1000 resultados para Abundance per unit mass


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Quantitative coccolithophore analyses were performed in core MD01-2446, located in the mid-latitude North Atlantic, to reconstruct climatically induced sea-surface water conditions throughout Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 14-9. The data are compared to new and available paleoenvironmental proxies from the same site as well as other nearby North Atlantic records that support the coccolithophore signature at glacial-interglacial to millennial climate scale. Total coccolithophore absolute abundance increases during interglacials but abruptly drops during the colder glacial phases and deglaciations. Coccolithophore warm-water taxa (wwt) indicate that MIS11c and MIS9e experienced warmer and more stable conditions throughout the whole photic zone compared to MIS13. MIS11 was a long-lasting warmer and stable interglacial characterized by a climate optimum during MIS11c when a more prominent influence of the subtropical front at the site is inferred. The wwt pattern also suggests distinct interstadial and stadial events lasting about 4-10 kyr. The glacial increases of Gephyrocapsa margereli-G. muellerae 3-4 µm along with higher values of Corg, additionally supported by the total alkenone abundance at Site U1313, indicate more productive surface waters, likely reflecting the migration of the polar front into the mid-latitude North Atlantic. Distinctive peaks of G. margereli-muellerae (> 4 µm), C. pelagicus pelagicus, Neogloboquadrina pachyderma left coiling, and reworked nannofossils, combined with minima in total nannofossil accumulation rate, are tracers of Heinrich-type events during MIS12 and MIS10. Additional Heinrich-type events are suggested during MIS12 and MIS14 based on biotic proxies, and we discuss possible iceberg sources at these times. Our results improve the understanding of mid-Brunhes paleoclimate and the impact on phytoplankton diversity in the mid-latitude North Atlantic region.


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Flux of siliceous plankton and taxonomic composition of diatom and silicoflagellate assemblages were determined from sediment trap samples collected in coastal upwelling-influenced waters off northern Chile (30°S, CH site) under "normal" or non-El Niño (1993-94) and El Niño conditions (1997-98). In addition, concentration of biogenic opal and siliceous plankton, and diatom and silicoflagellate assemblages preserved in surface sediments are provided for a wide area between 27° and 43°S off Chile. Regardless of the year, winter upwelling determines the maximum production pattern of siliceous microorganisms, with diatoms numerically dominating the biogenic opal flux. During the El Niño year the export is markedly lower: on an annual basis, total mass flux diminished by 60%, and diatom and silicoflagellate export by 75%. Major components of the diatom flora maintain much of their regular seasonal cycle of flux maxima and minima during both sampling periods. Neritic resting spores (RS) of Chaetoceros dominate the diatom flux, mirroring the influence of coastal-upwelled waters at the CH trap site. Occurrence of pelagic diatoms species Fragilariopsis doliolus, members of the Rhizosoleniaceae, Azpeitia spp. and Nitzschia interruptestriata, secondary components of the assemblage, reflects the intermingling of warmer waters of the Subtropical Gyre. Dictyocha messanensis dominates the silicoflagellate association almost year-around, but Distephanus pulchra delivers ca. 60% of its annual production in less than three weeks during the winter peak. The siliceous thanatocoenosis is largely dominated by diatoms, whose assemblage shows significant qualitative and quantitative variations from north to south. Between 27° and 35°S, the dominance of RS Chaetoceros, Thalassionema nitzschioides var. nitzschioides and Skeletonema costatum reflects strong export production associated with occurrence of coastal upwelling. Both highest biogenic opal content and diatom concentration at 35° and 41°-43°S coincide with highest pigment concentrations along the Chilean coast. Predominance of the diatom species Thalassiosira pacifica and T. poro-irregulata, and higher relative contribution of the silicoflagellate Distephanus speculum at 41°-43°S suggest the influence of more nutrient-rich waters and low sea surface temperatures, probably associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Water.


