988 resultados para Analisi rischio, vaporizzatori, FMECA, FTA


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[EU] Lan honen bidez aztertuko dut Espainiako probintzien artean dauden desberdintasunak batezbesteko soldata gordinean. Iparraldeko probintzietan soldata-maila altuagoa izan ohi da, baina Espainiako batezbesteko soldata altuena Madrilekoa da. Desberdintasun horien zergatia jakiteko aldagai multzo bat erabiliko dut eta hauen konbinazio batekin erregresio eredu egoki bat lortuko dut. Lortutako eredua KTA estimatzailearen bidez estimatuko dut, erabiltze duen irizpidea hondarrak minimizatzea delako. Planteatutako aldagaiak estatistikoki deskribatu ditut, soldatan nola eragingo duten antzemateko, baina estimatzerakoan ziurtasunez jakin dut zer-nolako eragina duen aldagai bakoitzak probintzien batezbesteko soldata gordinean. Estimazioarekin lortutako emaitzak interpretatu ditut, eta horrekin ondorio batzuk atera ditut. Lan hau buruta ahal izateko INE datu basea oso erabilgarria izan da.


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Proiektu honen helburua, Madrilgo 2010.urteko gizabanakoen soldatetan eragina duten faktoreak zeintzuk diren aztertzea da. Gaur egun, krisi garai honetan, gobernuaren lege berriekin batera soldaten murrizketak eta zergen igoerak, gizartearen kezka handitu du gai honen inguruan. Beraz, sistema kapitalista honetan, nola zehazten diren soldatak oso gai garrantzitsua eta interesgarria da. Horretarako soldatetan eragina duten faktoreak aztertuko dira Instituto Nacional de Estadistica-ra (INE) bitartez eta "Encuesta de Estructura Salarial 2010" inkesta aukeratu da analisia egiteko.


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Lan honetan lehenik eta behin automobilgintza sektorearen analisi orokor bat burutzen da,eta ondoren, SEAT S.A enpresaren analisi ekonomiko-finantzariora joko da, enpresaren hazkundea, egonkortasun finantzarioa, likidezia, errentagarritasuna eta arriskua analizatuko dira, batik bat.


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Gradu amaierako lan honen asmo nagusia Espainiako hegoaldeko soldatak aztertzea da sexuagatiko diskriminazioa dagoen ikusteko. Hainbat ikerketa burutu dira gaurkotasun handia duen gai hau aztertzeko eta baieztatzeko, eta ikusi da, nahiz eta emakumeak lan merkatuan XIX. mendean barneratu, egungo lan merkatuak sexuagatiko bereizkeria erakusten duela, non lan bera egitean emakumeak eta gizonak jasotzen duten soldata ezberdina den. Egoera honen zergaitiak aztertzen dira, eredu ekonometriko baten bidez.


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A presente tese trata da garantia do acesso à justiça ao jurisdicionado do século XXI, membro de uma sociedade marcadamente globalizada. Embora o jurisdicionado, centro da moderna ciência processual, estabeleça com grande frequência relações que ultrapassam os limites políticos dos países, o Direito Processual, no Brasil, continua fundado em bases estritamente internas, gerando uma arriscada litigiosidade contida. Por essa razão, desenvolve-se, ao longo do presente trabalho, um raciocínio consistente e coordenado, voltado ao resgate do acesso à justiça ao jurisdicionado de nosso tempo. Para tanto, no capítulo 1, são examinados os dois grandes eixos evolutivos: os eixos social e jurídico. A partir dessa análise, conclui-se que ambos os eixos evolutivos convergem para, a um só tempo, incentivar e justificar a releitura do Direito Processual. No capítulo 2, analisamos o primado dos princípios fundamentais processuais, que ocupa posição de destaque no estudo do Direito Processual na atualidade e exerce papel de protagonismo na concepção do Direito Processual Civil Transnacional. Verificamos que a consagração dos mesmos princípios processuais fundamentais em diferentes partes do mundo promove a convergência entre os sistemas jurídico-processuais nacionais quanto à sua essência, fomentando o espírito de cooperação entre os países. No capítulo 3, aportamos no estudo do microssistema do Direito Processual Civil Transnacional, apresentando o seu conceito, bem como as principais teorias a seu respeito, como forma de delinear os seus contornos. No capítulo 4, desenvolvemos a análise do princípio fundamental do acesso à justiça, que consiste no ponto central do Direito Processual Transnacional, segundo uma nova metodologia, que alia os subprincípios do acesso à justiça concebidos por Paulo Cezar Pinheiro Carneiro à visão tridimensional do Direito talhada por Mauro Cappelletti. Através dessa metodologia, descortinamos os principais problemas e oferecemos soluções eficazes para a efetiva garantia do acesso à justiça no âmbito transnacional. No capítulo 5, examinamos a experiência precursora da União Europeia no trato do tema, que influencia a sua abordagem em todo o resto do mundo. Após contextualizar a problemática, analisamos o instituto vanguardista denominado Título Executivo Europeu como instrumento concreto de garantia do acesso à justiça no âmbito transnacional. No capítulo 6, transpomos todos os pilares teóricos e principiológicos desenvolvidos ao longo da tese para o Brasil, como forma de buscar aprimorar o nosso sistema jurídico-processual no tocante à garantia do acesso à justiça no âmbito transnacional. Para tanto, analisamos os contornos e o atual estágio evolutivo de integração do Mercosul, importante bloco regional do qual o Brasil faz parte. Por fim, invocando as modernas premissas teóricas apresentadas nos capítulos anteriores, concluímos que a legislação atualmente em vigor no Mercosul e no Brasil permite admitir o cabimento da instauração da execução, no Brasil, de sentenças oriundas de outros países do Mercosul, prescindindo do exercício do juízo de delibação pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça. Essa solução representa um avanço concreto em prol da efetiva garantia do acesso à justiça no âmbito transnacional ao jurisdicionado no Brasil, sendo um exemplo do ciclo virtuoso que o Direito Processual Transnacional pretende inaugurar.


