918 resultados para Abiotic components
Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa, L.) and dab (Limanda limanda, L.) are among the most abundant flatfishes in the north-eastern Atlantic region and the dominant species in shallow coastal nursery grounds. With increasing pressures on commercial flatfish stocks in combination with changing coastal environments, better knowledge of population dynamics during all life stages is needed to evaluate variability in year-class strength and recruitment to the fishery. The aim of this research was to investigate the complex interplay of biotic and abiotic habitat components influencing the distribution, density and growth of plaice and dab during the vulnerable juvenile life stage and to gain insight in spatial and temporal differences in nursery habitat quality along the west coast of Ireland. Intraspecific variability in plaice diet was observed at different spatial scales and showed a link with condition, recent growth and morphology. This highlights the effect of food availability on habitat quality and the need to consider small scale variation when attempting to link habitat quality to feeding, growth and condition of juvenile flatfish. There was evidence of trophic, spatial and temporal resource partitioning between juvenile plaice and dab allowing the co-existence of morphologically similar species in nursery grounds. In the limited survey years there was no evidence that the carrying capacity of the studied nursery grounds was reached but spatial and interannual variations in fish growth indicated fluctuating environments in terms of food availability, predator densities, sediment features and physico-chemical conditions. Predation was the most important factor affecting habitat quality for juvenile plaice and dab with crab densities negatively correlated to fish condition whereas shrimp densities were negatively associated with densities of small-sized juveniles in spring. A comparison of proxies for fish growth showed the advantage of Fulton’s K for routine use whereas RNA:DNA ratios proved less powerful when short-term environmental fluctuations are lacking. This study illustrated how distinct sets of habitat features can drive spatial variation in density and condition of juvenile flatfish highlighting the value of studying both variables when modeling habitat requirements. The habitat models generated in this study also provide a powerful tool to predict potential climate and anthropogenic impacts on the distribution and condition of juveniles in flatfish nurseries. The need for effective coastal zone management was emphasized to ensure a sustainable use of coastal resources and successful flatfish recruitment to the fishery.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2009
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2009
An experiment was carried out in order to determine the effect of day time of foliar spraying of several levels of nitrogen fertilizers, N-P-K-S station, and its components on common bean leaves. Results, based on the visual observations, indicated the maximum levels of each fertilizer that did not cause injuries and showed that the foliar spraying early in the morning is the best day time.
This study aimed to evaluate fitness components of Zaprionus indianus Gupta, 1970, a species recently introduced in Brazil and currently in process of colonization. Longevity, productivity, developmental speed and viability of flies sampled from a population from Mirassol (state of São Paulo, Brazil) were evaluated. Longevity was higher than that of some Indian populations and productivity was similar or higher than in other Drosophilidae. Time of development, one of the main fitness components for competition, was very similar to the values scored in Drosophila sturtevanti Duda, 1927, a species that occurs in high frequencies in the same area as Z. indianus. These data might contribute further for understanding the colonization success of this newcomer species in South America.
The blowfly species are important components in necrophagous communities of the Neotropics. Besides being involved in the degradation of animal organic matter, they may serve as vectors for pathogens and parasites, and also cause primary and secondary myiasis. The occurrence pattern of these species is well defined, yet it is still not very clear which of these environmental factors determine the structure of the assemblies. This paper was developed to evaluate the influence of mean temperature and relative humidity variation in the abundance and richness of blowflies in the Brazilian southernmost state, Rio Grande do Sul, where temperature variation is well marked throughout the year. To evaluate this objective, WOT (Wind Oriented Trap) were installed with beef liver as bait in three environments for 10 consecutive days in each month between July 2003 and June 2004. A total of 13,860 flies were collected distributed among 16 species with a higher frequency of Lucilia eximia (Wiedemann, 1819) and Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819). The mean temperature and relative humidity influence the richness of blowflies, with greater richness and abundance in late spring and early summer, whereas abundance was only influenced by temperature. Each species responded differently with respect to these variables, where L. eximia is not influenced by any of the two abiotic factors, despite the high abundance presented. This paper presents the results of the sensitivity for the presence or absence of species of Calliphoridae and on the variation of the abundance of these species under regime temperature changes and relative humidity with implications for public health and animal management.
The zooplankton community presents stochastic temporal fluctuation and heterogeneous spatial variation determined by the relationships among the organisms and environmental conditions. We predicted that the temporal and spatial zooplankton distribution is heterogeneous and discrete, respectively, and that the daily variation of most abundant species is related to environmental conditions, specifically the availability of resources. Zooplankton samples were collected daily at three sampling stations in a lateral arm of the Rosana Reservoir (SP/PR). The zooplankton did not present significant differences in abundance and evenness among sampling stations, but the temporal variation of these attributes was significant. Abiotic variables and algal resource availability have significantly explained the daily variation of the most abundant species (p<0.001), however, the species distribution makes inferences on biotic relationships between them. Thus, not only the food resource availability is influential on the abundance of principal zooplankton species, but rather a set of factors (abiotic variables and biotic relationships).
