992 resultados para Acoustic method


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This paper details a bulk acoustic mode resonator fabricated in single-crystal silicon with a quality factor of 15 000 in air, and over a million below 10 mTorr at a resonant frequency of 2.18 MHz. The resonator is a square plate that is excited in the square-extensional mode and has been fabricated in a commercial foundry silicon-on-insulator (SOI) MEMS process through MEMSCAP. This paper also presents a simple method of extracting resonator parameters from raw measurements heavily buried in electrical feedthrough. Its accuracy has been demonstrated through a comparison between extracted motional resistance values measured at different voltage biases and those predicted from an analytical model. Finally, a method of substantially cancelling electrical feedthrough through system-level electronic implementation is also introduced. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Receptor-based detection of pathogens often suffers from non-specific interactions, and as most detection techniques cannot distinguish between affinities of interactions, false positive responses remain a plaguing reality. Here, we report an anharmonic acoustic based method of detection that addresses the inherent weakness of current ligand dependant assays. Spores of Bacillus subtilis (Bacillus anthracis simulant) were immobilized on a thickness-shear mode AT-cut quartz crystal functionalized with anti-spore antibody and the sensor was driven by a pure sinusoidal oscillation at increasing amplitude. Biomolecular interaction forces between the coupled spores and the accelerating surface caused a nonlinear modulation of the acoustic response of the crystal. In particular, the deviation in the third harmonic of the transduced electrical response versus oscillation amplitude of the sensor (signal) was found to be significant. Signals from the specifically-bound spores were clearly distinguishable in shape from those of the physisorbed streptavidin-coated polystyrene microbeads. The analytical model presented here enables estimation of the biomolecular interaction forces from the measured response. Thus, probing biomolecular interaction forces using the described technique can quantitatively detect pathogens and distinguish specific from non-specific interactions, with potential applicability to rapid point-of-care detection. This also serves as a potential tool for rapid force-spectroscopy, affinity-based biomolecular screening and mapping of molecular interaction networks.


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This thesis presents two different forms of the Born approximations for acoustic and elastic wavefields and discusses their application to the inversion of seismic data. The Born approximation is valid for small amplitude heterogeneities superimposed over a slowly varying background. The first method is related to frequency-wavenumber migration methods. It is shown to properly recover two independent acoustic parameters within the bandpass of the source time function of the experiment for contrasts of about 5 percent from data generated using an exact theory for flat interfaces. The independent determination of two parameters is shown to depend on the angle coverage of the medium. For surface data, the impedance profile is well recovered.

The second method explored is mathematically similar to iterative tomographic methods recently introduced in the geophysical literature. Its basis is an integral relation between the scattered wavefield and the medium parameters obtained after applying a far-field approximation to the first-order Born approximation. The Davidon-Fletcher-Powell algorithm is used since it converges faster than the steepest descent method. It consists essentially of successive backprojections of the recorded wavefield, with angular and propagation weighing coefficients for density and bulk modulus. After each backprojection, the forward problem is computed and the residual evaluated. Each backprojection is similar to a before-stack Kirchhoff migration and is therefore readily applicable to seismic data. Several examples of reconstruction for simple point scatterer models are performed. Recovery of the amplitudes of the anomalies are improved with successive iterations. Iterations also improve the sharpness of the images.

The elastic Born approximation, with the addition of a far-field approximation is shown to correspond physically to a sum of WKBJ-asymptotic scattered rays. Four types of scattered rays enter in the sum, corresponding to P-P, P-S, S-P and S-S pairs of incident-scattered rays. Incident rays propagate in the background medium, interacting only once with the scatterers. Scattered rays propagate as if in the background medium, with no interaction with the scatterers. An example of P-wave impedance inversion is performed on a VSP data set consisting of three offsets recorded in two wells.


