Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was applied to determine the type of surface treatment and dose used on cork stoppers and to predict the friction between stopper and bottleneck. Agglomerated cork stoppers were finished with two different doses and using two surface treatments: P (paraffin and silicone), 15 and 25 mg/stopper, and S (only silicone), 10 and 15 mg/stopper. FTIR spectra were recorded at five points for each stopper by attenuated total reflectance (ATR). Absorbances at 1,010, 2,916, and 2,963 cm -1 were obtained in each spectrum. Discriminant analysis techniques allowed the treatment, and dose applied to each stopper to be identified from the absorbance values. 91.2% success rates were obtained from individual values and 96.0% from the mean values of each stopper. Spectrometric data also allowed treatment homogeneity to be determined on the stopper surface, and a multiple regression model was used to predict the friction index (If = Fe/Fc) (R 2 = 0.93)
This work presents the first application of total-reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectrometry, a new and powerful alternative analytical method, to evaluation of the bioaccumulation kinetics of gold nanorods (GNRs) in various tissues upon intravenous administration in mice. The analytical parameters for developed methodology by TXRF were evaluated by means of the parallel analysis of bovine liver certified reference material samples (BCR-185R) doped with 10 μg/g gold. The average values (n = 5) achieved for gold measurements in lyophilized tissue weight were as follows: recovery 99.7%, expanded uncertainty (k = 2) 7%, repeatability 1.7%, detection limit 112 ng/g, and quantification limit 370 ng/g. The GNR bioaccumulation kinetics was analyzed in several vital mammalian organs such as liver, spleen, brain, and lung at different times. Additionally, urine samples were analyzed to study the kinetics of elimination of the GNRs by this excretion route. The main achievement was clearly differentiating two kinds of behaviors. GNRs were quickly bioaccumulated by highly vascular filtration organs such as liver and spleen, while GNRs do not show a bioaccumulation rates in brain and lung for the period of time investigated. In parallel, urine also shows a lack of GNR accumulation. TXRF has proven to be a powerful, versatile, and precise analytical technique for the evaluation of GNRs content in biological systems and, in a more general way, for any kind of metallic nanoparticles.
Recent studies demonstrated that a synthetic fusion peptide of HIV-1 self-associates in phospholipid membranes and inhibits HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein-mediated cell fusion, presumably by interacting with the N-terminal domain of gp41 and forming inactive heteroaggregates [Kliger, Y., Aharoni, A., Rapaport, D., Jones, P., Blumenthal, R. & Shai, Y. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 13496–13505]. Here, we show that a synthetic all d-amino acid peptide corresponding to the N-terminal sequence of HIV-1 gp41 (D-WT) of HIV-1 associates with its enantiomeric wild-type fusion (WT) peptide in the membrane and inhibits cell fusion mediated by the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein. D-WT does not inhibit cell fusion mediated by the HIV-2 envelope glycoprotein. WT and D-WT are equally potent in inducing membrane fusion. D-WT peptide but not WT peptide is resistant to proteolytic digestion. Structural analysis showed that the CD spectra of D-WT in trifluoroethanol/water is a mirror image of that of WT, and attenuated total reflectance–fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed similar structures and orientation for the two enantiomers in the membrane. The results reveal that the chirality of the synthetic peptide corresponding to the HIV-1 gp41 N-terminal sequence does not play a role in liposome fusion and that the peptides’ chirality is not necessarily required for peptide–peptide interaction within the membrane environment. Furthermore, studies along these lines may provide criteria to design protease-resistant therapeutic agents against HIV and other viruses.
