862 resultados para Alcohol Metabolism In Vivo


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The human cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4), the predominant but variably expressed cytochrome P450 in adult liver and small intestine is involved in the metabolism of over 50% of currently used drugs. Its paralog CYP3A5 plays a crucial role in the disposition of several drugs with low therapeutic index, including tacrolimus. Limited information is available for the CYP3A5 transcriptional regulation and its induction by xenobiotics remains controversial. In the first part of this study, we analysed the CYP3A5 transcriptional regulation and its induction by xenobiotics in vivo using transgenic mice. To this end, two transgenic strains were established by pronuclear injection of a plasmid, expressing firefly luciferase driven by a 6.2 kb of the human CYP3A5 promoter. A detailed analysis of both strains shows a tissue distribution largely reflecting that of CYP3A5 transcripts in humans. Thus, the highest luciferase activity was detected in the small intestine, followed by oesophagus, testis, lung, adrenal gland, ovary, prostate and kidney. However, no activity was observed in the liver. CYP3A5-luc transgenic mice were similarly induced in both sexes with either PCN or TCPOBOP in small intestine in a dose-dependent manner. Thus, the 6.2 kb upstream promoter of CYP3A5 mediates the broad tissue activity in transgenic mice. CYP3A5 promoter is inducible in the small intestine in vivo, which may contribute to the variable expression of CYP3A in this organ. rnThe hepato-intestinal level of the detoxifying oxidases CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 is adjusted to the xenobiotic exposure mainly via the xenosensor and transcriptional factor PXR. CYP3A5 is additionally expressed in several other organs lacking PXR, including kidney. In the second part of this study, we investigated the mechanism of the differential expression of CYP3A5 and CYP3A4 and its evolutionary origin using renal and intestinal cells, and comparative genomics. For this examination, we established a two-cell line models reflecting the expression relationships of CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 in the kidney and small intestine in vivo. Our data demonstrate that the CYP3A5 expression in renal cells was enabled by the loss of a suppressing Yin Yang 1 (YY1)-binding site from the CYP3A5 promoter. This allowed for a renal CYP3A5 expression in a PXR-independent manner. The YY1 element is retained in the CYP3A4 gene, leading to its suppression, perhaps via interference with the NF1 activity in renal cells. In intestinal cells, the inhibition of CYP3A4 expression by YY1 is abrogated by a combined activating effect of PXR and NF1 acting on their respective response elements located adjacent to the YY1-binding site on CYP3A4 proximal promoter. CYP3A4 expression is further facilitated by a point mutation attenuating the suppressing effect of YY1 binding site. The differential expression of CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 in these organs results from the loss of the YY1 binding element from the CYP3A5 promoter, acting in concert with the differential organ expression of PXR, and with the higher accumulation of PXR response elements in CYP3A4. rn


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Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Erforschung ursächlicher Unterschiede im Energiestoffwechsel von hoch- und niedrig-glykolytischen Tumorzelllinien. Darüber hinaus wurde die Hypothese überprüft, wonach eine hohe glykolytische Aktivität in Tumorzellen zu einer Anreicherung von antioxidativen Metaboliten führt und infolgedessen eine Therapieresistenz gegen Gammabestrahlung hervorruft. Abschließend sollte durch biochemische und gentechnische Manipulationen des Energie- bzw. Glukosestoffwechsels die Strahlenresistenz von Tumorzellen verändert und somit neue therapeutische Interventionen eröffnet werden.rnDie zur Klärung dieser Fragestellung erforderlichen molekularbiologischen Experimente erfolgten an jeweils zwei Ovarialkarzinomzelllinien (OC316 und IGROV-1) und zwei Plattenepithelkarzinomzelllinien der Kopf- und Halsregion (SAS und FaDu) sowie den entsprechenden Experimentaltumoren.rnUnabhängig von der Tumorentität und dem Tumormodell konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine erhöhte Expression Stoffwechsel-assoziierter Proteine mit einem gesteigerten Energiestoffwechsel einhergeht. Der Transfer der Ovarial- und Plattenepithelkarzinomzelllinien in das Mausmodell führte zu keiner grundsätzlichen Änderung des Tumormikromilieus. So wies die hoch-metabolische Linie OC316 in vitro und in vivo eine stark erhöhte MCT-4 Expression auf, deren gentechnische Inhibition jedoch zu keiner Reduktion der Glykolyserate führte.rnDie Hypothese, dass die Laktatproduktion als prädiktiver Marker für die Strahlenresistenz einer Tumorzelllinie fungiert, konnte nicht bestätigt werden. Jedoch führte die Manipulation der intrazellulären Laktatbildung und des Energiestoffwechsels mit nicht zelltoxischen Konzentrationen von 2-Deoxy-D-glukose (2DG) und Rotenon (ROT) bei den Ovarialkarzinomzelllinien zu einer Erhöhung der intrazellulären O2--Anionen, einer Zunahme der Strahlenempfindlichkeit sowie zur Steigerung der initialen und residualen DNA-Doppelstrangbrüche nach Gammabestrahlung.rnHierbei wirken 2DG und ROT synergistisch durch die Inhibierung antioxidativer Systeme sowie durch die Erhöhung des zellulären Radikal-Status. Die Anwendung von Stoffwechselmanipulatoren zur Optimierung und Unterstützung vorhandener Radikal-erzeugender Therapieformen wird aktuell in klinischen Studien überprüft. Translational könnte die durch 2DG und ROT beschriebene Erhöhung der Strahlenempfindlichkeit bei Ovarialkarzinomzelllinien z. B. in Kombination mit intensitätsmodulierten Strahlentherapien neue Behandlungsmöglichkeiten eröffnen, was in weiterführenden in vivo Studien zu überprüfen ist.rn


