372 resultados para Agón


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We present mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectra of the Compton-thick Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 3281, obtained with the Thermal-Region Camera Spectrograph at the Gemini-South telescope. The spectra present a very deep silicate absorption at 9.7 mu m, and [S IV] 10.5 mu m and [Ne II] 12.7 mu m ionic lines, but no evidence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission. We find that the nuclear optical extinction is in the range 24 mag <= A(V) <= 83 mag. A temperature T = 300 K was found for the blackbody dust continuum component of the unresolved 65 pc nucleus and the region at 130 pc SE, while the region at 130 pc NW reveals a colder temperature (200 K). We describe the nuclear spectrum of NGC 3281 using a clumpy torus model that suggests that the nucleus of this galaxy hosts a dusty toroidal structure. According to this model, the ratio between the inner and outer radius of the torus in NGC 3281 is R(0)/R(d) = 20, with 14 clouds in the equatorial radius with optical depth of tau(V) = 40 mag. We would be looking in the direction of the torus equatorial radius (i = 60 degrees), which has outer radius of R(0) similar to 11 pc. The column density is N(H) approximate to 1.2 x 10(24) cm(-2) and the iron K alpha equivalent width (approximate to 0.5-1.2 keV) is used to check the torus geometry. Our findings indicate that the X-ray absorbing column density, which classifies NGC 3281 as a Compton-thick source, may also be responsible for the absorption at 9.7 mu m providing strong evidence that the silicate dust responsible for this absorption can be located in the active galactic nucleus torus.


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A numerous population of weak line galaxies (WLGs) is often left out of statistical studies on emission-line galaxies (ELGs) due to the absence of an adequate classification scheme, since classical diagnostic diagrams, such as [O iii]/H beta versus [N ii]/H alpha (the BPT diagram), require the measurement of at least four emission lines. This paper aims to remedy this situation by transposing the usual divisory lines between star-forming (SF) galaxies and active galactic nuclei (AGN) hosts and between Seyferts and LINERs to diagrams that are more economical in terms of line quality requirements. By doing this, we rescue from the classification limbo a substantial number of sources and modify the global census of ELGs. More specifically, (1) we use the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 to constitute a suitable sample of 280 000 ELGs, one-third of which are WLGs. (2) Galaxies with strong emission lines are classified using the widely applied criteria of Kewley et al., Kauffmann et al. and Stasinska et al. to distinguish SF galaxies and AGN hosts and Kewley et al. to distinguish Seyferts from LINERs. (3) We transpose these classification schemes to alternative diagrams keeping [N ii]/H alpha as a horizontal axis, but replacing H beta by a stronger line (H alpha or [O ii]), or substituting the ionization-level sensitive [O iii]/H beta ratio with the equivalent width of H alpha (W(H alpha)). Optimized equations for the transposed divisory lines are provided. (4) We show that nothing significant is lost in the translation, but that the new diagrams allow one to classify up to 50 per cent more ELGs. (5) Introducing WLGs in the census of galaxies in the local Universe increases the proportion of metal-rich SF galaxies and especially LINERs. In the course of this analysis, we were led to make the following points. (i) The Kewley et al. BPT line for galaxy classification is generally ill-used. (ii) Replacing [O iii]/H beta by W(H alpha) in the classification introduces a change in the philosophy of the distinction between LINERs and Seyferts, but not in its results. Because the W(H alpha) versus [N ii]/H alpha diagram can be applied to the largest sample of ELGs without loss of discriminating power between Seyferts and LINERs, we recommend its use in further studies. (iii) The dichotomy between Seyferts and LINERs is washed out by WLGs in the BPT plane, but it subsists in other diagnostic diagrams. This suggests that the right wing in the BPT diagram is indeed populated by at least two classes, tentatively identified with bona fide AGN and `retired` galaxies that have stopped forming stars and are ionized by their old stellar populations.


