967 resultados para Alkaline medium
Objectives: This study evaluated the surface microhardness (SM) and roughness (SR) alterations of dental resins submitted to pH catalysed degradation regimens. Methods: Thirty discs of each TPH Spectrum (Dentsply), Z100 (3M-ESPE), or an unfilled experimental bis-GMA/TEGDMA resin were fabricated, totaling 90 specimens. Each specimen was polymerized for 40 s, finished, polished, and individually stored in deionized water at 37 degrees C for 7 days. Specimens were randomly assigned to the following pH solutions: 1.0, 6.9 or 13, and for SM or SR evaluations (n = 5). Baseline Knoop-hardness of each specimen was obtained by the arithmetic mean of five random micro-indentations. For SR, mean baseline values were obtained by five random surface tracings (R-a). Specimens were then soaked in one of the following storage media at 37 degrees C: (1) 0.1 M, pH 1.0 HCl, (2) 0.1 N, pH 13.0 NaOCl, and (3) deionized water (pH 6.9). Solutions were replaced daily. Repeated SM and SR measurements were performed at the 3-, 7- and 14-day storage time intervals. For each test and resin, data were analysed by two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05). Results: There was significant decrease in SM and increase in SR values of composites after storage in alkaline medium. TPH and Z100 presented similar behaviour for SM and SR after immersion in the different media, whereas unfilled resin values showed no significant change. Conclusion: Hydrolytic degradation of resin composites seems to begin with the silanized inorganic particles and therefore depend on their composition. Significance: To accelerate composite hydrolysis and produce quick in vitro microstructural damage, alkaline medium appears to be more suitable than acidic medium. Contemporary resin composite properties seem to withstand neutral and acidic oral environments tolerably well. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Abstract Background The use of lignocellulosic constituents in biotechnological processes requires a selective separation of the main fractions (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin). During diluted acid hydrolysis for hemicellulose extraction, several toxic compounds are formed by the degradation of sugars and lignin, which have ability to inhibit microbial metabolism. Thus, the use of a detoxification step represents an important aspect to be considered for the improvement of fermentation processes from hydrolysates. In this paper, we evaluated the application of Advanced Oxidative Processes (AOPs) for the detoxification of rice straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate with the goal of improving ethanol bioproduction by Pichia stipitis yeast. Aiming to reduce the toxicity of the hemicellulosic hydrolysate, different treatment conditions were analyzed. The treatments were carried out according to a Taguchi L16 orthogonal array to evaluate the influence of Fe+2, H2O2, UV, O3 and pH on the concentration of aromatic compounds and the fermentative process. Results The results showed that the AOPs were able to remove aromatic compounds (furan and phenolic compounds derived from lignin) without affecting the sugar concentration in the hydrolysate. Ozonation in alkaline medium (pH 8) in the presence of H2O2 (treatment A3) or UV radiation (treatment A5) were the most effective for hydrolysate detoxification and had a positive effect on increasing the yeast fermentability of rice straw hemicellulose hydrolysate. Under these conditions, the higher removal of total phenols (above 40%), low molecular weight phenolic compounds (above 95%) and furans (above 52%) were observed. In addition, the ethanol volumetric productivity by P. stipitis was increased in approximately twice in relation the untreated hydrolysate. Conclusion These results demonstrate that AOPs are a promising methods to reduce toxicity and improve the fermentability of lignocellulosic hydrolysates.