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Progress in simulating chevron nozzle jet flows using ILES/RANS-ILES approaches and using the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings (FW-H) surface integral method to predict the radiated far field sound is presented in this paper. With the focus on the realistic chevron geometries, SMC001 and SMC006, coarse and fine meshes are generated in the range of 3∼13 million mesh cells. Throughout this work, to minimize numerical dissipation introduced by mesh quality issues, the hexahedral cell type is used. Numerical simulations are then carried out with cell-vertex and cell-centered codes. Despite the modest grids, mean velocities and turbulent statistics are found to be in reasonable accord with measurements. Also, far field sound levels predicted by the FW-H post processor are encouraging. Copyright © 2008 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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The scattering of sound from a point source by a Rankine vortex is investigated numerically by solving the Euler equations with the novel high-resolution CABARET method. For several Mach numbers of the vortex, the time-average amplitudes of the scattered field obtained from the numerical modeling are compared with the theoretical scaling laws' predictions. Copyright © 2009 by Sergey Karabasov.


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Receptor-based detection of pathogens often suffers from non-specific interactions, and as most detection techniques cannot distinguish between affinities of interactions, false positive responses remain a plaguing reality. Here, we report an anharmonic acoustic based method of detection that addresses the inherent weakness of current ligand dependant assays. Spores of Bacillus subtilis (Bacillus anthracis simulant) were immobilized on a thickness-shear mode AT-cut quartz crystal functionalized with anti-spore antibody and the sensor was driven by a pure sinusoidal oscillation at increasing amplitude. Biomolecular interaction forces between the coupled spores and the accelerating surface caused a nonlinear modulation of the acoustic response of the crystal. In particular, the deviation in the third harmonic of the transduced electrical response versus oscillation amplitude of the sensor (signal) was found to be significant. Signals from the specifically-bound spores were clearly distinguishable in shape from those of the physisorbed streptavidin-coated polystyrene microbeads. The analytical model presented here enables estimation of the biomolecular interaction forces from the measured response. Thus, probing biomolecular interaction forces using the described technique can quantitatively detect pathogens and distinguish specific from non-specific interactions, with potential applicability to rapid point-of-care detection. This also serves as a potential tool for rapid force-spectroscopy, affinity-based biomolecular screening and mapping of molecular interaction networks. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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This paper follows the work of A.V. Shanin on diffraction by an ideal quarter-plane. Shanin's theory, based on embedding formulae, the acoustic uniqueness theorem and spherical edge Green's functions, leads to three modified Smyshlyaev formulae, which partially solve the far-field problem of scattering of an incident plane wave by a quarter-plane in the Dirichlet case. In this paper, we present similar formulae in the Neumann case, and describe a numerical method allowing a fast computation of the diffraction coefficient using Shanin's third modified Smyshlyaev formula. The method requires knowledge of the eigenvalues of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the unit sphere with a cut, and we also describe a way of computing these eigenvalues. Numerical results are given for different directions of incident plane wave in the Dirichlet and the Neumann cases, emphasising the superiority of the third modified Smyshlyaev formula over the other two. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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The possibility of using acoustic Bessel beams to produce an axial pulling force on porous particles is examined in an exact manner. The mathematical model utilizes the appropriate partial-wave expansion method in spherical coordinates, while Biot's model is used to describe the wave motion within the poroelastic medium. Of particular interest here is to examine the feasibility of using Bessel beams for (a) acoustic manipulation of fine porous particles and (b) suppression of particle resonances. To verify the viability of the technique, the radiation force and scattering form-function are calculated for aluminum and silica foams at various porosities. Inspection of the results has shown that acoustic manipulation of low porosity (<0.3) spheres is similar to that of solid elastic spheres, but this behavior significantly changes at higher porosities. Results have also shown a strong correlation between the backscattered form-function and the regions of negative radiation force. It has also been observed that the high-order resonances of the particle can be effectively suppressed by choosing the beam conical angle such that the acoustic contribution from that particular mode vanishes. This investigation may be helpful in the development of acoustic tweezers for manipulation of micro-porous drug delivery carrier and contrast agents.


