973 resultados para Alkene, carbon maximum number


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The present study was undsrtaken.with the objectives to assess the distribution and density of population of benthic animals with special reference to macrofauna from the south west coast of India from ' Malippursa 1 in the north to Alleppey in the south, to evaluate significant difference, if any, in the number and distribution of animals in th md bank regions and other intermittent stations, to examine the influence of bottom stability on the distribution of fauna, to observe the effect of the environmental parameters on the distribution pattern of nacrofauna, and to evaluate the nature and depthpwise distribution of the benthic fishery. The region selected for the investigation is one of the nest important fishing grounds in India for bottom fishing especially for prawns, covering a distance of about 60 kns in length.total number of thirty stations in five transects at right angles to the coast, each consisting of six stations were surveyed. The six stations in a transect were at depths of 5 m, 10m, 20:, 30:, 35m and 45m respectively formation of the Iudbanke, popularly known as 'Ghaknra' in the local language, is a peculiar phenomenon along the ooaet of Kerala and provides a good fishing ground.quantitative distribution of the mecrofauna chewed that the maximum number of organism was near the 35 n contour line in the first three profiles whereas in the fourth and fifth profiles it was at 20 n and 30 m depth respectively. The density of the fauna wee comparatively poor in shallow water etatione at depths 5-‘IO M.was a general decline in the numerical abundance and biomass of the bottom fauna in all the stations during the monsoon period. There has been very little yearly change in the composition of the fauna during the two years‘ study.


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This thesis Entitled Studies on amylolytic bacteria in cochin backwaters.This thesis presents a detailed account of the disribution of amylolytic bacteria in water. sediment. fishes ( Etroplus suratensis and Liza parsia) • prawns ( Penaeus indicus and Metapenaeus dobsoni) and clams ( Sunetta scripta and Meretrix casta) from Cochin backwaters. genera-wise distribution of amylolytic bacteria, ability of selected strains to grow and produce amylase at various physico-chemical conditions. Regulation of amylase synthesis anrt characters of amylases producer by these halophilic bacteria.Amylolytic bacteria are distributed widely in water. sediment. fishes. prawns and clams of Cochin back waters. 53% of the total isolates tested were capable of producing amylase. Maximum number of arnylolytic bacteria were present in Metapenaeus dobsoni. In general, the gut region of aquatic animals harboured more amylolytic bacteria than the gill or surface. These bacteria may help in the digestion of starch present in their food.Presence of ions in the medium was found to be essential for growth and amylase production. It was found that this ionic requirement is not highly specific. Sorlium chloride could be replaced by potassium chloride. or magnesium chloride to some extent I without affecting growth and amylase production. The important function of these ions may be to maintain the osmotic balance between the cells and their environment.All the isolates showed the ability to grow and produce amylase using raw-starches from cassava. plantain and potato .This property suggests their role in the rdegradation of native starches in the environment


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The thesis entitled "Studies on the eco-physiology of heterotrophic and indicator bacteria in the marine environments of Kerala" embodies the results of an investigation carried out by the candidate at the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin. It is presentedd under 4 chapters in two parts (Parts A & B) and includes 6 sections. The material for the study was collected in the Cochin backwater during April 1972 to February. 1973, March 1974 to February 1975, July 1975 to June 1976 and in the ishore area during January to October, 1978 and an account of the heterotropic and indicator bacteria are given with intensity charts and tables. Samples from all the stations contained significant quantities of heterotrophs (Part A, Section I) and faecal pollution indicators (Section II). Maximum number of heterotrophic bacteria was observed during the postmonsoon period. The total counts betwen one station and the other did not vary as much as the counts between months did. The distribution was characterised by overdispersion. During 1972-73 in all the stations except the fourth the minimum heterotrophs (Total counts) were recorded during the monsoon period. Minimum counts were observed during the premonsoon period, with an increasing trend from the premonsoon to postmonsoon seasons. Maximum counts were recorded during monsoon months during 1974-75. No significant difference was noted in the total plate count between stations, months and regions. Seasonal variations in sea water was meagre during 1975-76, whereas in sediments variations were prominent during monsoon in Station I - near the mouth of the sewage effluent of Cochin City and in postmonsoon at Station II in the Mattancherry Channel and Station III near barmouth


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Present study consists the species diversity, abundance and community structure of ichthyofauna in the seagrass meadow of Minicoy Atoll, Lakshadweep Islands. Two hundred and three species of fishes were recorded during the study, from four stations in the Atoll. They belonged to 2 classes, 11orders, 43 families and 93 genera. Six species belonged to the class Chondreichthyes and 197 species to Osteichthyes. Family Pomacentridae showed maximum abundance of species (22%). Station I, having close proximity to the coral reefs, observed the maximum number of families (37) and species (129) and that with minimum number was in station II (23 families and 52 species). Bray-Curtis similarity plot showed a similarity range of 22 to 52%, seasonally. Station I showed highest Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’log2) (4.22) during August and the lowest (2.91) during June. Stations I and III showed comparatively higher abundance and diversity of fishes. Variability in seagrass habitat structure and the interaction with coral reefs influenced the species composition and diversity of fishes in Minicoy Atoll. The findings of the present investigation can be used as baseline information for the fishery resource management of the region


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Die thermische Verarbeitung von Lebensmitteln beeinflusst deren Qualität und ernährungsphysiologischen Eigenschaften. Im Haushalt ist die Überwachung der Temperatur innerhalb des Lebensmittels sehr schwierig. Zudem ist das Wissen über optimale Temperatur- und Zeitparameter für die verschiedenen Speisen oft unzureichend. Die optimale Steuerung der thermischen Zubereitung ist maßgeblich abhängig von der Art des Lebensmittels und der äußeren und inneren Temperatureinwirkung während des Garvorgangs. Das Ziel der Arbeiten war die Entwicklung eines automatischen Backofens, der in der Lage ist, die Art des Lebensmittels zu erkennen und die Temperatur im Inneren des Lebensmittels während des Backens zu errechnen. Die für die Temperaturberechnung benötigten Daten wurden mit mehreren Sensoren erfasst. Hierzu kam ein Infrarotthermometer, ein Infrarotabstandssensor, eine Kamera, ein Temperatursensor und ein Lambdasonde innerhalb des Ofens zum Einsatz. Ferner wurden eine Wägezelle, ein Strom- sowie Spannungs-Sensor und ein Temperatursensor außerhalb des Ofens genutzt. Die während der Aufheizphase aufgenommen Datensätze ermöglichten das Training mehrerer künstlicher neuronaler Netze, die die verschiedenen Lebensmittel in die entsprechenden Kategorien einordnen konnten, um so das optimale Backprogram auszuwählen. Zur Abschätzung der thermische Diffusivität der Nahrung, die von der Zusammensetzung (Kohlenhydrate, Fett, Protein, Wasser) abhängt, wurden mehrere künstliche neuronale Netze trainiert. Mit Ausnahme des Fettanteils der Lebensmittel konnten alle Komponenten durch verschiedene KNNs mit einem Maximum von 8 versteckten Neuronen ausreichend genau abgeschätzt werden um auf deren Grundlage die Temperatur im inneren des Lebensmittels zu berechnen. Die durchgeführte Arbeit zeigt, dass mit Hilfe verschiedenster Sensoren zur direkten beziehungsweise indirekten Messung der äußeren Eigenschaften der Lebensmittel sowie KNNs für die Kategorisierung und Abschätzung der Lebensmittelzusammensetzung die automatische Erkennung und Berechnung der inneren Temperatur von verschiedensten Lebensmitteln möglich ist.


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Susceptibility of late instar vine weevil Otiorhynchus sulcatus larvae and pupae to four species entomopathogenic nematodes were tested. Bioassays on production and infectivity to larvae and pupae were compared for two steinernematids and two heterorhabditis such as Steinernema carpocapsae, S. feltiae, Heterorhabditis indica and H. bacteriophora. Nematodes production of all species was determined by the number infective juveniles (IJs) established in vine weevil larvae and pupae O. sulcatus using sand and filter paper bioassay. S. feltiae produced the maximum number in larvae and pupae at 20°C as compared to other nematodes but production of H. indica, was better at 25°C in larvae and pupae followed by H. bacteriophora, S. carpocapsae and Infectivity test of larvae and pupae was also done in sand media. Infective juveniles recovered from larvae and pupae when infected with S. feltiae produced maximum infective juveniles at 20°C temperatures than all other isolates. H. bacteriophora produced higher number of IJs in larvae and pupae than all other nematode isolates at 25°C. This paper indicates the application of nematodes with the knowledge of insect pest biology represents a possible new strategy for O. sulcatus larvae and pupae.


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A particle filter is a data assimilation scheme that employs a fully nonlinear, non-Gaussian analysis step. Unfortunately as the size of the state grows the number of ensemble members required for the particle filter to converge to the true solution increases exponentially. To overcome this Vaswani [Vaswani N. 2008. IEEE Trans Signal Process 56:4583–97] proposed a new method known as mode tracking to improve the efficiency of the particle filter. When mode tracking, the state is split into two subspaces. One subspace is forecast using the particle filter, the other is treated so that its values are set equal to the mode of the marginal pdf. There are many ways to split the state. One hypothesis is that the best results should be obtained from the particle filter with mode tracking when we mode track the maximum number of unimodal dimensions. The aim of this paper is to test this hypothesis using the three dimensional stochastic Lorenz equations with direct observations. It is found that mode tracking the maximum number of unimodal dimensions does not always provide the best result. The best choice of states to mode track depends on the number of particles used and the accuracy and frequency of the observations.


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Cross-layer design is a generic designation for a set of efficient adaptive transmission schemes, across multiple layers of the protocol stack, that are aimed at enhancing the spectral efficiency and increasing the transmission reliability of wireless communication systems. In this paper, one such cross-layer design scheme that combines physical layer adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) with link layer truncated automatic repeat request (T-ARQ) is proposed for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems employing orthogonal space--time block coding (OSTBC). The performance of the proposed cross-layer design is evaluated in terms of achievable average spectral efficiency (ASE), average packet loss rate (PLR) and outage probability, for which analytical expressions are derived, considering transmission over two types of MIMO fading channels, namely, spatially correlated Nakagami-m fading channels and keyhole Nakagami-m fading channels. Furthermore, the effects of the maximum number of ARQ retransmissions, numbers of transmit and receive antennas, Nakagami fading parameter and spatial correlation parameters, are studied and discussed based on numerical results and comparisons. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Hypercycles are information integration systems which are thought to overcome the information crisis of prebiotic evolution by ensuring the coexistence of several short templates. For imperfect template replication, we derive a simple expression for the maximum number of distinct templates n(m). that can coexist in a hypercycle and show that it is a decreasing function of the length L of the templates. In the case of high replication accuracy we find that the product n(m)L tends to a constant value, limiting thus the information content of the hypercycle. Template coexistence is achieved either as a stationary equilibrium (stable fixed point) or a stable periodic orbit in which the total concentration of functional templates is nonzero. For the hypercycle system studied here we find numerical evidence that the existence of an unstable fixed point is a necessary condition for the presence of periodic orbits. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider the problems of finding the maximum number of vertex-disjoint triangles (VTP) and edge-disjoint triangles (ETP) in a simple graph. Both problems are NP-hard. The algorithm with the best approximation ratio known so far for these problems has ratio 3/2 + epsilon, a result that follows from a more general algorithm for set packing obtained by Hurkens and Schrijver [On the size of systems of sets every t of which have an SDR, with an application to the worst-case ratio of heuristics for packing problems, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 2(1) (1989) 68-72]. We present improvements on the approximation ratio for restricted cases of VTP and ETP that are known to be APX-hard: we give an approximation algorithm for VTP on graphs with maximum degree 4 with ratio slightly less than 1.2, and for ETP on graphs with maximum degree 5 with ratio 4/3. We also present an exact linear-time algorithm for VTP on the class of indifference graphs. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Strandings of live or dead aquatic mammals constitute an important instrument to provide information regarding the occurrence, biology and ecology of these species. The aim of this study was to register the stranded species of cetaceans, the frequency and the spatial-temporal distribution of theses strandings during the period of 1984 to 2005, in the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. Data was acquired through the monitoring of strandings in the north, north-west and south coast of RN, and through information obtained from institutions and newspaper archives of the State. A total of 122 strandings of cetaceans were registered along the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. Of the 14 species of cetaceans registered, four species had higher frequencies: Sotalia guianensis (n= 65), Steno bredanensis (n = 6), Globicephala macrorhynchus (n = 6) and Physeter macrocephalus (n = 7). Out of 118 strandings, 93 occurred in the south coast (78.8 %), 23 in the north coast (19.5%) and 2 (1.7%) in the north-west coast of the State. The highest frequency of strandings occurred during the months of August to March and the maximum number of strandings occurred from 2000 onwards, as a consequence of the intense monitoring of the Pequenos Cetáceos Project in Rio Grande do Norte


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In this work, spoke about the importance of image compression for the industry, it is known that processing and image storage is always a challenge in petrobrás to optimize the storage time and store a maximum number of images and data. We present an interactive system for processing and storing images in the wavelet domain and an interface for digital image processing. The proposal is based on the Peano function and wavelet transform in 1D. The storage system aims to optimize the computational space, both for storage and for transmission of images. Being necessary to the application of the Peano function to linearize the images and the 1D wavelet transform to decompose it. These applications allow you to extract relevant information for the storage of an image with a lower computational cost and with a very small margin of error when comparing the images, original and processed, ie, there is little loss of quality when applying the processing system presented . The results obtained from the information extracted from the images are displayed in a graphical interface. It is through the graphical user interface that the user uses the files to view and analyze the results of the programs directly on the computer screen without the worry of dealing with the source code. The graphical user interface, programs for image processing via Peano Function and Wavelet Transform 1D, were developed in Java language, allowing a direct exchange of information between them and the user


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Para implantar o manejo apropriado do curuquerê-do-algodoeiro, é necessário construir um plano de amostragem que permita estimar, de forma rápida e precisa, a densidade populacional da praga. Esta pesquisa objetivou determinar o plano de amostragem seqüencial de Alabama argillacea (Hübner) em algodoeiro, cultivar CNPA ITA-90. Os dados foram coletados no ano agrícola de 1998/99 na Fazenda Itamarati Sul S/A, localizada no município de Ponta Porã, MS, em três áreas de 10.000 m² cada. As áreas amostrais foram compostas de 100 parcelas de 100 m². O número de lagartas pequenas, médias e grandes foi determinado semanalmente em cinco plantas tomadas ao acaso por parcela. Após verificado que todos os instares das lagartas estavam distribuídos de acordo com o modelo de distribuição agregada, ajustando-se à Distribuição Binomial Negativa durante todo o período de infestação, construiu-se um plano de amostragem seqüencial de acordo com o Teste Seqüencial da Razão de Probabilidade (TSRP). Adotou-se o nível de controle de duas lagartas por planta para a construção do plano de amostragem. A análise dos dados indicou duas linhas de decisão: a superior, que representa a condição de que a adoção de um método de controle é recomendado, definida por S1= 4,8784+1,4227n; e a inferior representando que a adoção de algum método de controle não é necessário, definida por S0= -4,8784+1,4227n. A amostragem seqüencial estimou o número máximo esperado de 16 unidades amostrais para se definir a necessidade ou não do controle.


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A method for the attachment of 2-mercaptothiazoline (MTZ) to modified silica gel has been developed. In the first step, a new silylant agent was synthesized, named SiMTZ, by the reaction between MTZ molecule and chloropropyltrimethoxysilane (SiCl). SiMTZ and tetraethylortosilicate were co-condensed in the presence of n-dodecylamine, a neutral surfactant template, to produce a modified ordered hexagonal mesoporous silica named HMTZ. The modified material contained 0.89 +/- 0.03 mmol of 2-mercaptothiazoline per gram of silica. FT-IR, FT-Raman, Si-29- and C-13-NMR spectra were in agreement with the proposed structure of the modified mesoporous silica in the solid state. HMTZ material has been used for divalent mercury adsorption from aqueous solution at 298 I K. The series of adsorption isotherms were adjusted to a modified Langmuir equation. The maximum number of moles of mercury adsorbed gave 2.34 +/- 0.09 mmol/g of material. The same interaction was followed by calorimetric titration on an isoperibol calorimeter. The HMTZ presented a high capacity for the removal of the contaminant mercury from water. The Delta H and Delta G values for the interaction were determined to be -56.34 +/- 1.07 and -2.14 +/- 0.11 kJ mol(-1). This interaction process was accompanied by a decrease of entropy value (- 182 J mol(-1) K-1). Thus, the interaction between mercury and HMTZ resulted in a spontaneous thermodynamic system with a high favorable exothermic enthalpic effect. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)