501 resultados para ARS_5_3-5m
Nano-phase (5-20 nm) particles of YBa2(Cu0.5M 0.6)O6 [where M = Nb, Ta, Mo, W, Zr and Hf] have been introduced successfully into RE-Ba-Cu-O single grain superconductors. A study to enlarge the size of a single grain containing these particles has been carried out involving measurement of the growth rate as a function of YBa 2(Cu0.5M0.6)O6 phase concentration and degree of un-dercooling. The influence of the change in YBa2 (Cu0.8M0.5)O6 concentration on microstructural features is also investigated and the superconducting properties of these large grain superconductors are presented. © 2005 IEEE.
Lake Nakivali is one of the four small lakes that form what is known as the koki lake sysyem. It is 14km long,6km wide.26km sqaured in area and has maximum depth of 3.5m at high water level. The lake is located in lake-swamp complex with river Rwizi as the principle inflow, and a number of peripheral lakes among which are four major ones,i.e Lake Nakivali, Mburo, Kachira and Kijanebalola. Lake Nakivali is a controlled lake with four official landing sites, namely: Kikusi, Kahirimbi, Kashojwa and Rukinga. The latter three are located within a Refugee settlement whereas Kikusi is outside. The Nakivali Refugee settlement initially established for Rwandese of Tutsi origin in 1963, now has at least seven nationalities which include people from Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Eritrea. By the end of 2006, the lake’s hinterland of about 378 km squared contained 43,448 people of whom 22,448 were refugees. This large population has had stressful impacts on both land and lake resources to the extent that now there is an apparent overfishing on the lake.
Even though the rich and variegated pelagic fishery resources of our west coast are well known much has to be done for a judicial and systematic exploitation on a commercial scale. To fill up this lacuna the present paper describes in detail a new design of 10.5 m four-equal panel mid-water trawl, its rigging and operation from a medium size vessel. Comprehensive comparative efficiency studies of this gear with a 10.5m unequal panel mid-water trawl established the superiority of the new gear. From the results based on the mouth opening, resistance and the catch it is opined that this new gear can not only be used on a commercial scale in harvesting the seasonal pelagic fishery, but also as a secondary supporting gear in shrimp fishery in places like Veraval, where there is a commercially exploitable yield of quality fishes like hilsa, pomfret, seer etc., without much modification from conventional stern trawlers.
Sea cucumbers belong to phylum Echinodermata, order Holothuroidea are an abundant and diverse group of Invertebrates, with over 1400 species occuring from the intertidal to the deepest oceanic trenches. Sea cucumbers are important components of the food chain in temperate and coral reef ecosystems and they play an important role as deposite feeders and suspension feeders. Rapid decline in populations may have serious consequences for the survival of other species that are part of the same complex food web,as the eggs, larve and juveniles constitute an important food source for the other marine species including crustaceans, fish and mollusks. In addition sea cucumbers are often called the earthworms of the sea, because they are responsible for the extensive shifting and mixing of the substrate, and recycling of detrital matter. Sea cucumbers consume and grind sediment and organic material into finer particles , turning over the top layers of sediment in lagoons , reefs and other habitats and allowing the penetration of oxygen. While the taxonomy of the holothurian families is generally well known , the distinction of similar species is difficult. There are relatively few holothurian taxonomist.Most sea cucumber species can be identified by Holothurin taxonomists by using the calcareous skeletal ossicles found in the body wall. In this study , at first a sea cucumber from Kish island in Persian gulf has recognized. Individuals collected from west and east extend far away into north and south of coral reefs by diving. I have checked them morphologically and anatomically.Then with key to the orders of the Holothuroidea, They belong to the Aspidochirotida with key to the families of Aspidochirotida, they were in Stichopodidae families and with key to the genus of Stchopodidae, they were Stichopus. Then ossicles were extracted at National Museum of Natural History, by Dr David Pawson. The ossicles were measured on a transect across a slide prepared from the mid-dorsal region of each specimen.The one we have in the shallow waters of Kish island, is Stichopus hermanni, a massive holothurian, body broad, considerably flattened ventraly ,the dorsal side slightly arched and the lateral sides almost vertical; body wall fairy thick and soft ; mouth subterminal; anus central; tentacles usually 20 in number of length and leaf shaped. Numerous ossicles consisting of table with large discs having usually 7 to 15 peripheral holes, but often irregular or incomplete and spire of moderate height ending in a group of spinelets, rosettes of variable development, and c-shaped rods. Color (exept papillae)partly remained after preservation in alcohol which is found at the depth of 4 to 8 meters, on coral reef. Furthermore, the sexual