585 resultados para Adobe Photoshop
Proud suggested that the biggest and most obvious impact of the digital world felt by academics, was in the area of teaching. He demonstrated a number of the initiatives which have been by developed by outside organizations and within various universities. Those include larger classrooms, online teaching and Blackboard. All of these were believed to provide improved learning by students, but, most commonly also expanded the faculty workload. He then discussed a number of the newer technologies which are becoming available such as the virtual classroom, Google Glass, Adobe online, Skype and others. All of these tools, he argued were in response to increasing economic pressures on the University, the result of which is that entire courses have migrated online. The reason for university interest in these new technologies were listed as reduced need for classrooms and classroom space, less need for on-campus facilities and even a decline in need for weekly in-class lectures. Thus, it has been argued that these new tools and technologies liberate the faculty from the tyranny of geography through the introduction of blogs, online videos, discussion forums and communication tools such as wikis, Facebook sites and Yammer, all of which seem to have specific advantages. The question raised, however, is: How successful have these new digital innovations been? As an example, he cited his own experience in teaching distance learning programs in Thailand and elsewhere. Those results are still being reviewed, with no definitive view developed.
"What is Bluebird AR? Bluebird AR was the ABC's alternate reality drama set around the leak of Bluebird, a clandestine geoengineering initiative created by eco-billionaire Harrison Wyld. Proposing a fictional scenario set against a backdrop of real world possibilities, Bluebird AR took some of the conventions of the well-established alternate reality game (ARG) genre and pulled them into the relatively new area of online drama, to create a hybrid entertainment form best described as 'participatory drama'. With Bluebird AR's interactive narrative centred on the experimental science of geoengineering, the deliberate manipulation of the Earth's atmosphere to counteract global warming, the events and characters in the Bluebird story were entirely fictional but fused with reality online. Inhabiting a mixture of third party social media spaces and websites created by the ABC, the story incorporated real online articles, scientific journals, media and debate around geoengineering. In an Australian first, ABC Innovation launched Bluebird AR on 27 April 2010, with a 6 week live phase. Audience members were invited to play collectively to help 'unlock the drama' and push forward the emerging narrative, or passively watch the story unfold in real-time across the internet. Bluebird AR subverted ARG conventions with the high quality of its production and assets, and raised the stakes for online drama with its level of audience participation." © 2014 ABC "Introduction One of the most exciting creative challenges of producing Bluebird AR was formulating the broad array of visual styles and treatments required for the project's diverse range of content. Many assets also needed to translate well not only online but across other media, including television and print. With the project's producers keen to create a visually rich narrative with high production values from the outset, inspiration for the production design for various aspects of the Bluebird story began in the earliest pitching phase in September 2008. Particular visual treatments and styles for Bluebird's characters, their web spaces and real world possessions were formulated concurrently with the creation of their profiles. Ideas around how various clues and gameplay spaces might look and feel were also explored at this early stage. Bluebird AR's small but tight creative team produced 7 website designs and brands, motion graphics for title sequences and logo animations, rotoscope animation, 3D compositing and animation, 3D wireframes and schematics, countless Photoshop composites, and a vast array of character assets for the DC (including Kyle's Bluebird Labs security pass and resignation letter, Kruger's American and Russia passports and birth certificate, Harrison's divorce papers, and more)…" © 2014 ABC
