163 resultados para Allegory


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Under different perspectives of interpretation and analysis, the notions of localism and universalism in the fictional production of Guimarães Rosa have been strongly explored by the criticism, especially in Grande sertão: veredas [The devil to pay in the backlands], in which these two dimensions – overlapped and complementary – become more intricate and profuse. Taking the analytical line of historical, social and political dimensions of the novel for granted – not regarding it as an essay or strict allegory of the country – the present study proposes a new reading of the composition with the interpretation of the articulation of these two dimensions in the forming of the “jagunço system” (ROSA, 1970, p.391), that is a concept created by Guimarães Rosa and which transcends the historical and sociological reality. The articulation of the social, political and cultural elements figure in Guimarães Rosa’s fiction and becomes an issue for wider debates and reflections, so that the particular element of the novel enables a universal survey. Based on diverse critical apprehensions of the novel, this paper aims to investigate the levels of the literary composition in which the local-universal articulation associated with the representation of the jagunço is constructed. In order to do that, the theoretical study is based on three dimensions of studies: a) critical essays about Guimarães Rosa, the totality of his work and specific critical essays about Grande sertão: veredas [The devil to pay in the backlands] and the “jagunço system”, b) theoretical apparatus concerning the history, the politics and the Brazilian culture related to the cangaço; and c) theoretical subsidies for the study of the narrative


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Fragmento D' Alma is an artistic research that part of a poetic tale through an initial charge of dawn one fantastic universe where words have life and willingly. The work includes sculptural works in order to interpret through the use of allegory situations of the tale in the form of sculptural compositions considering one or more characters in the story. In the sculptural work, I tried figuring the relations tale as my interpretations and poetic, so I sought theoretical studies of allegory after noting my affinity with the theme to contribute to the relationship text and image set in my work. I also sought to understand the relationships that the text played with sculptural work, so the chances that I could address this through dialogue between text and image. The studies collected through surveys pointed allegory by João Adolfo Hansen, as well as in various artistic and visual references present in my repertoire, such as the Baroque sculpture of Bernini, the performances of Berna Reale and literature of Neil Gaiman, contributed in this research to the development of my creative process during the preparation of this research work of art, making the complexity of the relationship between textual production and poetic sculptural three-dimensional, also became a concern and an integral theme of my work and my reflections presented here. Therefore, I conclude based on my own experience in this work, the artistic research inspired allegory might contribute to the development of my creative process during the preparation of this artwork, besides assigning relations between textual production and poetic dimensional sculpture


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Taking into consideration the previous critical interpretations about Baudelaire’s poem called “Le cygne” (Benjamin, Oehler, Barbosa), this article highlights some relevant aspects about allegorical structure, seeking to demonstrate how the feeling of exile and the melancholy, which define the poetic individual and which represent underlying themes in Baudelaire’s poem, can be read through a frame of reference which links both historical-political and psychoanalytical interpretations.


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Nuno Judice’poetry has a peculiar discourse, whose devices of construction mixe poetry and prose in order to eliminate the borders between the two kinds of language. The Classical tradition is a constant reference in his poetry, by means of the imagery and the allegory in which some Greek myths are mentioned. Nevertheless, the context of modernity from which the poet Nuno Judice emerges put together the dimensions of space and time so as it is impossible to separate them. In this paper we analyse two poems extracted from the book As Regras da Perspectiva (1990) and our purpose is to discuss some literary questions as the metalanguage, the sensations, the lyric subjectivity, the narrative trends, the special meanings and the forms of the world.


