993 resultados para ASP.Net MVC


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[ES] Terencio fue uno de los autores que mayor interés suscitaron en Petrarca desde un punto de vista filológico, y sabemos que glosó al menos alguno de los varios mss. terencianos que estaban en su biblioteca. No conservamos ningún Terencio anotado de su puño y letra, pero tenemos dos mss. que (gracias a las subscriptiones que contienen) sabemos descienden de un ejemplar petrarquesco: sin embargo, y debido sobre todo a la extraordinaria complejidad de la historia del texto terenciano, la relación entre ambos mss. no había podido aclararse ni, por tanto, se había progresado en la reconstrucción del Terencio de Petrarca. Las principales aportaciones del presente artículo podrían resumirse así: 1, se identifican nuevos mss. que descienden del Terencio de Petrarca y se demuestra (en contra de lo que habían sostenido expresamente Sabbadini y Billanovich) que la importante edición terenciana de Pietro da Moglio (muy difundida sobre todo en Italia) contiene el mismo texto que los mss. de Petrarca; 2, se sitúa el conjunto que conforman todos estos mss. en la tradición de Terencio, y esto permite mostrar que la labor filológica realizada por Petrarca sobre el texto de las comedias no consistió en intentar restablecer la colometría correcta (como venía defendiéndose hasta ahora a partir de las subscriptiones antes citadas), sino en saber apreciar un Terencio particularmente noble y, a través del cotejo con otros mss., proponer puntualmente una colometría alternativa (pues, en efecto, se han descubierto marcas métricas que parece deben asignarse a Petrarca); 3, gracias en buena parte a los mss. nuevamente identificados (muy en particular al ms. de Estocolmo), se han podido atribuir a Petrarca glosas que se encuentran en algunos de ellos, aunque distinguiendo entre apostillas del propio Petrarca y glosas que con seguridad se encontraban en su ejemplar pero que provienen de otros mss.


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Results are given of monthly net phytoplankton and zooplankton sampling from a 10 m depth in shelf, slope, and Gulf Stream eddy water along a transect running southeastward from Ambrose Light, New York, in 1976, 1977, and early 1978. Plankton abundance and temperature at 10 m and sea surface salinity at each station are listed. The effects of atmospheric forcing and Gulf Stream eddies on plankton distribution and abundance arc discussed. The frequency of Gulf Stream eddy passage through the New York Bight corresponded with the frequency of tropical-subtropical net phytoplankton in the samples. Gulf Stream eddies injected tropical-subtropical zooplankton onto the shelf and removed shelfwater and its entrained zooplankton. Wind-induced offshore Ekman transport corresponded generally with the unusual timing of two net phytoplankton maxima. Midsummer net phytoplankton maxima were recorded following the passage of Hurricane Belle (August 1976) and a cold front (July 1977). Tropical-subtropical zooplankton which had been injected onto the outer shelf by Gulf Stream eddies were moved to the inner shelf by a wind-induced current moving up the Hudson Shelf Valley. (PDF file contains 47 pages.)


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Nearshore 0-group western Baltic cod are frequently caught as bycatch in the commercial pound net fishery. Pound net fishermen from the Danish Isle of Funen and Lolland and the German Isle of Fehmarn have recorded their catches of small cod between September and December 2008. Abundance patterns were analysed, particularly concerning the influence of abiotic factors (hydrography, meteorology) and the differences between sampling sites. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) differed by site and location, whereas CPUE were highest at Lolland. Correlation between catch and wind/currents were generally weak. However, wind directions and current speeds seem to affect the catch rates. Finally an algorithm was developed to calculate a recruitment index for western Baltic cod recruitment success based on previous analyses.


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Article reproduced (or made available) with permission of Practical Dermatology®, www.practicaldermatology.com.


