133 resultados para Adenite equina


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Programa de doctorado: Sanidad animal


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In corso di gravidanza normale avvengono modificazioni emodinamiche centrali e periferiche volte a garantire le crescenti richieste nutritive dell'unità feto-placentare. L’ecografia con mezzo di contrasto (CEUS-Contrast Enhanced Ultrasonography) a base di microbolle offre una nuova opportunità di monitorare e quantificare la perfusione utero-placentare in condizioni normali e patologiche. L’ecocardiografia è stata ampiamente usata in medicina umana per valutare l’adattamento morfo-funzionale cardiaco materno durante la gravidanza. Gli scopi di questo lavoro prospettico sono stati di applicare, per la prima volta nella specie equina, un mezzo di contrasto di II generazione (Sonovue®), al fine quantificare la perfusione utero-placentare in corso di gravidanza normale, valutandone gli effetti sul benessere materno-fetale e di descrivere le modificazioni nei parametri ecocardiografici morfometrici e funzionali cardiaci, in particolare relativi alla funzione del ventricolo sinistro nel corso di una gravidanza fisiologica. Due fattrici sane di razza Trottatore sono state monitorate ecograficamente in maniera seriale durante l’intero corso della gravidanza, tramite esame bidimensionale, ecocontrastografia dell'unità utero-placentare, flussimetria Doppler delle arterie uterine, ecocardiografia materna in modalità bidimensionale, M-mode, Doppler e Tissue Doppler Imaging. I neonati sono stati clinicamente monitorati e gli invogli fetali esaminati. Il pattern di microperfusione utero-placentare è valutabile quali-quantitativamente tramite la CEUS e dimostra un’aumento del flusso a livello di microvascolarizzazione uterina con l'avanzare della gravidanza; non è stata rilevata la presenza di microbolle a livello di strutture fetali nè effetti dannosi sul benessere materno-fetale. In questo studio sono state osservate delle modificazioni cardiache materne in corso di gravidanza fisiologica, relative all'aumento della FC, del CO ed in particolare all'aumento delle dimensioni dell'atrio sinistro ed a modificazioni nelle onde di velocità di flusso e tissutali di riempimento del ventricolo sinistro.


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STUDY DESIGN Technical note and case series. OBJECTIVE To introduce an innovative minimal-invasive surgical procedure reducing surgery time and blood loss in management of U-shaped sacrum fractures. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND Despite their seldom appearance, U-shaped fractures can cause severe neurological deficits and surgical management difficulties. According to the nature of the injury normally occurring in multi-injured patients after a fall from height, a jump, or road traffic accident, U-shaped fractures create a spinopelvic dissociation and hence are highly unstable. In the past, time-consuming open procedures like large posterior constructs or shortening osteotomies with or without decompression were the method of choice, sacrificing spinal mobility. Insufficient restoration of sacrococcygeal angle and pelvic incidence with conventional techniques may have adverse long-term effects in these patients. METHODS In a consecutive series of 3 patients, percutaneous reduction of the fracture with Schanz pins inserted in either the pedicles of L5 or the S1 body and the posterior superior iliac crest was achieved. The Schanz pins act as lever, allowing a good manipulation of the fracture. The reduction is secured by a temporary external fixator to permit optimal restoration of pelvic incidence and sacral kyphosis. Insertion of 2 transsacral screws allow fixation of the restored spinopelvic alignment. RESULTS Anatomic alignment of the sacrum was possible in each case. Surgery time ranged from 90 to 155 minutes and the blood loss was <50 mL in all 3 cases. Two patients had very good results in the long term regarding maintenance of pelvic incidence and sacrococcygeal angle. One patient with previous cauda equina decompression had loss of correction after 6 months. CONCLUSIONS Percutaneous reduction and transsacral screw fixation offers a less invasive method for treating U-shaped fractures. This can be advantageous in treatment of patients with multiple injuries.


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AIMS To determine efficacy of a minimally invasive (MI) surgical approach using a human MI lumbar retractor for canine lumbosacral dorsal laminectomy and partial discectomy and to compare this technique to the standard open surgical (OS) approach. METHODS Lumbosacral dorsal laminectomy and partial discectomy was performed on 16 large-breed canine cadavers using either a standard OS (n=8) or MI (n=8) approach. Skin and fascial incision length, procedure time, and intraoperative complications were recorded. Postoperatively specimens were evaluated for laminectomy and discectomy dimensions, and visible damage to the cauda equina and exiting nerve roots. RESULTS Median length of skin and fascial incisions in the OS group were longer than in the MI group (p<0.001). Median laminectomy length was similar between both approaches (p=0.234) but width was greater for the MI than OS approach (p=0.002). Both approaches achieved similar partial discectomy width (p=0.279). Overall surgical time was longer for MI approaches compared to OS, with a median of 18.5 (min 15.5, max 21.8) minutes for MI compared to 14.6 (min 13.1, max 16.9) minutes for OS (p=0.001). CONCLUSIONS The MI approach reduced incision lengths while retaining comparable laminectomy and discectomy dimensions. For this in vitro model the MI approach required more time to complete, but this difference may not be relevant in clinical cases. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Dogs undergoing lumbosacral dorsal laminectomy are commonly large-breed dogs. The traditional open approach requires a large skin incision and soft tissue dissection, especially in overweight animals. A MI approach accomplishing the same surgical result while minimising soft tissue trauma could reduce post-operative pain and recovery time, and may lower wound-related complications. Clinical studies are needed to confirm postoperative benefit and assess operating times in vivo.