As human populations and resource consumption increase, it is increasingly important to monitor the quality of our environment. While laboratory instruments offer useful information, portable, easy to use sensors would allow environmental analysis to occur on-site, at lower cost, and with minimal operator training. We explore the synthesis, modification, and applications of modified polysiloxane in environmental sensing. Multiple methods of producing modified siloxanes were investigated. Oligomers were formed by using functionalized monomers, producing siloxane materials containing silicon hydride, methyl, and phenyl side chains. Silicon hydride-functionalized oligomers were further modified by hydrosilylation to incorporate methyl ester and naphthyl side chains. Modifications to the siloxane materials were also carried out using post-curing treatments. Methyl ester-functionalized siloxane was incorporated into the surface of a cured poly(dimethylsiloxane) film by siloxane equilibration. The materials containing methyl esters were hydrolyzed to reveal carboxylic acids, which could later be used for covalent protein immobilization. Finally, the siloxane surfaces were modified to incorporate antibodies by covalent, affinity, and adsorption-based attachment. These modifications were characterized by a variety of methods, including contact angle, attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, dye labels, and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The modified siloxane materials were employed in a variety of sensing schemes. Volatile organic compounds were detected using methyl, phenyl, and naphthyl-functionalized materials on a Fabry-Perot interferometer and a refractometer. The Fabry-Perot interferometer was found to detect the analytes upon siloxane extraction by deformation of the Bragg reflectors. The refractometer was used to determine that naphthyl-functionalized siloxanes had elevated refractive indices, rendering these materials more sensitive to some analytes. Antibody-modified siloxanes were used to detect biological analytes through a solid phase microextraction-mediated enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (SPME ELISA). The SPME ELISA was found to have higher analyte sensitivity compared to a conventional ELISA system. The detection scheme was used to detect Escherichia coli at 8500 CFU/mL. These results demonstrate the variety of methods that can be used to modify siloxanes and the wide range of applications of modified siloxanes has been demonstrated through chemical and biological sensing schemes.
Limit of resolution.--The double slit.--The Fresnel mirrors.--The Fresnel bi-prism.--The Michelson interferometer.--The visibility curves.--The prism spectrometer.--Total reflection.--The diffraction grating.--The concave grating.--Polarized light.--Rotation of the plane of polarization.--Elliptically polarized light.--The reflection of polarized light from homogeneous transparent substances.--Metallic reflection.--The spectrophotometer.--The development of optical theory.--The trend of modern optics.--Appendix.
The long-term biostability of a novel thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer (Elast-Eon(TM) 2 80A) synthesized using poly(hexamethylene oxide) (PHMO) and poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) macrodiols has been studied using an in vivo ovine model. The material's biostability was compared with that of three commercially available control materials, Pellethane(R) 2363-80A, Pellethane(R) 2363-55D and Bionate(R) 55D, after subcutaneous implantation of strained compression moulded flat sheet dumbbells in sheep for periods ranging from 3 to 24 months. Scanning electron microscopy, attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were used to assess changes in the surface chemical structure and morphology of the materials. Gel permeation chromatography, differential scanning calorimetry and tensile testing were used to examine changes in bulk characteristics of the materials. The results showed that the biostability of the soft flexible PDMS-based test polyurethane was significantly better than the control material of similar softness, Pellethane(R) 80A, and as good as or better than both of the harder commercially available negative control polyurethanes. Pellethane(R) 55D and Bionate(R) 55D. Changes observed in the surface of the Pellethane(R) materials were consistent with oxidation of the aliphatic polyether soft segment and hydrolysis of the urethane bonds joining hard to soft segment with degradation in Pellethane(R) 80A significantly more severe than that observed in Pellethane(R) 55D. Very minor changes were seen on the surfaces of the Elast-Eon(TM) 2 80A and Bionate(R) 55D materials. There was a general trend of molecular weight decreasing with time across all polymers and the molecular weights of all materials decreased at a similar relative rate. The polydispersity ratio, M-w/M-n, increased with time for all materials. Tensile tests indicated that UTS increased in Elast-Eon(TM) 2 80A and Bionate(R) 55D following implantation under strained conditions. However, ultimate strain decreased and elastic modulus increased in the explanted specimens of all three materials when compared with their unimplanted unstrained counterparts. The results indicate that a soft, flexible PDMS-based polyurethane synthesized using 20% PHMO and 80% PDMS macrodiols has excellent long-term biostability compared with commercially available polyurethanes. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Distribution of melamine in polyester-melamine surface coatings cured under nonisothermal conditions
