975 resultados para Alcohol Efectos fisiológicos.
La ingesta de bebidas alcohlicas se convierte en un problema social ya que su aceptacin cultural fomenta su uso generalizado, frecuente y sin control; de esta forma, se desencadenan efectos adversos de distinta ndole producidos por un consumo de tipo desmedido. La tendencia actual indica que el inicio del consumo de alcohol se da a edad temprana, normalmente durante la adolescencia. El estilo de consumo juvenil se caracteriza por la ingesta de grandes cantidades de alcohol en un plazo corto de tiempo, generalmente en fin de semana, que alterna periodos de embriaguez con abstinencia entre los episodios de consumo. Este consumo intensivo de alcohol (CIA) constituye un riesgo para la salud de los jvenes, quienes se encuentran en una importante etapa de neuromaduracin, lo que les predispone a sufrir variaciones estructurales y funcionales en su sistema nervioso. En estas edades algunas capacidades como la memoria episdica y las funciones ejecutivas estn en un estado de especializacin y los circuitos neurofuncionales que les sustentan pueden ser vulnerables a factores perjudiciales como el consumo intensivo de alcohol. Nuestro objetivo principal es conocer el efecto del consumo intensivo de alcohol (CIA) en jvenes sobre el rendimiento en memora episdica, atencin y funciones ejecutivas as como en qu medida afecta a la relacin entre estos procesos. Para llevar a cabo nuestro trabajo, contamos con la participacin de estudiantes de primer curso de universidad. El nivel de consumo se determino mediante el clculo de la concentracin ms alta de alcohol en sangre (BAC) estimada en un nico episodio de consumo. La muestra final cont con 161 sujetos, 76 CIA (40 varones y 36 mujeres) y 85 No CIA (38 varones y 47 mujeres) que fueron convocados a una evaluacin neuropsicolgica. El objetivo general de nuestro trabajo lo hemos concretado en cinco objetivos especficos que enumeramos a continuacin junto con los resultados obtenidos en cada uno de ellos...
La ltima dcada ha sido testigo de un auge en el nmero de estudios buscando esclarecer el modo en que los mecanismos fisiológicos facilitan las respuestas fenotpicas y conductuales a las condiciones ambientales bajo entornos naturales. Este reciente inters naci de la necesidad de trasladar las hiptesis y conclusiones generadas en el laboratorio a contextos ms realistas, en donde los animales se ven expuestos a la influencia simultnea de mltiples factores y presiones selectivas. En este sentido, tanto los glucocorticoides como los carotenoides han venido recibiendo considerable inters, a razn de sus respectivos papeles como importantes mediadores fisiológicos de la homeostasis y procesos relacionados con la salud de los animales. No obstante, hasta la fecha, gran parte de las publicaciones relacionadas con el estudio de estos dos sistemas fisiológicos en aves silvestres han usado especies modelo de pequeo tamao y corta vida (principalmente paseriformes), cuya ecologa y vulnerabilidad ante los retos medioambientales difiere considerablemente de la de las aves de larga vida. En consecuencia, el objetivo de la presente tesis ha consistido en tratar de reducir esta brecha en el conocimiento mediante la aproximacin a distintos aspectos de la ecofisiologa de una rapaz salvaje, territorial, y extremadamente longeva (el milano negro, Milvus migrans)...
Objective: To identify the prevalence of alcohol consumption in Psychology students of a higher education institution in the city of Montes Claros, MG. Methods: Quantitative crosssectional descriptive research conducted from September to October 2014. The population consisted of 116 Psychology students from the city of Montes Claros, MG. Data were collected using the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), the Inventrio de Expectativas e Crenas Pessoais Acerca do lcool IECPA (Inventory of Expectations and Personal Beliefs about Alcohol), the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) and the Escala de Satisfao com o Suporte Social ESSS (Social Support Satisfaction Scale). Descriptive analysis of data was performed using SPSS 19.0. Results: The sample had a predominance of female gender (82.75%, n=96), pardos (65.51%, n=76) and single (60.34%, n=70) individuals. Regarding the AUDIT risk classification, it was found that 49.13% (n=57) of the respondents were in the level 4, considered alcohol dependence. They reported occasional use of alcohol, smoking and other substances, which refer to ASSIST level 1 classification, with 94.82% (n=110). Regarding the IECPA, 87.06% (n=101) of the individuals were classified as level 1, with low vulnerability to the effects of alcohol. As to the ESSS, 68.10% (n=79) of the students showed high social support. Conclusion: Regarding the sample studied, it was found a high prevalence of dependence on alcohol and other legal and illegal drugs.