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Within the scope of Literary Studies, theory, criticism, and historiography about the literature produced in the Middle Ages developed considerably from 1940 on, with the works of Ernst Curtius, Mikhail Bakhtin, and Erich Auerbach. In spite of the progress made, some specific aspects remain in the shadow, with incursions which were punctual though meaningful: that is the case of the critic fortunes about women‟s literary production in that period. Rosvita was a canoness and lived in the Benedictine convent of Gandersheim (Germany), in the 10th century A.D. Coming under Terence‟s influence, she wrote theater plays in Latin in which she figuratively presented theological issues in order to spread the Christian doctrine. The martyrdom issue deserved to be put in relief and was the focal point of the play Wisdom, which took place at the time of the Roman emperor Adrian. This paper analyzes that dramatic text discussing, at the end, how the categories of symbol, enigma, allegory, and mystery are organized by the author as expressive resources and structural elements.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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NEW NOTES ON ""THE UNCANNY"" The present paper expands the horizon of meanings associated with the concept of ""the uncanny"" (usually taken as an allegory for the return of the repressed). The narrative condition of the uncanny (or the experience of the limits of the ego), its relation to the primitive constitution of the psyche, the aspect of repetition, as well as its association with the ""fetish"" and the ""relic"" will be focused. It is our understanding that the concept of the uncanny should receive more attention from the psychoanalytic community. In fact, more attention and developments have been given to it from subjects as Linguistics, Literary Studies, Philosophy and Aesthetics, in general, than from Psychoanalysis itself Besides reflecting the neurotic functioning, the opposition homely/un-homely (uncanny) also refers to more primitive distinctions, such as self/not-self and inside/outside. The paper also addresses the romance The sea of fertility, by Yukio Mishima, so as to point out a singular aspect of the reading experience. Finally, the ideas of the fetish and of the relic will be analyzed from the point of view of the uncanny.


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The labyrinthum Capella quoted in the title (from a Prudentius of Troyes epistle) represents the allegory of the studium of the liberal arts and the looking for knowledge in the early middle age. This is a capital problem in the early Christianity and, in general, for all the western world, concerning the relationship between faith and science. I studied the evolution of this subject from its birth to Carolingian age, focusing on the most relevant figures, for the western Europe, such Saint Augustine (De doctrina christiana), Martianus Capella (De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii) and Iohannes Scotus Eriugena (Annotationes in Marcianum). Clearly it emerges that there were two opposite ways about this relatioship. According to the first, the human being is capable of get a knowledge about God thanks to its own reason and logical thought processes (by the analysis of the nature as a Speculum Dei); on the other way, only the faith and the grace could give the man the possibility to perceive God, and the Bible is the only book men need to know. From late antiquity to Iohannes Scotus times, a few christian and pagan authors fall into line with first position (the neoplatonic one): Saint Augustine (first part of his life, then he retracted some of his views), Martianus, Calcidius and Macrobius. Other philosophers were not neoplatonic bat believed in the power of the studium: Boethius, Cassiodorus, Isidorus of Seville, Hrabanus Maurus and Lupus of Ferriéres. In order to get an idea of this conception, I finally focused the research on Iohannes Scotus Eriugena's Annotationes in Marcianum. I commented Eriugena's work phrase by phrase trying to catch the sense of his words, the reference, philosophical influences, to trace antecedents and its clouts to later middle age and Chartres school. In this scholastic text Eriugena comments the Capella's work and poses again the question of the studium to his students. Iohannes was a magister in schola Palatina during the time of Carl the Bald, he knew Saint Augustine works, and he knew Boethius, Calcidius, Macrobius, Isidorus and Cassiodorus ones too. He translated Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite and Maximus the Confessor. He had a neoplatonic view of Christianity and tried to harmonize the impossibility to know God to man's intellectual capability to get a glimpse of God through the study of the nature. According to this point of view, Eriugena's comment of Martianus Capella was no more a secondary work. It gets more and more importance to understand his research and his mystic, and to understand and really grasp the inner sense of his chief work Periphyseon.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, wie sich Greenaways Filme selbstreflexiv zur Problematik des filmischen Mediums stellen, d.h. wie der Illusions- und Artefaktcharakter des Films im Film selbst thematisiert wird. Die Untersuchung der Selbstreflexion wird konkret unter drei Untersuchungsaspekten erfolgt, nämlich die systematisch und künstlich organisierte formale Struktur, die Narrativität und die Wahrnehmungsweise des Zuschauers. Greenaways Filme veranschaulichen auf der formalen Ebene:· daß die Filmbilder diskontinuierlich und uneinheitlich sind, · wie einzelnen visuellen, akustischen und technischen Zeichen systematisch und künstlich organisiert sind und schließlich· wie die diskontinuierlichen und uneinheitlichen Filmbilder durch die systematische und künstliche Organisation der Zeichen kontinuierlich und einheitlich wirken. Seine Filme thematisieren auch auf der allegorischen, symbolischen und metaphorischen Ebene das Verhältnis zwischen der formalen Struktur, der Geschichte und der interaktiven Wahrnehmungsweise des Zuschauers, und die Beziehung zwischen dem Zuschauer, dem Film, dem Filmemacher. Die männliche Hauptfigur metaphorisiert den Zuschauer. Die Frauenfiguren allegorisieren die zwei Seiten des Films, die Form und den Inhalt des Films. Die sexuelle Beziehung zwischen der männlichen Hauptfigur und den Frauen umfaßt auf der metaphorischen Ebene die Interaktivität des Zuschauers mit dem Film.