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Data collected by the Pierre Auger Observatory provide evidence for anisotropy in the arrival directions of the cosmic rays with the highest-energies, which are correlated with the positions of relatively nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN) [Pierre Auger Collaboration, Science 318 (2007) 938]. The correlation has maximum significance for cosmic rays with energy greater than similar to 6 x 10(19) eV and AGN at a distance less than similar to 75 Mpc. We have confirmed the anisotropy at a confidence level of more than 99% through a test with parameters specified a priori, using an independent data set. The observed correlation is compatible with the hypothesis that cosmic rays with the highest-energies originate from extra-galactic sources close enough so that their flux is not significantly attenuated by interaction with the cosmic background radiation (the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuz`min effect). The angular scale of the correlation observed is a few degrees, which suggests a predominantly light composition unless the magnetic fields are very weak outside the thin disk of our galaxy. Our present data do not identify AGN as the sources of cosmic rays unambiguously, and other candidate sources which are distributed as nearby AGN are not ruled out. We discuss the prospect of unequivocal identification of individual sources of the highest-energy cosmic rays within a few years of continued operation of the Pierre Auger Observatory. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Foram analisados espectros óticos de fenda longa de 29 galáxias que hospedam núcleos ativos (AGNs), sendo 6 galáxias Seyfert 1, 18 galáxias Seyfert 2, 4 Rádio-galáxias de linhas estreitas (NLRG) e 1 Rádio-galáxia de linhas largas (BLRG). Estas galáxias apresentam emissão por gás de alta excitação que se estende em alguns casos a 10 kpc do núcleo. O objetivo do presente trabalho consiste em estudar e caracterizar as propriedades físicas da região estendida de linhas estreitas (ENLR) destes objetos bem como propriedades da fonte central. A distribuição radial de parâmetros que caracterizam o gás emissor em cada galáxia, tais como brilho superficial das linhas de emissão, densidade do gás, massa, extinção e excitação são obtidos. Estes valores característicos são comparados entre as diferentes classes de atividade nuclear presentes em nossa amostra, bem como às propriedades de galáxias normais com o mesmo tipo de Hubble quando possível. Nós encontramos que a massa de gás ionizado é consistente com a hipótese de que o gás é “originado” na fotoionização pela fonte central das nuvens de HI préexistentes na galáxia hospedeira. Os valores observados das razões entre as linhas estreitas de emissão são comparados com os obtidos através de modelos de fotoionização gerados com o código MAPPINGS Ic, obtendo os parâmetros do modelo – densidade, índice espectral da distribuição de energia e da metalicidade do gás – que melhor reproduzem as observações. Observamos que a variação da abundância química do gás é necessária para explicar o espalhamento nos valores observados. Adicionalmente, comparamos os valores observados com os obtidos com modelos de choques gerados por Dopita & Sutherland. Investigamos também a influência da emissão proveniente de regiões HII ao espectro observado – a qual concluímos ser importante particularmente nas regiões emissoras mais distantes do que 2 kpc do núcleo. Nós determinamos a luminosidade ionizante da fonte central nos AGNs usando a aproximação de que as nuvens de gás são limitadas por radiação, e obtivemos os correspondentes valores para o fator de cobertura do gás. Esta luminosidade ionizante foi então comparada com a luminosidade observada em raios-X na banda 2 –10 keV, através de aproximações para a distribuição espectral de energia (SED). Para 9 galáxias Seyfert 2 a luminosidade observada está disponível, e verificamos que nosso método recupera a luminosidade do AGN em raios-X – assim como obtida dos dados do satélite ASCA – bem como identifica os 3 casos Compton espessos. Por fim, investigamos a natureza do contínuo infravermelho (IR) médio e distante – comparandose a luminosidade observada no IR, calculada a partir dos fluxos IRAS, com a luminosidade predita para um toro que envolve a fonte central absorvendo a radiação incidente e re-emitindo esta no infravermelho. Encontramos que a luminosidade observada no IR é consistente com a luminosidade predita para o torus.