The influence of experimental cure parameters on the diffusion of reactive species in polyester-melamine thermoset coatings during curing has been investigated with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared. The diffusion of melamine plays a vital role in the curing process and, therefore, in the ultimate properties of coatings. At a low (
Blends of starch and a biodegradable polyester, produced by an extrusion process, which included a cross-linker/compatibilizer (maleic anhydride) and an initiator (dicumyl peroxide), were studied by infrared (IR) microspectroscopy using an attenuated total reflectance (ATR) objective. Extruded material, which had a diameter of about 3 mm, was sectioned and embedded in epoxy resin prior to IR analysis. Spectra were collected in a grid pattern across the sectioned face of the sample. Measurement of various band parameters from the spectra allowed IR maps to be constructed containing semi-quantitative information about the distribution of blend components. These maps showed the quality of the blend on a microscopic scale and showed how it varied with different concentrations of compatibilizer and initiator. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The behavior of monolayer films of free base 5,10,15,20-tetrapyridylporphinato (TPyP) and 5,10,15,20-tetrapyridylporphinato zinc(II) (ZnTPyP) on pure water, 0.1 M CdCl2, and 0.1 M CuCl2 subphases was investigated by surface pressure-area isotherms, specular X-ray reflectometry, and polarized total reflection X-ray absorption spectroscopy (PTRXAS). Surface pressure-area isotherms showed significant differences in the area per molecule on pure water compared to that on salt subphases, with a marked increase in the area observed on the salt solutions. This behavior was noted for both forms of the porphyrin and both salts investigated. Modeling of specular X-ray reflectometry data indicated that thinner and more electron dense layers on salt subphases best fit the observed profiles. These data suggest that the porphyrin macrocycle is oriented parallel to the interface on salt subphases and takes on a tilted conformation on pure water. In the case of ZnTPyP, PTRXAS was used to determine the orientation of the porphyrin moiety relative to the surface and to probe the coordination of the central Zn ion. In agreement with the pressure-area isotherms and reflectometry, the PTRXAS data indicate a change in orientation on the salt subphases.
Both tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)/interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and angiotensin II (ANG II) induced an increase in total protein degradation in murine myotubes, which was completely attenuated by treatment with beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB; 50 microM). There was an increase in formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within 30 min, as well as an increase in the activity of both caspase-3 and -8, and both effects were attenuated by HMB. Moreover, inhibitors of caspase-3 and -8 completely attenuated both ROS formation and total protein degradation induced by TNF-alpha/IFN-gamma and ANG II. There was an increased autophosphorylation of double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR), which was attenuated by the specific caspase-3 and -8 inhibitors. Neither ROS formation or protein degradation occurred in myotubes expressing a catalytically inactive PKR variant, PKRDelta6, in response to TNF-alpha/IFN-gamma, compared with myotubes expressing wild-type PKR, although there was still activation of caspase-3 and -8. HMB also attenuated activation of PKR, suggesting that it was important in protein degradation. Formation of ROS was attenuated by rotenone, an inhibitor of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, nitro-l-arginine methyl ester, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, and SB 203580, a specific inhibitor of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK), which also attenuated total protein degradation. Activation of p38 MAPK by PKR provides the link to ROS formation. These results suggest that TNF-alpha/IFN-gamma and ANG II induce muscle protein degradation by a common signaling pathway, which is attenuated by HMB, and that this involves the initial activation of caspase-3 and -8, followed by autophosphorylation and activation of PKR, which then leads to increased ROS formation via activation of p38 MAPK. Increased ROS formation is known to induce protein degradation through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway.