Ziel der Arbeit war die enzymatische Aktivierung von Cheliceraten-Hämocyanin zur Erforschung ihrer Phenoloxidase-Aktivität. Hierzu wurden zwei Hämocyanine in vergleichenden Untersuchungen herangezogen: Das bekannte 24-mer aus der Spinne Eurypelma californicum und das ebenfalls 24-mere Hämocyanin des Skorpions Pandinus imperator, dessen Struktur hier aufgeklärt wurde. Elektronenmikroskopisch und in der dynamischer Lichtstreuung sind sich beide Hämocyanine sehr ähnlich und sedimentieren bei analytischer Ultrazentrifugation ebenfalls in gleicher Weise (Sedimentationskoeffizient von 37 S (S20, W)). Durch Dissoziation im alkalischen Milieu gewinnt man bis zu zwölf Untereinheiten, von denen sich neun immunologisch unterscheiden lassen. Das absorptionsspektroskopische Verhalten von P. imperator- und E. californicum-Hämocyanin sowie Sekundärstrukturanalyse mittels CD-Spektroskopie ist nahezu identisch. Die Stabilität des Hämocyanins gegenüber Temperatur und Denaturierungsmitteln wurde mit Circulardichroismus- und Fluoreszenzspektroskopie sowie durch die enzymatische Aktivität untersucht. Erstmals konnten die Hämocyanine von P. imperator und E. californicum nicht nur zu einer stabilen Diphenoloxidase umgewandelt werden, sondern auch eine Monophenolhydroxylase-Aktivität induziert und reguliert werden. Für letztere Aktivität ist dabei die Präsenz von Tris- oder Hepes-Puffer wesentlich. Während sich die Monophenolhydroxylase-Aktivität nur auf Ebene der oligomeren Zustände beobachten lässt, erkennt man bei den isolierten Untereinheiten-Typen lediglich eine Diphenoloxidase-Aktivität. Bei dem Spinnen-Hämocyanin zeigen die Untereinheiten bc die stärkste katalytische Aktivität auf, bei P. imperator-Hämocyanin findet man drei bis vier Untereinheiten, die enzymatisch aktiv sind. Die Aktivierung mit SDS liefert den Hinweis, dass die Quartärstruktur in eine andere Konformation gebracht und nicht durch SDS denaturiert wird. Zugabe von Mg2+ reguliert die Phenoloxidase-Aktivität und verschiebt bei P. imperator-Hämocyanin die enzymatische Aktivität zugunsten der Diphenoloxidase. Mit keiner der zur Verfügung stehenden Methoden konnte jedoch ein Konformationsübergang eindeutig nachgewiesen werden. Die Stabilität scheint durch die niedrigen SDS-Konzentrationen nicht beeinträchtigt zu werden. Die sehr lange “Verzögerungsphase“ bei der Monophenolhydroxylase-Aktivität konnte durch Zugabe von katalytischem Diphenol drastisch verkürzt werden, was ein Hinweis auf die echte Tyrosinase-Aktivität des aktivierten Hämocyanins ist. Ein in vivo-Aktivator konnte bis jetzt noch nicht gefunden werden. Trotzdem scheinen die Hämocyanine in der Immunologie von Cheliceraten eine bedeutende Rolle zu spielen, indem sie die Rolle der Tyrosinasen / Phenoloxidasen beziehungsweise Catecholoxidasen übernehmen, die bei Cheliceraten nicht vorkommen. Weitere Möglichkeiten des Cheliceraten-Immunsystems, eindringende Fremdorganismen abzuwehren, wurden untersucht. Das Fehlen einer ´echten` Phenoloxidase-Aktivität bei den Cheliceraten, mit der Fähigkeit, sowohl mono- als auch diphenolische Substrate umzusetzen, stützt die Hypothese, dass aktiviertes Hämocyanin in vivo an die Stelle der Phenoloxidase tritt.