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The sediments of the Argo and Gascoyne abyssal plains are generally lean in organic matter, are immature, and contain hydrocarbons trapped during sediment deposition rather than those generated during sediment catagenesis. TOC concentrations in the Argo Abyssal Plain Cenozoic sediments are 0.5 wt%, and organic matter appears to be from mixed marine and reworked, degraded, organic matter sources, with the latter being contributed by turbidity flows from the nearby continental margin. TOC concentrations within the Cenozoic sediments of the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain are mostly undetectable (<0.1 wt%). Biomarker distributions determined by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) indicate that organic matter extracted from the Lower Cretaceous sediments from both sites is predominantly marine with varying contributions from terrestrial organic matter. The specific marine biomarker, 24-n-propylcholestane is in relatively high abundance in all samples. In addition, the relatively high abundance of the 4-methylsteranes with the 23,24-dimethyl side chain (in all samples) indicates significant dinoflagellate contributions and marine organic matter. The ratios of n-C27/n-C17 reflect relative contributions of marine vs. terrestrial organic matter. TOC, while generally low at Argo, is relatively high near the Barremian/Aptian boundary (one sample has a TOC of 5.1 wt%) and the Aptian/Albian boundary (up to 1.3 wt% TOC), and two samples from the Barremian and Aptian sections contain relatively high proportions of terrestrial organic carbon. TOC values in the Lower Cretaceous sediments from Gascoyne Abyssal Plain are low (<0.1 wt%) near the Aptian/Barremian boundary. TOC values are higher in older sediments, with maxima in the upper Barremian (1.02 wt%), the Barremian/Hauterivian (0.6 wt%), and Valanginian (1.8 wt%). Sediments from the upper Barremian contain higher amounts of terrestrial organic carbon than older sediments.


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Thermokarst lakes in the Siberian Arctic contain sediment archives that can be used for paleoenvironmental inference. Until now, however, there has been no study from the inner Lena River Delta with a focus on diatoms. The objective of this study was to investigate how the diatom community in a thermokarst lake responded to past limnogeological changes and what specific factors drove variations in the diatom assemblage. We analysed fossil diatom species, organic content, grain-size distribution and elemental composition in a sediment core retrieved in 2009 from a shallow thermokarst lake in the Arga Complex, western Lena River Delta. The core contains a 3,000-year record of sediment accumulation. Shifts in the predominantly benthic and epiphytic diatom species composition parallel changes in sediment characteristics. Paleoenvironmental and limnogeological development, inferred from multiple biological and sedimentological variables, are discussed in the context of four diatom zones, and indicate a strong relation between changes in the diatom assemblage and thermokarst processes. We conclude that limnogeological and thermokarst processes such as lake drainage, rather than direct climate forcing, were the main factors that altered the aquatic ecosystem by influencing, for example, habitat availability, hydrochemistry, and water level.


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Biochemical composition of sedimentary organic matter (OM), vertical fluxes and bacterial distribution were studied at 15 stations (95-2270 m depth) in the Aegean Sea during spring and summer. Downward fluxes of labile OM were significantly higher in the northern than in the southern part and were higher in summer than in spring. Primary inputs of OM were not related to sedimentary OM concentrations, which had highest values in summer. Sedimentary chlorophyll-a concentrations were similar in the northern and southern parts. Carbohydrates, the main component of sedimentary OM, were about 1.2 times higher in the southern part than in the northern, without significant temporal changes. Total proteins were higher in summer and about double in the northern part. Sedimentary proteins appeared more dependent upon the downward flux of phytopigment than of proteins. Sedimentary OM was characterised by a relatively large fraction of soluble compounds and showed better quality in the northern part. The lack of a depth-related pattern in sedimentary OM and the similar concentrations in the two areas suggest that differences in sedimentary OM quality in the Aegean basin are dependent on system productivity; the bulk of sedimentary OM is largely conservative. Sedimentary bacterial density was about double in the northern part and higher in spring than in summer, but bacterial size was about three times higher in summer, resulting in a larger bacterial biomass in summer. Bacterial density was coupled with total and protein fluxes, indicating a rapid bacterial response to pelagic production. Bacterial biomass was significantly correlated with sedimentary protein and phytopigment concentrations, indicating a clear response to accumulation of labile OM in the sediments. In all cases bacteria accounted for <5% of the organic C and N pools. The efficiency of benthic bacteria in exploiting protein pools, estimated as amounts of protein available per unit bacterial biomass, indicates a constant ratio of about 70 µg proteins/µg C. This suggests a similar bacterial efficiency all over the area studied, unaffected by different trophic conditions.


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Biogeochemical cycle of methane in the Barents Sea was studied using isotope geochemistry to determine rates of microbial methane oxidation. It was established that microbiological processes (glucose consumption, 14CO2 assimilation, sulfate reduction, and slow methane oxidation) in oxidized surface and weakly reduced sediments are marked by only insignificant change in SO4 concentration and absence of notable increase of total alkalinity and N/NH4 downward sediment cores. Microbial methane productivity was 0.111x10**6 mol/day. Taking into account volume of the water column, microbial methane consumption therein can be as much as 1.8x10**6 mol/day.