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In dieser Arbeit sollte der Einfluss einer Überproduktion von humaner Superoxiddismutase 1 (hSOD1) auf die Spiegel der DNA-Schäden in verschiedenen Geweben von transgenen Mäusen untersucht werden. Tiere die eine Defizienz des Ogg1- und Csb- Proteins aufweisen und deshalb oxidative Purinmodifikationen nicht oder nur schwer reparieren können, akkumulieren 8-oxoG im Laufe ihres Lebens (Osterod, et al. 2001). Aus diesem Grund sind diese ein gutes Modell, um protektive Eigenschaften von Antioxidantien wie z.B. Substanzen oder Enzymen zu untersuchen. Fusser, et al. 2011 konnten beispielsweise zeigen, dass das pflanzliche Polyphenol Resveratrol die endogenen Spiegel an 8-oxoG sowie die spontanen Mutatiosraten im Lac I - Gen senken kann. Um den Einfluss von hSOD1 in vivo zu untersuchen, wurden in zwei Zuchtschritten 4 Mausgenotypen generiert, nämlich (Csb -/- Ogg1 -/- und Csb +/- Ogg1 +/- Mäuse jeweils mit ohne hSOD1 Überexpression). Diese wurden in verschiedenen Altersstufen auf die Basalspiegel an oxidativen Schäden (Einzelstrangbrüche und Fpg-sensitive Läsionen) in der Leber, der Niere und der Milz untersucht. Die Genotypen wurden zunächst charakterisiert und die hSOD1-Überexpression mittels qRT-PCR, Western Blot und Enzymaktivitätsbestimmung verifiziert. Es konnte an diesen Tieren erstmalig gezeigt werden, dass SOD die Generierung von DNA-Schäden in vivo mit zunehmendem Alter der Tiere senkt und dass deshalb Superoxid eine der reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies ist, die unter physiologischen Bedingungen für die DNA-Schäden verantwortlich ist. Außerdem kann ein möglicher toxischer Effekt der Überproduktion von SOD ausgeschlossen werden. Erhöhte Spiegel an oxidativen DNA-Schäden durch womöglich erhöhte Spiegel an H2O2 konnten in dieser Studie nicht beobachtet werden. Eine Messung der Genexpression anderer antioxidativer Enzyme wie Katalase, SOD2 und SOD3, GPX oder HO1 sind an diesem Effekt nicht beteiligt. Auch konnte kein Einfluss des redoxsensitiven Transkriptionsfaktors Nrf2 gezeigt werden. rnUm mögliche Quellen der für die oxidativ gebildeten DNA-Schäden verantwortlichen ROS zu identifizieren, wurde der Einfluss des Dopaminstoffwechsels untersucht. Während des Dopaminmetabolismus werden intrazellulär Reaktive Sauerstoffspezies (H2O2 und O2.-) gebildet und tragen sehr wahrscheinlich zur Entstehung von neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen wie Parkinson bei. In dem gängigen Parkinson-Zellkulturmodell SH-SY5Y konnte keine Erhöhung von oxidativen Schäden in nukleärer DNA nach Dopaminbehandlung nachgewiesen werden. Eine Überexpression der Dopaminmetabolisierenden Enzyme MAO-A und MAO-B zeigen bei niedrigen Dosen Dopamin eine leichte jedoch nicht signifikante Erhöhung der Fpg-sensitiven Modifikationen. Die Überproduktion des Dopamintransporters zeigte keinen Effekt nach Dopaminzugabe. Es kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass durch erhöhte MAO-A und MAO-B endogen ROS gebildet werden, die die Bildung Fpg-sensitiver Läsionen hervorrufen. Bei hohen Dosen und langer Inkubationszeit steht die Dopaminautoxidation, anschließende Neuromelaninbildung und als Konsequenz Apoptose im Vordergrund.rn