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Part 1: 1881-1888 On Some Points in the Etiology and Pathology of Ulcerative Endocarditis, 1881 On Certain Parasites in the Blood of the Frog, 1883 The Third Corpuscle of the Blood, 1883 On the Use of Arsenic in Certain Forms of Anaemia, 1886 Antifebrin, 1887 Case of Arterio-Venous Aneurism of the Axillary Artery and Vein of Fourteen Year's Duration, 1887 Typhilitis and Appendicitis, 1888 Part 2: 1889-1892 Annual Address - License to Practice 1889 Case of Syphiloma of the Cord of the Cauda Equina-Death From Diffuse Central Myelitis, 1889 On a Case of Simple Idiopathic Muscular Atrophy, Involving the Face and the Scapulo-Humeral Muscles, 1889 Note on Intra-Thoracic Growths Developing from the Thyroid Gland, 1889 On the Value of Laveran's Organisms in the Diagnosis of Malaria, 1889 On the Form of Convulsive Tic Associated with Corprolalia, Etc., 1890 A Case of Sensory Aphasia Word-blindness with Hemianopsia, 1891 Rudolf Virchow: The Man and the Student, 1891 The Healing of Tuberculosis, 1892 The Cold-Bath Treatment of Typhoid Fever, 1892 Part 3: 1893 Remarks on the Varieties of Chronic Chorea, and a Report Upon Two Families of the Hereditary Form, With One Autopsy, 1893 Note on Arsenical Neuritis Following the use of Fowler's Solution, 1893 Note on a Remarkable House Epidemic of Typhoid Fever, 1893 Cases of Sub-Phrenic Abscess, 1893 On Sporadic Cretinism in America, 1893 Notes on Tuberculosis in Children, 1893 Part 4: 1849-1895 Parotitis in Pneumonia, Case of Pericarditis Treated by Incision and Drainage, 1894 The Army Surgeon, 1894 Introductory Remarks to Course of Clinical Demonstrations on Typhoid Fever, 1894 Cancer of the Stomach with Very Rapid Course, 1895 Case of Sporadic Cretinism (Infantile Myxcedema) Treated Successfully with Thyroid Extract, 1895 Visible Contractile Tumour of the Pylorus Following Ulcer of the Stomach, 1895 On the Association of Enormous Heart Hypertrophy, Chronic Proliferative Peritonitis, and Recurring Ascites, with Adherent Pericardium, 1895 Teaching and Thinking the Two Functions of a Medical School, 1895 The Practical Value of Laveran's Discoveries, 1895 Part 5 1896 Addison's Disease, 1896 On Six Cases of Addison's Disease, 1896 Hemiplegia in Typhoid Fever Thomas Dover (of Dover's Powder) Physician and Buccaneer, 1896 John Keats The Apothecary Poet, 1896 On The Classification of the Tics or Habit Movements, 1896 The Cerebral Complication of Raynaud's Disease, 1896 Part 6: 1897 On Certain Features in the Prognosis of Pneumonia, 1897 Clinical Lecture on Mitral Stenosis - Sudden Death - Ball Thrombus in the Left Auricle, 1897 The Diagnosis of Malarial Fever, 1897 The Functions of a State Faculty (President's Address), 1897 A Clinical Lecture on The Ball-Valve Gall-Stone in the Common Duct, 1897 Pneumonia (Review of Cases studied), 1897 Internal Medicine as a Vocation, 1897 Back Notes