reproductive cycle was described using standard methods. Gonads were removed and transferred to Bouin's fixative for four weeks and then processed according to standard embedding technique. To prevent the loss of tubule contents during embedding, the tubule sections, were cut well beyond the segment selected for sectioning. For each individual, six sections, each section with 5µm diameter by microtome were cut from tubules. These sections were first placed on gelatin coated slides (the gelatin was heated to 42°c) and then transferred to the oven at 37°c for one hour. This technique usually prevents the fragil tubules from breaking and the loss of gametes. The slides were stained with Eosin and Hematoxylin, and good resolution of the various cell types achieved.A second series of slides was stained with the Periodic Acid Schiff(PAS) to identify polysaccharides(glycogen). Monthly sampling was occurred.The sexual reproductive cycle was defined through the combined use of these criteria: Monthly percentages of the gonad stages for each sex, the monthly gonad index (GI) , given as the ratio of the wet gonad weight (G) to the dray weight (DW)and the monthly percentage of individuals that undetermined sex. The gonad consists of two tufts of tubules on which saccules develop. Gonadal development was classified into five stages: post spawning, recovery, growth, advanced growth, and mature stage that were adapted from the earlier studies of holothurians. Histological preparations showed that the sex of larger individuals could be identified by the presence of oogonia and young oocytes in females, and spermatogonic stages in males.The mean diameter of the tubules and gonadal mass follow annual cycles, increasing from late winter through spring, and dropping abruptly after spawning in the summer. Gametogenesis is generally a prolongate process and begins in March. By summer the ovarian tubules contain oocytes with diameter of 120-240 pm and the testicular tubules contain an abundance of spermatozoa (diameter 5-6 gm ).Following spawning the predominant activity within the spent tubules is phagocytosis of the residual gamets.The active phase of gametogenesis (March to July), coincides with an increasing photoperiod regim, and an accelerated gametogenesis occurs in July when temperature is high. Throughout the year, the gonad of Stichopus hermanni is larger in males than in females, and this is due to the number of tubules in the testis rather than to tubules length or diameter.
The rapid proliferation and extensive spread of water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms in the highland lakes of the Nile Basin within less than 15 years of introduction into the basin in the 1980s pauses potential environmental and social economic menace if the noxious weed is not controlled soon. The water weed has spread all round Lake Victoria and, in Uganda where infes tation is mos t severe, water hyacinth estimated at 1,330,000 ton smothers over 2,000 ha of the lakeshore (August,1994). Lake Kyoga which already constantly supplies River Nile with the weed is infested with over 570 ha, while over 80% of the river course in Uganda is fringed on either side with an average width of about 5m of water hyacinth. As the impact of infestation with water hyacinth on water quality and availability, transportation by water, fishing activities, fisheries ecology, hydro-power generation etc becomes clear in Uganda, serious discussion is under way on how to control and manage the noxious weed. This paper pauses some of the questions being asked regarding the possible application of mechanical and chemical means to control the water weed.Uganda has already initiated the use of biological control of water hyacinth on Lake Kyoga with a strategy to use two weevils namely Neochetinabruchi and Neochetina eichhorniae. The strategy to build capacity and infrastructure for mass multiplication and deployment of biological control of the weevils in the field developed in Uganda by the Fisheries Research Insti tu te (FIRI) and the Namulonge Agricultural and Animal production Research Insti tute (NAARI) is proposed in outline for evaluation. Plans to deploy this strategy on lake Kyoga are under way
Turbulence statistics have been measured immediately downstream of a regular grid made of round rods with rod spacing M. 2D-2C PIV was used to analyse a measurement area of 14M x 4M in the down and cross-stream directions respectively. The relevant Reynolds number span the range Re M = U ∞M/ν = 5 500 - 16 500. The Reynolds shear stresses recorded on two parallel measurement planes differently located relative to the grid exhibit significant discrepancies over the first 5M, but have completely homogenised in the cross-stream direction by x/M = 7. The downstream evolution of the two-point velocity correlation functions shows a progressive loss of coherence and a clear trend towards the expected isotropic behavior. The same conclusions apply to measurements taken in the wake of another regular grid made of square rods. Changes in the vortex shedding pattern from the grid were observed at the lowest Reynolds number, with two of the four rod wakes captured shedding in phase with each other but in anti-phase with a third one. The impact of this early flow coherence on the turbulence statistics did not persist due to the homogenisation process.
Previous research into the behaviour of piled foundations in laterally-spreading soil deposits has concentrated on pile groups that carry small or negligible axial loads. This paper presents dynamic centrifuge test results for 2×2 pile groups with bending and geometric properties similar to real 0.5m diameter tubular steel and solid circular reinforced-concrete field piles. Axial loads applied represented upper-bounds on typical working loads. The simultaneous scaling of the relevant properties controlling both lateral and axial behaviour allows comparisons to be drawn regarding the particular mechanisms of failure that would dominate for each type of pile. Flexible reinforced-concrete piles which tend to carry lower loads were found to be dominated by lateral effects, while steel piles, which are much stiffer and usually carry greater loads are dominated by settlement considerations. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
In situ tests in deep waterWest African clays show crust-like shear strengths within the top few metres of sediment. Typical strength profiles show su rising from mud-line to 10 kPa to 15 kPa before dropping back to normally consolidated strengths of 3 kPa to 4 kPa by 1.5m to 2m depth. A Cam-shear device is used to better understand the mechanical behaviour of undisturbed crust samples under pipelines. Extremely variable peak and residual shear strengths are observed for a range of pipeline consolidation stresses and test shear rates, with residual strengths approximating zero. ESEM of undisturbed samples and wet-sieved samples from various core depths show the presence of numerous randomly-located groups of invertebrate faecal pellets. It is therefore proposed that the cause of strength variability during shear testing and, indeed, of the crust's origin, is the presence of random groups of faecal pellets within the sediment. © 2011 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
2007年4月18日~5月1日,利用SIMRAD EY60回声探测仪(又称鱼探仪)对三峡水库坝前到丰都干流以及9条主要支流进行了水声学探测。采用垂直探测结合"之"字形路线的方法对库区整个水体鱼类的分布状况进行了研究。调查水域长度约有600km,回波数据分成1232个片段进行分析。结果表明:在5m以下水层,体长大于6cm的鱼类在该区域平均密度为567.68尾/dam3,且鱼类分布不均匀。在巫山至奉节江段鱼类的密度最低,密度的平均值和标准误(mean±S.E)为(8.1±0.47)尾/dam3;在忠县到丰都江
从2005年9月到2005年10月,利用莲花湖中的3个49m2,深度为1.5m的围隔进行生物水质净化和除藻研究。1#围隔为对照,2#围隔水体中加入无根萍,3#围隔水体中喷洒酵母菌和光合细菌。与1#围隔比较,2#围隔水面的无根萍的数目在300L×5×103 L-1,3#围隔的喷洒复合菌数目酵母菌(300L×4×105L-1)和红螺菌(300 L×8×108 L-1)。本实验结果表明:在30 d内,2#和3#围隔中的TP分别下降40%、25%;TN分别下降43%、16%;叶绿素含量分别下降51%、31%。透明
本文讨论了种植菹草 (PotamogetoncrispusL .)、水花生 (AlternanthearphiloxeroidesGriseb .)、紫背浮萍 (Spirodelapolyrhiza(L .)Schleid .)以及对照实验池 (12 .5m× 9.5m)过滤 (小于0 4 5 μm)与未过滤水样和沉积物中碱性磷酸酶的动力学特征及其分布 .水生植被能降低水样和表层沉积物酶的催化效率 ,抑制作用因植物的种类而异 ,且在未过滤水中表现得尤为突出 .因此 ,受抑制者多与较大的颗粒相联系 ,这一结