El propsito fue identificar los efectos directos que ejercen el maltrato en la infancia y el uso de Facebook sobre el consumo de alcohol y el efecto mediador de la autoestima en adolescentes mediante la derivacin y comprobacin de proposiciones del Modelo de Sistemas de Neuman. El diseo del estudio fue de tipo correlacional de comprobacin de modelo. Se realiz un muestreo probabilstico, estratificado con asignacin proporcional al tamao de los estratos. El tamao de muestra fue de 688 adolescentes donde se consider una proporcin (p) como principal parmetro a estimar, con un nivel de significancia del 95% con un lmite de error estimacin de .05, para un enfoque conservador del 50% y una potencia de prueba del 90% y una tasa de no respuesta del 5%. La medicin de las variables se llev a cabo mediante la utilizacin de los siguientes cuestionarios: Cdula de Datos Personales y Prevalencias de consumo de Alcohol (CDPPCA), el Cuestionario de Maltrato Infantil (CTQ-SF; Bernstein et al., 2003), el Cuestionario de Uso de Facebook (CUF; Crow, 2013), la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (EAR; Rosenberg, 1965) y la Prueba de Identificacin de Trastornos Debidos al Consumo de Alcohol (AUDIT; De la Fuente & Kershenobich, 1992). Se aplic la prueba de normalidad de Kolmogorv - Smirnov con correccin de Lilifors y de decidi la utilizacin de estadstica no paramtrica como los Coeficientes de Correlacin de Spearman, la prueba U de Mann-Whitnney, as como Modelos de Regresin Lneal Mltiple y Modelos de Regresin Logstica
Objetivo: Evaluar los efectos de una intervencin educativa en la prctica del autoexamen de seno, los conocimientos y prctica de los estilos de vida saludables para la prevencin del cncer de seno en estudiantes mujeres de un colegio pblico de la localidad de Ciudad Bolvar en Bogot, Colombia. Materiales y mtodos: Estudio de intervencin, antes y despus, no controlado en un periodo de seis meses con la participacin de mujeres jvenes estudiantes entre 10 y 20 aos de edad. Se contemplaron cinco momentos metodolgicos ejecutados en los meses de febrero en el cual se realiz la aplicacin del cuestionario auto-diligenciado; de marzo en el cual las estudiantes recibieron una sesin educativa de 90 minutos y una de 60 minutos, soportadas con material audiovisual y folletos informativos. Se realiz el seguimiento prospectivo para la toma de datos en uno, tres y seis meses post-intervencin. Conclusiones: 155 estudiantes fueron encuestadas. La prevalencia de prctica del autoexamen de seno fue de 78,1% (n=121). Se evidenci un cambio significativo en el conocimiento de la tcnica y la prctica del autoexamen de seno, as como aumentos significativos en los conocimientos de los principales factores de riesgo para el cncer de mama (p<,0001). En cuanto a los estilos de vida, las estudiantes mejoraron de manera significativa la prctica regular de actividad fsica con ms de 150 minutos semanales a los 6 meses post-intervencin. Conclusin: Una intervencin educativa puede mejorar los conocimientos acerca de los factores de riesgo para cncer de mama, la prctica del autoexamen de seno y los estilos de vida en mujeres jvenes estudiantes de una localidad de bajo nivel socio-econmico en Bogot, Colombia. Estudios experimentales de alta calidad son requeridos.
Typically adolescents' friends are considered a risk factor for adolescent engagement in risk-taking. This study took a more novel approach, by examining adolescent friendship as a protective factor. In particular it investigated friends' potential to intervene to reduce risk-taking. 540 adolescents (mean age 13.47 years) were asked about their intention to intervene to reduce friends' alcohol, drug and alcohol-related harms and about psychosocial factors potentially associated with intervening. More than half indicated that they would intervene in friends' alcohol, drug use, alcohol-related harms and interpersonal violence. Intervening was associated with being female, having friends engage in overall less risk-taking and having greater school connectedness. The findings provide an important understanding of increasing adolescent protective behavior as a potential strategy to reduce alcohol and drug related harms.
Objectives. We tested predictions from the elaborated intrusion (EI) theory of desire, which distinguishes intrusive thoughts and elaborations, and emphasizes the importance of imagery. Secondarily, we undertook preliminary evaluations of the Alcohol Craving Experience (ACE) questionnaire, a new measure based on EI Theory. Methods. Participants (N 232) were in correspondence-based treatment trials for alcohol abuse or dependence. The study used retrospective reports obtained early in treatment using the ACE, and daily self-monitoring of urges, craving, mood and alcohol consumption. Results. The ACE displayed high internal consistency and test retest reliability and sound relationships with self-monitored craving, and was related to Baseline alcohol dependence, but not to consumption. Imagery during craving was experienced by 81%,with 2.3 senses involved on average. More frequent imagery was associated with longer episode durations and stronger craving. Transient intrusive thoughts were reported by 87% of respondents, and were more common if they frequently attempted to stop alcohol cognitions. Associations between average daily craving and weekly consumption were seen. Depression and negative mood were associated with more frequent, stronger and longer lasting desires for alcohol. Conclusions. Results supported the distinction of automatic and controlled processes in craving, together with the importance of craving imagery. They were also consistent with prediction of consumption from cross-situational averages of craving, and with positive associations between craving and negative mood. However, this studys retrospective reporting and correlational design require that its results be interpreted cautiously. Research using ecological momentary measures and laboratory manipulations is needed before confident inferences about causality can be made.
