964 resultados para Alveolar bone resorption


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Periodontal disease (PD) is a chronic inflammatory and alveolar bone destructive disease triggered by microorganisms from the oral biofilm. Oral inoculation of mice with the periodontopathogen Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) induces marked alveolar bone loss and local production of inflammatory mediators, including Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MW). The role of MW for alveolar bone resorption during PD is not known. In the present study, experimental PD was induced in BALB/c wild-type mice (WT) and MW knockout mice (MIF-/-) through oral inoculation of Aa. Despite enhanced number of bacteria, MIF-/- mice had reduced infiltration of TRAP-positive cells and reduced alveolar bone loss. This was associated with decreased neutrophil accumulation and increased levels of IL-10 in periodontal tissues. TNF-alpha production was similar in both groups. In vitro, LPS from Aa enhanced osteoclastic activity in a MIF-dependent manner. In conclusion, MIF has role in controlling bacterial growth in the context of PD but contributes more significantly to the progression of bone loss during PD by directly affecting differentiation and activity of osteoclasts. (C) 2011 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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In a previous study, we reported that the short-term treatment with celecoxib, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) attenuates the activation of brain structures related to nociception and does not interfere with orthodontic incisor separation in rats. The conclusion was that celecoxib could possibly be prescribed for pain in orthodontic patients. However, we did not analyze the effects of this drug in periodontium. The aim of this follow-up study was to analyze effects of celecoxib treatment on recruitment and activation of osteoclasts and alveolar bone resorption after inserting an activated orthodontic appliance between the incisors in our rat model. Twenty rats (400420 g) were pretreated through oral gavage with celecoxib (50 mg/kg) or vehicle (carboxymethylcellulose 0.4%). After 30 min, they received an activated (30 g) orthodontic appliance, set not to cause any palate disjunction. In sham animals, the appliance was immediately removed after introduction. All animals received ground food and, every 12 h, celecoxib or vehicle. After 48 h, they were anesthetized and transcardiacally perfused through the aorta with 4% formaldehyde. Subsequently, maxillae were removed, post-fixed and processed for histomorphometry or immunohistochemical analyses. As expected, incisor distalization induced an inflammatory response with certain histological changes, including an increase in the number of active osteoclasts at the compression side in group treated with vehicle (appliance: 32.2 +/- 2.49 vs sham: 4.8 +/- 1.79, P<0.05) and celecoxib (appliance: 31.0 +/- 1.45 vs sham: 4.6 +/- 1.82, P<0.05). The treatment with celecoxib did not modify substantially the histological alterations and the number of active osteoclasts after activation of orthodontic appliance. Moreover, we did not see any difference between the groups with respect to percentage of bone resorption area. Taken together with our previous results we conclude that short-term treatment with celecoxib can indeed be a therapeutic alternative for pain relieve during orthodontic procedures.


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This third part of a series of publications from the Swiss task force "Smoking--Intervention in the private dental office" on the topic "tobacco use and dental medicine" describes the clinical and radiographic changes of the periodontium within smokers as well as the consequences of tobacco use on periodontal and implant therapy. With increased use of tobacco, patients show higher periodontal probing depths, increased clinical attachment loss, more alveolar bone resorption, a higher prevalence of gingival recessions, and a higher risk for tooth loss. In contrast to this, with smokers, the clinical characteristics of gingival inflammation or bleeding on periodontal probing are less established. Smokers show less positive results after conventional, surgical and regenerative periodontal therapy. The benefits of mucogingval surgery are reduced and less successful in smokers. Moreover, smoking impairs the osseointegration of oral implants and is at least partly responsible for a majority of biological complications in implant dentistry, such as periimplantitis. Based on the present understanding of periodontal diseases, the clinical findings, and the specific therapeutic outcomes with smokers, it appears to be reasonable, next to the current classification of periodontal diseases, to use the term "smokers periodontitis".