Volcanic ashes are raw materials from geological deposits with a range of chemical compositions. When combined with suitable alkali activators they can be converted to geopolymers cement at ambient temperature. In this work we have investigated the possibility of use bauxite and oyster shells as mineral admixture in volcanic ashes, to enhance the properties of geopolymers synthesized. Different methods of analyses such as Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) were used to assess the variation of setting time, linear shrinkage and 28 days compressive strength of geopolymers paste. The bauxite and the oyster shells were characterized using inductively coupled plasma (ICP-AES), thermal analyses (DSC/ATG), FTIR and X-ray diffractometry. The results of these analyses has showed that bauxite and oyster shells are respectively source of Al2O3 and of CaO, and can compensate the deficiencies of these oxides in volcanic ashes. Adding mineral admixture dissolve slowly in high alkaline medium. Addition of about 20% of bauxite or 10% of oyster shells is seen to decrease the setting time respectively from 415 to 275 min and 195 min. Linear shrinkage decrease with percentage of bauxite or of oyster shells added. Efflorescence is reduced by adding 10% of bauxite. 28 days compressive strength of geopolymeric materials increase respectively for 4.77 and 7.52% for 10% of bauxite or 20% of oyster shells added. More than these percentage additive has a deleterious effect on compressive strength due to crystalized mineralogical phases of the admixture.
A rapid, economic and sensitive chemiluminescent method involving flow-injection analysis was developed for the determination of dipyrone in pharmaceutical preparations. The method is based on the chemiluminescent reaction between quinolinic hydrazide and hydrogen peroxide in a strongly alkaline medium, in which vanadium(IV) acts as a catalyst. Principal chemical and physical variables involved in the flow-injection system were optimized using a modified simplex method. The variations in the quantum yield observed when dipyrone was present in the reaction medium were used to determine the concentration of this compound. The proposed method requires no preconcentration steps and reliably quantifies dipyrone over the linear range 1–50 µg/mL. In addition, a sample throughput of 85 samples/h is possible. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Melanina é um polímero constituído por uma grande heterogeneidade de monômeros tendo como característica comum a presença de grupos indóis. Por outro lado, a eumelanina produzida pela oxidação enzimática da tirosina é um polímero mais simples constituído principalmente de monômeros 5,6-dihidroxindol (DHI) e de indol-5,6-quinona (IQ). Tirosinase é a enzima chave na produção de melanina, sendo que a sua atividade cinética é medida em função da formação do intermediário dopacroma. Nanopartículas (NPs) de sílica são partículas nanométricas compostas de oxido de silício e são obtidas pelo processo sol-gel desenvolvido por Stöber de hidrólise e condensação de tetraetilortosilicato (TEOS), usando etanol como solvente em meio alcalino. As NPs foram funcionalizadas com 3-Aminopropiltrietoxissilano (ATPES) e depois com glutaraldeído. Este último permitiu a imobilização da tirosinase na superfície da sílica. Caracterizamos as NPs antes e após a reação da enzima, a atividade catalítica da enzima ligada à NP e o mecanismos de formação de melanina na superfície da sílica. As NPs foram caracterizadas por espectrofotometria de absorção e de reflectância, termogravimetria e microscopia eletrônica. A síntese da NP de sílica retornou partículas esféricas com 55nm de diâmetro e a funcionalização da partícula mostrou modificar eficientemente a sua superfície. A imobilização da tirosinase por ligação covalente foi de 99,5% contra 0,5% da adsorção física. A atividade da tirosinase foi caracterizada pela formação de dopacroma. O Km da enzima imobilizada não sofreu alteração em comparação com a tirosinase livre, mas a eficiência catalítica - que considera a eficiência recuperada - foi de apenas 1/3 para a enzima ligada covalentemente, significando que 2/3 das enzimas ligadas não estão ativas. Obtivemos NPs revestidas com melanina a partir de oxidação de tirosina solubilizada em duas preparações: NP com tirosinase ligada covalentemente na superfície e NP funcionalizada com glutaraldeido dispersa em solução de DHI e IQ. O revestimento de melanina foi na forma de um filme fino com espessura ~1,9nm, conferindo perfil de absorção luminosa equivalente ao da própria melanina. Mostramos que o mecanismo de polimerização passa pela oxidação da tirosina pela tirosinase, que gera intermediários oxidados (principalmente DHI e IQ) que vão para solução (mesmo quando a tirosinase está ligada covalentemente na sílica). Estes intermediários ligam-se ao glutaraldeido e a superfície da sílica passa a funcionar como ambiente de polimerização da melanina.