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The organic facies of Early and middle Cretaceous sediments drilled at DSDP Site 534 is dominated by terrestrially derived plant remains and charcoal. Marine organic matter is mixed with the terrestrial components, but through much of this period was diluted by the terrestrial material. The supply of terrestrial organic matter was high here because of the nearness of the shore and high runoff promoted by a humid temperate coastal climate. Reducing conditions favored preservation of both marine and terrestrial organic matter, the terrestrial materials having reached the site mostly in turbidity currents or in the slow-moving, near-bottom nepheloid layer. An increase in the abundance of terrestrial organic matter occurred when the sea level dropped in the Valanginian and again in the Aptian-Albian, because rivers dumped more terrigenous elastics into the Basin and marine productivity was lower at these times than when sea level was high. A model is proposed to explain the predominance of reducing conditions in the Valanginian-Aptian, of oxidizing conditions in the late Aptian, and of reducing conditions in the Albian-Cenomanian. The model involves influx of oxygen-poor subsurface waters from the Pacific at times of high or rising sea level (Valanginian-Aptian, and Albian- Cenomanian) and restriction of that influx at times of low sea level (late Aptian). In the absence of a supply of oxygenpoor deep water, the bottom waters of the North Atlantic became oxidizing in the late Aptian, probably in response to development of a Mediterranean type of circulation. The influx of nutrients from the Pacific led to an increase in productivity through time, accounting for an increase in the proportion of marine organic matter from the Valanginian into the Aptian and from the Albian to the Cenomanian. Conditions were dominantly oxidizing through the Middle Jurassic into the Berriasian, with temporary exceptions when bottom waters became reducing, as in the Callovian. Mostly terrestrial and some marine organic matter accumulated during the Callovian reducing episode. When Jurassic bottom waters were oxidizing, only terrestrial organic matter was buried in the sediments, in very small amounts.


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We describe the molecular composition of a portion of the solvent-soluble organic material (lipid extract), from three organic rich muds (samples 116-717C-22X-1, 80-86 cm, 116-717C-34X-3, 130-135 cm, and 116-717C-55X-1, 65-70 cm). These samples were taken from Hole 717C, located on the Bengal Fan at a position of 0°55.8'S and 81°23.4'E. Both the palaeoenvironmental and digenetic significance of these lipid distributions have been assessed and found to be consistent with their suspected origins, i.e., turbidites from the upper slope of the western Bay of Bengal and the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta.


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Bacterial abundance, biomass and cell size were studied in the oligotrophic sediments of the Cretan Sea (Eastern Mediterranean), in order to investigate their response to the seasonal varying organic matter (OM) inputs. Sediment samples were collected on a seasonal basis along a transect of seven stations (ranging from 40 to 1570 m depth) using a multiple-corer. Bacterial parameters were related to changes in chloroplastic pigment equivalents (CPE), the biochemical composition (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates) of the sedimentary organic matter and the OM flux measured at a fixed station over the deep basin (1570 m depth). The sediments of the Cretan Sea represent a nutrient depleted ecosystem characterised by a poor quality organic matter. All sedimentary organic compounds were found to vary seasonally, and changes were more evident on the continental shelf than in deeper sediments. Bacterial abundance and biomass in the sediments of the Cretan Sea (ranging from 1.02 to 4.59 * 10**8 cells/g equivalent to 8.7 and 38.7 µgC/g) were quite high and their distribution appeared to be closely related to the input of fresh organic material. Bacterial abundance and biomass were sensitive to changes in nutrient availability, which also controls the average cell size and the frequency of dividing cells. Bacterial abundance increased up to 3-fold between August '94 and February '95 in response to the increased amount of sedimentary proteins and CPE, indicating that benthic bacteria were constrained more by changes in quality rather than the quantity of the sedimentary organic material. Bacterial responses to the food inputs were clearly detectable down to 10 cm depth. The distribution of labile organic compounds in the sediments appeared to influence the vertical patterns of bacterial abundance and biomass. Cell size decreased significantly with water depth. Bacterial abundance and biomass were characterised by clear seasonal changes in response to seasonal OM pulses. The strong coupling between protein flux and bacterial biomass together with the strong bacterial dominance over the total biomass suggest that the major part of the carbon flow was channelled through the bacteria and the benthic microbial loop.