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07


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Introdução: com o crescente aumento da expectativa de vida, o conhecimento das alterações anatómicas e fisiológicas que ocorrem no aparelho estomatognático durante o envelhecimento é de suma importância para a correta avaliação do paciente idoso. Objetivos: descrição e abordagem das principais estruturas anatómicas do indivíduo, adulto e idoso. Estabelece-se uma anatomia comparativa e evolutiva durante o processo de envelhecimento. Pretende-se contribuir para o conhecimento e reflexão sobre o tema em questão e demonstrar a aplicabilidade deste conhecimento em contexto clínico. Métodos: realizou-se pesquisa bibliográfica, nas bases de dados Pubmed, b-on SciElo e Elsevier, no período entre 2006-2016. Resultados: Maxila - ocorre reabsorção óssea, alteração no contorno do arco da maxila, retrusão maxilar, rotação da maxila no sentido horário, diminuição gradual e constante do ângulo maxilar e redução vertical da altura maxilar. Mandíbula - aumento do ângulo da mandíbula, diminuição da densidade e volume ósseo. Articulação gonfose e Articulação Temporo-Mandibular - pode ocorrer tanto anquilose, como perda das estruturas de suporte. Observa-se degeneração e/ou perfuração do disco radicular e alteração do formato do côndilo. Dentes - cáries radiculares, fraturas dentárias e desgaste dentário. Ocorrem modificações histológicas no esmalte, dentina e polpa dentária. Periodonto: reabsorção do osso alveolar, gengiva atrófica com tendência a migração apical, deposição apical das camadas incrementais e desgaste de cemento exposto, ligamento periodontal fino, irregular e diminuição do espaço periodontal. Conclusões: as alterações anatómicas decorrentes do envelhecimento fisiológico são múltiplas. O Médico Dentista diante de um paciente idoso, deverá conhecer e distinguir entre uma alteração decorrente do envelhecimento fisiológico e uma alteração patológica, para o correto diagnóstico clínico e uma excelente decisão terapêutica. O Médico Dentista deverá contribuir para o envelhecimento saudável e para tal deve ser conhecedor em pleno da temática do presente trabalho.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective: To identify genetic associations with severity of radiographic damage in ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Method: We studied 1537 AS cases of European descent; all fulfilled the modified New York Criteria. Radiographic severity was assessed from digitised lateral radiographs of the cervical and lumbar spine using the modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Score (mSASSS). A two-phase genotyping design was used. In phase 1, 498 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped in 688 cases; these were selected to capture >90% of the common haplotypic variation in the exons, exon-intron boundaries, and 5 kb flanking DNA in the 5' and 3' UTR of 74 genes involved in anabolic or catabolic bone pathways. In phase 2, 15 SNPs exhibiting p<0.05 were genotyped in a further cohort of 830 AS cases; results were analysed both separately and in combination with the discovery phase data. Association was tested by contingency tables after separating the samples into 'mild' and 'severe' groups, defined as the bottom and top 40% by mSASSS, adjusted for gender and disease duration. Results: Experiment-wise association was observed with the SNP rs8092336 (combined OR 0.32, p=1.2×10-5), which lies within RANK (receptor activator of NF?B), a gene involved in osteoclastogenesis, and in the interaction between T cells and dendritic cells. Association was also found with the SNP rs1236913 in PTGS1 (prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1, cyclooxygenase 1), giving an OR of 0.53 (p=2.6×10-3). There was no observed association between radiographic severity and HLA-B*27. Conclusions: These findings support roles for bone resorption and prostaglandins pathways in the osteoproliferative changes in AS.


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Enxertos ósseos homólogos congelados têm sido documentados apresentando bons resultados clínicos como substituto ao material autógeno nas reconstruções alveolares. Entretanto, dados referentes à incorporação e remodelação destes enxertos não estão disponíveis na literatura. Este estudo tem por objetivo determinar um período ótimo de espera para instalação de implantes em rebordos reconstruídos com enxertos ósseos homólogos em bloco no que se refere à incorporação e reabsorção. 24 pacientes foram submetidos à reconstrução alveolar óssea homóloga previamente à instalação de implantes. Os indivíduos foram alocados randomicamente em um de 3 grupos de acordo com o tempo de espera para o segundo estágio cirúrgico (4, 6 e 8 meses). Análises tomográficas, histológicas e histomorfométricas foram utilizadas a fim de determinar o grau de reabsorção e incorporação dos enxertos nos diferentes intervalos de tempo para cada grupo. Os dados de reabsorção sofrida pelos enxertos demonstraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas para os três intervalos de espera. Da mesma forma, parâmetros histomorfométricos como contagem de osteócitos e quantificação de remanescentes de osso homólogo nas biópsias apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os grupos. De acordo com os dados do presente trabalho, no que diz respeito à remodelação e incorporação, o período mais favorável à instalação dos implantes a curto prazo após recontruções com enxertos homólogos é de 4 meses.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Tacrolimus is used for transplant patients with refractory graft rejection and those with intolerance to cyclosporin (CsA), without the disfiguring adverse effects frequently attributed to CsA therapy. Since we have shown that CsA-associated bone loss can also affect alveolar bone, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of conversion of monotherapy from CsA to tacrolimus on alveolar bone loss in rats. Groups of rats were treated with either CsA (10 mg/kg/day, s.c.), tacrolimus (I mg/kg/day, s.c.), or drug vehicle for 60 and 120 days, and an additional group received CsA for 60 days followed by conversion to tacrolimus for a further 60-day period. Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP), tartrate-resistent acid phosphatase (TRAP-5b), calcium (Ca2+), interleukin (IL)-1 beta, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) concentrations were evaluated in the serum. Analyses of bone volume, bone surface, number of osteblasts, and osteoclasts were performed. Treatment with CsA for either 60 or 120 days was associated with bone resorption, represented by lower bone volume and increased number of osteoclasts; serum BALP, TRAP-5b, IL-1 beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha were also higher in these animals. After conversion from CsA to tacrolimus, all the altered serum markers returned to control values in addition to a significant increase of bone volume and a lower number of osteoclasts. This study shows that conversion from CsA to tacrolimus therapy leads to a reversal of the CsA-induced bone loss, which can probably be mediated by downregulation of IL-1 beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha production.


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This patient report presents an unusual onlay bone graft failure following local cocaine application. Three months after the bone grafting procedure performed in the anterior maxilla for bone volume augmentation, the bone graft was totally exposed in the oral cavity as a result of the rubbing of cocaine on the gingival tissue that covered the bone graft. A histologic view of the removed bone fragment presented not only an area of necrosis but also ample spaces filled with necrosis material and resorption areas. Dental practitioners need to be aware of this phenomenon because such patients often do not report the use of drugs, particularly cocaine. Copyright © 2005 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.