Painéis de partículas homogêneas cimento-bagaço de cana-de-açúcar curados por carbonatação acelerada
O presente estudo teve como objetivo produzir e avaliar o desempenho de painéis de partículas homogêneas de cimento-bagaço de cana-de-açúcar curados por carbonatação acelerada. Para atingir os resultados foram realizados ensaios de caracterizações morfológica e físico-química das partículas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, bem como ensaio de termometria para identificar a compatibilidade da matéria prima (bagaço) com o cimento. Os painéis de partículas cimento-bagaço produzidos foram submetidos a dois processos de cura distintos: 1- cura por 48 h em câmara climática, seguida por 24 h em ambiente com concentração de 15% ±0.6 de CO2, seguida por 24 dias em ambiente saturado ao ar; 2- cura em câmara climática por 48 h, seguida por 25 dias em ambiente saturado ao ar. Ao final dos 28 dias de cura e após ensaio de envelhecimento acelerado de imersão e secagem foram realizadas as caracterizações físico-mecânicas seguindo as recomendações das normativas DIN: 310; 322 e 323, bem como caracterização microestrutural e de condutividade térmica do painel de partículas cimento-bagaço. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que os painéis de partículas cimento-bagaço curados por carbonatação acelerada apresentaram melhor desempenho físico-mecânico quando comparados aos painéis não carbonatados, pois a carbonatação melhorou a interface entre as partículas e a matriz cimentícia, proporcionando maior adesividade entre as fases. E, além disso, reduziu o pH do meio alcalino em que as partículas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar estão inseridas, minimizando o processo de degradação da lignina, celulose e hemicelulose.
Herein, we explore the immobilization of nickel on various carbon supports and their application as electrocatalysts for the oxidation of propargyl alcohol in alkaline medium. In comparison with massive and nanoparticulated nickel electrode systems, Ni-doped nanoporous carbons provided similar propargyl alcohol conversions for very low metallic contents. Nanoparticulated Ni on various carbon supports gave rise to the highest electrocatalytic activity in terms of product selectivity, with a clear dependence on Ni content. The results point to the importance of controlling the dispersion of the Ni phase within the carbon matrix for a full exploitation of the electroactive area of the metal. Additionally, a change in the mechanism of the propargyl alcohol electrooxidation was noted, which seems to be related to the physicochemical properties of the carbon support as well. Thus, the stereoselectivity of the electrooxidative reaction can be controlled by the active nickel content immobilized on the anode, with a preferential oxidation to (Z)-3-(2-propynoxy)-2-propenoic acid with high Ni-loading, and to propiolic acid with low loading of active Ni sites. Moreover, the formation of (E)-3-(2-propynoxy)-2-propenoic acid was discriminatory irrespective of the experimental conditions and Ni loadings on the carbon matrixes.