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Foram analisados espectros óticos de fenda longa das galáxias Seyfert 1 ESO362-G18 e Seyfert 2 ESO362-G8. Estas duas galáxias apresentam emissão por gás de alta excitação em forma anisotrópica, possivelmente devido a colimação por um tóro de poeira. O objetivo do presente trabalho consiste em estudar o contínuo e a região estendida de linhas de emissão (ENLR) destes objetos. Este trabalho constitui-se no primeiro estudo detalhado realizado sobre estas galáxias. A população estelar em cada galáxia e caracterizada em função da distância ao núcleo. O contínuo nuclear e estudado em termos de duas componentes: a população estelar e a componente AGN (\Active Galatic Nuclei"). Observa-se a presença desta componente AGN na gal axia Seyfert 1 ESO362-G18. A galáxia Seyfert 2 não permite observar esta componente AGN mesmo depois de subtraída a componente de população estelar. Nas duas galáxias observa-se importante contribuição de população de idade intermediária ( 5 108 anos). A partir das linhas estreitas de emissão, mapeamos a excitação do gás interestelar ao longo da ENLR. As razões entre estas linhas de emissão são reproduzidas a partir de um modelo de fotoionização de duas componentes - uma componente limitada por matéria ("matter-bounded") e uma componente limitada por ionização ("ionization-bounded"). Este modelo, construído utilizando o código de fotoionização MAPPINGS Ic, se propõe a resolver os problemas apresentados pelos modelos tradicionais de uma componente apenas. A partir dos resultados obtidos com o modelo de duas componentes, determinamos o fator de preenchimento e o fator de cobertura do gás em função da distância ao núcleo. Utilizamos estes parâmetros para testar a consistência do modelo proposto. Por fim realizase o cálculo de balanço de fótons e estuda-se a natureza do contínuo infravermelho (IR) médio e distante - comparando-se a luminosidade observada no IR, calculada a partir dos fluxos IRAS, com a luminosidade predita para um tóro que envolve a fonte modelada e re-emite a radiação incidente no infravermelho.


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This work is a detailed study of self-similar models for the expansion of extragalactic radio sources. A review is made of the definitions of AGN, the unified model is discussed and the main characteristics of double radio sources are examined. Three classification schemes are outlined and the self-similar models found in the literature are studied in detail. A self-similar model is proposed that represents a generalization of the models found in the literature. In this model, the area of the head of the jet varies with the size of the jet with a power law with an exponent γ. The atmosphere has a variable density that may or may not be spherically symmetric and it is taken into account the time variation of the cinematic luminosity of the jet according to a power law with an exponent h. It is possible to show that models Type I, II and III are particular cases of the general model and one also discusses the evolution of the sources radio luminosity. One compares the evolutionary curves of the general model with the particular cases and with the observational data in a P-D diagram. The results show that the model allows a better agreement with the observations depending on the appropriate choice of the model parameters.


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The interaction of management practices that increases plant density and reduces row spacing by spatial arrangement, if well planned, can be an excellent opportunity for the producers to increase their profitability. The objective of this study was to evaluate the variation effects of plant spatial distribution in two maize hybrids cultivated in a no-tillage system on the production components. The study was conducted in the CECA/UFAL. The treatments consisted of the cultivation of two hybrids of maize, FORT and AGN 30A00, in row spacings of 0.80 and 0.40 m and with plant densities of 60,000 and 70,000 plants ha -1. The statistical design was randomized blocks in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial scheme, with three replications. From the results obtained, it may be concluded that neither the row spacing reduction nor plant density increase, as isolated practices, do not increase grain yield in the tested cultivars. The association of the reduction in row spacing and increase in plant population resulted in significant gain in grain productivity for the hybrid FORT.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In different crops, the seeds treatment with the use of fungicides and/or insecticides has been performed before the storage or in the seeding moment as a guarantee form of longer conservation period and adequate initial stand. However, it is not known if the various products used for the treatment interfere with test results of electrical conductivity of corn seeds. The experimental design was completely randomized and the analysis carried out in a factorial 5x5x2 with four replications. The treatments consisted of five cultivars of corn (DKB 390YG, DKB 185YG, 2B710, AGN-30A91HX and AL Bandeirante) treated with four insecticides (imidacloprid+thiodicarbe, thiamethoxam, fipronil, fipronil+piraclostrobin+thiophanate-methyl), and the control previously treated by the company with fungicides (fludioxonil+metalaxyl-M e captan) and insecticides (pirimiphos-methyl, deltamethrin e bifenthrin), analyzed in two different times (after treatment and at 35 days of storage). Seeds were subjected to tests of germination, electrical conductivity and water content. The results showed that the treatment of corn seeds with insecticides and fungicides doesn't interfere on the test results of electric conductivity, even if the analysis is made after 35 days of storage of seeds.


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In Heracles Mainomenos, by Euripides, the hero is submited to the ultimate test: win himself, accepting stay alive after committing an irremediable error. The dramatic action has dual motivation, human and divine. The human conflict requires resilience of families and friends of Heracles and the opposition of Lico is a key element to the action. In the subsequent clash between Heracles and the goddess Hera, victory lies with the deity, motivating the disaster, but confirms the heroics of Heracles, that resists the urge to annihilation after the murder of children. His friend, King Theseus, provides him the support needed to dissuade him from his purpose of annihilation and strengthens him for endurance. The valuation of philia is an important element in shaping the sense of this euripidean text.