Depression and alcohol use disorders frequently co-occur and are highly prevalent. Both conditions are known to impair cognitive functioning, yet research into the role of these impairments in response to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is limited. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between baseline neuropsychological performance, severity of depressive symptoms and alcohol use disorders. Participants with current depression and hazardous alcohol use were functioning in the average range on all neuropsychological measures prior to treatment entry. Baseline measures of drinking severity and a range of cognitive functions were inversely correlated. After controlling for other baseline variables, superior baseline cognitive functioning predicted greater reductions in depression severity after 17 weeks. These predictive effects occurred across both brief and extended interventions. Findings suggest that improvement in depression following psychological treatment is enhanced by greater fluid reasoning ability and is predicted by executive functioning, regardless of the treatment length or problem focus.
Introduction and Aims: Remote delivery of interventions is needed to address large numbers of people with alcohol use disorders who are spread over large areas. Previous correspondence trials typically examined its effects as stand-alone treatment. This study aimed to test whether adding postal treatment to general practitioner (GP) support would lower alcohol use more than GP intervention alone. Design and Methods: A single-blind, randomised controlled trial with a crossover design was conducted over 12 months on 204 people with alcohol use disorders. Participants in an immediate correspondence condition received treatment over the first 3 months; those receiving delayed treatment received it in months 36. Results: Few participants were referred from GPs, and little intervention was offered by them. At 3 months, 78% of participants remained in the study. Those in immediate treatment showed greater reductions in alcohol per week, drinking days, anxiety, depression and distress than those in the delayed condition. However, post-treatment and follow-up outcomes still showed elevated alcohol use, depression, anxiety and distress. Greater baseline anxiety predicted better alcohol outcomes, although more mental distress at baseline predicted dropout. Discussion and Conclusions: The study gave consistent results with those from previous research on correspondence treatments, and showed that high levels of participant engagement over 3 months can be obtained. Substantial reductions in alcohol use are seen, with indications that they are well maintained. However, many participants continue to show high-risk alcohol use and psychological distress.
Background: Blood for transfusion may become contaminated at any point between collection and transfusion and may result in bacteraemia (the presence of bacteria in the blood),severe illness or even death for the blood recipient. Donor arm skin is one potential source of blood contamination, so it is usual to cleanse the skin with an antiseptic before blood donation. One-step and two-step alcohol based antiseptic regimens are both commonly advocated but there is uncertainty as to which is most effective.----- Objectives: To assess the effects of cleansing the skin of blood donors with alcohol in a one-step compared with alcohol in a two-step procedure to prevent contamination of collected blood or bacteraemia in the recipient.----- Search strategy: We searched the Cochrane Wounds Group Specialised Register (March 10 2009); The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials(CENTRAL) The Cochrane Library 2009, Issue 1; Ovid MEDLINE - (1950 to February Week 4 2009); Ovid EMBASE - (1980 to 2009 Week 9); and EBSCO CINAHL - (1982 to February Week 4 2009). We also searched the reference lists of key papers.----- Selection criteria: All randomised trials (RCTs) comparing alcohol based donor skin cleansing in a one-step versus a two-step process that includes alcohol and any other antiseptic for pre-venepuncture skin cleansing were considered. Quasi randomised trials were to have been considered in the absence of RCTs.----- Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently assessed studies for inclusion.----- Main results: No studies (RCTs or quasi RCTs) met the inclusion criteria. Authors conclusions We did not identify any eligible studies for inclusion in this review. It is therefore unclear whether a two-step, alcohol followed by antiseptic skin cleansing process prior to blood donation confers any reduction in the risk of blood contamination or bacteraemia in blood recipients, or conversely whether a one-step process increases risk above that associated with a two-step process.
There is no specific self-efficacy measure that has been developed primarily for problem drinkers seeking a moderation drinking goal. In this article, we report the factor structure of a 20-item Controlled Drinking Self-Efficacy Scale (CDSES; Sitharthan et al., 1996; Sitharthan et al., 1997). The results indicate that the CDSES is highly reliable, and the factor analysis using the full sample identified four factors: negative affect, positive mood/social context, frequency of drinking, and consumption quantity. A similar factor structure was obtained for the subsample of men. In contrast, only three factors emerged in the analysis of data on female participants. Compared to women, men had low self-efficacy to control their drinking in situations relating to positive mood/social context, and subjects with high alcohol dependence had low self-efficacy for situations relating to negative affect, social situations, and drinking less frequently. The CDSES can be a useful measure in treatment programs providing a moderation drinking goal.
Anecdotal evidence highlights issues of alcohol and other drugs (AODs) and its association with safety risk on construction sites. Information is limited however regarding the prevalence of AODs in the workplace and there is limited evidential guidance regarding how to effectively address it. This research aimed to scientifically evaluate the use of AODs within the Australian construction industry in order to reduce the potential resulting safety and performance impacts and engender a cultural change in the workforce. A national qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the use of AODs was conducted with approximately 500 employees. Results indicate that as in the general population, a proportion of those sampled in the construction sector may be at risk of hazardous alcohol consumption and support the need for evidence-based, tailored responses. This is the first known study to scientifically evaluate the use of AODs and potential workplace safety impacts in the construction sector.