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Lan honen ikergaia, Europan emandako gatazka bortitzen, eta zehazki armatuen, analisia izango da. Horretarako, gatazka armatu horien eta mobilizazio zikloen artean dauden harremanak eta zubiak aztertzen saiatuko gara. Analisi hau, 1960 hamarkadaren bukaeran eta 1970 hamarkadaren hasieran zentratuko da, izan ere, denbora tarte horretan eman ziren gatazka bortitzen espresiorik nagusienak, gatazka armatuak alegia. Hori aztertzeko, 4 kasu hartuko dira: ETA Euskal Herrian, IRA Irlandan, Brigate Rosse Italian eta Rote Armee Fraktion Alemanian.


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[EUS] Lan honetan Chimparra Gneisak izeneko milonitak aztertuko dira, gradu eta presio altuko metamorfismoa jasan duten jatorri bolkanosedimentariodun arrokak. Bilatzen den xede nagusia Chimparra Gneisen petrologia eta mikroegiturak deskribatzea da; alde batetik, deformazio faseak ezberdintzeko eta arrokak jasandako presio eta tenperatura baldintzak ezagutzeko, eta bestetik, milonitizazio faseari buruzko informazioa lortzeko: mineralen orientazio preferenteak bilatzea, mineral ezberdinek kristal barneko deformazioan aktibatutako irristatze-mekanismoak ezagutzea eta lineazio eta zizaila motak argitzea. Horretarako, landa eta laborategi lana egin izan da, ikerketa bibliografikoaz gain. Mikroskopio optikoan azterketa petrologikoa burutu, eta EBSD teknika berria erabili da datu petrologiko osagarriak eta datu mikroestrukturalak lortzeko.


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The identification of subject-specific traits extracted from patterns of brain activity still represents an important challenge. The need to detect distinctive brain features, which is relevant for biometric and brain computer interface systems, has been also emphasized in monitoring the effect of clinical treatments and in evaluating the progression of brain disorders. Graph theory and network science tools have revealed fundamental mechanisms of functional brain organization in resting-state M/EEG analysis. Nevertheless, it is still not clearly understood how several methodological aspects may bias the topology of the reconstructed functional networks. In this context, the literature shows inconsistency in the chosen length of the selected epochs, impeding a meaningful comparison between results from different studies. In this study we propose an approach which aims to investigate the existence of a distinctive functional core (sub-network) using an unbiased reconstruction of network topology. Brain signals from a public and freely available EEG dataset were analyzed using a phase synchronization based measure, minimum spanning tree and k-core decomposition. The analysis was performed for each classical brain rhythm separately. Furthermore, we aim to provide a network approach insensitive to the effects that epoch length has on functional connectivity (FC) and network reconstruction. Two different measures, the phase lag index (PLI) and the Amplitude Envelope Correlation (AEC), were applied to EEG resting-state recordings for a group of eighteen healthy volunteers. Weighted clustering coefficient (CCw), weighted characteristic path length (Lw) and minimum spanning tree (MST) parameters were computed to evaluate the network topology. The analysis was performed on both scalp and source-space data. Results about distinctive functional core, show highest classification rates from k-core decomposition in gamma (EER=0.130, AUC=0.943) and high beta (EER=0.172, AUC=0.905) frequency bands. Results from scalp analysis concerning the influence of epoch length, show a decrease in both mean PLI and AEC values with an increase in epoch length, with a tendency to stabilize at a length of 12 seconds for PLI and 6 seconds for AEC. Moreover, CCw and Lw show very similar behaviour, with metrics based on AEC more reliable in terms of stability. In general, MST parameters stabilize at short epoch lengths, particularly for MSTs based on PLI (1-6 seconds versus 4-8 seconds for AEC). At the source-level the results were even more reliable, with stability already at 1 second duration for PLI-based MSTs. Our results confirm that EEG analysis may represent an effective tool to identify subject-specific characteristics that may be of great impact for several bioengineering applications. Regarding epoch length, the present work suggests that both PLI and AEC depend on epoch length and that this has an impact on the reconstructed network topology, particularly at the scalp-level. Source-level MST topology is less sensitive to differences in epoch length, therefore enabling the comparison of brain network topology between different studies.


