797 resultados para Aglomerados turísticos
Environmental Sustainability is a very important factor for the Tourist Development of the localities, which should be protected and preserved so many other generations goers enjoy the experiences in their paradisiacal landscapes. The objective of the present study is to analyze the sustainability of the tourist destination of Jenipabu Beach, situated in a conservation area on the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte state, in the city of Extremoz, 20 km from the center of the Capital Natal, being of great state tourist importance for having the most famous Dunes park in the region. There are several regulars and their proper groups in a tourist area, and the differences in these perceptions about the relationship of certain factors occurring on site, can determine how sustainable the same or its sustainability index is. This research used an Ecotourism Sustainability Indicator System (SEIS) to Tsaur, et al (2006), to assist in the verification of this index, in use methods of exploratory and descriptive research, where the data were collected through a questionnaire applied close to 151 attendees divided among residents, traders and visitors, directly by the author in Jenipabu in August and September 2015. The tabulation, analysis and interpretation of data were taken from the assistance of the technical factor analysis of statistics and ONEWAY ANOVA, which conducted by IBM SPSS software STATISTICS 20. The main findings were, identifying 14 relevant sustainability factors, of which 6 coincide with the indicator model used and 8 are new, as well as verification that Jenipabu is a destination with strong economic dependence of the Tourism, with various impacts of this community, which does not recognize the benefits that the Environmental Protection Area (APA) can bring to this and to the locality tourism. In conclusion on differences in perceptions of the regulars that the studied region Beach has low Sustainability and requires the development of various projects and actions for improvement.
Este ensaio tem como objetivo discutir a importância da identidade regional na configuração dos clusters turísticos. Como um das características essenciais na definição de um cluster é a sua dimensão geográfica, a identidade regional torna-se um componente importante para a compreensão de sua constituição e desenvolvimento. Há que se considerar, no entanto, que essa identidade envolve tanto a identidade da região quanto a identidade regional (ou consciência regional) de seus habitantes. A identidade da região refere-se à sua caracterização ambiental, econômica e sociocultural. A consciência regional, por sua vez, refere-se ao conhecimento que os habitantes têm da região e de seus limites e também ao seu apego emocional à região, à solidariedade com os demais integrantes e também à disposição para atuar em prol da região. Propõe-se que na realização de pesquisas acerca da configuração de clusters turísticosse ja considerada a identidade regional. Recomenda-se a construção de instrumentos para mensuração da identidade regional dos habitantes das regiões que abrigam clusters turísticos como também a construção de teorias fundamentadas para o conhecimento da identidade regional segundo a perspectiva de seus atores.
O artigo tem como objetivo utilizar a contribuição do conceito de cluster para avaliação estratégica e apresentar uma proposta de análise das oportunidades do setor turístico, considerando todos os agentes envolvidos na criação, comercialização e divulgação dos serviços/produtos turísticos, que possibilitem atender as necessidades exigidas pela demanda e o desenvolvimento sustentável da população receptora. Utilizando como foco o distrito de Paranapiacaba, na cidade de Santo André/SP, foi feita uma pesquisa descritiva, em que inicialmente foram utilizados dados secundários e, em seguida, foi realizada a coleta de dados primários por meio de entrevistas programadas e observação direta em campo dos agentes envolvidos. Os resultados obtidos indicam a necessidade da consolidação de uma entidade supra-empresarial que exerça a governança e que seja capaz de agregar os interesses dos diversos setores, além de garantir a implantação de uma série de ações que venham contribuir para a criação de vantagens competitivas.
Programa de doctorado: Perspectivas científicas sobre el turismo y la dirección de empresas turísticas. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura
Programa de doctorado: Economía: aplicaciones a las finanzas y seguros, a la economía sectorial, al medio ambiente y a las infraestructuras. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura
El turismo accesible representa un segmento con gran potencialidad y generador de una ventajacompetitiva para el sector, dado que los beneficiarios de acciones de accesibilidad engloban a colectivos en crecimiento como el de las personas mayores, las familias, personas con capacidades restringidas temporalmente y embarazadas. Su representatividad en el total de la actividad turística española está en incremento continuo, motivado por dos factores principales: la benevolencia climática y la normativa y cobertura social existente. Por todo ello, en esta investigación se busca determinar los principales hábitos y comportamientos de los turistas españoles con discapacidad en relación al alojamiento utilizado en susviajes, así como determinar cuáles son las variables que pueden influir en dicho comportamiento.