Stabilised soil products such as stabilised soil blocks, rammed earth and stabilised adobe are being used for building construction since the last 6-7 decades. Major advantages of stabilised soil products include low embodied carbon, use of local materials, decentralized production, and easy to adjust the strength, texture, size and shape. Portland cement and lime represent the most commonly used stabilisers for stabilised soil products. The mechanism of strength development in cement and lime stabilised soils is distinctly different. The paper presents results of scientific investigations pertaining to the status of clay minerals in the 28 day cured cement and lime stabilised soil compacts. XRD, SEM imaging, grain size distribution and Atterberg's limits of the ground stabilised soil products and the natural soil were determined. Results reveal that clay minerals can be retrieved from cement stabilised soil products, whereas in lime stabilised soil products clay minerals get consumed in the lime-clay reactions and negligible percentage of clay minerals are left in the stabilised soil compacts. The results of the present investigation clearly demonstrate that cement stabilisation is superior to lime stabilisation in retrieving the clay minerals from the stabilised soil compacts. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Babelium Project (tambi en BP de aqu en adelante), es un proyecto de c odigo abierto cuyo principal objetivo es fomentar el aprendizaje de idiomas online. Para ello, haciendo uso de distintas tecnolog as, se cre o una aplicaci on web, Rich Internet Applications (RIA), que permite a los usuarios practicar idiomas por pr actica oral. La aplicaci on dispone de varios m odulos donde, gracias al streaming de v deo, los usuarios pueden grabar o evaluar ejercicios de forma colaborativa. Babelium Project empez o siendo una aplicaci on desarrollada bajo el conjunto de tecnolog as Flex, un conjunto de tecnolog as de Adobe cuya compilaci on resultante es un aplicaci on (web en este caso) basada en Flash. Sin embargo, con la reciente llegada de HTML5, todo parece indicar que Adobe abandonar a Flex en un futuro 1 2 para centrar sus esfuerzos en el desarrollo de soluciones para esta nueva tecnolog a. Por esa raz on, naci o este proyecto, con el n de migrar Babelium Project a HTML5, conjunto de tecnolog as con gran futuro y acogida en el mundo web. Mi trabajo en este proyecto ha consistido, principalmente, en analizar la factibilidad y proceso adecuado de la migraci on de un proyecto de dimensiones considerables desarrollado bajo Flex al conjunto de tecnolog as que forman HTML5, teniendo para ello el proyecto Babelium como caso de prueba. Las fases principales del proyecto han sido: an alisis del estado de HTML5, an alisis de factibilidad, elecci on de un conjunto de tecnolog as para la migraci on, desarrollo de patrones de migraci on y, por ultimo, migraci on de Babelium utilizando dichas tecnolog as y siguiendo dichos patrones.
A espécie Sotalia guianensis apresenta um variado repertório de assobios que estão ligados a interação social e a diferentes contextos de comportamento. As variações intraespecíficas nas estruturas dos assobios podem indicar diferenças entre populações dessa espécie. O presente estudo caracterizou e comparou o repertório dos assobios de Sotalia guianensis, em três baías do estado do Rio de Janeiro: Baía de Guanabara (BG), Baía de Sepetiba (BS) e Baía da Ilha Grande (BI), utilizando um sistema de gravação com limite superior de frequência de 48 kHz e através da aplicação das análises quantitativas e qualitativas dos parâmetros acústicos. As gravações dos assobios foram realizadas com embarcações de 5,5 e 7m e sistema de gravação composto por um hidrofone High Tech, modelo HTI-96-MIN, e um gravador digital modelo PMD 671 Marantz, com limite superior de frequência de 48 kHz. As análises dos espectrogramas foram realizadas com os softwares Adobe Audition 1.5 e Raven 1.3. Os assobios foram classificados em seis categorias de forma de contorno e 11 parâmetros acústicos foram medidos para cada assobio. Para comparar os parâmetros acústicos de mesma forma de contorno entre as três baías, foram aplicados a análise descritiva e testes estatísticos de comparação de média. Um total de 1800 assobios foi selecionado e 61,38% (N=1105) dos assobios apresentaram forma de contorno ascendente. Assobios com zero ou um ponto de inflexão foram mais frequentes (N=1476), correspondendo a 82%. A amplitude de frequência encontrada variou de 1,03 a 46,87 kHz, maior alcance registrado para essa espécie no Brasil. A média de duração dos assobios da BG foi menor do que as médias encontradas na BS e na BI. Os resultados de todas as comparações realizadas demonstraram que os parâmetros de frequência (FI, FF, FMAX e F3/4) foram os que mais apresentaram diferenças significativas entre as três áreas. A variação encontrada nos assobios de S. guianensis entre as três áreas estudadas pode também estar ligada aos tipos de assobios mais comuns em cada área, representados pelos assobios ascendentes, que apesar de apresentarem a mesma forma de contorno, possuem diferenças em seus parâmetros acústicos, possivelmente ligados a informações individuais. A utilização de um sistema de gravação com limite superior de 48 kHz possibilitou a análise de muitos assobios. Com isso, foi possível verificar a importância do limite de frequência aplicado para caracterizar o repertório acústico dessa espécie, juntamente com as análises qualitativas das formas de contorno e as análises quantitativas dos parâmetros acústicos dos assobios. A aplicação dessa metodologia foi eficaz na comparação intraespecífica dos assobios, e futuramente, estudos mais detalhados da classificação dos assobios, poderá acrescentar informações relevantes sobre a variação desse tipo de emissão sonora no repertório acústico S. guianensis