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During the 'Meteor' expedition SUBTROPEX '82, sediment samples were taken at 14 stations in different water depths at 35, 29, 25, 21 and 17 °N, and measurements of bacterial biomasses and activities were carried out in these different upwelling-intensity areas. Highest densities and biomasses by AODC (2.2 x 10**8 cells, corresponding to 14.8 µg C/g sediment dry wt) were recorded at 21 °N, year-round upwelling, at 1200 and 800 m, but at 500 m biomass was still 4.3 µg C/g dry wt. Relatively high densities and biomasses (6.5 and 6.8 µg C/g dry wt) were found at 17 °N, upwelling mostly in winter and spring, at 1200 and 800 m. AODC were 2 to 3 orders of magnitude higher than viable counts, incubation at 2 or 20 °C. For deep-water sediments, counts at 2 °C were higher than at 20 °C. Biomass and ATP concentrations were highest in the 0 to 2 cm sediment layers; they decreased with sediment depth. Bacterial biomasses were correlated with organic carbon and ATP concentrations. The fractions of Bacterial ATP were calculated to be 2 to 24% of ATP-biomass. On the basis of organic carbon, however, fractions of Bacterial Organic Carbon were only 0.02 to 0.06%. For microbial communities, the conversion factor 0.004 for BOC to BATP seems 2 orders of magnitude too high. Maximum AEC ratios of 0.53 to 0.70 were found at 21 and 17 °N; the other stations had AEC ratios of 0.21 to 0.47. Numbers of bacteria with respiratory ETS were between 0.5 and 10.5 % of AODC. An exception was the shelf station at 35 °N with 34.2% of AODC.


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Deep-sea benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1143 located in the southern South China Sea (SCS) were investigated to evaluate the relationship between faunal composition patterns and paleoceanographic changes during the last 6 million years (late Miocene to Holocene). We used multivariate statistics (correspondence analysis) to analyze carbon-flux-related changes in assemblage composition of benthic foraminifers. Additional proxies for carbon flux and deep-water ventilation include delta13C records of epifaunal Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and infaunal Uvigerina peregrina var. dirupta and Melonis pompilioides, benthic foraminiferal accumulation rates (BFARs), diversity indices, and relative abundances of indicator species. We observe three significant benthic faunal changes in the southern South China Sea during the last 6 million years. Strong fluctuations in BFAR and relative abundance of productivity indicator species between glacial and interglacial stages after the mid-Pleistocene revolution (MPR) at approximately 0.9 Ma, indicating stronger seasonal carbon flux fluctuations, are accompanied by the extinction of such species as Stilostomella spp. Increases in carbon flux indicator species are coupled with an overall decrease in benthic foraminifer diversity around 3.0 Ma in the late Pliocene. This may indicate increasing carbon flux in a period of productivity maximum caused by enhanced offshore upwelling from intensified winter monsoon wind strength.


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The PELMED-ECOPEL dataset contains mesozooplankton data collected in 1995-1996 in the Gulf of Lion (North Western Mediterranean Sea) between 43°35' N, 2°50' E and 42°15' N, 6°15' E. Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column.


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A series of 22 sediment samples of Cretaceous and Cenozoic age from DSDP Holes 603, 603B, and 603C at the continental rise off the northeastern American coast near Cape Hatteras was investigated by organic geochemical methods including organic carbon determination, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of extractable hydrocarbons, and kerogen microscopy. An abundance of terrigenous organic matter, including larger coal particles (almost exclusively consisting of huminite/vitrinite macerals), is the dominant characteristic of the organofacies types at Site 603. Marine organic matter, mostly structurally degraded and in the form of fecal pellets, was preserved in the Valanginian laminated marls and in Cenomanian black claystone turbidites. Long-chain nalkanes reflect the terrigenous imprint in the nonaromatic hydrocarbon fractions, whereas a second maximum at lower carbon numbers in most cases is caused by the presence of more mature recycled organic matter. Abundant isoprenoid and steroid hydrocarbons were found in sediments containing mainly marine organic matter, whereas hopanoids reflect the ubiquitous microbial activity. The organic matter in the Site 603 sediments, in so far as it is not recycled, is thermally immature.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 188 to Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, several of the shipboard scientists formed the High-Resolution Integrated Stratigraphy Committee (HiRISC). The committee was established in order to furnish an integrated data set from the Pliocene portion of Site 1165 as a contribution to the ongoing debate about Pliocene climate and climate evolution in Antarctica. The proxies determined in our various laboratories were the following: magnetostratigraphy and magnetic properties, grain-size distributions (granulometry), near-ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared spectrophotometry, calcium carbonate content, characteristics of foraminifer, diatom, and radiolarian content, clay mineral composition, and stable isotopes. In addition to the HiRISC samples, other data sets contained in this report are subsets of much larger data sets. We included these subsets in order to provide the reader with a convenient integrated data set of Pliocene-Pleistocene strata from the East Antarctic continental margin. The data are presented in the form of 14 graphs (in addition to the site map). Text and figure captions guide the reader to the original data sets. Some preliminary interpretations are given at the end of the manuscript.