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Interest into the effects of carnosine on cellular metabolism is rapidly expanding. The first study to demonstrate in humans that chronic β-alanine (BA) supplementation (~3-6 g BA/day for ~4 weeks) can result in significantly augmented muscle carnosine concentrations (>50%) was only recently published. BA supplementation is potentially poised for application beyond the niche exercise and performance-enhancement field and into other more clinical populations. When examining all BA supplementation studies that directly measure muscle carnosine (n=8), there is a significant linear correlation between total grams of BA consumed (of daily intake ranges of 1.6-6.4 g BA/day) versus both the relative and absolute increases in muscle carnosine. Supporting this, a recent dose-response study demonstrated a large linear dependency (R2=0.921) based on the total grams of BA consumed over 8 weeks. The pre-supplementation baseline carnosine or individual subjects' body weight (from 65 to 90 kg) does not appear to impact on subsequent carnosine synthesis from BA consumption. Once muscle carnosine is augmented, the washout is very slow (~2%/week). Recently, a slow-release BA tablet supplement has been developed showing a smaller peak plasma BA concentration and delayed time to peak, with no difference in the area under the curve compared to pure BA in solution. Further, this slow-release profile resulted in a reduced urinary BA loss and improved retention, while at the same time, eliciting minimal paraesthesia symptoms. However, our complete understanding of optimizing in vivo delivery and dosing of BA is still in its infancy. Thus, this review will clarify our current knowledge of BA supplementation to augment muscle carnosine as well as highlight future research questions on the regulatory points of control for muscle carnosine synthesis.


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Early brain injury (EBI) after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is characterized by a severe, cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP)-independent reduction in cerebral blood flow suggesting alterations on the level of cerebral microvessels. Therefore, we aimed to use in-vivo imaging to investigate the cerebral microcirculation after experimental SAH. Subarachnoid hemorrhage was induced in C57/BL6 mice by endovascular perforation. Pial arterioles and venules (10 to 80 μm diameter) were examined using in-vivo fluorescence microscopy, 3, 6, and 72 hours after SAH. Venular diameter or flow was not affected by SAH, while >70% of arterioles constricted by 22% to 33% up to 3 days after hemorrhage (P<0.05 versus sham). The smaller the investigated arterioles, the more pronounced the constriction (r(2)=0.92, P<0.04). Approximately 30% of constricted arterioles were occluded by microthrombi and the frequency of arteriolar microthrombosis correlated with the degree of constriction (r(2)=0.93, P<0.03). The current study demonstrates that SAH induces microarterial constrictions and microthrombosis in vivo. These findings may explain the early CPP-independent decrease in cerebral blood flow after SAH and may therefore serve as novel targets for the treatment of early perfusion deficits after SAH.


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Binding of hydrophobic chemicals to colloids such as proteins or lipids is difficult to measure using classical microdialysis methods due to low aqueous concentrations, adsorption to dialysis membranes and test vessels, and slow kinetics of equilibration. Here, we employed a three-phase partitioning system where silicone (polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS) serves as a third phase to determine partitioning between water and colloids and acts at the same time as a dosing device for hydrophobic chemicals. The applicability of this method was demonstrated with bovine serum albumin (BSA). Measured binding constants (K(BSAw)) for chlorpyrifos, methoxychlor, nonylphenol, and pyrene were in good agreement with an established quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR). A fifth compound, fluoxypyr-methyl-heptyl ester, was excluded from the analysis because of apparent abiotic degradation. The PDMS depletion method was then used to determine partition coefficients for test chemicals in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) liver S9 fractions (K(S9w)) and blood plasma (K(bloodw)). Measured K(S9w) and K(bloodw) values were consistent with predictions obtained using a mass-balance model that employs the octanol-water partition coefficient (K(ow)) as a surrogate for lipid partitioning and K(BSAw) to represent protein binding. For each compound, K(bloodw) was substantially greater than K(S9w), primarily because blood contains more lipid than liver S9 fractions (1.84% of wet weight vs 0.051%). Measured liver S9 and blood plasma binding parameters were subsequently implemented in an in vitro to in vivo extrapolation model to link the in vitro liver S9 metabolic degradation assay to in vivo metabolism in fish. Apparent volumes of distribution (V(d)) calculated from the experimental data were similar to literature estimates. However, the calculated binding ratios (f(u)) used to relate in vitro metabolic clearance to clearance by the intact liver were 10 to 100 times lower than values used in previous modeling efforts. Bioconcentration factors (BCF) predicted using the experimental binding data were substantially higher than the predicted values obtained in earlier studies and correlated poorly with measured BCF values in fish. One possible explanation for this finding is that chemicals bound to proteins can desorb rapidly and thus contribute to metabolic turnover of the chemicals. This hypothesis remains to be investigated in future studies, ideally with chemicals of higher hydrophobicity.