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La tesi è incentrata sull'analisi dell'organizzazione retorica della prosa di Giorgio Manganelli, indagando il sistema ritmico attraverso il quale l'autore è in grado di creare un fluire sintattico che sfugge alle classificazioni di genere. Per Manganelli, infatti, il linguaggio è solamente organizzazione di se stesso, e perciò la scrittura ruota attorno a un centro narrativo vuoto, dissimulando l'assenza di necessità. Egli è un retore puntuale dotato di una straordinaria abilità compositiva, che gli consente di mettere in scena l'ambiguità insita nella retorica. Per affrontare questa analisi è stato opportuno avvalersi della critique du rythme ideata da Henri Meschonnic, a partire dalle riflessioni di Emile Benveniste sul concetto eracliteo di ritmo, poiché essa fornisce una prospettiva duttile, dinamica e svincolata da pregiudizi critici. Meschonnic infatti considera il ritmo non come schema metrico ma in quanto organizzazione del senso nel discorso, volto alla signifiance del testo. In quest'ottica si è tentato di costruire un percorso attraverso le opere di Manganelli per descrivere il sistema retorico su cui si fonda la sua scrittura, a partire dai materiali del suo laboratorio (poesie, prose, appunti di diario, scambi epistolari) fino all'ideazione di discorsi pseudo-teologici che si presentano come allegoria stessa della scrittura. Si sono analizzati in particolare la trasposizione letteraria della tecnica musicale della variazione in Nuovo commento (1969), e il ritmo del periodo ipotetico in Rumori o voci (1987), testo emblematico della ricerca di Manganelli sulle potenzialità del linguaggio. Infine la prosa manganelliana è stata messa a confronto con quella di altri importanti autori italiani del Novecento (Pavese, Gadda, Camporesi, Celati), al fine di comparare tra loro diverse organizzazioni ritmiche del linguaggio, e ricollocando così Manganelli al centro del panorama letterario italiano con tutta la sua eversiva marginalità.


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Nei primi due capitoli mi occupo del recupero del Barocco in ambito novecentesco e delle diverse letture e interpretazioni del Barocco e del Neobarocco, concetto che nasce dalla riflessione sul Barocco lungo tutto il Novecento. Riflessione che è stata anche una rivendicazione, a livello estetico, ma non solo, di una attualità o contemporaneità del Barocco, che accomuna tutta la riflessione sulla scoperta della cultura di un secolo, da Wölfflin a Benjamin, da Riegl a Anceschi. Si tratta anche di un rapporto fra Barocco storico e Neobarocco: se la stessa rivalutazione e riscoperta dell’arte del XVII secolo, dalla fine dell’Ottocento e lungo tutto il Novecento, ha coinciso con la sua costruzione terminologica ed ermeneutica, di questa nuova categoria è lo stesso approccio intellettuale contemporaneo che può definirsi, nella più ampia accezione, «neobarocco». Nel terzo capitolo, invece, ho approfondito il rapporto fra Gadda e il Barocco, partendo dal concetto di allegoria moderna di Walter Benjamin. Fondamentale per la mia ricerca è stato il libro di Gilles Deleuze, La piega. Leibniz e il barocco, che ha visto nell’opera del filosofo Leibniz (studiato anche dal proprio Gadda) la chiave di lettura per capire il Barocco nelle sue diverse manifestazioni. E anche il libro di Robert Dombroski, Gadda e il barocco, in cui si parte appunto dal concetto di barocco/neobarocco come punto di approccio per studiare il barocco di Gadda. Infatti, lo stile di Gadda risponde al canone barocco che il poststrutturalismo ha riaccolto nel vivo del dibattito estetico, si pensi ai contributi di Roland Barthes e di Severo Sarduy e, posteriormente, all’opera proprio di Deleuze. Nell’ultimo capitolo, poi, faccio un’analisi di Gadda traduttore di opere del Seicento spagnolo, opere che vengono da lui riscritte grazie alla rielaborazione del passato attraverso il suo linguaggio neobarocco.