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The effects of multiple scattering on acoustic manipulation of spherical particles using helicoidal Bessel-beams are discussed. A closed-form analytical solution is developed to calculate the acoustic radiation force resulting from a Bessel-beam on an acoustically reflective sphere, in the presence of an adjacent spherical particle, immersed in an unbounded fluid medium. The solution is based on the standard Fourier decomposition method and the effect of multi-scattering is taken into account using the addition theorem for spherical coordinates. Of particular interest here is the investigation of the effects of multiple scattering on the emergence of negative axial forces. To investigate the effects, the radiation force applied on the target particle resulting from a helicoidal Bessel-beam of different azimuthal indexes (m = 1 to 4), at different conical angles, is computed. Results are presented for soft and rigid spheres of various sizes, separated by a finite distance. Results have shown that the emergence of negative force regions is very sensitive to the level of cross-scattering between the particles. It has also been shown that in multiple scattering media, the negative axial force may occur at much smaller conical angles than previously reported for single particles, and that acoustic manipulation of soft spheres in such media may also become possible.


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Emissions, fuel burn, and noise are the main drivers for innovative aircraft design. Embedded propulsion systems, such as for example used in hybrid-wing body aircraft, can offer fuel burn and noise reduction benefits but the impact of inlet flow distortion on the generation and propagation of turbomachinery noise has yet to be assessed. A novel approach is used to quantify the effects of non-uniform flow on the creation and propagation of multiple pure tone (MPT) noise. The ultimate goal is to conduct a parametric study of S-duct inlets to quantify the effects of inlet design parameters on the acoustic signature. The key challenge is that the effects of distortion transfer, noise source generation and propagation through the non-uniform flow field are inherently coupled such that a simultaneous computation of the aerodynamics and acoustics is required to capture the mechanisms at play. The technical approach is based on a body force description of the fan blade row that is able to capture the distortion transfer and the blade-to-blade flow variations that cause the MPT noise while reducing computational cost. A single, 3-D full-wheel CFD simulation, in which the Euler equations are solved to second-order spatial and temporal accuracy, simultaneously computes the MPT noise generation and its propagation in distorted inlet flow. A new method of producing the blade-to-blade variations in the body force field for MPT noise generation has been developed and validated. The numerical dissipation inherent to the solver is quantified and used to correct for non-physical attenuation in the far-field noise spectra. Source generation, acoustic propagation and acoustic energy transfer between modes is examined in detail. The new method is validated on NASA's Source Diagnostic Test fan and inlet, showing good agreement with experimental data for aerodynamic performance, acoustic source generation, and far-field noise spectra. The next steps involve the assessment of MPT noise in serpentine inlet ducts and the development of a reduced order formulation suitable for incorporation into NASA's ANOPP framework. © 2010 by Jeff Defoe, Alex Narkaj & Zoltan Spakovszky.


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A new scalable Monotonically Integrated Large Eddy Simulation (MILES) method based on the Compact Accurately Boundary-Adjusting high-REsolution Technique (CABARET) has been applied for the simulation of unsteady flow around NACA0012 airfoil at Re = 400,000 and M = 0.058. The flow solution is coupled with the Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings formulation for far-field noise prediction. The computational modeling results are presented for several computational grid resolutions: 8, 16, and 32 million grid cells and compared with the experimental data available.


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This paper is concerned with modelling the effects of swirling flow on turbomachinery noise. We develop an acoustic analogy to predict sound generation in a swirling and sheared base flow in an annular duct, including the presence of moving solid surfaces to account for blade rows. In so doing we have extended a number of classical earlier results, including Ffowcs Williams & Hawkings' equation in a medium at rest with moving surfaces, and Lilley's equation for a sheared but non-swirling jet. By rearranging the Navier-Stokes equations we find a single equation, in the form of a sixth-order differential operator acting on the fluctuating pressure field on the left-hand side and a series of volume and surface source terms on the right-hand side; the form of these source terms depends strongly on the presence of swirl and radial shear. The integral form of this equation is then derived, using the Green's function tailored to the base flow in the (rigid) duct. As is often the case in duct acoustics, it is then convenient to move into temporal, axial and azimuthal Fourier space, where the Green's function is computed numerically. This formulation can then be applied to a number of turbomachinery noise sources. For definiteness here we consider the noise produced downstream when a steady distortion flow is incident on the fan from upstream, and compare our results with those obtained using a simplistic but commonly used Doppler correction method. We show that in all but the simplest case the full inclusion of swirl within an acoustic analogy, as described in this paper, is required. © 2013 Cambridge University Press.


