193 resultados para Analgésicos opioides


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Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB


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Centopéias são animais invertebrados do filo dos artrópodes e da classe Chilopoda . Este trabalho objetiva estudar o perfil dos acidentes por centopéias notificados pelo "Centro de Informações Toxicológicas de Belém" (CIT-Belém). Foram estudados 76 protocolos registrados no período de março de 1998 a março de 2000. Corresponderam a 16,7% dos acidentes por animais peçonhentos, superados apenas pelo ofidismo (44,4%) e escorpionismo (20,5%). O local do acidente foi a residência em 86,8% dos casos. A faixa etária 20 - 49 anos foi a mais acometida (64,4 %) e 61,8 % dos casos registrados pertenciam ao sexo feminino. Membros superiores foram a parte do corpo mais acidentada (47,4%). Dor local ocorreu em 95,8 % dos pacientes e edema local leve em 52,1%. O tratamento foi predominantemente sintomático; 94,7% evoluíram para a cura e ignora-se a evolução nos outros 5,3 %. Sugere-se que o acidente por centopéia é benigno e doméstico e que tratamentos analgésicos são suficientes.


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The oil of the fruits of Euterpe oleracea Mart., Arecaceae (OEO), was evaluated in models of inflammation and hyperalgesia in vivo to study its effects on these conditions. The experimental models contained the writhing test in mice, rat paw edema, granuloma test in rats, vascular permeability in rats, cell migration to the peritoneal cavity in rats and ear erythema induced by croton oil in mice. Doses of 500, 1000 and 1500 mg/kg of OEO were administered orally. The observed number of writhes was inhibited by 33.67, 45.88 and 55.58%, respectively. OEO produced a dose-dependent effect, with linear correlation coefficient R=0.99 (y=0.0219x+23.133), and the median effective dose found was 1226.8 mg/kg. The oral administration of 1226.8 mg/kg of OEO inhibited carrageenan-induced edema by 29.18% (p<0.05) when compared to the control group. The daily administration of OEO for six days inhibited the formation of granulomatous tissue by 36.66% (p<0.01). In ear erythema induced by croton oil, OEO presented a significant inhibition (37.9%). In the vascular permeability test, treatment with OEO decreased the response to histamine, inhibiting vascular permeability by 54.16%. In carrageenan-induced peritonitis, OEO reduced the number of neutrophils migrating compared to the control group by 80.14%. These results suggested that OEO has anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities, probably of peripheral origin and linked to prostaglandin biosynthesis inhibition.


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As atividades antiinflamatória e antinociceptiva do extrato padronizado de Hypericum brasiliense (HBSE) (Guttiferae) foi avaliada em modelos animais. Ratos Wistar machos foram tratados com extrato de H. brasiliense (50, 250 e 500 mg/kg, v.o.) em solução 3% Tween 80 0,9% NaCl. O tratamento com HBSE (500 mg/kg) mostrou inibição significativa sobre o edema induzido por carragenina comparado ao grupo controle. Nessa dose, o edema foi reduzido em 31,25% na terceira hora (pico do edema) após o tratamento, mas na dose de 50 mg/kg, o edema apresentou redução de 53,13% (p < 0,05). Ainda com a dose de 50 mg/kg, a diminuição do edema induzido por dextrana foi similar ao controle positivo, ciproeptadina. Houve diminuição na formação do tecido granulomatoso (6,6%) comparável ao grupo controle. O HBSE também inibiu o número de contorções abdominais em 46,4%, estatisticamente igual ao controle positivo, tratado com indometacina (42,9%). Na dose de 250 mg/kg, houve inibição do número de contorções em 70,7% quando comparado ao grupo controle (p < 0,001). No teste da placa-quente, foi verificado aumento no tempo de latência com a dose de 50 mg/kg. Os resultados demonstram que o HBSE possui atividade antiinflamatória sobre processos agudos, principalmente quando sua gênese está relacionada à síntese dos derivados do ácido araquidônico, e seu efeito analgésico provavelmente envolve ação sobre o Sistema Nervoso Central.


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O uso de substâncias psicoativas é um dos maiores problemas da sociedade moderna, causando transtornos sociais, econômicos e à saúde do usuário. Em 2010, 26,4-36 milhões de pessoas utilizaram analgésicos opióides para fins não-terapêuticos, sendo a frequência de uso nocivo por profissionais de saúde, cinco vezes maior quando comparados a população geral, devido ao acesso facilitado. A prevalência no uso durante a gravidez apresenta taxas que variam de 1% a 21%, representando preocupação na sociedade, uma vez que os efeitos ocasionados no desenvolvimento do feto ainda não estão bem elucidados. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as respostas neurocomportamentais de ratos adultos após exposição crônica à morfina, durante o período intrauterino e lactação. Ratas grávidas receberam durante 42 dias, via subcutânea, morfina 10 mg/kg/dia. A prole foi pesada nos dias D1, D5, D10, D15, D20, D30, D60, e os ensaios comportamentais realizados com a prole aos 2,5 meses de idade, os quais consistiram no modelo do campo aberto, labirinto em cruz elevado, nado forçado e rota-rod. Os resultados demonstraram que a exposição à morfina promoveu redução no ganho de peso da prole após o nascimento e inclusive após o desmame, aumento da locomoção espontânea das fêmeas, bem como aumento do comportamento do tipo ansiogênico e comportamento do tipo depressivo, independente do sexo, porém sem prejuízo motor associado.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Pós-graduação em Anestesiologia - FMB