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The main problem addressed by this research was that of what are the relations between TV viewing at home and studying literature at school, and how an adequate position on this can be reached. As well as the theoretical background, it involved an experimental study with classes of second and sixth grade students, discussing and observing their reactions to and interpretations of a number of animated cartoons. The work is divided into four parts - Is there a Class in this Text?, Stories of Reading, Narratives of Animation and Animation of Narratives, and The (Three) Unrepeatable (Pigs). Beginning, Middle End - which examine the tensions between the "undiscriminating sequence" of the televisual flow and a way of "thinking", "making" and "doing" education that presupposes a fundamental belief in possible re-productions, copies unescaping, following the original, or competing. The work focuses on animated cartoons, seeing them not merely as a part of the flow of television, but as an allegory of reading this flow, of the flow within the flow itself. What they question - "identity", "end", "followability" - is what is most important to teaching. Thus the interest in the metamorphoses of animated films is an interest in the tensions which their "strange law/flow" introduces into the field of teaching - this totally forbidden place of saying everything.


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Los historiadores medievalistas se concentran, en la actualidad, en descubrir y penetrar el sistema de valores, creencias y sentimientos de hombres y mujeres de aquella época, cómo se representaban el mundo y el espíritu de una sociedad para la cual lo invisible merecía tanto interés como lo visible. Los Bestiarios fueron considerados en su época libros de historia natural y sus autores pretendieron darles características científicas, pero al dotarlos de un tono moralizante, acudir a las leyendas y apelar a los animales más inverosímiles y fantásticos concebidos por el hombre medieval, pasaron a formar parte «de aquel dominio de lo maravilloso donde se expresa el imaginario de una época». Por consiguiente, al recurrir a la alegoría como procedimiento expresivo privilegiado y procurar educar las conciencias en las reglas de la ecumenidad cristiana, de ser pretendidos textos científicos se convirtieron en una de las más sorprendentes páginas de la literatura medieval. En ellos pesa más la valoración alegórica de las criaturas descriptas que la veracidad de las descripciones. La literatura didáctica fue uno de los mecanismos que se emplearon para lograr la adhesión al ideal cristiano. Los autores de los Bestiarios describían las bestias y usaban esa descripción como base de una enseñanza alegórica. De este modo, al mismo tiempo que algunos animales representaron a Cristo, otros simbolizaron el Mal o se convirtieron en proyección de los vicios y defectos humanos. Este trabajo se propone analizar la representación literaria de algunos de estos animales como expresión del imaginario de una época.


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El trabajo replantea el concepto de "autor", propuesto por Foucault, a partir de las "escrituras de exilio", producidas en la literatura argentina en torno al golpe de estado de 1976. Para ello se remite especialmente a dos libros paradigmáticos: Cuerpo a cuerpo (1979) de David Viñas y Libro de navíos y borrascas (1983) de Daniel Moyano. Se realiza una revisión y se elabora una redefinición del concepto que resitúa la idea ajustando su significación al marco de la producción de estos autores. La alegoría aparece allí como figura retórica, estratégica, que reordena las propuestas estéticas.