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Tight homeostatic control of brain amino acids (AA) depends on transport by solute carrier family proteins expressed by the blood-brain barrier (BBB) microvascular endothelial cells (BMEC). To characterize the mouse BMEC transcriptome and probe culture-induced changes, microarray analyses of platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1-positive (PECAM1(+)) endothelial cells (ppMBMECs) were compared with primary MBMECs (pMBMEC) cultured in the presence or absence of glial cells and with b.End5 endothelioma cell line. Selected cell marker and AA transporter mRNA levels were further verified by reverse transcription real-time PCR. Regardless of glial coculture, expression of a large subset of genes was strongly altered by a brief culture step. This is consistent with the known dependence of BMECs on in vivo interactions to maintain physiologic functions, for example, tight barrier formation, and their consequent dedifferentiation in culture. Seven (4F2hc, Lat1, Taut, Snat3, Snat5, Xpct, and Cat1) of nine AA transporter mRNAs highly expressed in freshly isolated ppMBMECs were strongly downregulated for all cultures and two (Snat2 and Eaat3) were variably regulated. In contrast, five AA transporter mRNAs with low expression in ppMBMECs, including y(+)Lat2, xCT, and Snat1, were upregulated by culture. We hypothesized that the AA transporters highly expressed in ppMBMECs and downregulated in culture have a major in vivo function for BBB transendothelial transport.


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Traditionally, critical swimming speed has been defined as the speed when a fish can no longer propel itself forward, and is exhausted. To gain a better understanding of the metabolic processes at work during a U(crit) swim test, and that lead to fatigue, we developed a method using in vivo (31)P-NMR spectroscopy in combination with a Brett-type swim tunnel. Our data showed that a metabolic transition point is reached when the fish change from using steady state aerobic metabolism to non-steady state anaerobic metabolism, as indicated by a significant increase in inorganic phosphate levels from 0.3+/-0.3 to 9.5+/-3.4 mol g(-1), and a drop in intracellular pH from 7.48+/-0.03 to 6.81+/-0.05 in muscle. This coincides with the point when the fish change gait from subcarangiform swimming to kick-and-glide bursts. As the number of kicks increased, so too did the Pi concentration, and the pH(i) dropped. Both changes were maximal at U(crit). A significant drop in Gibbs free energy change of ATP hydrolysis from -55.6+/-1.4 to -49.8+/-0.7 kJ mol(-1) is argued to have been involved in fatigue. This confirms earlier findings that the traditional definition of U(crit), unlike other critical points that are typically marked by a transition from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism, is the point of complete exhaustion of both aerobic and anaerobic resources.