Prospecting pharmacological active polysaccharides from agricultural byproducts, such as corncobs, is an underexplored practice in the scientific community. Thus, this work aims to expand knowledge about pharmacological activities of polysaccharides extracted from corncobs. From corn cob flour a extract was obtained by ultrasound waves in an alkaline medium, and the end of the process the product was termed PECC (polysaccharidic extract from corncobs). This extract was physicochemical characterized and evaluated by in vitro assays as an antioxidant, cytotoxic, anticoagulant and imunomodulator agent. Results indicated significant activity metal chelating by PECC, and the use of PECC in cell culture cells showed no toxic effects to normal cell lines, but toxic action against HeLa tumor cells due promoting cell death by apoptosis. In addition, other pharmacological effects were observed, the PECC decreased nitric oxide (NO) production by activated macrophages, and prolonged blood clotting time through APTT assay. Then methanolic, ethanolic and ketone fractions were obtained from fractionation of PECC polysaccharides. Five methanolic fractions, six ethanolic fractions and two ketones were obtained; and all fractions were evaluated for antioxidant, cytotoxic, anticoagulant, immunomodulatory activities. E1.4 fraction exhibited significant metal chelating effect, a toxic action to induce apoptosis in HeLa cells, decreased NO production by activated macrophages, and extended blood clotting time. These results showed that the PECC pharmacological active polysaccharides would be present in the fraction E1.4. From fractionation of E1.4 polysaccharide six subfractions with different sizes were obtained: <3; 3-10; 10-30; 30-50; 50-100 and >100 KDa. About 80% of E1.4 polysaccharides had lower size to 10 KDa, and all the subfractions showed over 61% sugar in their chemical compositions. These subfractions exhibited different monosaccharide compositions, but xylose was presented in all of them. The subfractions exhibited distinct pharmacological effects in in vitro assays. Smaller subfractions (<30 KDa) had highest metal chelating activity and greater toxic action in tumor cells. The intermediate fractions (between 30-100 KDa) decreased more NO production of activated macrophages, for other side, the larger size (>100 KDa) modulated a greater number of inflammatory cytokines, and the had greatest anticoagulant effect. Therefore, when analyzing all the results together it is evident that the PECC pharmacological polysaccharides are heteroxylans, and were concentrated in E1.4 fraction, and heteroxilanas pharmacological effects depends on their molecular size. Thus, corncobs could be used as source from molecules with biotechnology potential
Textile industry has been a cause of environmental pollution, mainly due to the generation of large volumes of waste containing high organic loading and intense color. In this context, this study evaluated the electrochemical degradation of synthetic effluents from textile industry containing Methylene Blue (AM) dye, using Ti/IrO2-Ta2O5 and Ti/Pt anodes, by direct and indirect (active chlorine) electrooxidation. We evaluated the influence of applied current density (20, 40 and 60 mA/cm2 ), and the presence of different concentrations of electrolyte (NaCl and Na2SO4), as well as the neutral and alkaline pH media. The electrochemical treatment was conducted in a continuous flow reactor, in which the electrolysis time of the AM 100 ppm was 6 hours. The performance of electrochemical process was evaluated by UV-vis spectrophotometry, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total organic carbon (TOC). The results showed that with increasing current density, it was possible to obtain 100 % of color removal at Ti/IrO2-Ta2O5 and Ti/Pt electrodes. Regarding the color removal efficiency, increasing the concentration of electrolyte promotes a higher percentage of removal using 0,02 M Na2SO4 and 0,017 M NaCl. Concerning to the aqueous medium, the best color removal results were obtained in alkaline medium using Ti/Pt. In terms of organic matter, 86 % was achieved in neutral pH medium for Ti/Pt; while a 30 % in an alkaline medium. To understand the electrochemical behavior due to the oxygen evolution reaction, polarization curves were registered, determining that the presence of NaCl in the solution favored the production of active chlorine species. The best results in energy consumption and cost were obtained by applying lower current density (20 mA/cm2 ) in 6 hours of electrolysis.
It is possible to synthesize environmentally friendly cementitious construction materials from alkali-activated natural pozzolans. The effect of the alkaline medium on the strength of alkali-activated natural pozzolans has been investigated and characterised. This paper highlights the effect of the type and form of the alkaline activator, the dosage of alkali and the SiO2/Na2O ratio (silica modulus, Ms) when using water–glass solutions and different curing conditions on the geopolymerisation of natural pozzolans. Activation of natural and calcined pozzolan for production of geopolymeric binder was verified by using Taftan andesite and Shahindej dacite from Iran as a solid precursor. The optimum range for each factor is suggested based on the different effects they have on compressive strength. The concentration of dissolving silicon, aluminium and calcium in alkaline solution, the formation of gel phase and the factors affecting this have been studied by using leaching tests, ICP–AES, and FTIR.
Esta dissertação é composta por 5 artigos.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2015.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2015.
Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear)