965 resultados para Ageing population


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Superannuation is a form of savings for retirement. The savings are invested and earn income, but the proceeds are generally not available until the beneficiary reaches retirement age} The federal government's retirement income policy has three components, two of which relate to superannuation: the age pension, which provides income support to men aged 65 and over and to women aged 62 and over.2 The pension is means tested and does not depend on previous labour force participation or individual contributions; a compulsory superannuation scheme (under the Superannuation Guarantee Charge (Administration) Act 1992 (SGA Act)), which requires contributions to be made by employers on behalf of all employees, whether full-time, part-time or casual;3 and encouragement, through the taxation system, of voluntary contributions to approved superannuation funds.4 In May 2002, the government released a report, the "Intergenerational Report", 5 which identifies issues associated with Australia's ageing population and considers the fiscal implications of those changes. The Report noted that a steadily ageing population is likely to place significant pressure on government finances. It also noted that one of the key priorities for ensuring fiscal sustainability should be "maintaining a retirement income policy that encourages private saving for retirement and reduces the future demand for the Age Pension". 6 The main way the government has sought to encourage that private saving is through the tax system, primarily by the use of tax concessions. Over the past 20 years, however, the taxation of superannuation has grown in an extremely ad hoc manner and is now inequitable, inefficient and overly complex. This article suggests that the taxation of superannuation in Australia is in urgent need of a complete review. The article further asserts that, if an appropriate framework can be devised, changes could be introduced as budgetary pressures allow.


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Degeneration of the weight bearing bones of the ageing population often requires the inception of metallic biomaterials. Research in this area is receiving increased attention globally. However, most of today's artificial bone materials are dense and suffer from problems of adverse reaction, biomechanical mismatch and lack of appropriate space for the regeneration of new bone tissues. In the present study, novel ZrTi alloy foams with a porous structure and mechanical properties that are very close to those of bone were fabricated. These ZrTi alloy foams are biocompatible, and display a porous structure permitting the ingrowth of new bone tissues.


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Objective: This paper discusses the problem of delirium and the challenges of accurately assessing, preventing and managing patients with delirium in an acute care setting.

Primary Argument: Acute confusion, also known as delirium, is misdiagnosed and under-treated in up to 94% of older patients in hospitals. With the ageing population, this problem will increase dramatically in the Australian setting. Managing patients with delirium is challenging not only for the management of their basic nursing care needs but also because they are prone to adverse events such as falls and medication problems. In order to address this issue it is vital that health care professionals routinely assess patients for signs of delirium. The current 'gold standard' for assessing delirium is the use of the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) which has been developed based on the diagnostic criteria set by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV and can be used by non-psychiatrists. Further, increased attention should be given to the prevention and management of delirium and the use of orientation and validation therapy.

Conclusion: Research indicates that early identification and intervention can help to limit any negative effects or adverse events. Increasing knowledge and awareness of early detection and efficient management of delirium is the first step toward prevention.


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Currently, in Australia, the age pension, paid for out of Commonwealth government taxes, forms the basis of Australia’s retirement income system, however, given the reality of an ageing population has compelled the government to undertake a number of measures to shift the responsibility for saving to the individual, forcing them to accept an increasing level of responsibility for their financial decision-making. In the light of the changing retirement environment, it would be expected that Australians’ would ensure that they became financially literate, however, despite the amount of information and advice available in the market place, this is not the case, and they do not appear to be appropriately prepared for their retirement. Recognising the importance of financial literacy, an increasing number of government agencies, employers, superannuation funds and schools are implementing financial literacy programs in Australia. This article provides an overview of the impact that attending a financial education seminar has on the retirement decisions and settings of participants. Evidence is provided from this research that in the short term, providing financial education programs make a difference to an individual’s intended retirement settings. However, the impact of these education programs in changing investment behaviour is less conclusive.


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Aim. The aim of this paper is to examine the continuity of care and general wellbeing of patients with comorbidities undergoing elective total hip or knee joint replacement.
Background. Advances in medical science and improved lifestyles have reduced mortality rates in most Western countries. As a result, there is an ageing population with a concomitant growth in the number of people who are living with multiple chronic illnesses, commonly referred to as comorbidities. These patients often require acute care services, creating a blend of acute and chronic illness needs. For example, joint replacement surgery is frequently performed to improve impaired mobility associated with osteoarthritis.
Method. A purposive sample of twenty participants with multiple comorbidities who required joint replacement surgery was recruited to obtain survey, interview and medical record audit data. Data were collected during 2004 and 2005.
Findings. Comorbidity care was poorly co-ordinated prior to having surgery, during the acute care stay and following surgery and primarily entailed prescribed medicines. The main focus in acute care was patient throughput following joint replacement surgery according to a prescribed clinical pathway. General wellbeing was less than optimal: participants reported pain, fatigue, insomnia and alterations in urinary elimination as the chief sources of discomfort during the course of the study.
Conclusion. Continuity of care of comorbidities was lacking. Comorbidities affected patient general wellbeing and delayed recovery from surgery. Acute care, clinical pathways and the specialisation of medicine and nursing subordinated the general problem of patients with comorbidities. Systems designed to integrate and co-ordinate chronic illness care had limited application in the acute care setting. A multidisciplinary, holistic approach is required. Recommendations for further research conclude this paper.


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Issues concerning the on-going care of patients with comorbidities in acute care and post-discharge in Australia: a literature review

Advances in medical science and improved lifestyles have reduced mortality rates in Australia and most western countries. This has resulted in an ageing population with a concomitant growth in the number of people who are living with chronic illnesses. Indeed a significant number of younger people experience more than one chronic illness. Large numbers of these may require repeated admissions to hospital for acute or episodic care that is superimposed upon the needs of their chronic conditions.

To explore the issues that circumscribe the complexities of caring for people with concurrent chronic illnesses, or comorbidities, in the acute care setting and postdischarge.

Methods. A literature review to examine the issues that impact upon the provision of comprehensive care to patients with comorbidities in the acute care setting and postdischarge.

Findings. Few studies have investigated this subject. From an Australian perspective, it is evident that the structure of the current health care environment has made it difficult to meet the needs of patients with comorbidities in the acute care setting and postdischarge. This is of major concern for nurses attempting to provide comprehensive care to an increasingly prevalent group of chronically ill people.

Conclusion. Further research is necessary to explore how episodic care is integrated into the on-going management of patients with comorbidities and how nurse clinicians can better use an episode of acute illness as an opportunity to review their overall management.


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The health care systems in Australia are under pressure from workforce shortages, increasing costs and an ageing population with a high prevalence of chronic disease. There is a well-established description of inequity in health outcomes among rural and remote populations. Most of the inequity appears to be due to poorer access to services than higher levels of health risk factors, such as cholesterol, blood pressure or obesity. Over the last 15 years, the science of improvement has led to quality improvement techniques, such as collaboratives, managed clinical networks and collaborative care, all of which have been tried successfully in Australia. Each of these offers ways to reduce the inequity in health outcomes attributed to rurality or remoteness.


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There is growing awareness of the benefits of rehabilitation both in Australia and overseas. While the provision of rehabilitation services is not new, recognition of this type of health service as an integral part of health care has been linked to changes in the provision of acute care services, advances in medical technology, improvements in the management of trauma and an ageing population. Despite this, little attention has been paid to nursing's contribution to patient rehabilitation in Australia. The aim of this grounded theory study, therefore, was to collect and analyse nurses' reports of their contributions to patient rehabilitation and to describe and analyse contextual factors influencing that contribution. Data were collected during interviews with registered and enrolled nurses working in five inpatient rehabilitation units in New South Wales and during observation of the nurses' everyday practice. A total of 53 nurses participated in the study, 35 registered nurses and 18 enrolled nurses. Grounded theory, informed by the theoretical perspective of symbolic interactionism, was used to guide data analysis, the ongoing collection of data and the generation of a substantive theory. The findings revealed six major categories. One was an everyday problem labelled incongruence between nurses' and patients' understandings and expectations of rehabilitation. Another category, labelled coaching patients to self-care, described how nurses independently negotiated the everyday problem of incongruence. The remaining four categories captured conditions in the inpatient context which influenced how nurses could contribute to patient rehabilitation. Two categories, labelled segregation: divided and dividing work practices between nursing and allied health and role ambiguity, were powerful in shaping nursing's contribution as they acted individually and synergistically to constrain nursing's contribution to patient rehabilitation. The other two categories, labelled distancing to manage systemic constraints and grasping the nettle to realise nursing's potential, represent the mutually exclusive strategies nurses used in response to segregation and role ambiguity. From exploration of the relationship between the six categories, the core category and an interactive grounded theory called opting in and opting out emerged. In turn, this grounded theory reveals nursing's contribution to inpatient rehabilitation as well as contextual conditions constraining that contribution. The significance of these findings is made manifest through their contribution to the advancement of nursing knowledge and through implications for nursing practice and education, rehabilitation service delivery and research.


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Australia’s ageing population is on the increase. It is predicted that by 2021 one quarter of Victoria’s elderly population will be aged 60 and over. Not only are people living longer, but they also wish to remain living in the community. The Home and Community Care (HACC) Program was established in 1985 to facilitate and assist the elderly and disabled to remain in their home. In Victoria around 51% of HACC funds are managed by local governments, a level of government that has recently undergone major reforms, which ultimately impacted on the manner in which services were provided. The HACC program funds Meals on Wheels, a service that provides meals for those elderly who no longer can prepare their own meals. The aim of this study was to assess the Meals on Wheels service provided by two Melbourne councils with different service philosophies. The study has four main components: (1) Menu analysis by food and variety; (2) Analysis of actual meals; (3) Clients assessment of Food Services; and (4) Client assessment of the organoleptic qualities of Meals on Wheels. Two Melbourne councils were chosen for their different approaches to service delivery. The City of South tendered out both meal production and delivery, while the City of North maintained its MOW service in-house. The case study method of research allowed for each council’s service to be assessed objectively and without comparison. Several methodologies were used for collecting data in this study. Menu analysis was carried out by comparing the MOW menus with the HACC menu planning guidelines together with general menu planning principles. Analysis of actual meals was in two stages. The weights of the meals were recorded and compared with the HACC recommended food serving portions and meal combinations over a five-day period were analysed for their nutrient contents. Face to face interviews were conducted with clients for their assessment of MOW and the assessment of the organoleptic qualities of the meals was carried out over a five-day period. The results concluded that both councils menus were based on sound menu planning principles, but did not conform with Home and Community Care menu planning guidelines fully and did not include a serve of bread, fruit and milk. The weight analysis of the meal combinations revealed some discrepancies between actual meals and Home and Community Care guidelines by not meeting the recommended serving sizes. Meal combinations generally met Home and Community Care standard for kilojoule and protein, but other nutrients, such as thiamin, riboflavin, magnesium, calcium and zinc were generally below the recommended levels for Meals On Wheels. The majority of study group lived alone and received four to five meals per week. Delivery times of meals, selective menus and food quality were issues raised by clients. Whilst the quality and variety of vegetables was raised by clients they generally rated the organoleptic qualities of the meals as satisfactory. This study examined the four components of the service. A simple method of evaluation the service was developed, which highlight discrepancies with HACC standards and encouraged the councils to set a customer satisfaction standard. A number of recommendations are made to ensure that meals are aesthetically pleasing, including a list of different methods for preparing vegetables. The provision of additional foods, such as a “snack pack” is recommended to improve the supply of essential nutrients that were below the Home and Community Care standards. Meals on Wheels is a vital support service for the elderly living in the community and as such should aim to provide a high quality service that meets the needs of its clients.


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Similar to many other countries worldwide, Vietnam is facing a challenge of an ageing population. This challenge is even more difficult to overcome because Vietnam is a developing country lacking an established aged care infrastructure and system. Many aspects of aged care have largely been relied on families of aged people due to a strong influence of Confucian philosophy. Looking after aged parents has always been seen as a responsibility and filial piety of children and their extended families. Therefore, providing healthcare for aged people in their family and community context is important. The paper offers a rich description and an analysis of the current situation of the health state of and healthcare for aged people in Vietnam. The paper also suggests directions for integrating information communication technology into aged care in Vietnam.


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To address the challenge of an ageing population in an information society, it is important to introduce information systems to assist the aged people in maintaining and improving their quality of life. An understanding of what information aged people need, how they seek and use information, and how they adopt Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is required. This paper reports the findings of an empirical study undertaken in Australia to understand the information needs of senior citizens who reside in the community. The study aims to understand how ICT can support the independent living of senior people in the community from both the social and health perspectives. We offer a new understanding of the information needs of aged people in the community and extend the information systems research in aged care. This research also contributes to the development of innovative ICT enabled aged care service solutions in community aged care.


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Governments in many countries are facing the challenge of providing sufficient retirement incomes for a population that is ageing as a result of lower mortality and fertility rates. An ageing population places considerable financial stress on government budgets as spending on welfare increases, further compounded by a proportional reduction in working-age taxpayers. Exposure to financial education programs can positively influence the retirement planning and savings behaviour of individuals. Research indicates that seminars, written communications and website information are effective methods in communicating financial education. In this study an investigation is conducted into the views of retirement fund members regarding elements of financial education resources made available to them through their retirement fund. Four aspects are investigated, that is, whether there are differences with respect to members’ views between the genders, older and younger members, levels of qualification, and size of superannuation balances. Empirical evidence suggests that gender and age are important factors with females and younger people less likely to utilise educational information and more at risk of not accumulating sufficient funds for retirement.


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Inoreasing life expectancies for both males and females in the Asia-Pacific region have resulted in an ageing population. Given an ageing p'opulation, adequate income is of increasing importance to people who will experience longer periods in retirement. This paper provides an overview of the structure of the Australian retirement system which includes a means-tested government provided age pension, retirement savings and voluntary savings. Despite policy Initiatives to boost retirement savings and income, it is concluded that due to the relative immaturity of this system it will fail to provide many community groups (baby-boomers, females, low income earners, long-term unemployed, part-time workers) with an adequate retirement income.


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Ageing populations, although exhibiting marked differences across countries and cultures, are a global phenomenon. Old-age dependency ratios in most developed countries are projected to double by the year 2050. In Australia there will be a strain on economic growth as a large part of the population moves from pre-retirement to post-retirement age over the next 25 years. A disproportionate amount of this strain will be concentrated in aged-care housing or retirement accommodation. Current evidence suggests that existing housing stock for older people is inadequate. As the Australian population ages, the maintenance and long-term performance of retirement housing is a key concern of government and housing providers. This study looked at four aged-care or retirement providers across Australia and examined the performance of the current housing stock managed by these providers. The interviews revealed that housing design decisions in retirement stock, although critically important to the changing needs of occupants and the adequate supply of suitable housing, are often ill-considered. The findings critically question the idea of simply building ‘more of the same’ to relieve demand. This study has major implications for the future of Australian retirement housing, especially as the population ages dramatically.


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The challenge of an ageing population has placed a great pressure on the Australian aged care sector in the coming decades. Technology-enabled solutions such as health information systems (HIS) can be seen as a way to improve care quality, safety and process efficiency. Compared to the overall healthcare sector, the adoption of HIS in the aged care sector has been slower. One reason for this is that aged care providers are not well informed therefore not yet convinced of the positive impacts of technology solutions on their service provision. This paper reports findings from an evaluation of the impact of HIS adoption at an aged care provider in Victoria. The evaluation was conducted in two distinct areas, residential aged care and residential disability services. Overall, the findings show positive impacts of the system on individual work of the care staff and on service provision of the organisation as well as suggesting opportunities for improvement in later implementation stages. The evaluation will also inform other aged care and disability service providers of the benefits of HIS and useful lessons in adoption of technology solutions.