The present essay –which is a pilot study conceived to continue the research in depth in the future- is based in a comparative analysis of educational practice between five different primary and pre-school teaching centres in Osona and the educational practice in inclusive educational centres. The essay introduces the objectives of the research and the theoretical and conceptual framework in which it is based (chapter 1) in relation with the main themes and expressions which are the purpose of the study: comprensivity, inclusive school and inclusive practice. The theoretical framework is linked to the principal regulations applied in our context. The study describes the instruments and procedure analysis describes the instruments and procedure analysis which have been designed and used for a qualitative methodological approach, together with the data obtained from the analysis of five teaching centres (chapter 2). The results from the research show that the practice done in the analised schools are not totally comparable to the ones in the inclusive environment. Notwithsanding, there are some similar points, although not totally coincident, like the fact that either the analysed schools or the ones with an inclusive approach show availability and interest in improving integration of all the pupils in the school, also the teachers work together in some aspects like, evaluation of pupils with special needs, objectives and contents and activities fort he specific kind of pupils with special needs parents and the majority of the analyzed schools, like those fallowing inclusive educational approaches, try the pupils with special needs to develop their acquisition within the ordinary class with adapted material. I think, these verifications, some of them close to inclusive educational practice, could constitute a starting point to analyse our model, in order to offer a common curriculum that could respect the different styles and rhythms of acquisition of all the pupils, so that promoting a more flexible and open schooling. In conclusion, the results of this analysis, although dues to its limits, they can not be generalized, they can help to find the necessary changes to bet for a qualitative education in a school for everyone.
The objectives of Participant 4 were: - Establishment and maintenance of a representative collection of AM fungal species in vivo on trap plant cultures. - Study of the effects of early mycorrhizal inoculation in the growth and health of in vitro plantlets and their subsequent behaviour in the nursery. - Effect of the mycorrhization of in vitro produced bananas and plantains on plant growth and health, under biotic stress conditions (nematode and fungi)
La complexitat de disseny d’agents mòbils creix a mesura que s’incrementen les seves funcionalitats. Aquest projecte proposa enfocar el problema des d’un punt de vista modular. S’ha realitzat un estudi tant dels propis agents com de les parts que ho integren. De la mateixa forma, s’han establert i s'han implementat els mecanismes necessaris per habilitar les comunicacions segures entre agents. Finalment, s’han desenvolupat dos components que ofereixen les funcionalitats de seguiment de l’agent mòbil i la recuperació dels resultats generats. El desenvolupament d’agents basats en components tracta d’aplicar la vella estratègia "divideix i venceràs" a la fase de disseny, reduint, així,la seva gran complexitat.
Cell-free hemolymph (serum) and hemocytes from Schistosoma mansoni-susceptible (PR albino M-line) and resistant (10-R2) strains of Biomphalaria glabrata were compared by SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting and radioiodination. Whole serum of both snail strains is dominated by hemoglobin (Hb) (MW = 160 Kd). SDS-PAGE. of Hb-depleted serum indicated that the 10-R2 strain has dominant polypeptides in the 50 to 30 Kd range whereas PR albino snails have few low MW proteins. Antibodies raised to whole PR albino and 10-R2 serum, and the 160 Kd (Hb) band reacted similarly in immunoblot assays. Analysis of hemocytes revealed that 10-R2 snails have a surface-exposed protein at about 80 Kd which is not present on PR albino hemocytes. An examination of primary cultured sporocysts indicated the presence of four major surface proteins (40, 50, 55, 70 Kd) and two minor surface-exposed polypeptides (92, 170 Kd). Antibodies raised against live, intact sporocysts reacted almost exclusively with sporocyst-surface proteins when tested by immunoblotting.
Peripheral nerve injury is a serious problem affecting significantly patients' life. Autografts are the "gold standard" used to repair the injury gap, however, only 50% of patients fully recover from the trauma. Artificial conduits are a valid alternative to repairing peripheral nerve. They aim at confining the nerve environment throughout the regeneration process, and providing guidance to axon outgrowth. Biocompatible materials have been carefully designed to reduce inflammation and scar tissue formation, but modifications of the inner lumen are still required in order to optimise the scaffolds. Biomicking the native neural tissue with extracellular matrix fillers or coatings showed great promises in repairing longer gaps and extending cell survival. In addition, extracellular matrix molecules provide a platform to further bind growth factors that can be released in the system over time. Alternatively, conduit fillers can be used for cell transplantation at the injury site, reducing the lag time required for endogenous Schwann cells to proliferate and take part in the regeneration process. This review provides an overview on the importance of extracellular matrix molecules in peripheral nerve repair.
We propose an alternative approach to obtaining a permanent equilibrium exchange rate (PEER), based on an unobserved components (UC) model. This approach offers a number of advantages over the conventional cointegration-based PEER. Firstly, we do not rely on the prerequisite that cointegration has to be found between the real exchange rate and macroeconomic fundamentals to obtain non-spurious long-run relationships and the PEER. Secondly, the impact that the permanent and transitory components of the macroeconomic fundamentals have on the real exchange rate can be modelled separately in the UC model. This is important for variables where the long and short-run effects may drive the real exchange rate in opposite directions, such as the relative government expenditure ratio. We also demonstrate that our proposed exchange rate models have good out-of sample forecasting properties. Our approach would be a useful technique for central banks to estimate the equilibrium exchange rate and to forecast the long-run movements of the exchange rate.