The present study seeks to describe the features and peculiarities of the relationship between organizational culture and the quality of tourism services, specifically in the restaurant sector, attempting to contribute toward maintaining the tourism sector of the city of Natal/RN. Thus, a descriptive and correlational study, with qualitative and quantitative approaches, of thirty-seven restaurants that are located in areas that compose the tourism corridor of Natal was undertaken. To collect the quantitative dada, the Organizational Culture Evaluation instrument of Cameron and Quinn (2006) was applied and the SERVPERF instrument of Cronin and Taylor (1992) was used to measure the quality of the services. The results suggest that the Clan and Innovation Cultures are associated with better levels of quality of services than those of the Market and Hierarchy Cultures. The relationships that were identified in this study are consistent with results found in other studies and the information reported here can serve as a basis for managers of the restaurant sector to reach excellence in their services, satisfying their customers and contributing to maintaining the tourism sector
This study examines the complex hotel buyer decision process in front of the tourism distribution channels. Its objective is to describe the influence level of the tourism marketing intermediaries, mainly the travel agents and tour operators, over the hotel decision process by the buyer-tourist. The data collection process was done trough a survey with three hundred brazilian tourists hosted in nineteen hotels of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The data analysis was done using some multivariate statistic techniques as correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, factor analysis and multiple discriminant analysis. The research characterizes the hotel services consumers profile and his trip, and identifying the distribution channels used by them. Furthermore, the research verifies the intermediaries influence exercised over hotel buyer decision process, looking for identify causality relations between the influence level and the buyer profile. Verifies that information about hotels available on internet reduces the probability that this influence can be practiced; however it was possible identifying those consumers considers this information complementary and non-substitutes than the information from intermediaries. The characteristics of the data do not allow indentifying the factors that constraint the intermediaries influence neither identifying discriminant functions of the specific distribution channel choice by consumers. The study concludes that consumers don t agree in have been influenced by intermediaries or don t know if they have, still considering important to consult them and internet doesn t substitute their function as information source
El artículo analiza el conflicto que se produce entre una comunidad y el Estado por el uso de un lugar. Específicamente dos espacios sociales que presenciaron dos protestas sociales significativas o Revoluciones culturales; la ocupación de una instalación militar y el surgimiento del Ejercito Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN). Estudiaremos los casos de Christiania en la ciudad de Copenhague, Dinamarca y San Cristóbal de las Casas en el estado de Chiapas, México. Para el análisis utilizaremos la gubernamentalidad de Mitchell Dean basada en los escritos de Foucault. Este marco teórico nos permitirá conocer los procesos mediante los cuales un Estado y distintos grupos sociales negocian la conformación de lo público, imágenes y significados de actividades, recursos, leyes relacionados a la actividad turística.
Com o forte crescimento tecnológico tem-se verificado, cada vez mais, o crescente aumento de Web sites, voltados para o contacto directo com o consumidor, onde é possível procurar, escolher e adquirir um determinado produto I serviço directamente ao fornecedor. As plataformas de suporte à pesquisa de produtos de turismo possibilitam a entrega de um grande volume de dados mediante a pesquisa efectuada. Esta informação é, na sua maior parte, informação textual e é geralmente disponibilizada ao utilizador (via uma página Web) sob a forma de uma listagem ou tabela. Este trabalho incide então sobre a proposta e implementação de um conjunto de interfaces com elevada ergonomia, que permitam uma interacção simples e intuitiva entre o utilizador e os dados de turismo, mais concretamente com reservas de aviação e hotel. Para este propósito foi desenvolvida uma Rich Internet Application que permite ao utilizador o ajuste de determinados factores, que influenciam estes produtos de turismo, de modo a encontrar com maior facilidade o que mais se enquadra nos seus gostos I objectivos no vasto conjunto de resultados da pesquisa. ABSTRACT; With the constant growth of information technology tools we have witnessed increase in the number of web Sites aimed to direct contact with the consumer, where users can search, select and purchase a product/service directly to the supplier. The platforms that support the search for tourism data enable the delivery of a large volume of data, as a result of the search that was done. This information is mostly textual and is, in general available to the user (via a web page) in a form of a large list or table. This work focuses on a proposal and implementation of a set of interfaces with high ergonomics. allowing a simple and intuitive interaction between the user and the tourism data, more specifically with air fares and hotels reservations. For this purpose was developed an Rich Internet Application that allows the user to adjust some factors that influence the tourism products, in order to more accurately find what fits their tastes objectives in the wide range of search results.