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Turbomachinery noise radiating into the rearward arc is an important problem. This noise is scattered by the trailing edges of the nacelle and the jet exhaust, and interacts with the shear layers between the external flow, bypass stream and jet, en route to the far field. In the past a range of relevant model problems involving semi-infinite cylinders have been solved. However, one limitation of previous solutions is that they do not allow for the jet nozzle to protrude a finite distance beyond the end of the nacelle (or in certain configurations being buried a finite distance upstream). In this paper we use the matrix Wiener-Hopf technique, which will allow precisely the finite nacelle-jet nozzle separation to be included. The crucial step in our work is to factorise a certain matrix as a product of terms analytic and invertible in the upper/lower halves of the complex plane. The way we do this matrix factorisation is quite different in the buried and protruding nozzle cases. In the buried case our solution method is the so-called pole-removal technique. In the technically more demanding protruding case, however, we must first use Pade approximants to generate a uniformly-valid, meromorphic representation of a certain function, before the same pole-removal method can be applied. Sample results are presented, investigating in particular the effects of exit plane stagger. © 2007 by B Veitch and N Peake.


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This paper is concerned with the development of efficient algorithms for propagating parametric uncertainty within the context of the hybrid Finite Element/Statistical Energy Analysis (FE/SEA) approach to the analysis of complex vibro-acoustic systems. This approach models the system as a combination of SEA subsystems and FE components; it is assumed that the FE components have fully deterministic properties, while the SEA subsystems have a high degree of randomness. The method has been recently generalised by allowing the FE components to possess parametric uncertainty, leading to two ensembles of uncertainty: a non-parametric one (SEA subsystems) and a parametric one (FE components). The SEA subsystems ensemble is dealt with analytically, while the effect of the additional FE components ensemble can be dealt with by Monte Carlo Simulations. However, this approach can be computationally intensive when applied to complex engineering systems having many uncertain parameters. Two different strategies are proposed: (i) the combination of the hybrid FE/SEA method with the First Order Reliability Method which allows the probability of the non-parametric ensemble average of a response variable exceeding a barrier to be calculated and (ii) the combination of the hybrid FE/SEA method with Laplace's method which allows the evaluation of the probability of a response variable exceeding a limit value. The proposed approaches are illustrated using two built-up plate systems with uncertain properties and the results are validated against direct integration, Monte Carlo simulations of the FE and of the hybrid FE/SEA models. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Vibration and acoustic analysis at higher frequencies faces two challenges: computing the response without using an excessive number of degrees of freedom, and quantifying its uncertainty due to small spatial variations in geometry, material properties and boundary conditions. Efficient models make use of the observation that when the response of a decoupled vibro-acoustic subsystem is sufficiently sensitive to uncertainty in such spatial variations, the local statistics of its natural frequencies and mode shapes saturate to universal probability distributions. This holds irrespective of the causes that underly these spatial variations and thus leads to a nonparametric description of uncertainty. This work deals with the identification of uncertain parameters in such models by using experimental data. One of the difficulties is that both experimental errors and modeling errors, due to the nonparametric uncertainty that is inherent to the model type, are present. This is tackled by employing a Bayesian inference strategy. The prior probability distribution of the uncertain parameters is constructed using the maximum entropy principle. The likelihood function that is subsequently computed takes the experimental information, the experimental errors and the modeling errors into account. The posterior probability distribution, which is computed with the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, provides a full uncertainty quantification of the identified parameters, and indicates how well their uncertainty is reduced, with respect to the prior information, by the experimental data. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London.