volcaniclastic sediments. Rock compositions range from olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene basalt, with up to 8% MgO, to oceanic andesites with less than 3.2% MgO and silica contents as high as 56%. The oldest rocks recovered are close in composition to rocks formed at the modern Central and Eastern Lau Spreading Centers and have MORB-like characteristics. Generation of the oldest units was coeval with arc-tholeiitic volcanism on the Lau Ridge less than 100 km to the west. The arc and backarc melts came from different mantle sources. At three sites near the center of the basin, the crust is arc-tholeiitic basalt, two-pyroxene basaltic-andesite, and two-pyroxene andesite. These rocks have many similarities to modem Tofua Arc lavas yet they were drilled within 70 km of the MORB-like Eastern Lau Spreading Center. Estimates of the minimum age for these arc-like rocks indicate that they are late Pliocene (about 2 Ma). These ages overlap the age of the nearby Eastern Lau Spreading Center. The heterogeneous crust of the Lau Basin carries many of the signatures of supra-subduction zone (SSZ) melts but also has a distinct MORB-like component. Mixing between SSZ and MORB mantle sources may explain the variations and the spatial distribution of magma types.


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The Los Negritos porphyry copper deposit is located ~ 4 km to the northeast of Carmen de Andacollo Mine in the Chilean Cretaceous metallogenic belt. The mineralization is hosted in andesite of the Quebrada Marquesa Formation and a series of at least four early to intramineral porphyry intrusive rock types: plagioclase quartz biotite porphyry (P1b and P1a dated at 109.60± 0.75 Ma and 107.22± 0.40 Ma); plagioclase biotite porphyry (P2: 106.30 ± 0.47 Ma); and quartz plagioclase biotite porphyry (P3: 106.19 ± 0.42 Ma). These units are cut by late‐ to post‐mineral plagioclase‐hornblende porphyritic rocks (P4b: 106.20 ± 0.69 Ma and P4a: 106.50 ± 0.68 Ma). The earliest intrusive units (P1) were affected by an initial stage of K‐feldspar‐biotite alteration, with chalcopyrite, molybdenite (date at 108.5 ± 0.5 Ma) and gold (up to 0.11 ppm), and the surrounding volcanic host rock was overprinted by chlorite‐epidote dominated (propylitic) alteration. Subsequent to the P2 and P3 intrusion, these rocks were affected by albite and then a second stage of potassic alteration. The Ti and Ba contents in hydrothermal biotite are notably lower (typically Ti = 0.100‐0.144 a.p.f.u. and Ba = 0.001‐0.005 a.p.f.u) than in magmatic ones (generally Ti = 0.186‐0.222 a.p.f.u. and Ba = 0.014‐0.023 a.p.f.u.), and constitute an excellent discriminant of the nature of biotite. These early stages of alteration were overprinted by copper‐molybdenum bearing chlorite‐sericite alteration at 106.60 ± 0.5 Ma (Re‐Os age in molybdenite) and by quartz‐sericite‐pyrite veins (phyllic), respectively in the southwest and northeast areas. The average temperature associated with these two alteration facies is estimated around 305 °C. Weak albite‐calcite alteration, spatially associated with sulfosalts and distributed along the margins of P3, overprinted the phyllic facies. The intrusive rock units at the Los Negritos and Carmen de Andacollo deposits are geochemically classified as diorite to granodiorite with a calc‐alkaline magmatic affinity, and formed in a volcanic arc setting from partial melting of a metasomatized mantle wedge. They are interpreted to be cogenetic, and related to a common long‐lived magma chamber that emplaced during a period of tectonic inversion known as the Subhercynian, Peruvian or Pacific event.


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It is possible to synthesize environmentally friendly cementitious construction materials from alkali-activated natural pozzolans. The effect of the alkaline medium on the strength of alkali-activated natural pozzolans has been investigated and characterised. This paper highlights the effect of the type and form of the alkaline activator, the dosage of alkali and the SiO2/Na2O ratio (silica modulus, Ms) when using water–glass solutions and different curing conditions on the geopolymerisation of natural pozzolans. Activation of natural and calcined pozzolan for production of geopolymeric binder was verified by using Taftan andesite and Shahindej dacite from Iran as a solid precursor. The optimum range for each factor is suggested based on the different effects they have on compressive strength. The concentration of dissolving silicon, aluminium and calcium in alkaline solution, the formation of gel phase and the factors affecting this have been studied by using leaching tests, ICP–AES, and FTIR.


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The development of alkali-activated binders with superior engineering properties and longer durability has emerged as an alternative to ordinary portland cement (OPC). It is possible to use alkali-activated natural pozzolans to prepare environmentally friendly geopolymer cement leading to the concept of sustainable development. This paper presents a summary of an experimental work that was conducted to determine mechanical strength, modulus of elasticity, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and shrinkage of different concrete mixtures prepared with alkali-activated Iranian natural pozzolans—namely Taftan andesite and Shahindej dacite, both with and without calcining. Test data were used for Taftan pozzolan to identify the effects of water-binder ratios (w/b) and curing conditions on the properties of the geopolymer concrete, whereas the influence of material composition was studied by activating Shahindej pozzolan both in the natural and calcined states. The results show that alkali-activated natural pozzolan (AANP) concretes develop moderate-to-high mechanical strength with a high modulus of elasticity and a shrinkage much lower than with OPC.


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Natural pozzolans are raw materials from geological deposits with a range of chemical compositions that when combined with suitable alkali activators can be converted to geopolymer cement for concrete production. In this paper the concept of adding mineral additives to enhance the properties of geopolymer cement is introduced. Taftan andesite, a natural Iranian pozzolan, was used to study the effect of adding mineral additives such as kaolinite, lime and other calcined pozzolans on the compressive strength of geopolymer cement under both normal and autoclave curing. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)/energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) was used to determine the composition of the gel phase in both alkali-activated Taftan pozzolan with and without mineral additions. The work has shown that deficiencies in SiO2, Al2O3 and CaO content in the raw natural pozzolan can be compensated for by adding mineral additives for enhanced properties.


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One of the important factors in the use of portland cement concrete is its durability, and most of the situations where durability is lacking have been identifi ed and strategies to manage durability have been implemented. Geopolymer concrete, made from an alkali-activated natural pozzolan (AANP), provides an important opportunity for the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with the manufacture of concrete but has a limited history of durability studies. Until its different properties are well understood there is no desire to adopt this new technology of unknown provenance by the concrete industry. This paper presents an experimental study of oxygen and chloride permeability of AANP concrete prepared by activating Taftan andesite and Shahindej dacite (Iranian natural pozzolans), with and without calcining, and the correlations between these properties and compressive strength. The results show that compared to ordinary portland cement (OPC) concrete, AANP concrete has lower oxygen permeability at later ages; but it shows moderate to high chloride ion penetrability.