990 resultados para Alpha-l-fucosidase


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L'identité et la réactivité cellulaires sont établies, maintenues et modulées grâce à l'orchestration de programmes transcriptionnels spécifiques. Les éléments régulateurs, des régions particulières de la chromatine responsables de l'activation ou de la répression des gènes, sont au coeur de cette opération. Ces dernières années, de nombreuses études ont révélé le rôle central des « enhancers » dans ce processus. En effet, des centaines de milliers « enhancers » seraient éparpillés dans le génome humain, majoritairement dans sa portion non-codante, et contrairement au promoteur, leur activation varierait selon le type ou l'état cellulaire ou en réponse à une stimulation physiologique, pathologique ou environnementale. Les « enhancers » sont, en quelque sorte, des carrefours où transitent une multitude de protéines régulées par les signaux intra- et extra-cellulaires et un dialogue s'établit entre ces diverses protéines et la chromatine. L'identification des « enhancers ainsi qu'une compréhension de leur mode de fonctionnement sont donc cruciales, tant au plan fondamental que clinique. La chromatine joue un rôle indéniable dans l'activité des éléments régulateurs, tant par sa composition que par sa structure, en régulant, entre autres, l'accessibilité de l'ADN. En effet, l'ADN des régions régulatrices est bien souvent masqué par un nucléosome occlusif, lequel doit être déplacé ou évincé afin de permettre la liaison des protéines régulatrices, notamment les facteurs de transcription (FTs). Toutefois, la contribution de la composition de la chromatine à ce processus reste incomprise. Le variant d'histone H2A.Z a été identifié comme une composante de la chromatine aux régions accessibles, dont des « enhancers » potentiels. Toutefois son rôle y est inconnu, bien que des études récentes suggèrent qu'il pourrait jouer un rôle important dans la structure de la chromatine à ces régions. Par ailleurs, un lien étroit existe entre H2A.Z et la voie de signalisation des oestrogènes (notamment la 17-[beta]-estradiol (E2)). Ainsi, H2A.Z est essentiel à l'expression de plusieurs gènes cibles de l'E2. Les effets de l'E2 sont en partie exercés par un FT, le récepteur alpha des oestrogènes (ER[alpha]), lequel se lie à l'ADN suite à son activation, et ce majoritairement à des « enhancers », et permet l'établissement d'un programme transcriptionnel spécifique. Cette thèse vise à définir le rôle d'H2A.Z aux « enhancers », et plus particulièrement son influence sur l'organisation des nucléosomes aux « enhancers » liés par ER[alpha]. D'abord, mes travaux effectués à l'échelle du génome ont démontré qu'H2A.Z n'est présent qu'à certains ER[alpha]-« enhancers » actifs. Cette particularité a fait en sorte que nous avons pu comparer directement les « enhancers » actifs occupés par H2A.Z à ceux non-occupés, afin de mettre en évidence sa relation à l'environnement chromatinien. Étonnamment, il est apparu qu'H2A.Z n'introduit pas une organisation unique ou particulière des nucléosomes aux « enhancers ». Par ailleurs, nos résultats montrent qu'H2A.Z joue un rôle crucial dans la régulation de l'activité des « enhancers ». En effet, nous avons observé que suite à leur activation par l'E2, les « enhancers » occupés par H2A.Z recrutent l'ARN polymérase II (ARNPII) et produisent un transcrit. Ils recrutent également RAD21, une composante du complexe cohésine impliqué, entre autres, dans des interactions chromosomiques entre « enhancers » et promoteurs. De façon intéressante, nous avons mis en évidence que ces trois évènements, connus pour leur importance dans l'activité des « enhancers », sont dépendants d'H2A.Z. Ainsi, la présence d'H2A.Z à l' « enhancer » pourrait permettre un environnement chromatinien favorable à trois aspects clés de l'activité des « enhancers » : la présence de l'ARNPII, la transcription et la formation d'une boucle d'interaction, et par la suite, de par la proximité « enhancer »-promoteur ainsi créée, augmenter la concentration d'ARNPII à proximité du promoteur favorisant l'expression du gène cible. Un tel rôle central d'H2A.Z dans l'activité d' « enhancers » spécifiques pourrait participer à un mécanisme épigénétique ciblé de la régulation de l'expression des gènes.