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We report the discovery of 12 new fossil groups (FGs) of galaxies, systems dominated by a single giant elliptical galaxy and cluster-scale gravitational potential, but lacking the population of bright galaxies typically seen in galaxy clusters. These FGs, selected from the maxBCG optical cluster catalog, were detected in snapshot observations with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. We detail the highly successful selection method, with an 80% success rate in identifying 12 FGs from our target sample of 15 candidates. For 11 of the systems, we determine the X-ray luminosity, temperature, and hydrostatic mass, which do not deviate significantly from expectations for normal systems, spanning a range typical of rich groups and poor clusters of galaxies. A small number of detected FGs are morphologically irregular, possibly due to past mergers, interaction of the intra-group medium with a central active galactic nucleus (AGN), or superposition of multiple massive halos. Two-thirds of the X-ray-detected FGs exhibit X-ray emission associated with the central brightest cluster galaxy (BCG), although we are unable to distinguish between AGN and extended thermal galaxy emission using the current data. This sample representing a large increase in the number of known FGs, will be invaluable for future planned observations to determine FG temperature, gas density, metal abundance, and mass distributions, and to compare to normal (non-fossil) systems. Finally, the presence of a population of galaxy-poor systems may bias mass function determinations that measure richness from galaxy counts. When used to constrain power spectrum normalization and Omega(m), these biased mass functions may in turn bias these results.


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Observing high-energy gamma-rays from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) offers a unique potential to probe extremely tiny values of the intergalactic magnetic field (IGMF), a long standing question of astrophysics, astropa rticle physics and cosmology. Very high energy (VHE) photons from blazars propagating along the line of sight interact with the extragalactic background light (EBL) and produce e + e − pairs. Through inverse-Compton interaction, mainly on the cosmic microwave background (CMB), these pairs generate secondary GeV-TeV compo- nents accompanying the primary VHE signal. Such secondary components would be detected in the gamma-ray range as delayed “pair echos” for very weak IGMF ( B< 10 − 16 G ), while they should result in a spatially extended ga mma-ray emission around the source for higher IGMF values ( B> 10 − 16 G ). Coordinated observations with space (i.e. Fermi) and ground- based gamma-ray instruments, such as the pre sent Cherenkov experiments H.E.S.S., MAGIC and VERITAS, the future Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Observatory, and the wide-field detectors such as HAWC and LHAASO, should allow to analyze and finally detect such echos, extended emission or pair halos, and to further characterize the IGMF.


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The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether some positions in democratic theory should be adjusted or abandoned in view of internationalisation; and if adjusted, how. More specifically it pursues three different aims: to evaluate various attempts to explain levels of democracy as consequences of internationalisation; to investigate whether the taking into account of internationalisation reveals any reason to reconsider what democracy is or means; and to suggest normative interpretations that cohere with the adjustments of conceptual and explanatory democratic theory made in the course of meeting the other two aims. When empirical methods are used, the scope of the study is restricted to West European parliamentary democracies and their international affairs. More particularly, the focus is on the making of budget policy in Britain, France, and Sweden after the Second World War, and recent budget policy in the European Union. The aspects of democracy empirically analysed are political autonomy, participation, and deliberation. The material considered includes parliamentary debates, official statistics, economic forecasts, elections manifestos, shadow budgets, general election turnouts, regulations of budget decision-making, and staff numbers in government and parliament budgetary divisions. The study reaches the following conclusions among others. (i) The fact that internationalisation increases the divergence between those who make and those who are affected by decisions is not by itself a democratic problem that calls for political reform. (ii) That international organisations may have authorities delegated to them from democratic states is not sufficient to justify them democratically. Democratisation still needs to be undertaken. (iii) The fear that internationalisation dissolves a social trust necessary for political deliberation within nations seems to be unwarranted. If anything, views argued by others in domestic budgetary debate are taken increasingly serious during internationalisation. (iv) The major difficulty with deliberation seems to be its inability to transcend national boundaries. International deliberation at state level has not evolved in response to internationalisation and it is undeveloped in international institutions. (v) Democratic political autonomy diminishes during internationalisation with regard to income redistribution and policy areas taken over by international organisations, but it seems to increase in public spending. (vi) In the area of budget policy-making there are no signs that governments gain power at the expense of parliaments during internationalisation. (vii) To identify crucial democratic issues in a time of internationalisation and to make room for theoretical virtues like general applicability and normative fruitfulness, democracy may be defined as a kind of politics where as many as possible decide as much as possible.