The present study seeks to describe the features and peculiarities of the relationship between organizational culture and the quality of tourism services, specifically in the restaurant sector, attempting to contribute toward maintaining the tourism sector of the city of Natal/RN. Thus, a descriptive and correlational study, with qualitative and quantitative approaches, of thirty-seven restaurants that are located in areas that compose the tourism corridor of Natal was undertaken. To collect the quantitative dada, the Organizational Culture Evaluation instrument of Cameron and Quinn (2006) was applied and the SERVPERF instrument of Cronin and Taylor (1992) was used to measure the quality of the services. The results suggest that the Clan and Innovation Cultures are associated with better levels of quality of services than those of the Market and Hierarchy Cultures. The relationships that were identified in this study are consistent with results found in other studies and the information reported here can serve as a basis for managers of the restaurant sector to reach excellence in their services, satisfying their customers and contributing to maintaining the tourism sector
Este trabajo se centra en la gobernanza como un nuevo enfoque de gobierno que dé respuesta a la creciente complejidad de la gestión de destinos turísticos en un contexto de preocupación por su sostenibilidad. Para ello el se ha construido un modelo para el análisis de la gobernanza de los destinos turísticos culturales urbanos, a partir de un exhaustivo análisis teórico. Para testar el modelo se ha adoptado un análisis exploratorio para ir definiendo instrumentos de medida de las distintas dimensiones de la gobernanza. El análisis se ha realizado sobre la e-governance en 5 importantes destinos culturales urbanos importantes, y ha permitido valorar como esos destinos utilizan la web para promover la participación de los agentes menos organizados (residentes, artistas independientes y pequeñas empresas y asociaciones culturales). Este análisis empírico ha sido de utilidad para testar las dimensiones del modelo propuesto, y para definir indicadores pertinentes que midan dichas dimensiones en un ámbito local. Se ha detectado que todas las ciudades analizadas, destinos turísticos culturales maduros en diferentes grados hacen uso de la e-gobernanza para avanzar en la gobernanza e favorecer la participación de los agentes. Se evidencia por lo tanto el carácter progresivo de la gobernanza y el distinto uso que realizan las ciudades.
No contexto atual, marcado pela crise económica e financeira, as organizações dos serviços turísticos procuram aliar o conceito de qualidade com os seus serviços, de modo a satisfazer os clientes internos (colaboradores) e os clientes externos (turistas) e a garantir a prestação de um serviço personalizado e de excelência. O objetivo da presente dissertação consiste em proporcionar uma visão geral da qualidade dos serviços turísticos náuticos efetuados na região do Alto Douro Vinhateiro (ADV), junto dos clientes internos (colaboradores). Para o efeito, foi aplicado um inquérito a 117 colaboradores de diversas organizações dos serviços turísticos náuticos da região do ADV e realizada uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que existem aspetos a serem melhorados nas organizações (preocupação com os colaboradores; formação especifica; condições de trabalho; maior dialogo entre chefias e colaboradores; atribuição de carga horária e de folgas) para que os colaboradores se sintam satisfeitos. Por outro lado, verificou-se que as perceções sobre a qualidade nos serviços turísticos náuticos são iguais em ambos os géneros; Abstract: Quality in Nautical Touristic Services in Alto Douro Vinhateiro – The Internal Clients (Collaborators) Perspective In the actual context marked by the economic and financial crisis, the organizations of touristic services are looking to ally the concept of services with their services, in order to satisfy internal customers (collaborators) and external costumers (tourists) and to guarantee the installment of an excellent and personalized service. The aim of this thesis is to provide an overview of the quality of nautical tourism services made in the region of Alto Douro Vinhateiro, with internal clients (employees). For this purpose it applied a survey of 117 employees from various organizations of nautical tourism services of the ADV region and conducted an exploratory and descriptive research. The results show that there are areas to be improved in organizations (preoccupation with employees; specific training,; working conditions; greater dialogue between managers and employees; allocation of hours and days off) so that employees can feel satisfied- Moreover it was found that the perceptions of the quality of nautical tourism services are equal in both sexes.
This study examines the complex hotel buyer decision process in front of the tourism distribution channels. Its objective is to describe the influence level of the tourism marketing intermediaries, mainly the travel agents and tour operators, over the hotel decision process by the buyer-tourist. The data collection process was done trough a survey with three hundred brazilian tourists hosted in nineteen hotels of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The data analysis was done using some multivariate statistic techniques as correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, factor analysis and multiple discriminant analysis. The research characterizes the hotel services consumers profile and his trip, and identifying the distribution channels used by them. Furthermore, the research verifies the intermediaries influence exercised over hotel buyer decision process, looking for identify causality relations between the influence level and the buyer profile. Verifies that information about hotels available on internet reduces the probability that this influence can be practiced; however it was possible identifying those consumers considers this information complementary and non-substitutes than the information from intermediaries. The characteristics of the data do not allow indentifying the factors that constraint the intermediaries influence neither identifying discriminant functions of the specific distribution channel choice by consumers. The study concludes that consumers don t agree in have been influenced by intermediaries or don t know if they have, still considering important to consult them and internet doesn t substitute their function as information source
939 p.