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This clinical study has investigated the antigenic activity of bacterial contents from exudates of acute apical abscesses (AAAs) and their paired root canal contents regarding the stimulation capacity by levels of interleukin (IL)-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) throughout the root canal treatment against macrophage cells. Paired samples of infected root canals and exudates of AAAs were collected from 10 subjects. Endodontic contents were sampled before (root canal sample [RCS] 1) and after chemomechanical preparation (RCS2) and after 30 days of intracanal medication with calcium hydroxide + chlorhexidine gel (Ca[OH]2 + CHX gel) (RCS3). Polymerase chain reaction (16S rDNA) was used for detection of the target bacteria, whereas limulus amebocyte lysate was used to measure endotoxin levels. Raw 264.7 macrophages were stimulated with AAA exudates from endodontic contents sampled in different moments of root canal treatment. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were used to measure the levels of TNF-α and IL-1 beta. Parvimonas micra, Porphyromonas endodontalis, Dialister pneumosintes, and Prevotella nigrescens were the most frequently detected species. Higher levels of endotoxins were found in samples from periapical exudates at RCS1 (P < .005). In fact, samples collected from periapical exudates showed a higher stimulation capacity at RCS1 (P < .05). A positive correlation was found between endotoxins from exudates with IL-1 beta (r = 0.97) and TNF-α (r = 0.88) production (P < .01). The significant reduction of endotoxins and bacterial species achieved by chemomechanical procedures (RCS2) resulted in a lower capacity of root canal contents to stimulate the cells compared with that at RCS1 (P < .05). The use of Ca(OH)2 + CHX gel as an intracanal medication (RCS3) improved the removal of endotoxins and bacteria from infected root canals (P < .05) whose contents induced a lower stimulation capacity against macrophages cells at RCS1, RCS2, and RCS3 (P < .05). AAA exudates showed higher levels of endotoxins and showed a greater capacity of macrophage stimulation than the paired root canal samples. Moreover, the use of intracanal medication improved the removal of bacteria and endotoxins from infected root canals, which may have resulted in the reduction of the inflammatory potential of the root canal content.


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The biological cause of Pork Stress syndrome, which leads to PSE (pale, soft, exudative) meat, is excessive release of Ca(2+) ions, which is promoted by a genetic mutation in the ryanodine receptors (RyR) located in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of the skeletal muscle cells. We examined the relationship between the formation of PSE meat under halothane treatment and heat stress exposure in chicken alpha RYR hot spot fragments. Four test groups were compared: 1) birds slaughtered without any treatment, i.e., the control group (C); 2) birds slaughtered immediately after halothane treatment (H); 3) birds slaughtered immediately after heat stress treatment (HS), and 4) birds exposed to halothane and to heat stress (H+HS), before slaughtering. Breast muscle mRNA was extracted, amplified by RT-PCR, and sequenced. PSE meat was evaluated using color determination (L*value). The most common alteration was deletion of a single nucleotide, which generated a premature stop codon, resulting in the production of truncated proteins. The highest incidence of nonsense transcripts came with exposure to halothane; 80% of these abnormal transcripts were detected in H and H+HS groups. As a consequence, the incidence of abnormal meat was highest in the H+HS group (66%). In HS, H, and C groups, PSE meat developed in 60, 50, and 33% of the samples, respectively. Thus, halothane apparently modulates alpha RYR gene expression in this region, and synergically with exposure to heat stress, causes Avian Stress syndrome, resulting in PSE meat in broiler chickens.


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Three morphotypes of aguaje Mauritia flexuosa were tested, classified by the color of their mesocarpium: ""color"", ""shambo"" and ""amarillo"", collected from different areas near the city of Iquitos, Peru. Also, physical-chemical analyses of the mesocarpium were performed, such as the characterization of fatty acids by gas chromatography, determination of beta- carotene y alpha tocopherol by high efficiency liquid chromatography system in normal and reverse phase and the determination of oxidation induction time in the Rancimat apparatus. Proximate, mineral and fatty acid analyses were done on the seeds. The aguaje mesocarpium is rich in oleic oil (""amarillo"": 75.63% +/- 0.31), (beta-carotene (""amarillo"": 342.42ug/g 0.71) and alpha- tocopherol (""color"": 685.81mg/L +/- 1.04), plus the morphotype ""color"" has a superior oxidation induction time compared to other morphotypes with 6.91 +/- 0.01. The aguaje seed contains significant amounts of (06 (linoleic oil) in ""shambo"" with 36.04 +/- 0.09%. The results indicate that these oils, regardless their classification, contain important chemical compounds that give them a special nutritive value.