The underlying theme of this thesis is one of exploring the processes involved in the enhancement of percutaneous absorption. The development of an attenuated total reflectance Fourier-Transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopic method to analyse diffusion of suitable topically applied compounds in membrane is described. Diffusion coefficients (D/h2) and membrane solubility (AO) for topically applied compounds were determined using a solution to Fick's second law of diffusion. This method was employed to determine the diffusional characteristics of a model permeant, 4-cyanophenol (CP), across silicone membrane as a function of formulation applied and permeant physicochemical properties. The formulations applied were able to either affect CP diffusivity and/or its membrane solubility in the membrane; such parameters partially correlated with permeant physicochemical properties in each formulation. The interplay during the diffusion process between drug, enhancer and vehicle in stratum corneum (SC) was examined. When enhancers were added to the applied formulations, CP diffusivity and solubility were significantly enhanced when compared to the neat propylene glycol (PG) application. Enhancers did not affect PG diffusivity in SC but enhancers did affect PG solubility in SC. PG diffusion closely resembled that of CP, implying that the respective transport processes were inter-related. Additionally, a synergistic effect, which increases CP diffusivity and membrane solubility in SC, was found to occur between PG and water. Using 12-azidooleic acid (AOA) as an IR active probe for oleic acid, the simultaneous penetration of CP, AOA and PG into human stratum corneum was determined. It was found that the diffusion profiles for all three permeants were similar. This indicated that the diffusion of each species through SC was closely related and most likely occurred via the same route or SC microenvironment.
Azidoprofen {2-(4-azidophenyl)propionic acid; AZP}, an azido-substituted arylalkanoic acid, was investigated as a model soft drug candidate for a potential topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent (NSAIA). Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods were developed for the assay of AZP, a series of ester analogues and their· degradation products. 1H-NMR spectroscopy was also employed as an analytical method in selected cases. Reduction of the azido-group to the corresponding amine has been proposed as a potential detoxification mechanism for compounds bearing this substituent. An in vitro assay to measure the susceptibility of azides towards reduction was developed using dithiothreitol as a model reducing agent. The rate of reduction of AZP was found to be base-dependent, hence supporting the postulated mechanism of thiol-mediated reduction via nucleophilic attack by the thiolate anion. Prodrugs may enhance topical bioavailability through the manipulation of physico-chemical properties of the parent drug. A series of ester derivatives of AZP were investigated for their susceptibility to chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis, which regenerates the parent acid. Use of alcoholic cosolvents with differing alkyl functions to that of the ester resulted in transesterification reactions, which were found to be enzyme-mediated. The skin penetration of AZP was assessed using an in vitro hairless mouse skin model, and silastic membrane in some cases. The rate of permeation of AZP was found to be a similar magnitude to that of the well established NSAIA ibuprofen. Penetration rates were dependent on the vehicle pH and drug concentration when solutions were employed. In contrast, flux was independent of pH when suspension formulations were used. Pretreatment of the skin with various enhancer regimes, including oleic acid and azone in propylene glycol, promoted the penetration of AZP. An intense IR absorption due to the azide group serves as a highly diagnostic marker, enabling azido compounds to be detected in the outer layers of the· stratum corneum following their application to skin, using attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). This novel application enabled a non-invasive examination of the percutaneous penetration enhancement of a model azido compound in vivo in man, in the presence of the enhancer oleic acid.