A poluição sonora é um grave problema nos oceanos devido à eficiência de propagação do som na água e à importância da comunicação acústica para os organismos marinhos. Delfinídeos utilizam o som para comunicação, coordenação de grupo, percepção do hábitat e busca por alimentos, já tendo sido demonstrado que podem alterar suas vocalizações em função do aumento do ruído subaquático. O presente estudo realizou uma comparação dos assobios do boto-cinza Sotalia guianensis em dois ambientes acústicos distintos, um silencioso e um ruidoso, dentro da Baía de Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Também foram realizadas investigadas as relações dos parâmetros acústicos dos assobios de S. guianensis com os valores de pressão sonora do ruído subaquático. O sistema de gravação foi totalmente calibrado e consistiu de um gravador digital Marantz PMD670 com taxa de amostragem de 96 kHz e um hidrofone HTI-96MIN (5 Hz 30 kHz, sensibilidade média de -170,5 dB re 1 Pa). As gravações realizadas dos assobios e do ruído subaquático ocorreram simultaneamente em duas regiões da baía: a APA de Guapimirim e o Canal central. Durante o período de amostragem os grupos de S. guianensis foram observados em três estados comportamentais: alimentação, deslocamento e socialização; foram anotadas também informações quanto a tamanho e composição de grupo. A análise dos assobios foi realizada no software Raven 1.4 e 10 parâmetros acústicos foram extraídos. Também foi calculada a razão de emissão de assobios. A análise de ruído subaquático foi realizada no software Adobe Audition 1.5, onde foram extraídos valores de pressão sonora do ruído 300ms imediatamente antes de cada assobio analisado, sendo utilizados para análise estatística os maiores valores de pressão sonora dentro de sete intervalos de frequência. Um Teste U de Mann-Whitney foi aplicado para comparar os parâmetros acústicos dos assobios e os valores de pressão sonora das duas regiões amostradas. Esta comparação foi feita para cada estado comportamental observado durante a coleta. Posteriormente foi realizado um teste de correlações de Spearman para investigar a relação entre os parâmetros acústicos e os valores de pressão sonora. Este teste também foi feito separadamente para cada estado comportamental. No comportamento de alimentação foi encontrada diferença na duração, na frequência central e em todos os valores de pressão sonora. Durante o comportamento de socialização foi encontrada diferença na duração e em todos os valores de pressão sonora. Durante o comportamento de alimentação foi encontrada relação entre cinco parâmetros acústicos, a taxa de vocalização e a pressão sonora. Durante o comportamento de socialização foi encontrada relação entre a duração e a pressão sonora. S. guianensis alterou seu comportamento acústico em situações ruidosas, diminuindo a duração e aumentando a taxa de vocalização. Na Baía de Guanabara esta espécie está exposta diariamente a poluição sonora, sendo a APA de Guapimirim o ambiente acústico menos perturbado a que S. guianensis tem acesso.
Among the functional nucleic acids studied, adenine-rich nucleic acids have attracted attention due to their critical roles in many biological processes and self-assembly-based nanomaterials, especially deoxyribonucleic acids (abbreviated as poly(dA)). Therefore the ligands binding to poly(dA) might serve as potential therapeutic agents. Coralyne, a kind of planar alkaloid, has been firstly found that it could bind strongly to poly(dA). This work herein reports an approach for visual sensing of the coralyne-poly(dA) interaction. This method was based on the coralyne inducing poly(dA) into the homo-adenine DNA duplex and the difference in electrostatic affinity between single-stranded DNA and double-stranded DNA with gold nanoparticles (GNPs). Furthermore, we applied the recognition process of the interaction between coralyne and poly(dA) into specific coralyne detection with the assistance of certain software (such as Photoshop). A linear response from 0 to 728 nM was obtained for coralyne, and a detection limit of 91 nM was achieved.