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Background: Since successful treatment of superficial bladder cancer with BCG requires proper induction of Th1 immunity, we have developed a rBCG-S1PT strain that induced a stronger cellular immune response than BCG. This preclinical study was designed to compare the modulatory effects of BCG and rBCG-S1PT on bladder TNF-alpha and IL-10 expression and to evaluate antitumour activity. Methods: For Experiment I, the MB49 bladder cancer cell line was used in C57BL/6 mice. Chemical cauterization of the bladder was performed to promote intravesical tumor implantation. Mice were treated by intravesical instillation with BCG, rBCG-S1PT or PBS once a week for four weeks. After 35 days the bladders were removed and weighed. TNF-


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Background: The beneficial actions of exercise training on lipid, glucose and energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity appear to be in part mediated by PGC-1 alpha. Previous studies have shown that spontaneously exercised rats show at rest enhanced responsiveness to exogenous insulin, lower plasma insulin levels and increased skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity. This study was initiated to examine the functional interaction between exercise-induced modulation of skeletal muscle and liver PGC-1 alpha protein expression, whole body insulin sensitivity, and circulating FFA levels as a measure of whole body fatty acid (lipid) metabolism. Methods: Two groups of male Wistar rats (2 Mo of age, 188.82 +/- 2.77 g BW) were used in this study. One group consisted of control rats placed in standard laboratory cages. Exercising rats were housed individually in cages equipped with running wheels and allowed to run at their own pace for 5 weeks. At the end of exercise training, insulin sensitivity was evaluated by comparing steady-state plasma glucose (SSPG) concentrations at constant plasma insulin levels attained during the continuous infusion of glucose and insulin to each experimental group. Subsequently, soleus and plantaris muscle and liver samples were collected and quantified for PGC-1 alpha protein expression by Western blotting. Collected blood samples were analyzed for glucose, insulin and FFA concentrations. Results: Rats housed in the exercise wheel cages demonstrated almost linear increases in running activity with advancing time reaching to maximum value around 4 weeks. On an average, the rats ran a mean (Mean +/- SE) of 4.102 +/- 0.747 km/day and consumed significantly more food as compared to sedentary controls (P < 0.001) in order to meet their increased caloric requirement. Mean plasma insulin (P < 0.001) and FFA (P < 0.006) concentrations were lower in the exercise-trained rats as compared to sedentary controls. Mean steady state plasma insulin (SSPI) and glucose (SSPG) concentrations were not significantly different in sedentary control rats as compared to exercise-trained animals. Plantaris PGC-1 alpha protein expression increased significantly from a 1.11 +/- 0.12 in the sedentary rats to 1.74 +/- 0.09 in exercising rats (P < 0.001). However, exercise had no effect on PGC-1 alpha protein content in either soleus muscle or liver tissue. These results indicate that exercise training selectively up regulates the PGC-1 alpha protein expression in high-oxidative fast skeletal muscle type such as plantaris muscle. Conclusion: These data suggest that PGC-1 alpha most likely plays a restricted role in exercise-mediated improvements in insulin resistance (sensitivity) and lowering of circulating FFA levels.


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Light absorption of alpha-glycine crystals grown by slow evaporation at room temperature was measured, indicating a 5.11 +/- 0.02 eV energy band gap. Structural, electronic, and optical absorption properties of alpha-glycine crystals were obtained by first-principles quantum mechanical calculations using density functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation in order to understand this result. To take into account the contribution of core electrons, ultrasoft and norm-conserving pseudopotentials, as well as an all electron approach were considered to compute the electronic density of states and band structure of alpha-glycine crystals. They exhibit three indirect energy band gaps and one direct Gamma-Gamma energy gap around 4.95 eV. The optical absorption related to transitions between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band involves O 2p valence states and C, O 2p conduction states, with the carboxyl group contributing significantly to the origin of the energy band gap. The calculated optical absorption is highly dependent on the polarization of the incident radiation due to the spatial arrangement of the dipolar glycine molecules; in the case of a polycrystalline sample, the first-principles calculated optical absorption is in good agreement with the measurement when a rigid energy shift is applied.


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Cross sections of (120)Sn(alpha,alpha)(120)Sn elastic scattering have been extracted from the alpha-particle-beam contamination of a recent (120)Sn((6)He,(6)He)(120)Sn experiment. Both reactions are analyzed using systematic double-folding potentials in the real part and smoothly varying Woods-Saxon potentials in the imaginary part. The potential extracted from the (120)Sn((6)He,(6)He)(120)Sn data may be used as the basis for the construction of a simple global (6)He optical potential. The comparison of the (6)He and alpha data shows that the halo nature of the (6)He nucleus leads to a clear signature in the reflexion coefficients eta(L) : The relevant angular momenta L with eta(L) >> 0 and eta(L) << 1 are shifted to larger L with a broader distribution. This signature is not present in the alpha-scattering data and can thus be used as a new criterion for the definition of a halo nucleus.