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The exponential growth of the world population has led to an increase of settlements often located in areas prone to natural disasters, including earthquakes. Consequently, despite the important advances in the field of natural catastrophes modelling and risk mitigation actions, the overall human losses have continued to increase and unprecedented economic losses have been registered. In the research work presented herein, various areas of earthquake engineering and seismology are thoroughly investigated, and a case study application for mainland Portugal is performed. Seismic risk assessment is a critical link in the reduction of casualties and damages due to earthquakes. Recognition of this relation has led to a rapid rise in demand for accurate, reliable and flexible numerical tools and software. In the present work, an open-source platform for seismic hazard and risk assessment is developed. This software is capable of computing the distribution of losses or damage for an earthquake scenario (deterministic event-based) or earthquake losses due to all the possible seismic events that might occur within a region for a given interval of time (probabilistic event-based). This effort has been developed following an open and transparent philosophy and therefore, it is available to any individual or institution. The estimation of the seismic risk depends mainly on three components: seismic hazard, exposure and vulnerability. The latter component assumes special importance, as by intervening with appropriate retrofitting solutions, it may be possible to decrease directly the seismic risk. The employment of analytical methodologies is fundamental in the assessment of structural vulnerability, particularly in regions where post-earthquake building damage might not be available. Several common methodologies are investigated, and conclusions are yielded regarding the method that can provide an optimal balance between accuracy and computational effort. In addition, a simplified approach based on the displacement-based earthquake loss assessment (DBELA) is proposed, which allows for the rapid estimation of fragility curves, considering a wide spectrum of uncertainties. A novel vulnerability model for the reinforced concrete building stock in Portugal is proposed in this work, using statistical information collected from hundreds of real buildings. An analytical approach based on nonlinear time history analysis is adopted and the impact of a set of key parameters investigated, including the damage state criteria and the chosen intensity measure type. A comprehensive review of previous studies that contributed to the understanding of the seismic hazard and risk for Portugal is presented. An existing seismic source model was employed with recently proposed attenuation models to calculate probabilistic seismic hazard throughout the territory. The latter results are combined with information from the 2011 Building Census and the aforementioned vulnerability model to estimate economic loss maps for a return period of 475 years. These losses are disaggregated across the different building typologies and conclusions are yielded regarding the type of construction more vulnerable to seismic activity.


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El objetivo del presente estudio es identificar cuáles son los factores psicosociales que se  asocian a un mayor riesgo de acoso en los contextos laborales. En particular, en línea con la hipótesis situacional se tuvieron en cuenta la demanda laboral, el control, la percepción de equidad y el liderazgo. Específicamente se plantea una influencia directa de estos factores sobre las acciones negativas perpetradas en los lugares de trabajo y un efecto moderador de las percepciones de los colegas entre los factores considerados y el riesgo de acoso laboral. El estudio, llevado a cabo en una institución privada hospitalaria, incluyó la aplicación de un cuestionario de auto-reporte a todos los trabajadores de la organización (N = 148). Los resultados han evidenciado que son, sobre todo, la demanda laboral y el liderazgo los que influencian directamente las acciones negativas, mientras que el efecto es más débil entre los antecedentes de carácter más relacional, como el liderazgo, y el acoso laboral. Los datos confirman que la prevención del acoso laboral debe ser implementada a partir del ambiente psicosocial de trabajo y de la gestión de las relaciones que impliquen a los colegas y a los superiores.