L’estradiol (E2) est une hormone femelle qui joue un rôle essentiel, à la fois dans la régulation et dans la détermination de certaines conditions physiologiques in vivo, telle que la différenciation et la prolifération cellulaire. Lorsque l’E2 est donné en supplément, par exemple dans le cas de thérapie hormonale, deux effets sont observés, un effet génomique et un effet non-génomique, de par son interaction avec les récepteurs à œstrogène du noyau ou de la membrane cellulaire, respectivement. L’effet non-génomique est plus difficile à étudier biologiquement parce que l’effet se produit sur une échelle de temps extrêmement courte et à cause de la nature hydrophobe de l’E2 qui réduit sa biodisponibilité et donc son accessibilité aux cellules cibles. C’est pourquoi il est nécessaire de développer des systèmes d’administration de l’E2 qui permettent de n’étudier que l’effet non-génomique de l’œstrogène. Une des stratégies employée consiste à greffer l’E2 à des macromolécules hydrophiles, comme de l’albumine de sérum bovin (BSA) ou des dendrimères de type poly(amido)amine, permettant de maintenir l’interaction de l’E2 avec les récepteurs d’œstrogène de la membrane cellulaire et d’éviter la pénétration de l’E2 dans le noyau des cellules. Toutefois, ces systèmes macromolécules-E2 sont critiquables car ils sont peu stables et l’E2 peut se retrouver sous forme libre, ce qui affecte sa localisation cellulaire. L’objectif de cette thèse est donc de développer de nouvelles plateformes fonctionnalisées avec de l’E2 en utilisant les approches de synthèses ascendantes et descendantes. Le but de ces plateformes est de permettre d’étudier le mécanisme de l’effet non-génomique de l’E2, ainsi que d’explorer des applications potentielles dans le domaine biomédical. L’approche ascendante est basée sur un ligand d’E2 activé, l’acide 17,α-éthinylestradiol-benzoïque, attaché de façon covalente à un polymère de chitosan avec des substitutions de phosphorylcholine (CH-PC-E2). L’estradiol est sous forme de pro-drogue attachée au polymère qui s’auto-assembler pour former un film. L’effet biologique de la composition chimique du film de chitosan-phosphorylcholine a été étudié sur des cellules endothéliales. Les films de compositions chimiques différentes ont préalablement été caractérisés de façon physicochimique. La topographie de la surface, la charge de surface, ainsi que la rhéologie des différents films contenant 15, 25, ou 40% molaires de phosphorylcholine, ont été étudiés par microscopie à force atomique (AFM), potentiel zêta, résonance plasmonique de surface et par microbalance à cristal de quartz avec dissipation (QCM-D). Les résultats de QCM-D ont montré que plus la part molaire en phosphorylcholine est grande moins il y a de fibrinogène qui s’adsorbe sur le film de CH-PC. Des cellules humaines de veine ombilicale (HUVECs) cultivées sur des films de CH-PC25 et de CH-PC40 forment des amas cellulaire appelés sphéroïdes au bout de 4 jours, alors que ce n’est pas le cas lorsque ces cellules sont cultivées sur des films de CH-PC15. L’attachement de l’estradiol au polymère a été caractérisé par plusieurs techniques, telles que la résonance magnétique nucléaire de proton (1H NMR), la spectroscopie infrarouge avec transformée de Fourier à réfraction totale atténuée (FTIR-ATR) et la spectroscopie UV-visible. La nature hydrogel des films (sa capacité à retenir l’eau) ainsi que l’interaction des films avec des récepteurs à E2, ont été étudiés par la QCM-D. Des études d’imagerie cellulaires utilisant du diacétate de diaminofluoresceine-FM ont révélé que les films hydrogels de CH-PC-E2 stimulent la production d’oxyde nitrique par les cellules endothéliales, qui joue un rôle protecteur pour le système cardiovasculaire. L’ensemble de ces études met en valeur les rôles différents et les applications potentielles qu’ont les films de type CH-PC-E2 et CH-PC dans le cadre de la médecine cardiovasculaire régénérative. L’approche descendante est basée sur l’attachement de façon covalente d’E2 sur des ilots d’or de 2 μm disposés en rangées et espacés par 12 μm sur un substrat en verre. Les ilots ont été préparés par photolithographie. La surface du verre a quant à elle été modifiée à l’aide d’un tripeptide cyclique, le cRGD, favorisant l’adhésion cellulaire. L’attachement d’E2 sur les surfaces d’or a été suivi et confirmé par les techniques de SPR et de QCM-D. Des études d’ELISA ont montré une augmentation significative du niveau de phosphorylation de la kinase ERK (marqueur important de l’effet non-génomique) après 1 heure d’exposition des cellules endothéliales aux motifs alternant l’E2 et le cRGD. Par contre lorsque des cellules cancéreuses sont déposées sur les surfaces présentant des motifs d’E2, ces cellules ne croissent pas, ce qui suggère que l’E2 n’exerce pas d’effet génomique. Les résultats de l’approche descendante montrent le potentiel des surfaces présentant des motifs d’E2 pour l’étude des effets non-génomiques de l’E2 dans un modèle in vitro.