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Background: Schistosoma mansoni is the major causative agent of schistosomiasis. The parasite takes advantage of host signals to complete its development in the human body. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is a human cytokine involved in skin inflammatory responses, and although its effect on the adult parasite's metabolism and egg-laying process has been previously described, a comprehensive assessment of the TNF-alpha pathway and its downstream molecular effects is lacking. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the present work we describe a possible TNF-alpha receptor (TNFR) homolog gene in S. mansoni (SmTNFR). SmTNFR encodes a complete receptor sequence composed of 599 amino acids, and contains four cysteine-rich domains as described for TNFR members. Real-time RT-PCR experiments revealed that SmTNFR highest expression level is in cercariae, 3.5 (+/- 0.7) times higher than in adult worms. Downstream members of the known human TNF-alpha pathway were identified by an in silico analysis, revealing a possible TNF-alpha signaling pathway in the parasite. In order to simulate parasite's exposure to human cytokine during penetration of the skin, schistosomula were exposed to human TNF-alpha just 3 h after cercariae-to-schistosomula in vitro transformation, and large-scale gene expression measurements were performed with microarrays. A total of 548 genes with significantly altered expression were detected, when compared to control parasites. In addition, treatment of adult worms with TNF-alpha caused a significantly altered expression of 1857 genes. Interestingly, the set of genes altered in adults is different from that of schistosomula, with 58 genes in common, representing 3% of altered genes in adults and 11% in 3 h-old early schistosomula. Conclusions/Significance: We describe the possible molecular elements and targets involved in human TNF-alpha effect on S. mansoni, highlighting the mechanism by which recently transformed schistosomula may sense and respond to this host mediator at the site of cercarial penetration into the skin.


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Evidence demonstrates that sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation causes osteopenia via beta(2)-adrenoceptor (beta(2)-AR) signaling. Here we show that female mice with chronic sympathetic hyperactivity owing to double knockout of adrenoceptors that negatively regulate norepinephrine release, alpha(2A)-AR and alpha(2C)-AR(alpha(2A)/alpha(2C)-ARKO), present an unexpected and generalized phenotype of high bone mass with decreased bone resorption and increased formation. In alpha(2A)/alpha(2C)-ARKO versus wild-type (WT) mice, micro-computed tomographic (mu CT) analysis showed increased, better connected, and more plate-shaped trabeculae in the femur and vertebra and increased cortical thickness in the vertebra, whereas biomechanical analysis showed increased tibial and femoral strength. Tibial mRNA expression of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP) and receptor activator of NF-kappa B (RANK), which are osteoclast-related factors, was lower in knockout (KO) mice. Plasma leptin and brain mRNA levels of cocaine amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART), which are factors that centrally affect bone turnover, and serum levels of estradiol were similar between mice strains. Tibial beta(2)-AR mRNA expression also was similar in KO and WT littermates, whereas alpha(2A)-, alpha(2B)- and alpha(2C)-AR mRNAs were detected in the tibia of WT mice and in osteoblast-like MC3T3-E1 cells. By immunohistochemistry, we detected alpha(2A)-, alpha(2B)-, alpha(2C)- and beta(2)-ARs in osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and chondrocytes of 18.5-day-old mouse fetuses and 35-day-old mice. Finally, we showed that isolated osteoclasts in culture are responsive to the selective alpha(2)-AR agonist clonidine and to the nonspecific alpha-AR antagonist phentolamine. These findings suggest that beta(2)-AR is not the single adrenoceptor involved in bone turnover regulation and show that alpha(2)-AR signaling also may mediate the SNS actions in the skeleton. (c) 2011 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.