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The main objective of this paper is to introduce bamboo floating cage and net enclosure fish culture technology aimed at producing fish from almost all available inland bodies of water in Nigeria. The experimental approach embarked upon at Kainji Lake Research Institute is discussed. Results obtained from these experiments would help in identifying the inherent problems of this culture system and in determining the urgently needed information that will serve as management and production guidelines for adapting the technology to local conditions of varying ecological characteristics in Nigeria. Ultimately, the project is aimed at increasing the productivity of fishermen/fish farmers and hastening the development of rural communities


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The inadequate supply of tilapia seed is considered as one of the major present constraints to the development of the culture industry in Nigeria. The floating bamboo net-hapa hatchery/nursery system was observed to be very efficient in the mass production of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fry and fingerlings at Kainji Lake Research Institute. This system was therefore, recommended for small-scale (artisanal) commercial operators consisting of fishermen families in order to increase their productivity and hasten development of rural communities. The economic analysis of this system showed that loan obtained for the recommended scale of operation can be amortized within 2 years of the project. It was emphasized that the operational and managerial skills of the fish farm operators account largely to the production cost and profitability of the enterprise


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The minimum length at first maturity of Clarias lazera was found to be 24 cm (4.8%) for females and 20 cm (1.8%) for males. Fifty percent maturity was attained at length of 28 cm to 30 cm for both sexes; there being little difference among the sexes at this level of maturity. The modal retention lengths for gill nets were: 13 cm for 25.5 mm mesh; 18 cm for 32 mm mesh; 28 cm for 57 mm mesh; and 38 cm for 76 mm mesh. Modal lengths of Clarias lazera caught by various hooks sizes were No. 10 (28 cm); No. 11 (33 cm); Nos. 15 and 16 (28 cm). It is recommended that to protect the clarias fishery in Lake Chad, the use of gill nets of less than 57 mm mesh size and fishing hook No. 16 (and smaller sizes) which caught 43.94% of immature fishes should be discouraged


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Tilapia once termed "poor man's" fish, still remains as the highly-priced food fish in many developing countries. The good attributes of this fish prompt its use in intensive aquaculture vertically integrated systems (VIS) which embrace broodstock development, hatchery/nursery and growout phase. Based on the series of studies carried out at Kainji Lake Research Institute, in New Bussa, Nigeria using Oreochromis (Tilapia niloticus) in floating bamboo hapas/cages, the recommended intensive modular systems were estimated to be capable of producing 4 million Tilapia fingerlings and 729 tons fish (Market-size) annually. Cost-benefit analysis showed the venture to have high prospects. It is recommended that priority be given to Tilapia cage culture at the national level in order to contribute immensely towards increased fish production


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The culture of tilapia has a long history in Africa. Fossil remains of members of the genus have been found which are about 18 million years old (Fryer and Iles, 1972). Oreochromis niloticus was the subject of detailed observations in Egypt of 5,000 years ago. A bas relief of 2,500B.C. depicts tilapia being reared in ponds in Egypt. However, despite this long history the prolific nature of this fish results in very high populations in pond culture systems. Consequently small size fish are harvested. Several methods have thus been tried to control the excessive reproduction of tilapia in captivity with only partial success. This paper reports how large size tilapia especially O. niloticus averaging at least 150g per piece can be commercially produced using floating net cages in the marine environment


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The findings are presented of an assessment made of the gillnet fishery in Kainji Lake, Nigeria from 1969 to the present, on the basis of data sets from commercial and experimental gillnet fishing, with the purpose to detect trends in some key fishery monitoring indicators. During this period, there has been an increase in the number of small meshed nets in the fishery resulting in a shift in the mode to lower mesh sizes; consequently, the average mesh size declined gradually in the fishery. This trend is found to be directly correlated with the decline in the CPUE and mean weight of the fish species. It is argued that the observed trend in CPUE and mean weight is forcing the fishermen to switch effort to gears such as traps which have very small meshes and can indescriminately take all sizes of the fish. It is shown that the catch composition by weight of Citharinus citharus, Lates niloticus and tilapias declined in the gillnet fishery in the late 70's and early 80's. Recent data, from 1994 to 1996, however indicates that C. citharus is recovering, but with declining mean weight. This suggests that the exploitation pattern is shifting to the smaller fish through the use of small meshed nets. In general, however, there has not been drastic changes in species bio-diversity in the Lake as a result of predatory effect and ecosystem overfishing as has happened in other great African Lakes. The species composition since lake formation continued to be dominated by fewer that 20 species. The potential yield for the lake has been estimated to be 32,166 tonnes (excluding clupeids) and the required optimum fishing effort to be 1,814 fishing canoes. In view of the relative stability of the species diversity in the lake and the current fish production level, it is proposed here that this MSY be adopted for all species. This would be achieved with the current effort level in the lake assuming that the efficiency of the fishermen and their gears do not improve. It should be reviewed after 10 or more years of catch and effort data collection. (PDF contains 65 pages)