Arquitetura do Purus. Arquivo de definição de dados (DataSource). Arquivo de definição de relatório. Recursos. Agrupamento. Funções do grupo. Parametrização de definição de relatório. Inclusão de caracteres ASCII. Formatação de dados. Relatórios no formato CSV. Execução do Purus. Reportmanager.
This site was first discovered when the weight of a mechanical digger overhead caused the roof of the main chamber to collapse. This was in November 1975 and it was first reported in the Cork Examiner where it was described as a lios.
A brief account of the two axes to be described and illustrated here was published by Power in 1926. He states that they were discovered at Aghadown near Baltimore, in a souterrain locally known as Poll-a-Talmhain
The objective of this essay is not a description of the presently unresearched, unstated and unquantified tradition of collectors, collecting and collectables in Cork; it is rather one of signposting what survives in terms of influences which coalesced into what became the bibliographical and museological resources of the Queen's College and ultimately University College, Cork (UCC).
The history of higher learning in Cork can be traced from its late eighteenth-century origins to its present standing within the extended confines of the Neo-Gothic architecture of University College, Cork. This institution, founded in 1845 was the successor and ultimate achievement of its forerunner, the Royal Cork Institution. The opening in 1849 of the college, then known as Queen's College, Cork, brought about a change in the role of the Royal Cork Institution as a centre of education. Its ambition of being the 'Munster College' was subsumed by the Queen's College even though it continued to function as a centre of learning up to the 1805. At this time its co-habitant, the School of Design, received a new wing under the benevolent patronage of William Crawford, and the Royal Cork Institution ceased to exist as the centre for cultural, technical and scientific learning it had set out to be. The building it occupied is today known as the Crawford Municipal Art Gallery.
The townland of Dunisky (Dún Uisce, 'water fort', see Ó Murchadha 2001, 98) is situated about 2.5 miles to the SE of Macroom, Co. Cork (Ill. 1). It is also the Civil Parish of Dunisky, and is located in the Barony of West Muskerry. In extent, it contains over one thousand acres. It was first surveyed by the Ordnance Survey of Ireland in 1841-42. An earlier survey of the townland survives, drawn by the Cork cartographer, Patrick Aher. It is dated 1791, and shows sub-denominations.
There are several thousand souterrains in Ireland, and in Co. Cork to date we have records of the existence of approximately 500. The scientific name souterrain is an antiquarian's term for these monuments. Other names used in the past were Dane's Hole and Rath Cave. Folknames for souterrains range from the nondescript Cave or Poll Talaimh to, in specific cases, Tigh-faoi-thalamh and Carraig-an-tseomra. Dr Anthony Lucas states in a recent paper (2) that probably, during the period in which they were used, one of the common names for a souterrain was Uam (Uaimh in modern Irish).
Ballineaspig, anglicised Bishopstown, consists of two townlands which are Ballineaspigmore and Ballineaspigbeg. Taken together, both townlands occupy an area identifiable in modern day terms as lying approximately between the old Glasheen National School on the east side and what was, until recently, the University Farm Curraheen Road on the west. A townland is the smallest administrative land division in Ireland. Historians and other scholars are as yet inconclusive about the origins of these divisions. They are certainly as old as the seventeenth century. The townland with which this booklet is concerned is known as Ballineaspigmore. It extends west from the new Regional Hospital at Wilton and includes modern housing estates such as Uam-Var, Benvoirlich and Firgrove. The simplest translation of the townland name is the large land division of the bishop. To clarify a popular misconception, Bishopstown does not derive its name from the fact that in the early eighteenth century a bishop of Cork built his country residence there. The name is much older and can be found in sources dating back to the sixteenth century.