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Heart failure (HF) is associated with changes in the skeletal muscle (SM) which might be a consequence of the unbalanced local expression of pro- (TNF-alpha) and anti- (IL-10) inflammatory cytokines, leading to inflammation-induced myopathy, and SM wasting. This local effect of HF on SM may, on the other hand, contribute to systemic inflammation, as this tissue actively secretes cytokines. Since increasing evidence points out to an anti-inflammatory effect of exercise training, the goal of the present study was to investigate its effect in rats with HF after post-myocardial infarction (MI), with special regard to the expression of TNF-alpha and IL-10 in the soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL), muscles with different fiber composition. Wistar rats underwent left thoracotomy with ligation of the left coronary artery, and were randomly assigned to either a sedentary (Sham-operated and MI sedentary) or trained (Sham-operated and MI trained) group. Animals in the trained groups ran on a treadmill (0% grade at 13-20 m/min) for 60 min/day, 5 days/week, for 8-10 weeks. The training protocol was able to reverse the changes induced by MI, decreasing TNF-alpha protein (26%, P < 0.05) and mRNA (58%, P < 0.05) levels in the soleus, when compared with the sedentary MI group. Training also increased soleus IL-10 expression (2.6-fold, P < 0.001) in post-MI HF rats. As a consequence, the IL-10/TNF-alpha ratio was increased. This ""anti-inflammatory effect"" was more pronounced in the soleus than in the EDL, suggesting a fiber composition dependent response. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Red currants (Ribes rubrum L.), black currants (Ribes nigrum L.), red and green gooseberries (Ribes uva-crispa) were evaluated for the total phenolics, antioxidant capacity based on 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging assay and functionality such as in vitro inhibition of alpha-amylase, alpha-glucosidase and angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) relevant for potential management of hyperglycemia and hypertension. The total phenolics content ranged from 3.2 (green gooseberries) to 13.5 (black currants) mg/g fruit fresh weight. No correlation was found between total phenolics and antioxidant activity. The major phenolic compounds were quercetin derivatives (black currants and green gooseberries) and chlorogenic acid (red currants and red gooseberries). Red currants had the highest alpha-glucosidase, alpha-amylase and ACE inhibitory activities. Therefore red currants could be good dietary sources with potential antidiabetes and antihypertension functionality to compliment overall dietary management of early stages of type 2 diabetes.


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The effect of thermal treatment on phenolic compounds and type 2 diabetes functionality linked to alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase inhibition and hypertension relevant angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition were investigated in selected bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L,) cultivars from Peru and Brazil using in vitro models. Thermal processing by autoclaving decreased the total phenolic content in all cultivars, whereas the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity-linked antioxidant activity increased among Peruvian cultivars, alpha-Amylase and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activities were reduced significantly after heat treatment (73-94% and 8-52%, respectively), whereas ACE inhibitory activity was enhanced (9-15%). Specific phenolic acids such as chlorogenic and caffeic acid increased moderately following thermal treatment (2-16% and 5-35%, respectively). No correlation was found between phenolic contents and functionality associated to antidiabetes and antihypertension potential, indicating that non phenolic compounds may be involved. Thermally processed bean cultivars are interesting sources of phenolic acids linked to high antioxidant activity and show potential for hypertension prevention.


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Leaves from four different Ginkgo biloba L. trees (1 and 2 - females; 3 and 4 - males), grown at the same conditions, were collected during a period of 5 months (from June to October, 2007). Water and 12% ethanol extracts were analyzed for total phenolics content, antioxidant activity, phenolic profile, and the potential in vitro inhibitory effects on alpha-amylase, alpha-glucosidase, and Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme (ACE) enzymes related to the management of diabetes and hypertension. The results indicated a significant difference among the trees in all functional benefits evaluated in the leaf extracts and also found important seasonal variation related to the same functional parameters. In general, the aqueous extracts had higher total phenolic content than the ethanolic extracts. Also, no correlation was found between total phenolics and antioxidant activity. In relation to the ACE inhibition, only ethanolic extracts had inhibitory activity. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Whole rice contains several fat-soluble phytochemicals such. as tocopherols, tocotrienols, and gamma-oryzanol which have been reported to possess beneficial health properties. This study was conducted to determine whether brown rice belonging to indica and japonica subspecies were distinguishable from each other regarding the concentration of these compounds by analyzing 32 genotypes. The fat-soluble compounds were analyzed by normal-phase HPLC in a single run. The variability of the compounds analyzed was high, but the mean content of gamma-oryzanol across all samples was significantly higher (P < 0.01) in japonica (246.3 mg/kg) than in indica rice (190.1 mg/kg). Similar differences were found for total vitamin E contents which were 24.2 mg/kg injaponica and 17.1 mg/kg in indica rice, respectively. In japonica rice, alpha-tocopherol, alpha-tocotrienol, and gamma-tocotrienol were the most abundant homologs, while in indica rice the most abundant were gamma-tocotrienol, alpha-tocopherol, and alpha-tocotrienol. A significant Pearson coefficient (0.80, P < 0.001) between alpha-tocopherol and alpha-tocotrienol levels was found, independent of the subspecies. Both compounds were positively correlated to total tocols and gamma-oryzanol contents. Although more studies are needed to evaluate the interference of growing rice in different environments and multiple years, the present study provided information on natural variations of the vitamin E isomers and the gamma-oryzanol contents in different rice genotypes.