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La elaboración de esta propuesta surge a raíz de la aparición de casos de equinos afectados y muertos por el Virus del Oeste del Nilo (VON) en la Provincia de Córdoba, y del re-surgimiento de un brote de Arteritis viral equina (AVE) en la provincia de Buenos Aires y de Córdoba en el corriente año 2010. Estas dos enfermedades consideradas exóticas históricamente para la provincia de Córdoba (y la Argentina) fueron diagnosticadas en el territorio provincial recientemente; el VON en 2010 y la AVE en 2000/1 y de nuevo en 2010. Está claro que existe una gran desinformación a nivel de productores, trabajadores y profesionales de la industria equina respecto a la existencia y forma de enfrentarse a éstas y otras enfermedades infecciosas que afectan a los equinos y en algunos casos también a los humanos. Es más, hemos podido comprobar cómo las autoridades sanitarias oficiales toman a veces medidas desacertadas frente al control de estas nuevas enfermedades, suponemos por falta de informacion. Además como docente de la asignatura "enfermedades transmisibles y toxicas de los equinos" por más de 15 años puedo asegurar que existe una carencia marcada de material didáctico y bibliográfico en español. En Córdoba existen importantes centros de reproducción equina, que concentran varios centenares de equinos de alto valor genético y de distintos orígenes geográficos como así también numerosos productores de equinos de distintas razas. A través de las consultas recibidas en algunos casos percibimos el grado de desinformación y sentimos la necesidad de difundir información necesaria respecto a las muchas enfermedades infecciosas que pueden afectar a los equinos. Los cambios climáticos, la globalización del mercado de semen, embriones y reproductores equinos, el tránsito de equinos a los distintos eventos deportivos o de recreación representan un riesgo significativo para la transmisión de enfermedades. Dos importantes centros equinos reproductivos ubicados en el sur de la provincia nos han manifestado su necesidad de conocer y estar actualizados sobre las enfermedades infecciosas que pueden y de hecho impactan sobre sus poblaciones equinas, Estos centros manejan poblaciones de yeguas donantes de embriones que representan una elit genetica de equinos de Salto y Polo principalmente, ademas a grandes poblaciones de yeguas receptoras de embriones que se utilizan como medio para la produccion de potrillos de alto valor. En centros de este tipo, la prevencion y control de enfermedades infecciosas especialmente aquellas potencialmente letales es critica, ya que su incidencia podria tener un gran impacto negativo y con las consecuentes pérdidas económicas para no solo estos centros sino tambien para sus clientes y para la provincia. Asimismo, como resultado de mi asistencia a la mesa provincial equina y el dialogo con personal de la Secretaría de Ganadería del Ministerio de Agricultura ganaderia y Alimentos de la Pcia, surgió la idea de elaborar folletos informativos para cada una de las principales enfermedades infecciosas para su distribucion en forma impresa en los distintos eventos hípicos de la provincia y en forma digital desde la pagina web de la Secretaría.


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Background and purpose: Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group 96.05 is a prospective randomized controlled trial comparing a single 8 Gy with 20 Gy in five fractions of radiotherapy (RT) for neuropathic pain due to bone metastases. This paper summarizes the quality assurance (QA) activities for the first 234 patients (accrual target 270). Materials and methods: Independent audits to assess compliance with eligibility/exclusion criteria and appropriateness of treatment of the index site were conducted after each cohort of approximately 45 consecutive patients. Reported serious adverse events (SAEs) in the form of cord/cauda equina compression or pathological fracture developing at the index site were investigated and presented in batches to the Independent Data Monitoring Committee. Finally, source data verification of the RT prescription page and treatment records was undertaken for each of the first 234 patients to assess compliance with the protocol. Results: Only one patient was found conclusively not to have genuine neuropathic pain, and there were no detected 'geographical misses' with RT fields. The overall rate of detected infringements for other eligibility criteria over five audits (225 patients) was 8% with a dramatic improvement after the first audit. There has at no stage been a statistically significant difference in SAEs by randomization arm. There was a 22% rate of RT protocol variations involving ten of the 14 contributing centres, although the rate of major dose violations (more than +/- 10% from protocol dose) was only 6% with no statistically significant difference by randomization arm (P = 0.44). Conclusions: QA auditing is an essential but time-consuming component of RT trials, including those assessing palliative endpoints. Our experience confirms that all aspects should commence soon after study activation. Crown Copyright (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background and purpose: Despite numerous randomized trials investigating radiotherapy (RT) fractionation schedules for painful bone metastases, there are very few data on RT for bone metastases causing pain with a neuropathic component. The Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group undertook a randomized trial comparing the efficacy of a single 8 Gy (8/1) with 20 Gy in 5 fractions (20/5) for this type of pain. Materials and methods: Eligible patients had radiological evidence of bone metastases from a known malignancy with no change in systemic therapy within 6 weeks before or anticipated within 4 weeks after RT, no other metastases along the distribution of the neuropathic pain and no clinical or radiological evidence of cord/cauda equina compression. All patients gave written informed consent. Primary endpoints were pain response within 2 months of commencement of RT and time to treatment failure (TTF). The hypothesis was that 8/1 is at least as effective as 20/5 and the planned sample size was 270 patients. Results: Between February 1996 and December 2002, 272 patients were randomized (8/1:20/5 = 137:135) from 15 centres (Australia 11, New Zealand 3, UK 1). The commonest primary cancers were lung (31%), prostate (29%) and breast (8%); index sites were spine (89%), rib (9%), other (2%); 72% of patients were males and the median age was 67 (range 2989). The median overall survival (95% CI) for all randomized patients was 4.8 mo (4.2-5.7 mo). The intention-to-treat overall response rates (95% Cl) for 8/1 vs 20/5 were 53% (45-62%) vs 61% (53-70%), P = 0.18. Corresponding figures for complete response were 26% (18-34%) vs 27% (19-35%), P = 0.89. The estimated median TTFs (95% CI) were 2.4 mo (2.0-3.3 mo) vs 3.7 mo (3.1-5.9 mo) respectively. The hazard ratio (95% Cl) for the comparison of TTF curves was 1.35 (0.99-1.85), log-rank P = 0.056. There were no statistically significant differences in the rates of re-treatment, cord compression or pathological fracture by arm. Conclusions: 8/1 was not shown to be as effective as 20/5, nor was it statistically significantly worse. Outcomes were generally poorer for 8/1, although the quantitative differences were relatively small. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.