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The intervertebral disc disease is considered a major neurological disorder involving the spinal cord, being a disease commonly seen in dogs in clinical practice of small animals. The pathophysiology of most discopathies have not been fully elucidated, but it is known that the symptoms observed will depend on the severity of spinal cord compression and location of spinal injury, ranging from localized pain to complete paralysis. Through a detailed clinical examination and laboratory tests, we choose the most appropriate treatment for each patient, which can be conservative, through the use of anti-inflammatories, analgesics and acupuncture or surgical, through decompression techniques. Acupuncture, therapeutic method of ancient Chinese medicine, uses the stimulation of specific points on the body in order to balance the body's physiological. The action mechanism of acupuncture in discopathies has not been fully elucidated, but its analgesic effects, anti-inflammatory and restoration of sensory and motor function are known, showing results as good as surgical therapy


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The cat population is increasing more and more, and with it the concern about the treatment for pain in these animals. Although better treated for pain now, the cats are still less treated than dogs, especially when it comes to opioids such as morphine. It is known that morphine is very effective in the treatment of acute post-surgical pain and is an extremely safe drug. However, in regard to cats, morphine may act differently, due to the deficiency that these animals have in the enzyme responsible for the metabolism of morphine, and may have prolonged effects, toxicity and less analgesia. This drug can cause many adverse effects, but if administered in correct doses and intervals they are rare and there is the possibility of reversal with other drugs


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The intervertebral disc diseases have a high casuistic in clinical routines veterinary among dogs. These conditions can cause pain, paresis or paralysis of limbs depending on the degree of injury. Clinical signs are not limited to the intervertebral disc, other anatomical parts are included. In conventional medicine, treatment may be surgical or clinical, by the use of corticosteroids with muscle relaxants. Acupuncture was an alternative to treating these diseases due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Although there are few studies for the treatment of discopathies, acupuncture triggers the release of substances such as dynorphins, beta-endorphins and serotonin, among others; that act inhibiting somatic and visceral pain. Electroacupuncture is used to potentiate the effects of acupuncture. It can be performed with different frequencies according to the clinical evolution. However there are different opinions related to the greater efficacy in relation to acupuncture. The restraint and monitoring of the treated animal are important factors for its recovery. The association between acupuncture and conventional treatment (surgical or clinical) achieved better results than acupuncture alone. This proves that acupuncture can be considered an option in order to minimize the complications of surgery or assist in patient recovery


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P-glycoprotein is an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-driven drug efflux carrier responsible for transport of xenobiotics and multiple classes of drugs, many usually use in veterinary medicine. Encoded by MDR1 gene, also referred to as ABCB1, located on chromosome 14, is expressed in many tissues with secretory or excretory functions, such as liver, kidney and intestine, where it limits drug absorption from the gut and promotes drug excretion into the bile and urine of their substrates. In 2001, a 4 base pair gene deletion mutation in the canine MDR1 gene was identified as MDR1-1▲, ABCB1-1▲, MDR1 MDR1 nt 230 (del4) and associated with an non-functional Pglycoprotein. The clinical correlation is the (hyper) sensitivity of certain dogs breeds, mostly collies, to a few classes of drugs such as anticancer drugs (doxorubicin, vincristine, vinblastine), immunosuppressants (cyclosporine), antiparasitic drugs (ivermectin, moxidectin), steroids hormones (aldosterone, cortisol, dexamethasone), antimicrobial agents (tetracycline, doxycycline, levofloxacin, ketoconazole, itraconazole), analgesics (morphine, methadone), antidiarrheals (loperamide), antiepileptic agents (phenothiazine), cardiac drugs (digoxin, diltiazem, verapamil, talinolol) and others. Dogs with homozygous MDR1 nt 230 (del4) MDR1 mutations (MDR1 - / -) have a higher predisposition to intoxication with substrates of P-gp than heterozygous (MDR1 + / -) and these are more likely than dogs homozygous nonmutant (MDR1 +/ +). After the identification of nt230 (del4) mutation, several molecular techniques have been developed for identification of mutant animals as a diagnostic method. The importance of molecular diagnosis is, after the identification of mutant animals, establish treatment protocols safe, exclude this animals from reproduction (genetic selection program) and investigating the history of adverse drugs reactions... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)