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Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common adult leukemia in the western countries. The interaction between CLL cells and the bone marrow stromal environment is thought to play a major role in promoting the leukemia cell survival and drug resistance. My dissertation works proved a novel biochemical mechanism by which the bone marrow stromal cells exert a profound influence on the redox status of primary CLL cells and enhance their ability to sustain oxidative stress and drug treatment. Fresh leukemia cells isolated from the peripheral blood of CLL patients exhibited two major redox alterations when they were cultured alone: a significant decrease in cellular glutathione (GSH) and an increase in basal ROS levels. However, when cultured in the presence of bone marrow stromal cells, CLL cells restored their redox balance with an increased synthesis of GSH, a decrease in spontaneous apoptosis, and an improved cell survival. Further study showed that CLL cells were under intrinsic ROS stress and highly dependent on GSH for survival, and that the bone marrow stromal cells promoted GSH synthesis in CLL cells through a novel biochemical mechanism. Cysteine is a limiting substrate for GSH synthesis and is chemically unstable. Cells normally obtain cysteine by uptaking the more stable and abundant precursor cystine from the tissue environment and convert it to cysteine intracellularly. I showed that CLL cells had limited ability to take up extracellular cystine for GSH synthesis due to their low expression of the transporter Xc-, but had normal ability to uptake cysteine. In the co-culture system, the bone marrow stromal cells effectively took up cystine and reduced it to cysteine for secretion into the tissue microenvironment to be taken up by CLL cells for GSH synthesis. The elevated GSH in CLL cells in the presence of bone marrow stromal cells significantly protected the leukemia cells from stress-induced apoptosis, and rendered them resistant to standard therapeutic agents such as fludarabine and oxaliplatin. Importantly, disabling of this protective mechanism by depletion of cellular GSH using a pharmacological approach potently sensitized CLL cells to drug treatment, and effectively enhanced the cytotoxic action of fludarabine and oxaliplatin against CLL in the presence of stromal cells. This study reveals a key biochemical mechanism of leukemia-stromal cells interaction, and identifies a new therapeutic strategy to overcome drug resistance in vivo.


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The major goal of this work was to understand the function of anionic phospholipid in E. coli cell metabolism. One important finding from this work is the requirement of anionic phospholipid for the DnaA protein-dependent initiation of DNA replication. An rnhA mutation, which bypasses the need for the DnaA protein through induction of constitutive stable DNA replication, suppressed the growth arrest phenotype of a $pgsA$ mutant in which the synthesis of anionic phospholipid was blocked. The maintenance of plasmids dependent on an $oriC$ site for replication, and therefore DnaA protein, was also compromised under conditions of limiting anionic phospholipid synthesis. These results provide support for the involvement of anionic phospholipids in normal initiation of DNA replication at oriC in vivo by the DnaA protein. In addition, structural and functional requirements of two major anionic phospholipids, phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin, were examined. Introduction into cells of the ability to make phosphatidylinositol did not suppress the need for the naturally occurring phosphatidylglycerol. The requirement for phosphatidylglycerol was concluded to be more than maintenance of the proper membrane surface charge. Examination of the role of cardiolipin revealed its ability to replace the zwitterionic phospholipid, phosphatidylethanolamine, in maintaining an optimal membrane lipid organization. This work also reported the DNA sequence of the cls gene, which encodes the CL synthase responsible for the synthesis of cardiolipin. ^


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This study evaluates the effect of Lecirelin (Dalmarelin®, Fatro, Italy) diluted in different excipients (benzilic alcohol, benzoic acid and paraben) added to a seminal dose on LH concentrations, progesterone concentrations and ovarian status in rabbits. The in vitro effect on spermatozoa was also tested. A total of 100 multiparous female rabbits were divided into 5 groups, which at the moment of AI, received 0.2 mL (5 μg/dose) intramuscular (im) inoculation of Lecirelin (control) or the same Lecirelin dose administered intravaginally (iv) with the seminal dose alone (Lecirelin group) or with benzilic alcohol (Lecirelin BA group), benzoic acid (Lecirelin BAc group) or parabens (Lecirelin PA group) as an excipient. After 7 days, 10 rabbits per group were euthanized to analyze their ovarian status. In the control group, a high LH peak was detected 30 min post AI, while in the iv groups a slight increase in LH occurred after 120 min. The ovulation and fertility rate was similar in control and Lecirelin groups, while the lowest fertility rate was detected in the Lecirelin BA group. In a second experiment, the semen samples collected from male rabbits were diluted in TALP (control) or mixed with the 5 μg of Lecirelin solutions used in the first experiment. The highest percentage of capacitated sperm (68.3%) was recorded in the Lecirelin PA. The lowest percentages were observed in the Lecirelin BA and BAc groups. In conclusion, the iv administration of Lecirelin represents an alternative method for simplifying rabbit insemination procedures.


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Polyadenylation at the 3′ terminus has long been considered a specific feature of mRNA and a few other unstable RNA species. Here we show that stable RNAs in Escherichia coli can be polyadenylated as well. RNA molecules with poly(A) tails are the major products that accumulate for essentially all stable RNA precursors when RNA maturation is slowed because of the absence of processing exoribonucleases; poly(A) tails vary from one to seven residues in length. The polyadenylation process depends on the presence of poly(A) polymerase I. A stochastic competition between the exoribonucleases and poly(A) polymerase is proposed to explain the accumulation of polyadenylated RNAs. These data indicate that polyadenylation is not unique to mRNA, and its widespread occurrence suggests that it serves a more general function in RNA metabolism.


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SacIp dysfunction results in bypass of the requirement for phosphatidylinositol transfer protein (Sec14p) function in yeast Golgi processes. This effect is accompanied by alterations in inositol phospholipid metabolism and inositol auxotrophy. Elucidation of how sac1 mutants effect “bypass Sec14p” will provide insights into Sec14p function in vivo. We now report that, in addition to a dramatic accumulation of phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate, sac1 mutants also exhibit a specific acceleration of phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis via the CDP-choline pathway. This phosphatidylcholine metabolic phenotype is sensitive to the two physiological challenges that abolish bypass Sec14p in sac1 strains; i.e. phospholipase D inactivation and expression of bacterial diacylglycerol (DAG) kinase. Moreover, we demonstrate that accumulation of phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate in sac1 mutants is insufficient to effect bypass Sec14p. These data support a model in which phospholipase D activity contributes to generation of DAG that, in turn, effects bypass Sec14p. A significant fate for this DAG is consumption by the CDP-choline pathway. Finally, we determine that CDP-choline pathway activity contributes to the inositol auxotrophy of sac1 strains in a novel manner that does not involve obvious defects in transcriptional expression of the INO1 gene.


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A progressive decline in muscle performance in the rapidly expanding aging population is causing a dramatic increase in disability and health care costs. A decrease in muscle endurance capacity due to mitochondrial decay likely contributes to this decline in muscle performance. We developed a novel stable isotope technique to measure in vivo rates of mitochondrial protein synthesis in human skeletal muscle using needle biopsy samples and applied this technique to elucidate a potential mechanism for the age-related decline in the mitochondrial content and function of skeletal muscle. The fractional rate of muscle mitochondrial protein synthesis in young humans (24 ± 1 year) was 0.081 ± 0.004%·h−1, and this rate declined to 0.047 ± 0.005%·h−1 by middle age (54 ± 1 year; P < 0.01). No further decline in the rate of mitochondrial protein synthesis (0.051 ± 0.004%·h−1) occurred with advancing age (73 ± 2 years). The mitochondrial synthesis rate was about 95% higher than that of mixed protein in the young, whereas it was approximately 35% higher in the middle-aged and elderly subjects. In addition, decreasing activities of mitochondrial enzymes were observed in muscle homogenates (cytochrome c oxidase and citrate synthase) and in isolated mitochondria (citrate synthase) with increasing age, indicating declines in muscle oxidative capacity and mitochondrial function, respectively. The decrease in the rates of mitochondrial protein synthesis is likely to be responsible for this decline in muscle oxidative capacity and mitochondrial function. These changes in muscle mitochondrial protein metabolism may contribute to the age-related decline in aerobic capacity and muscle performance.


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Glutamine synthetase (GS) is the key enzyme in ammonia assimilation and catalyzes the ATP-dependent condensation of NH3 with glutamate to produce glutamine. GS in plants is an octameric enzyme. Recent work from our laboratory suggests that GS activity in plants may be regulated at the level of protein turnover (S.J. Temple, T.J. Knight, P.J. Unkefer, C. Sengupta-Gopalan [1993] Mol Gen Genet 236: 315–325; S.J. Temple, S. Kunjibettu, D. Roche, C. Sengupta-Gopalan [1996] Plant Physiol 112: 1723–1733; S.J. Temple, C. Sengupta-Gopalan [1997] In C.H. Foyer, W.P. Quick, eds, A Molecular Approach to Primary Metabolism in Higher Plants. Taylor & Francis, London, pp 155–177). Oxidative modification of GS has been implicated as the first step in the turnover of GS in bacteria. By incubating soybean (Glycine max) root extract enriched in GS in a metal-catalyzed oxidation system to produce the ·OH radical, we have shown that GS is oxidized and that oxidized GS is inactive and more susceptible to degradation than nonoxidized GS. Histidine and cysteine protect GS from metal-catalyzed inactivation, indicating that oxidation modifies the GS active site and that cysteine and histidine residues are the site of modification. Similarly, ATP and particularly ATP/glutamate give the enzyme the greatest protection against oxidative inactivation. The roots of plants fed ammonium nitrate showed a 3-fold increase in the level of GS polypeptides and activity compared with plants not fed ammonium nitrate but without a corresponding increase in the GS transcript level. This would suggest either translational or posttranslational control of GS levels.