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Thanks to the Chandra and XMM–Newton surveys, the hard X-ray sky is now probed down to a flux limit where the bulk of the X-ray background is almost completely resolved into discrete sources, at least in the 2–8 keV band. Extensive programs of multiwavelength follow-up observations showed that the large majority of hard X–ray selected sources are identified with Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) spanning a broad range of redshifts, luminosities and optical properties. A sizable fraction of relatively luminous X-ray sources hosting an active, presumably obscured, nucleus would not have been easily recognized as such on the basis of optical observations because characterized by “peculiar” optical properties. In my PhD thesis, I will focus the attention on the nature of two classes of hard X-ray selected “elusive” sources: those characterized by high X-ray-to-optical flux ratios and red optical-to-near-infrared colors, a fraction of which associated with Type 2 quasars, and the X-ray bright optically normal galaxies, also known as XBONGs. In order to characterize the properties of these classes of elusive AGN, the datasets of several deep and large-area surveys have been fully exploited. The first class of “elusive” sources is characterized by X-ray-to-optical flux ratios (X/O) significantly higher than what is generally observed from unobscured quasars and Seyfert galaxies. The properties of well defined samples of high X/O sources detected at bright X–ray fluxes suggest that X/O selection is highly efficient in sampling high–redshift obscured quasars. At the limits of deep Chandra surveys (∼10−16 erg cm−2 s−1), high X/O sources are generally characterized by extremely faint optical magnitudes, hence their spectroscopic identification is hardly feasible even with the largest telescopes. In this framework, a detailed investigation of their X-ray properties may provide useful information on the nature of this important component of the X-ray source population. The X-ray data of the deepest X-ray observations ever performed, the Chandra deep fields, allows us to characterize the average X-ray properties of the high X/O population. The results of spectral analysis clearly indicate that the high X/O sources represent the most obscured component of the X–ray background. Their spectra are harder (G ∼ 1) than any other class of sources in the deep fields and also of the XRB spectrum (G ≈ 1.4). In order to better understand the AGN physics and evolution, a much better knowledge of the redshift, luminosity and spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of elusive AGN is of paramount importance. The recent COSMOS survey provides the necessary multiwavelength database to characterize the SEDs of a statistically robust sample of obscured sources. The combination of high X/O and red-colors offers a powerful tool to select obscured luminous objects at high redshift. A large sample of X-ray emitting extremely red objects (R−K >5) has been collected and their optical-infrared properties have been studied. In particular, using an appropriate SED fitting procedure, the nuclear and the host galaxy components have been deconvolved over a large range of wavelengths and ptical nuclear extinctions, black hole masses and Eddington ratios have been estimated. It is important to remark that the combination of hard X-ray selection and extreme red colors is highly efficient in picking up highly obscured, luminous sources at high redshift. Although the XBONGs do not present a new source population, the interest on the nature of these sources has gained a renewed attention after the discovery of several examples from recent Chandra and XMM–Newton surveys. Even though several possibilities were proposed in recent literature to explain why a relatively luminous (LX = 1042 − 1043erg s−1) hard X-ray source does not leave any significant signature of its presence in terms of optical emission lines, the very nature of XBONGs is still subject of debate. Good-quality photometric near-infrared data (ISAAC/VLT) of 4 low-redshift XBONGs from the HELLAS2XMMsurvey have been used to search for the presence of the putative nucleus, applying the surface-brightness decomposition technique. In two out of the four sources, the presence of a nuclear weak component hosted by a bright galaxy has been revealed. The results indicate that moderate amounts of gas and dust, covering a large solid angle (possibly 4p) at the nuclear source, may explain the lack of optical emission lines. A weak nucleus not able to produce suffcient UV photons may provide an alternative or additional explanation. On the basis of an admittedly small sample, we conclude that XBONGs constitute a mixed bag rather than a new source population. When the presence of a nucleus is revealed, it turns out to be mildly absorbed and hosted by a bright galaxy.